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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Kitty went to ER las night.

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    • MayaConsuelo
      396 posts Send Private Message

        I have been such a mess over the past day, I noticed last night that my cat was breathing very rapidly and shallowly. I had noticed her breathing fast in the recent past but it always seemed to go away. She’s also been very lethargic, but that doesn’t always raise red flags since they sleep 22 hours a day anyway. My friend who’s a vet advised me to take her to the ER and they kept her there to drain fluid from her chest cavity. The most likely cause is congestive heart failure but they’re testing the fluid for cancer cells also.

        I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to their cats. I feel bad because over the past month I’ve shooed her away from the bunny on numerous occasions (she’s the one that likes to swipe at people.) I kept telling her, “I do NOT have money to take Bun-Bun to the emergency room for stitches!” Turns out she was the one who was sick the whole time.  I don’t know if she had a bad heart to start with, and the stress of having the bunny around pushed her over the edge. She’s also 12 years old. I just feel so bad, and stressed out. I’m trying to find a roommate to move into my extra bedroom and I’m broke… now I have a vet bill that’s going to be at least $2,000. Ugh. Well I find out in 4 hours if Misha is doing well off the oxygen and I can bring her home and watch her here. If anyone has experience with this please post. I don’t know if it will turn out to be a condition that can be managed for several years, or if this is just an extremely expensive end-of-life episode for her.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Vibes to your beautiful kitty. I don’t have any experience with this, hopefully someone else will.

        • MayaConsuelo
          396 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks! Luckily Bun-Bun was out of his cage all day, so I won’t feel bad keeping him in there tonight. Misha needs her space and I don’t want her stressing out about the little bouncing furball. He just wants to play but she doesn’t know that.

            It’s so hard seeing animals get sick, my cats are basically senior citizens now so this is the point I’m dreading. The main reason I didn’t want to adopt Bun-Bun is because I didn’t want to worry about another animal getting sick and dying. It’s so hard. But everyone here knows that. Anyway hopefully Misha’s condition can be managed with meds, she’s doing well enough for me to pick her up in an hour! She’ll be so happy to be home.

          • Lintini
            3329 posts Send Private Message

              I don’t have any experience either but I hope she starts feeling better, she’s really cute and pretty. I love little tuxedo kitties! {{{vibes}}}

            • jerseygirl
              22352 posts Send Private Message


                I’m sorry Maya, about your cats health and the timing. Don’t add to the stress by guilting yourself though. We’re so good at doing that and I can bet you Misha is not blaming you in any way!

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  Sorry to hear your kitty is unwell (((Misha)))

                  I know how you’re feeling, a few months ago my kitty was in the ER on IV for four days. It’s hard, I know, but hang in there for Misha!

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Any update?

                  • MayaConsuelo
                    396 posts Send Private Message

                      Well Misha is home with me and comfortable. Bun-Bun is a little ticked off since he can’t come out as much but is being pretty good about it. Even though at times Misha seems much better and I get optimistic, I know in my heart that she’s dying. Even if she can be maintained with meds it’s just a matter of time. Her sister Pepino has ignored her completely since I brought her back from the ER which is not a good sign. It seems mean, but cats are different. Maybe Misha smells like the ER or like a very sick cat, I don’t know. I’m preparing for the worst, but we go to the cardiologist tomorrow for a definitive prognosis.

                    • MayaConsuelo
                      396 posts Send Private Message

                        Well Misha is home with me and comfortable. Bun-Bun is a little ticked off since he can’t come out as much but is being pretty good about it. Even though at times Misha seems much better and I get optimistic, I know in my heart that she’s dying. Even if she can be maintained with meds it’s just a matter of time. Her sister Pepino has ignored her completely since I brought her back from the ER which is not a good sign. It seems mean, but cats are different. Maybe Misha smells like the ER or like a very sick cat, I don’t know. I’m preparing for the worst, but we go to the cardiologist tomorrow for a definitive prognosis.

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          It’s good you have her home and can spend this time with her. Mr Bun-Bun will be ok. He can practice his toilet habits while caged

                          Will you have to take her with you for the appt?

                        • MayaConsuelo
                          396 posts Send Private Message

                            I just found out that there are no appointments available today but I’m going to drop her off at the vet right now and they’ll squeeze her in between appointments. I’m sick of alternating between hope and despair, I feel bipolar! Also, giving pills to cats is not fun! I’ll update when I get her prognosis… fingers crossed for a good one.

                          • Sarita
                            18851 posts Send Private Message

                              Vibes for a good prognosis. I know I’m the same way as well, not knowing is the worst. At least once you know you can make whatever decisions you need to make.

                            • MayaConsuelo
                              396 posts Send Private Message

                                Thanks for all the support! Misha has cheated the icy claws of death for now and is going to be OK! She has cardiac hypertrophy which is inherited from the parents. Basically once she was taken out of the emergency situation (fluid in and around the lungs) the condition can be managed with blood pressure medication. I was such a mess over the weekend. She seemed so out of it when I first brought her home, and was so lethargic, I was being very pessimistic and trying to think of places to scatter her ashes, and also trying to figure out how many days I could be completely drunk before it would be ridiculous. She didn’t feel good of course after her trauma, but as of this morning started getting better and better… I’m so happy! Oh AND I found a roommate! Now my only problem is this $1,800 vet bill

                              • Andi
                                1048 posts Send Private Message

                                  Glad to hear she is feeling better and things are treatable, even better yet on the roomate situation!
                                  Will you Vet allow you to pay installments? $1800 is a lot of money

                                  I lost my cat to Heart Disease, he was 14. It’s hard to see our fur babies suffering, the whole rappid breathing and stuff is heartbreaking. Reading about you kitty being able to have treatment is very uplifting.
                                  Quick recovery Misha!

                                • MayaConsuelo
                                  396 posts Send Private Message

                                    Yeah it was really hard seeing her go through that. Even worse is not being able to explain that taking them into that stressful ER environment is helping them – they have no idea I was so sure she was a goner, I’m just so happy she’s not (although this condition will probably eventually kill her, she could have years left.) I was feeling guilt-ridden that I had stressed her too much by bringing the bunny into our home… but the condition is inherited so there’s nothing I could have done. I put the whole $1800 on my credit card… ugh, problem for another day. Luckily the meds she’s on are quite cheap, probably not even $10 a month because she has to take such a small amount.

                                    Unfortunately since it’s an inherited condition I have to take my other cat in for a checkup… they’re sisters. She has shown no symptoms however, just need to make sure.

                                  • Sarita
                                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m glad that she can be treated. Hate that bill though! Why do these emergency vets have to be so dang expensive!

                                    • LittlePuffyTail
                                      18092 posts Send Private Message

                                        Glad to hear Kitty is going to be ok.

                                      • bijoupele
                                        6 posts Send Private Message



                                        • MayaConsuelo
                                          396 posts Send Private Message

                                            Thanks for the kind words bijoupele, not sure why they’re not showing up here but I saw it in my email notifications. My cat is stable but the condition will eventually kill her. The hard part is that she’s my smartest pet and figured out the pill-sneaking ruses… for now I’m crushing the pills into powder and sneaking them into her food, but only on the same plate as the food her sister eats so she’s not suspicious (so I have to hover and make sure they eat the right portion of food.)

                                            It’s so hard when these little beasties get sick. It’s the worst. As I type this, Bun-Bun is chewing on my leather couch. I don’t use leather but a former roommate left this couch here and I don’t have the money to replace it (especially since Bun-Bun pees on it at least once a week.) Why would a bunny eat leather? Disgusting!

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                                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Kitty went to ER las night.