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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › Let The Battle Begin
The naming battle that is
After receiving an early morning text yesterday from some people I know asking me to take in their rabbit, I thought about it and finally agreed. I spent yesterday and today setting up the area, and I get to pick him up tomorrow evening (only 24 more hours to go! )
I don’t necessarily want the name picked out before he gets here, as I will need to see what fits his personality, but it always takes me forever, so it is good to get the juices flowing early LOL
He’s a black dwarf lionhead, I am guessing around 1-2 years old (I will try and confirm tomorrow). His name is Max/Maxsey, so obvious wayyy too close to Mox/Moxie’s name, especially with similar coloring.
These are just some of the names I have contemplated: (feel free to suggest some!) (I like any names, except for names like Fluffy/Carrots etc.)
Tarlo (means cub of a bear)
Unfortunately he definitely does not seem like a “Pigeon”
Pictures to come tomorrow! It feels so good just knowing that I will have a bun in my home again soon
I think Rowan, Theodore, Tarlo, and Oliver are the cute names!!! Especially Tarlo and Oliver!!!
I love the names Oliver and Theodore
Yay Mox, YAYYYYYYYYYYYY. If he is used to “Max”…. how about Jack ? Or Zak (of the Efron kind, yum!))
I like Tarlo. Sounds like a cute name for a little black rabbit
OMG! A bunny for Moxie!!!!
Instead of Finley… I think Finn would be perfect. Yep, Finn it is.
Besides, Rowan is taken. Hehehe!
I know! Isn’t it exciting?
These seem to be the favorites so far (and the ones I am leaning towards as well):
Oliver, Tarlo, Theodore, Finley/Finn, Timothée.
Vienna- From what information I have received, he has barely ever been handled and doen’t know his name. Those are super cute suggestions though! However, I already have a Jack (best friend’s dog) and a Zak (Human friend)
I hope when I see him, a name will just jump out and be fitting haha
Aw yay! Congratulations Mox. I saw you left a little teaser in chat thread, so I wondered if a new bun was coming. Can’t wait to see pics.
Unfortunately he definitely does not seem like a “Pigeon”
Im crushed.
I don’t need to see him. I know he looks like a Finn.
You could have just written Finnegan…
JG. I did tooo…. i thought it was more of the swoony two legged kind…. lol. Silly me !!
Finnegan is really cute!
I think Leo sounds completely adorable!
Finnnnnnnn!!! Finnegan sounds like a cute name!!! I saw your cliffhanger too and I was like oooh I know it a little furball is coming home.
Finnnnnnnn!!! Finnegan sounds like a cute name!!! I saw your cliffhanger too and I was like oooh I know it a little furball is coming home.
Haha, I suppose I am not subtle
3 more hours to go!
That’s perfect! Finnegan and Finn for short. See Moxie, I knew we would get it worked out for you.
LBJ, well I am seriously considering it, LOL! We shall see if it fits! ?
They should be here in 10 minutes. I am super excited guys ? My friend (whom is a guy and also not a huge animal person) keeps making fun of me, since I won’t shut up about it. But I can’t help it! xD
Omg, he is here! I didn’t know full grown bunnies could be so tiny! (considering Moxie was nearly 10 pounds, and the only rabbit I ever had)
He is super shy/reserved right now of course, but hopefully he will warm up soon!
They had him on High Protein alfalfa, which will have to be changed to timothy. They also have him on unlimitted pellets, so we will eventually change that. How much pellets should he eat a day? I have no idea the pellet or salad portions for such a tiny guy ?
Since I can’t post photos on here anymore for the life of me, enjoy these 2 short videos ?
Peep that foot flick in this one:
OMG! And he even has “whiskers” to go along with his name! Finnegan (Finn) suits him perfectly!
He looks like he is exploring with a little bit of attitude. Typical lionhead, right? LOL
As for pellets, you can go by the feeding recommendations for his weight and then adjust from there. Hay is hay, so no need to limit that. And veggies are still 2 cups per 6 lbs of body weight… or whatever he is willing to eat (my boys are not big veggie eaters, but some bunnies like more).
Guys he has just binkied! Twice! xD
His previous owners were super shocked/happy at how big his new home is, and when I told them how much I was going to spoil him
Thanks for the info LBJ! I admit I am a not rusty with those food numbers, since I just found what was proper for Moxie, and did that for 4 years ?
Still not entirely sure if that is his name, but we shall see ?
I just found out he is three. I *know* they can have long lifespans, but I am slightly nervous since Moxie only made it to barely past 4. (I know every bun is different and smaller ones tend to live longer, and Moxie had health issues. But still…)
But the song!
I know! ??
I think he is liking the space! (7 feet by 4 feet) He is binkying up a storm!
Aww, probably much better than what he’s used to. He probably doesn’t know what to do with himself. Silly little Finn!
Haha ? He is in a desperate need for a nail trim, but he won’t let me touch him yet. It’ll have to wait for a couple weeks” for me to gain his trust
I’ve narrowed it down to 4 names I believe: Oliver, Theodore, Finnegan and Timothée.
What did you say the choices were? Finnegan, Finnegan, Finnegan and Finnegan? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
There was a lil bun named Finnegan…
Come on, you know the rest.
Awww-eeee! He is very cute!
Lol about Finnegan. :p I was atttempting to make a silly joke with that & now it is in the running as potential name. I agree, it is a cute name. : )
I’m going to be unhelpful and say all 4 seem a good fit, tbh.
Moxie, how were you trying to add photos? Do you still have a photobucket account. btw, are you able to see your siggy pic? It shows up as a error-type image. I noticed that on Mimzy’s posts also.
Is this true????? OMG. OMG, Moxie!!!!
Now must look at videos!
ETA: Looked at videos now. He’s so cute! A little bit like Moxie (the color and fur). But smaller. I too think Finnegan is a fitting name. but i like the bear cub name too.
Jersey girl– No, I don’t have a photobucket (and I can’t see my siggy, I just have been too lazy to take it down lol). My pics are all on my phone as well. The last time I was able to post photos, I had to post them to my Twitter, and then get on a computer and copy/paste them onto here LOL I might argue with it some more when he warms up to me and I can get some good pics!
Bam–His coloration is super similar to Moxie’s. But he is like 1/5 of her size! Haha
No one is singing…
Oh hush Jersey, you know Finnegan is THE perfect name for this bun. The other names just don’t fit.
LBJ, How are you the bunny name master? ? I think I am going to go with Finnegan, after I started singing to him “Finnegan, Finnegan, does whatever a rabbit can” (not creative, I know) and he started binkying up a storm.
He still is extremely skittish, but I think he will warm up eventually =)
Guys, I know this is going to sound like a silly question, but are his poops too tiny? They are like the size of tiny tiny peas.
Also, I feel like he isn’t eating enough, but I think I am just used to feeding a bottomless pit <3 In the last 24 hours, he has only eaten half a human size bowl of hay. Idk how many pellets he has eaten, since I didn't remove the giant bowl of pellets yet since I didn't want to stress him out. But I am taking care of that now though.
He has now gotten the nick-name “My son-shine” haha
Posted By LBJ10 on 3/25/2018 2:04 PM
No one is singing…
Oh hush Jersey, you know Finnegan is THE perfect name for this bun. The other names just don’t fit.
Theeeeeee-re was a lil bun named Oliver Finnegan, he grew whiskers on his chinnigan
The wind came up and blew them in again
Poor little Oliver Finnegan, begin again!
There was a lil bun named Timothee Finnegan, he needs his nails trimmed trimmed trimmed again,
Can’t try yet until he’s chill again, but soon little Timothee Finnegan, begin again.
There was a little bun named Theodore Finnegan, his testicles dropped but he drew them in again
The vet said “Well, you’ll have to bring him in again”
Poor little Theodore Finnegan, begin again!
There is a little bun named Finley Finnegan, in his new home he is winningin
He binkies about and chin-chin-chins again
Silly little Finley Finnegan, begin again…
Posted By MoxieMeadows on 3/25/2018 8:35 PM
Guys, I know this is going to sound like a silly question, but are his poops too tiny? They are like the size of tiny tiny peas., but I think I am just used to feeding a bottomless pit <3 In the last 24 hours, he has only eaten half a human size bowl of hay. Idk how many pellets he has eaten, since I didn't remove the giant bowl of pellets yet since I didn't want to stress him out. But I am taking care of that now though.
Sorry Mox. I hadn’t seen this before I posted above.
I wonder if you’ll see larger poops once he’s eating more timothy hay? It could take a while to get him keen on hay. He might have always been filling up on pellets and that would leave the poops pretty small, I bet. Plus, you’re used to seeing Moxie sized ones!
Also, sometimes buns won’t eat as much (or even at all) when 1st coming to a new home. Hopefully his eating habits will improve once he’s feeling more secure in his surroundings and adjusts to your routine.
Jersey– That song was precious!!
Yeah you are probably right. Moxie’s were the size of dimes/pennies, and I don’t imagine those coming out of him. Haha I know he is at least eating/drinking some, which I am happy about
Haha! Jersey, I knew someone would know where I was going with that. See… Finnegan is perfect, isn’t it? After all, he does have whiskers on his chinnigan.
And Moxie, you should know better than to question the master. Finnegan suits him perfectly. I’m so glad you finally saw the light! LOL
As for the small poops… well, it could be a combination of new environment, not a lot of hay, and the fact that he is a much smaller bunny. I’m sure they will look better once Finnegan settles in and, hopefully, discovers the wonderful world of hay.
Congrats MM! He looks quite happy and curious in those videos .
LBJ- I know, shame on me for doubting LOL
Luna- Thank you! xD
Finnegan and his little chinnigan!! Jersey that’s the best song ever. Such poetry! We should all “sing” it at the beginning of every chat, lol!
Haha thanks Rain.
It’s definitely one of those tunes that gets stuck in the head!
Jersey – What’s fun about it is that you can make up whatever variations you want.
Guys, I felt really bad. So his previous owners had just been feeding him in a large bowl in his cage (unlimited pellets). I left it for a couple days to make sure he was continuing to eat and since he was super terrified of me moving around near his cage, and I didn’t want to traumatize him by reaching next to him and grabbing the bowl. Well yesterday I finally decided to take it out since I need to start measuring out his food and stuff. I go to dump it out and once it is near my face I notice a bit of a sour smell. His previous owners had just been layering new pellets on top of rotting and MOLDY pellets! The poor baby! I promptly threw away the entire bowl and then investigated everything he came with. I just felt bad I didn’t check the food as soon as he came home, but it LOOKED okay, and the people had said they had just given him fresh pellets, so I assumed everything was okay.
For other news though, Finnegan has tried spinach for the first time! Poor baby didn’t know it was food or what to do with it. But once he got a taste of it, he ate a few pieces. (I am keeping it limited until I know how his stomach reacts to it) He is also loving fresh timothy hay. He can’t get enough of it! It is so cute!
I have also started reading to Finnegan, so he gets used to my voice and my presence. He seems to like it. It is the only time he leaves his little old cage when I am in the room. He’ll hop up to me and sniff me and binky. We are currently working through “The Illiad of Homer”. I am reading it front to back for him. He is going to be one cultured rabbit haha. It makes me think of the first book I ever read to Moxie – Watership Down. I might have to read that to Finnegan as well, it has been a while. Reading to rabbits and pretending that they understand and talking to them about it is really relaxing for some reason (and it helps me process the book thoroughly).
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