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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › June Pics
Muffin and Monster have started eating their way through June already, so let the pic spam begin!
Yummy, witlof is also a big favourite of Breintje! Especially when it’s straight from the fridge: cool, crunchy leaves and with a nice hard stem on the end to sink your teeth into.
Your buns are looking so happy and healthy! Spoiled to bits, just like anybunny deserves ^_^ Monster always looks so ready for ear scritches with his rounded head
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 6/01/2018 7:05 AM
Yummy, witlof is also a big favourite of Breintje! Especially when it’s straight from the fridge: cool, crunchy leaves and with a nice hard stem on the end to sink your teeth into.
Your buns are looking so happy and healthy! Spoiled to bits, just like anybunny deserves ^_^ Monster always looks so ready for ear scritches with his rounded head
Yes, I like eating it myself as well so I’m often sharing my veggies, haha. Thank you! When I got them from the shelter they were a little overweight, but I think I managed to slim them down nicely. I will have a check-up with the vet soon to see if they have a good weight now. I’m pretty sure Monster is good to go but it’s hard to tell if Muffin is just this bulky naturally (she has prominent lady parts – the dew lap I mean ofcourse haha. And a big bum.) or still on the heavy side. Neither of them are actually very fond of petting. Monster will sit still for a little bit going “well if you really HAVE to…” but Muffin doesn’t quite get the concept (hands are for feeding, not touching!) and gets confused.
Those are lovely drawings Bunny Daddy! I especially like the one with the hairy bit on its head that’s looking back, I’d hang that on the wall!
Holly enjoying some Xbox live on her throne
Smite! … I used to enjoy that game a LOT more…. it has become SOOOOO toxic!! Holly looks so cute! I used to play Chang’e just because of her little bunny friend
Thanks BunNoob she does look cute.
Never played Smite it’s my sons game in fact I’ve never been allowed on his Xbox ?. Yeah he plays it a LOT too !
Fish tank update! I’m mainly focusing on trying to get my plants to grow in more, but I have added a few cherry barbs! I’ll try to get some good pics of the fishies at some point.
Fish tank looks fab!
Thanks! Wish I could get the pictures in larger, but every time I try it comes in upside down! lol
I find it hard to post pictures. Can’t do it on an iPad or phone has to be my desktop. Then they are too big so have to go onto this application called Irfanview to reduce their size before I can post them.
Hence I don’t post loads of pictures of the bunnies otherwise you all would be inundated with them ??
That midweek Wednesday afternoon feeling
@Flakie: aww, that’s so cute! I know some bunnies love to watch TV, but games should be very interesting too come to think of it
@BunNoob: wow, that’s coming along nicely! Super cool design
In the meantime we’re preparing for the next heatwave. Breintje is living the good life: lounging around the fan and finishing the last pieces of my watermelon slices. He just has to work on his coordination at times… Sillybuns, you’re not going to cool down on that side!
Flakie, looks to me like Holly has got her eyes on the wires hanging down riiight in front of her !!!! ROFL !!!!
Breintje looks like he is enjoying the watermelon nice and refreshing for him.
Yes Vienna blue maybe she is eyeing up the wires! It’s an old Wii console not been used in ages and luckily unplugged and rather dusty ?. Just as well I keep a close eye on her little rascal. Her nuggets are close by on the table and she and Basil do try to get in to eat them all but it’s well sealed now ha ha
June is looking so cute already!
Daisy – Muffin and Monster look soo fluffy and content, I love their names as well
Bunny Daddy – great artwork! I would love to get a drawing done of Thor… maybe in a drawing she will have actual features rather than the black blob I get when I take photos.
Flakie – they are so cute when they stand up like that . Maybe she wishes she could go romp in that virtual meadow.
Ellie – looks like Breintje knows how to celebrate summer in style
And Bun Noob – awesome tank! I have a tank as well although it is not planted, freshwater with some cardinal tetras, 3 german rams and a few catfish (and about a million snails that I try to keep in check…)
Lastly, since this is a bunny picture thread… TOES!
Breintje you are so silly
I’ve been doing some strength training at home in the mornings, this morning a certain somebun almost got squashed by running around my feet I gave her a tiny wooden dumbbell toy so she could participate as well
Thorbunny ! ! ! I want to put blue rams or cockatoo cichlids in my tank! I love their colors! And honestly…how have you kept the neon tetras alive? I added 8 to my tank and 7 of them died within 12 hours I call the lone survivor Little Darwin *edit: oh, they’re cardinals! I’ve not heard of many people having luck with neons, they have crap genetics from breeding practices. I might give cardinals a go! Similar colors and people seem to have better luck with them*
Here’s a few pics of the fishies:
I wish I could get them in bigger… hard to see the fish in tiny pics! Also….if you think getting a good photo of the buns is hard… fish are IMPOSSIBLE to photograph without looking like a smudge
What a great way to start the month!!!! LOVE that picture!!!!
Beautiful drawings!
Breintje has the life, for sure!!! We’ve had one super hot day so far, 38C. I hate the heat like that and it was so sudden. Elara did not enjoy it at all.We don’t have our AC yet. I’m going to have to be really careful to keep the house cool this summer. Thankfully, the past week has been like Fall and I’m okay with that.
Posted By Flakie on 6/05/2018 1:28 PM
Never played Smite it’s my sons game in fact I’ve never been allowed on his Xbox ?.
Say what?? I bet you’re the one who paid for it, right? So funny how Holly is watching it, sitting on her pillow!
Daisy: Looks like they’re really enjoying their snack!
Bunny Daddy: Those are awesome!
BunNoob: Love the fish tank, it looks so pretty! I’m sorry the neon tetras didn’t take. At least you got Little Darwin left!
Thorbunny: Your tank looks great too! (and so do the bunny toes ) Now I want a fish tank…
Ellie: Breintje is roughing it, I see. The tough life of bunny…
@Ellie: Ha it’s cute how Breintje always has pointed 1 ear to you (he’s like “You’re doing the photography thing again, aren’t you”). :’D
@BunNoob: I’ve always wanted an aquarium but I’m scared I’ll kill the fishies, the tank leaks and it looks like so much work! Yours looks very cool!
I don’t understand why I’m spending so much on toys. I gave the buns a box. Never seen them so happy. :’D
@Daisy: haha, now that you mention it! Maybe he only tolerates my paparazzi habits because I feed him and give earrubs
Yup, those are two happy bunsters! Toys… meh… Box they came in: wow, most awesome gift ever!!! *chew* *tear*
Your bunnies are stunning, Daisy.
sleepy loaf
@skysblue – What a perfect little picture of a perfect little bunny. All tucked in just right. Perfection.
Awww, this is perfection indeed. What a beautiful little loaf of love ^_^
that is one perfect bunloaf pic <3
here are two pics of a turned over and flattened pile of composted hay from last year, then a packet of sprouting broccoli seeds sprinkled over – recycling at its finest, and gardening at its laziest
The fluffle assure me the crop is megasucculent , tiny heads of tasty broccoli. big tender leaves and super scrunchy tendersoft stems. They insist they eat the crop now, before any caterpilars hatch and get there first. So far, they have had two portions and counting its hard to see how big they are, but the longest stems are roughly twice the length of Latte, but he still managed to finish one on his own
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 6/06/2018 1:57 PM
@Flakie: aww, that’s so cute! I know some bunnies love to watch TV, but games should be very interesting too come to think of it@BunNoob: wow, that’s coming along nicely! Super cool design
In the meantime we’re preparing for the next heatwave. Breintje is living the good life: lounging around the fan and finishing the last pieces of my watermelon slices. He just has to work on his coordination at times… Sillybuns, you’re not going to cool down on that side!
Ellie, I can’t wrap my head around the idea of the Netherlands having a heat wave! For some reason I keep equating your climate with that of Norway in the summertime (Man I miss Norway. Am I pining for the fjords???)
Posted By skysblue on 6/13/2018 1:33 PM
sleepy loaf
Aww, Look! The Bunny bread is ready! The timers have popped up!
@GJ: that looks like a really tasty bunny salad. I bet they’d help you to garden too, that’s real lazy gardening
@Bladesmith: It’s a bit different from Norway, hotter and more humid. The humidity is a real killer, it makes the heat more intense because you can’t really sweat it out. When the temperature hits the 25-30 degrees C it feels tropical and sticky. We have a lot of rain and thunderstorms as well. The climate itself changes a bit throughout NL: the coastal areas and the north are colder and more humid. When it’s 25 at the coast we’re hitting the 30-33 here in the east, often with clear skies but still quite humid.
If you zoom in on NL on this map there’s a little gray spot without a sea climate at the border of Germany and NL. That’s where we live ^_^
Here in the east we don’t have a sea climate anymore because we’re hugging ze Djerman bohrdur… We also have a bit more altitude at 53 m here. Being a little higher up makes for fewer floods, better weather and a unique landscape with hills and forests. Hurrah for our beautiful Twente ^_^
It sounds pretty odd to call that high, but half of the country is at sea level or 7 m below sea level. This is also the area where the biggest cities like Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam are. If the dikes break 5 million Dutch people are in direct danger of major floods. The whole city of Rotterdam with 640,000 souls is lower than 6 m below sea level. Yikes! (Maybe that’s why we’re all trying to grow freakishly tall?)
Here is Jenny, tucking into today’s tea nom nom, soon gone!
Ellie, if I let the buns garden, there’d be none left for tomorrow
@G.J – Such a pretty shine and silvery shade of grey in that picture, Jenny has. Must be the healthy diet.
Posted By Gordo and Janice on 6/14/2018 9:06 AM
@G.J – Such a pretty shine and silvery shade of grey in that picture, Jenny has. Must be the healthy diet.
Thanks my son just said how lovely her fur was looking when he saw the picture (he is away at university still) its nice she’s looking so well when its still so recent we lost Pippi
This time of year, our fluffle lives on grass while outside, unlimited hay when indoors of course, forage from the garden, a rare sprinkle of pellets and anything like this that I grow, the forage, like the home grown broccoli, eaten the moment it is picked, so bursting with vitamin C, even though buns of course can make their own, and rich in iron too, I doubt you could ask for a better bunny diet
Wow, she’s gorgeous! That sheen!!
Which product do you use Jenny? I really need to know for my hair, even if it turns out to be bunny drool
Bunny drool it is
There’s someone’s next million dollar idea. Bunny drool conditioner! Sold in a bottle or pump dispenser. Of course you might have to change the name a little for the average layperson who doesn’t understand the magic in all things bunny….Maybe Brool conditioner.
P.S. Dibs on royalties.
P.S.S. Actually this idea has probably been bantered about on and off for years. But since I am new here it just came to me. But I still hope the trademark Brool can be mine. “Wanna be cool?…Try Brool!” or “Brool!….for all things beautiful and cool!” etc, etc, etc
P.S.S.S. Beautiful, gorgeous, and handsome models with perfect hair shining and flowing in the breeze, smiling and petting bunnies. Of course like all marketing campaigns and product development, the actual product would have to be one microdrop of drool to 12 oz. of filtered water and all the other stuff they put in conditioners (can you tell Gordo is cynical to the core). Because our bunnies keep the good stuff for themselves.
P.S.S.S.S. And I’ve totally gone down the rabbit hole. Okay…back to reality, life, and work.
Uhhhhhg! And NOW I so feel the need to apologize. I am very proficient at speaking without thinking. I now realize that my last post could be seen as insensitive and borderline inappropriate. I was just spoofing on the bunny drool comment for being the secret to making hair look so beautiful. I hope that is obvious to everyone.
I am very aware that in this society there are whole industries devoted to the propagation of animal species for nefarious use. I did not intend to make light of that. I am sorry if I have offended anyone. I will try to be more intelligent and/or considerate in my goofing off in the future. Sorry again.
Jenny says she for one took no offence, but took your comments in the spirit intended and as any lady of sense would be, was suitably flattered
And she knew full well, as I did, that you would only collect royalties on synthetic bunny drool that had never been tested on animals
She would like to point out though, that no product, and no diet can achieve such results unless accompanied by hours of dedicated grooming, and with as little human help as she can get away with, as like any self-respecting bun, she loathes the grooming brush!
skysblue: Oh my, what an adorable picture!
Daisy: Love your lops! Their coloring is so pretty!
GJ: Nice! Maximum results with minimal effort. Well done! Jenny looks pleased enough.
Sky’sBlue- What a beauty she is. We really don’t see enough Dutch bunnies.
Jenny is so adorable. She reminds me of a cute little mouse. Olivia used to as well. One of her nicknames was “Kangaroo Mouse.”
Haven’t posted any pics of Miss Elara lately so here she is being Queen of the Couch. The cover has been purchased to cover the holes she’s made in “her” couch.
I got a snuggle bunny!!!! This is our nightly “after nanner cuddles”. I look just horrid in this pic but I think I make a pretty funky chicken.
She’s so helpful. She thought maybe I couldn’t eat it all.
Rorschach test! What do you see?
And had to sneak in this pic of Fable because of how stinkin cute she is. Having lots of fun with this pony.
Here are our other four buns enjoying their fourth helping, its a lunchtime treat, as its started to rain, so I bought them in early. Due to Latte, I’m not feeling able to cope with five wet buns to towel dry.
With home grown sprouting broccoli as soon as they came in, no-bun was complaining.
Aww thanks all! The Harlequin-like colouring of Muffin is seen here in The Netherlands reguarly. I’ve noticed that Harlequins seem less common in the US, I see so many Dutchies from the US instead. Monster has a very unique fur colour in my opinion, I’ve never seen a bun like him in real life before!
Skysblue your bunny is gorgeous and photogenic, she’d fit right into commercials or something, haha! I love that tone of brown.
Ellie I’m always jealous of the forest of the east! We only have polders here (Zuid Holland). The only good part about living here (from en eyecandy point of view) is that we have the sea (Scheveningen) on 20-30 minutes away from us. Love going there and almost get blown into the water on the pier. XD
LittlePuffyTail, aw Elara is such a gentlelady! Fable is adorble with the little star on her face! Very pretty colour too, is she a liver chestnut?
Haha, that’s what always unnerves me when I’m traveling with Bas and we’re going to Frisia or one of the coastal provinces. You can look so far and it’s all grass, dike, canal, grass, dike, canal…hey a cow! The sheer flatness of the country can be really odd, and I’m sure it must look even odder to foreign visitors. Really funny when the highest point for miles around is a cow
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 6/14/2018 7:01 AM
@GJ: that looks like a really tasty bunny salad. I bet they’d help you to garden too, that’s real lazy gardening
@Bladesmith: It’s a bit different from Norway, hotter and more humid. The humidity is a real killer, it makes the heat more intense because you can’t really sweat it out. When the temperature hits the 25-30 degrees C it feels tropical and sticky. We have a lot of rain and thunderstorms as well. The climate itself changes a bit throughout NL: the coastal areas and the north are colder and more humid. When it’s 25 at the coast we’re hitting the 30-33 here in the east, often with clear skies but still quite humid.If you zoom in on NL on this map there’s a little gray spot without a sea climate at the border of Germany and NL. That’s where we live ^_^
Here in the east we don’t have a sea climate anymore because we’re hugging ze Djerman bohrdur… We also have a bit more altitude at 53 m here. Being a little higher up makes for fewer floods, better weather and a unique landscape with hills and forests. Hurrah for our beautiful Twente ^_^It sounds pretty odd to call that high, but half of the country is at sea level or 7 m below sea level. This is also the area where the biggest cities like Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam are. If the dikes break 5 million Dutch people are in direct danger of major floods. The whole city of Rotterdam with 640,000 souls is lower than 6 m below sea level. Yikes! (Maybe that’s why we’re all trying to grow freakishly tall?)
ACK! Sounds like Florida North! Too hot, too hot! And we should be taking lessons from you folk, since, thanks to Global climate change and melting Ice caps, South Florida is sinking! (No, seriously. The main roads in Miami are under water at high tide some days.)
Sigh. I miss Europe. I never got to the Netherlands, but always wanted to. Even though I had to do it in uniform, and got sent to the not so nice places, I still got to see a lot of the world. I miss traveling.
Luckily we don’t have that many hot days in a row like Florida. But when it’s hot it’s like a sauna. Everybody is sticky and suffering from the heat, and it gets hard to sleep because Dutch houses are built in brick and well-insulated against cold. But that also keeps in the heat in much longer…
Yeah, we collectively wondered about that when Katrina hit New Orleans. It became a round-the-water-cooler topic at work. How the F could you live in a river delta and not have a system of dams and dikes to prevent floods? I read that they’ve contacted civil engineering companies from NL to help them to prevent another major disaster.
We do have a lot of experience with major floods, sadly. Then we got angry at the sea and blocked its number. For people with interest in water management, large-scale architecture or civil engineering NL is a great place to study or to visit. There are the Delta works in Zeeland, the Maaskantkering in Rotterdam and the Afsluitdijk. We used to have an inland sea splitting half the country, but it misbehaved so we kicked it out. It’s become the Ijsselmeer lake now, and we’ve poldered about a third of it to create a 12th province. More space! (NL has 1/4th of the surface area of the state of New York and nearly as many inhabitants.)
Popular nerd comic website XKCD once did a comic about what would happen if we weren’t so busy all the time trying to keep our feet dry:
hi guys, I thought maybe you would enjoy some photos of ollie I took earlier, LOL I managed to get some of his cute feet while flopping & some of him normally for once! its so hard when you have a black or mostly black bun to get good photos! PLUS I just figured out I could resize/save as different types of files in microsoft paint… wow.
Awww! He’s just too precious! Love those Nethie looks with the cute white inside of the ears, his chubby cheeks, white socksies and his white little beard ^_^
I like the picture of his face in the dark circle of his Timber Hide-A-Way. It looks like a portrait of him hanging on his wall in his little home. Precious!
Everyone’s babies are all so adorable!! And everyones pictures are also so gorgeous♡
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
I hope these images of Thumper and Blossom work… What they’re eating are fresh, wild clovers that my dad likes to feed them on occasion.
Also the “If I fits I sit” bit.
These pictures are from about 2 weeks ago and I’m now just able to post them so they grew a bit since these. X’D
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
Daisy- My first bunny, Stormy, was a Harlequin colour Mini-Rex. He’s in my siggy pic. What a wonderful little guy he was. As for Fable, I honestly don’t know what colour she is supposed to be, lol. I think she would actually be all black if she weren’t kept outside 24/7. So her mane and most of her coat is pretty sunburned. She loves being outside and hardly ever uses the shelter. Wish I could see her true colour but I’m pretty sure she would tear the barn down. She’s quite a little stinker and will rear in her stall if she’s left in alone.
Ollie is so cute! Nethies have this ridiculously adorable, angry look all the time. I love it!
Bunnylass- Your buns are stunning! How old are they?
LittlePuffyTail: Thank you! ? I honestly don’t know. When we got them we were told that they were just weaning and I know that sometimes rabbits wean earlier than 8 weeks and I know that when a rabbit weans people will be like “ok, time to take them away from their mother”. But I’m guessing that they’re anywhere from 12 weeks – 14 weeks (3 months – 3 months and 2 weeks, possibly 4 months) roughly. I’m guessing they’re closer to 14 weeks but again I’m not 100% sure. Same for their breed(s) and genders, we don’t know.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
Awww…..I miss baby buns. I have’t had a baby bunny in like 11 years.
@LPT: Hehehe, of course they’re angry: they have massive OPINIONS about everything, and whenever they voice their complaints people go: “Awww, it’s so cute!”
@BunnyLass: Your bunnies are absolutely adorable. I like how the lounge together ^_^
Haha….yup, well put. The same with my pony….She can be a real brat but everyone thinks everything she does is adorable. I tell her, I’m used to horses 4 times your size, I’m not scared of your little tantrums.
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 6/15/2018 10:10 AM
Luckily we don’t have that many hot days in a row like Florida. But when it’s hot it’s like a sauna. Everybody is sticky and suffering from the heat, and it gets hard to sleep because Dutch houses are built in brick and well-insulated against cold. But that also keeps in the heat in much longer…Yeah, we collectively wondered about that when Katrina hit New Orleans. It became a round-the-water-cooler topic at work. How the F could you live in a river delta and not have a system of dams and dikes to prevent floods? I read that they’ve contacted civil engineering companies from NL to help them to prevent another major disaster.
We do have a lot of experience with major floods, sadly. Then we got angry at the sea and blocked its number. For people with interest in water management, large-scale architecture or civil engineering NL is a great place to study or to visit. There are the Delta works in Zeeland, the Maaskantkering in Rotterdam and the Afsluitdijk. We used to have an inland sea splitting half the country, but it misbehaved so we kicked it out. It’s become the Ijsselmeer lake now, and we’ve poldered about a third of it to create a 12th province. More space! (NL has 1/4th of the surface area of the state of New York and nearly as many inhabitants.)
Popular nerd comic website XKCD once did a comic about what would happen if we weren’t so busy all the time trying to keep our feet dry:
IIRC, they DID have a lot of dikes, but they were earthen dikes, built decades ago, and they weren’t being maintained properly (As in, they were piles of garbage and debris, covered with a layer of earth, easily washed away), and hadn’t been built up to withstand the tidal surge of a Cat 5 hurricane.
They tried to do it on the cheap and pocket whatever money they could. I wish I could say this was uncommon here, but it’s not.
As Winston Churchill is reputed to have said, “You can count on America to do the right thing, but only after it’s tried all the wrong ones first.”
Capitalism and privitization: Not always a good thing for the public.
That’s too long to NOT have a baby bun! Quick! Run to where you can get a baby bun and bring them in to your life! … Please don’t take this seriously, I’m just joking and I’m extremely tired. :’D
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
Thank you! I love when they do that too ♡
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔
@LPT, they’re adorable! What beautiful buns!
OMG, I’ve missed Podge so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Posted By Bladesmith on 6/17/2018 8:07 PM
IIRC, they DID have a lot of dikes, but they were earthen dikes, built decades ago, and they weren’t being maintained properly (As in, they were piles of garbage and debris, covered with a layer of earth, easily washed away), and hadn’t been built up to withstand the tidal surge of a Cat 5 hurricane.
They tried to do it on the cheap and pocket whatever money they could. I wish I could say this was uncommon here, but it’s not.
As Winston Churchill is reputed to have said, “You can count on America to do the right thing, but only after it’s tried all the wrong ones first.”
Capitalism and privitization: Not always a good thing for the public.
Yikes, such disregard for human lives… Those safety measures are never to be taken lightly if you live in an area like that. The costs to maintain dikes are so much lower than the recovery after a disaster, not even counting all the personal tragedy.
Water management has been a special government department since 1798 here. We spend 5.2 billion euros each year to keep our feet dry. This may seem much, but it’s not even 2% of our total expenditures. It doesn’t have to cost much to ensure safety, as long as you keep it a priority and regulate it from a central point.
Posted By Q8bunny on 6/18/2018 9:57 AM
OMG, I’ve missed Podge so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nice to see you back hot of the press, just for you, with love from Podge…
A million smooches on that sweet booplesnoot!
Here is Chewbacca in Canadia
GinaJenny- I really want to just grab those two and hug them!!!
Chewie- How I’ve missed your puffy little face!!!!!
@GJ: awww, such lovely cuddlebugs!
@Q8: so happy to see the furmonster again ^_^ Glad that he’s with you again! 6 weeks of quarantine… *shudders*
Q8!!! Welcome, welcome back! Hope you’re getting settled in well! And SUCH a treat to see Chewie again! How did he do with the trip and quarantine?
He surpassed my wildest expectations and arrived in better shape than I did, then clowned his way through quarantine (and charmed his inspector into a slightly early release)
Q8bunny: Oh noes! Did your bun leave its ears in Kuwait (it looks like he has no ears in that pic to me XD)?
@Q8: That sounds like Chewie, all right!
Lol, Chewie, no one could ever doubt it
Yay, I managed to snap two cute pics of Breintje today. I finally learned how to get the more natural curious responses he shows to new items: show as little of yourself as you can and just let the phone sneak up on him. Else he just goes begging for treats or pettings.
What’s this?
Ooh this looks very nifty! I must know all about this device!
Daisy: He must have forgotten to unpack them.
Ellie: That second pic of Breintje on his tippy toes is stupendous!
Okay! So this is the first picture I’ve uploaded of Icey since the Rainbow Bridge pictures. I was having to move pictures around to prepare for a tax appraisal hearing and I came across this one. And it miraculously (like 1 out of 100) is below the 500 KB limit. Maybe that explains the poor quality. Nonetheless, sometimes she would flop like this when Janice would be cleaning out her cage. I don’t know if it was her cage being restored to clean so she could mess it up again that made her so happy and content or if it was just Janice being down there with her in her space. Sometimes it was like this. Other times it was a boxing, charging, grunting battle of whose space it was. Of course Janice always won. Icey was such a pill. A little scamp, as sarahthegemini once stated.
Notice it’s getting close to haircut time again. If it weren’t for her ears you might not be able to recognize her head from her butt!
Oh, that is the sweetest! What a funny little poppet she was.
If it weren’t for her ears you might not be able to recognize her head from her butt!
haha, that reminds me of Dface’s bun, Peep. Although, most the time i cannot even distinguish his ears. Every now and then you spot a nose.
I resize my photos on ms paint. They’re gigantic when opened there and I reduce them to about 20% original size. The quality does suffer a bit.
What a beautiful fluff ball Icey was <3
Hahaha, loving that super fuzzy look In case of emergency, see where the carrot goes
Posted By Ellie from The Netherlands on 6/29/2018 1:09 AM
Hahaha, loving that super fuzzy look In case of emergency, see where the carrot goes
Or if it’s not an immediate emergency, then pay attention to which end she “drains the potatoes” from. The only cultural thing I’ve now learned about The Netherlands. But it’s a conversation starter….maybe……………..maybe not.
You think you’ve gotten over everything and are just cruising along and then you come across a picture like that. Oh how I miss her so. Too much personality to convey with words. Thanks for the kind acknowledgements of my precious little girl.
Yes, those pictures bring back so many memories. Bunnies are all so unique with each their special little habits and quirks, they all manage to hop off with our hearts ^_^
LOL, funny that you remembered that one One of my favourite Dutch comedians often uses things like these in his sketches. He’ll have this whole lecture about dialects and how special our local dialect sounds to newcomers. (We have the tendency to swallow the silent e at the end of verbs. Riding a bike “fietsen” is pronounced “fiets’n”.)
“Yes, our dialect sounds quite rustic and doesn’t really inspire inspire any romantic thoughts…However…. did I tell you that Twente girls are always really popular with the backpages phone numbers? It’s because they swallow everything…”
As soon as the audience is roaring he looks at them with his trademark deadpan look of innocence and goes: “Oh grooooossssss.. Oh there we gooooo… That THIS is the part to make you clap, I’d have thought a bit higher of you.”
Now I’ve got two things!
I thought it looked like Podge’s feet were casually crossed.
Looks like someone is enjoying the sunlight and a soft down comforter.
Everyone takes such clean, crisp, pictures and somehow keeps them uploadable in size. I’m jealous. Beautiful bunnies galore.
Posted By Q8bunny on 6/18/2018 11:01 AM
Here is Chewbacca in Canadia
Chewie: “I’m Canadian now, ‘Eh? Feed me.”
squeeee!! all the bunnies on this thread are making my heart so warm -also, glad to see chewie is feeling at home in canada!!
@ jersey, those pictures are stunning! the lighting on the fur is making it extra beautiful in my eyes I think!
leo got into a little brawl with the hay bag earlier, & I got lucky and was able to snap some pictures of him in the process. hope you’re all doing well – how is it almost july?? summer has been flying by, today is supposed to be the hottest day we’ve had all year so I’m in for a treat!!
I so love this thread. Eye candy bunnies!
@G.J: wow, that’s a grooming “invite” is ever I saw one. Very cute pic!
@jersey: that fur is astonishing! It looks so soft You always manage to snap amazing bunny pics ^_^
@olliebun: hehehe, I love destructobunnies. The clean-up after a little less…but at least it gives very cute pics!
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