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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › July Pics
Oh Hey! Where are all the July bunnies?
YAY bunny pics!!! Look at those bun bums! @jerseygirl what are their names? & I’ll have to go look for some July pics that aren’t blurry.
Here is Dorian being cute and a total pain at the same time, I think it was close to 1:30AM at this point and I had been trying to get him to bed for an hour!
what do you mean it’s bedtime? It’s obviously tunnel time!
They’ve mastered the “cute but annoying” thing. Lol.
I’m pretty sure I’ve ended up picking up both ends of a tunnel and carrying bun inside one time. Something to try next time he does this?
The bun in first photo I posted is TimTim aka Timbu.
The grey & white bun of the pair is Potamus and the orangey-brown bun is Pegasus.
Man I love these threads bc hello, who DOESN’T want a place where they can spam people with bun pics without feeling guilty?!
Jerseygirl – seeing them snuggled up like that makes me wanna get Tybalt a friend so bad 🙁
prince dorian the bun – WE WANT THE DORIAN PICSSSS
but here’s my lil pancake 😛
Love the little hidey-hut with rooftop bed. Looks like Tybalt has a friend there already.
I love that hidey house @talesOfTybalt , did you make it? and Tybalt is seriously the cutest bun, just look at him all snuggled with his toy.
& @jerseygirl, I try never to pick him up to get him in his room… but I think I did have to scoop him that night as I eventually did have to get to bed. The tunnel transfer is an idea I’ll keep as a back up plan! Luckily he is usually he is a lot easier to convince.
I did make it, thank you!! Can’t take credit for design though, I saw it on Amazon and it kept saying ‘Currently unavailable’ forever so I just recreated it best I could! I love how he uses the crook of the shoulder of the toy bunny to rest his head in when he sleeps :’) I have started seriously thinking of getting him a REAL friend though…
i took a lot of photos this week haha. here’s another of Louie enjoying his new bed that I made for him.
YAY Louie pics! is that a tissue box hay dispenser? That’s actually a great idea! He’s got a nice set up there.
@talesOfTybalt that house is great! I think of getting a bun friend for Dorian too, but not sure about the logistics yet.
@princedorian: Yup! Louie gets disinterested in the plain hay in his litter box, so I collect cereal boxes, tissue boxes, milk cartons, etc. to turn into hay dispensers for him to play with. His xpen is pretty much his home base as he free roams the entire room, but I’m not ready to get rid of it yet. 😉
He is so rich and chocolate-y!
@talesifTybalt, nice job with the house! It’s obviously liked. 🙂
Tybalt might be one to use his mate as a pillow. One of my past rabbits, Rumball, was big on this.
I just love all these photos!! You all have some seriously cute bunnies. 🙂
Here are some recent ones of Teddy (where does he come up with these sleeping positions?? 😉
omg! Look at him haha. I love that he’s snuggling with the stuffies.
hehe me too! the photos of your Rumball (and pillow-friend) are too adorable!!! ;D
OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! The one on the left looks like it’s been made of cinnamon!!!! Love love love them!!!
@jerseygirl that is tooo adorable i can deffo see tyb doing that, he’s just such a softie as well
@meg what a beautiful ball of fluff you have!!
hey thanks @talesofTybalt!! Tybalt is soooooo adorable!! <3
Rumball using his friend as a pillow is just precious!
@meg is Teddy a lionhead? such a fluff ball!
I tried to take some new photos of Dorian… but he is really into licking my phone when ever I pull it out right now so they are all a little blurry & weird 😀 , but I am seriously enjoying all the pics. This is my guilty quick work break pick me up!
jerseygirl: So cute! Timbu’s eyelashes! 😀 And sweet Rumball. 🙂
As soon as I saw Louie’s pictures I immediately thought “chocolatey”. I guess I wasn’t the only one 😆
Dorian is too handsome to go to bed early!
talesOfTybalt: Good job with that hidey house, Tybalt seems to love it!
Teddy looks so fluffy and soft!
sorry more Dorian spam (finally got him to pose!)
I think you’re interrupting a meeting 😆
LOL, it does look a bit like that… I am sure he is explaining important stuff to his elephpant. The pic did crop everything so you can’t see his cute ears though, he actually looks more inquisitive in the original. @Hazel we need bun pics from you too! 😀
I tried to take some pictures earlier, I got nothing but a big blurry mess 🙄 Maybe tomorrow 😆
What a shame about Dorian’s glorious ears!
The quest for naners.
“Mom, may I have some naners?”
“Big O, ya got any naners?”
“How about you Bubbs?!”
“Seriously guys, I’m not impressed with this naner situation!”
I am not sure what’s up with the images cropping his ears! I think it’s the sizing (the thumbnail in my profile images shows them off) .
I love the naners story! <3 So cute.
Yes, Teddy is a lionhead!! I thought for the longest time that he was a mix, maybe of Lionhead and Jersey Woolly or something. But then while trying to google what he might have looked like as a baby before I adopted him, I realized there’s something called a Cinnamon Lionhead and it does look a lot like Teddy! Funny thing is his dad (who was in the shelter with him) has orange fur.
Prince Dorian looks nice and relaxed! 🙂
Aww you guy’s have the cutest bunnies!!! I would post a picture of Trixie but i have no idea how, i am pretty new :/
If you go to your profile you can add photos there, and then add them into threads 🙂
@Louiethebunny Thank you so much! 😀 Here’s my bun i’ll get a better photo later
so cute! what breed is he/she?
Here’s Smokey (gray) OB (Black) and Silver (Californian) on their first post-surgery Bonding session!
@Hazel – I totally missed your post, so cute!! You have a white ferret too. So cute both of them.
So many cute buns!!
@TrixieandCookies is does your bun do the obstacle hopping? Sorry probably a better name for it! It looks like those poles are set up for it.
@ louiethebunny She is a mini rex!
@prince dorian the bun Yup she does! But not on command or on a leash i have to use a treat. Im still working on the training 🙂
If anyone is wondering what that black thing in the photo is thats shadow’s(one of my cats) tail. it got caught into the pic. lol
Meg: Thank you! 🙂
prince dorian the bun: Thanks! Bubbles and Oscar are pretty cute together. I don’t mean to promote bunny/ferret playdates (as that would generally be a bad idea 😉 ), but Bubbles is very old and slow, and Oscar isn’t worried about him whatsoever. 🙂
I crop my pictures before I put them in my profile, it’s a bit tedious but that’s the only thing I can think of to save Dorian’s ears. 😉
Trixieandcookies: I thought she looked like a Rex, she’s very cute! Does she have the curly whiskers?
HipHopBunny: You have such a beautiful trio! Looks like the bonding is off to a good start. 😀
@Hazel yup she got the curly whiskers
Oscar does too, although he’s only part Rex 🙂
all the cute bunnies, oh my! I can’t get my bunny a friend quite yet but I’m so bunny obsessed!!
This is how she eats her hay 🤣😂lol. Sorry thee pics pretty blurry!
@hiphopbunny you’re buns are adorable!😍
Hazel: Thank you! They did really well! 🙂 Although OB and Smokey had a bit of a tiff at one point. A work in progress. I love your ‘naner quest’, your bunny is so adorable! It is amazing that all of your pets get along with your bun! 🙂
TrixieandCookies: Your bunny is SO CUTE! 🙂
Here’s one more of my trio during the bonding session:
@HipHopBunny Thanks! They all get along pretty well. 🙂 What’s the boy/girl ratio with your trio? I’m guessing OB is a girl and Smokey is a boy? I can’t quite tell with Silver (girl)?
Hazel: They are all girls! (Although some of them like to think otherwise:lol:) I got them from someone who has lots of rabbits, so I can’t tell what Smokey and OB’s breed is. I’m guessing they are all descended from a Californian and an Australian?
So many cute July buns! Tybalt and Jersey, I love when buns use pillows to sleep, and those pictures definitely make me want to get another bun 🙂 Thor’s a real drama queen though, not sure if she will ever take to a bond…
Meg, such cute flops!
HipHopBunny – good luck with the bonding, a trio of girls would be so great 🙂
Here’s some July pictures of my snuggle-bug
ThorBunny- Your bunny is ADORABLE!!!! 😀 My fingers are crossed for an easy bond, they did well today, all of them grooming each other, will see how it goes 🙂 I hope you find some bun for your Thor!
@thorbunny your bunny is so cute!! She looks so sweet! Just adorable!
they are all so cute i can’t wait till I can get some rescue buns
@HipHopBunny – glad things are going well for you! fingers crossed they keep it up, a trio of girls would be ADORABLEEE
@ThorBunny your snugglebug looks so sweet investigating the post! My heart melts when I see Tybalt snuggled with his little baby bun toy :’)
Alll the bunnnnies ! You guys really came through with the pics. Enjoying this thread a lot. 😊
@prince Dorian the bun, I think I might know why your photos are getting cropped. I’ll send you a PM.
@HipHopBunny “Australian” isn’t really a known rabbit breed, at least as official breeds for show rabbits etc. but there is a commercial rabbit here, known as the Australian, that was Californian crossed with another large breed like Flemish or NZ breed. I cannot recall which. I learnt about those when I had my NZW girl.
Are you in Australia? I guess I never thought about newer commercial breed here being introduced overseas.
As for your girls, it would be hard to know for certain what they are. Except for Silver She def looks like a Cali. 🙂 Now that they’ve reached adulthood, they’ll fill out more and they’re final body shape & weight could help you determine the breed.
“OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! The one on the left looks like it’s been made of cinnamon!!!! Love love love them!!!“
@cottonballbun I’m not sure if this was in reference to the 2nd photo in this thread, and my rabbit Pegasus…but if so, I do agree. He does look like cinnamon! It makes me think of I had chose to rename him, I might have called him Cassia ! However, he was 6 when I got him last year so I was reluctant to rename him by that age. He probably wouldn’t have cared though. Lol.
Hi JerseyGirl! 🙂
Your bunnies are ADORABLE!! 😀
Oh, okay, I was looking up types of rabbits when I came across one that they called an ‘Australian’, and I thought that the picture looked a lot like OB 🙂 Trying to find out what breed she might be, or might be descended from. Thank you!
TaleofTybalt: Thank you! Tybalt is SO CUTE!!! 🙂
we just got Louie a new rug! it was fifty percent off and our old one was too shaggy and he was starting to pick it and dig at it. this one was a pretty good deal and he already likes it!
Here are some pics of (mostly) new shelter arrivals! The word of the day is FLOOFY!
Perhaps the floofiest of them all:
The floof is smooshed here, but she is still very floofy! I think she’s a wooly or angora??
Also not floofy, but one of our favorite girls, Ginny, was very proud of the burrow she is working on:
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Wow look at all that fur!
OMG the floofiest of all looks like she could be Teddy’s sister! I think she may be another cinnamon Lionhead!! 😀
Louiethebunny: Louie is SO CUTE!!! 🙂 I love his set-up too! Spoiled boy! 🙂
DanaNM: WOW! So much FLOOF!
Meg: Teddy is ADORABLE! So fluffy, so cute! 🙂
Thank you so much!! My partner and I are totally obsessed with him. 😉
And your girls are super sweet!!! <3
Louie is for sure super spoiled, but he LOVES it. He’ll toss a few toys around, flop over, and call it a day.
So many cute buns!! (I’d try and call them all out but I’d be here for a bit 😀 )
@DanaNM – Oh my they are so cute I don’t know how you don’t just go adopt them all! I really wish I could volunteer at the rescue we got Thor from, but it’s about an hour drive, so not convenient for frequent travel 🙁
Today was a little miss’s 5th birthday! Time flies!
I tried to get a picture of her with the number, but the second I put it down she jumped right in the middle and ruined it 😀
Happy 5th birthday Thor!!!! 😀 How do they get so old? My buns are almost 1 year old, just a few more months… 😮 They grow on us. 🙂 I LOVE what you did with the 5, now that is a true birthday dessert! 🙂 Silver, OB, and Smokey all give bunny kisses and best regards to Thor and you!
Happy Birthday Thor!
@Thorbunny it is a dangerous game LOL. If I had a bigger apartment it would be game over… I ended up with Bonnie because I just couldn’t leave her there. At least with the friendly and ridiculously adorable ones (and popular breeds like lionheads and lops) I know they will get adopted quickly.
Here are some updated pics of Bonnie relaxing! She really has come so far, a lot more quickly than I expected! (She was cage aggressive at the shelter and would box your hands if you reached near her, even when out to exercise).
Speaking of, Bonnie let me pet her this morning!! And she seemed to like it! *happy dance* 😀
Then apparently Myra was jealous and humped Bun Jovi, and BJ was SO confused. Poor guy!
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Happy Birthday, Thor! 😘 I love the treat you gave her and the plate!
Dana, what were you standing on to get the overhead photo? 😄
Happy to hear Bonnie is so settled. Loving her pose in that 1st photo. It’s always funny to me when they pop out one leg in front like that. Ailis did that a bit.
That pic of the jersey wooly at the shelter makes it look like it has massive eyelashes haha. The little face is so much like Potamus except for the shorter ears.
Happy (late) birthday Thor!! She’s like a kid stuffing her face with birthday cake :’)
Double yay for Bonnie! poor BJ with these girls around trying to mind his own business haha
Jerseygirl I agree I find it so cute and funny – Tybalt slowly stretches them out but kind of crosses his feet at the end? It’s so very… regal of him.
Apologies for the darkest and gloomiest looking pic ever but here’s my sweet boy last night in his pen right after coming home from his neuter surgery!
Oh no! I’m sorry I’m late. Wanted to wish Thor a happy birthday!💕 such a happy bunny!
@danaNM Bonnie is so cute! I’m glad you got to keep her!😀
@talesoftybalt Don’t mind how dark the picture is! He looks better than Trixie did after her spay! He is so cute!
@DanaNM: Look at Bonnie’s white socks, they look like Louie’s! So cute!
@tybalt: Aww look at him, what a cutie.
@jerseygirl I was just sitting in my office chair and reached my arm over! I have my “desk” set up right next to her pen. And yes I love her little white paw!
@talesofTybalt lol yes Bun Jovi doesn’t seem to mind (aside from getting humped)… he seems to really like Bonnie and always lays near her pen (he loves the ladies lol), but it’s Myra that is still so flustered by her presence!
@louiethebunny I love her white paw! It’s only 1 paw so it looks like she stepped in white paint. 🙂
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Bonding is still going well! Fewer tiffs each day! 🙂
DanaNM: Bonnie is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!
TalesofTybalt: I wish Tybalt a speedy recovery, he is still as adorable as ever! <3
@HipHopBunny no way are your bunnies that cute!!! a very regal looking trio <3
Hoppy belated Birthday, Thor! 😀
Tybalt is such a trooper, holding it together after his neuter, still looking dapper! 🙂
@HipHopBunny They look pretty bonded to me already. Nice work! 😀
@DanaNM Bun Jovi is a saint! Beware the wrath of a patient man… 😆
Cottonballbun: Thank you! 🙂
Hazel: Bonding is doing well. Although there were a few tiffs yesterday, Silver humped OB, OB bit Smokey… but overall they did well. 🙂 I’m thinking maybe one more week in the neutral territory then semi-neutral territory? 😕
@HipHopBunny Sounds like a good plan! 🙂
I’ve never used litter screens in Oscar’s boxes, but I saw you guys talk about them recently and decided to try it.
Oscar giving it a whirl:
Mosby has gotten into the habit of sneaking into the bunny box when no-one’s looking. The screen turned out to be 100% cat repelling! He’s not happy with me…
And a bonus bunny yawn! 😀
I rarely get pics of Louie’s yawns, or videos of him flopping, because he never gives any indication! Those lucky people with buns that show when they’re about to flop: you’re so lucky!!
Louiethebunny: It would be great if all buns could let us know when they are about to flop so we can get the camera ready! 🙂
Hazel: Oscar is SO CUTE!!! Yay for bunny yawns! One of the cutest sites! 🙂
The bonding has had a set-back. There have been a little more tiffs than I would like for neutral territory, so I figure maybe 1 more week in neutral, then reassess. I was also figuring of trying ‘the stunt double’ trick that they recommended in the bonding section. If anyone has any tips or tricks, they would be greatly appreciated! 🙂
Last week Louie started peeing on my bed, so I had to leave him in the xpen when I wasn’t around to watch him, but he learned how to jump out of his xpen onto the window sill. I moved his xpen away from the window, and put a sheet over half of the top so he would have a cool place to chill out, since he can’t free roam the whole room to cool off when I’m gone. Now that his xpen cover is here, I moved the xpen back to its normal spot with the cover and a sheet on top. The little guy now started exploring the top as a second level of his pen, he’s so curious!
A wonderful vantage point for Louie! Rabbits often like to rest on elevated spots!
Happy belated birthday @Thorbunny !
@Hazel – that is actually something I wondered if those with Kitties have issues with them sneaking into the buns litter boxes! Sounds like you found a solution though.
@Louiethebunny – what an explorer Louie is! You have a nice set up too. Dorian get’s discouraged by something that’s barely taller than him 😀 such different personalities. Though he does oddly try and climb up the wall… doesn’t really go anywhere but not from lack of trying.
@princedorian: Thank you! I sewed Louie’s xpen bottom and matching “flop mat”, and the colors match his fur, so cute! Louie has tried to climb the wall too, very strange.
@Louiethebunny : Awesome setup! Looks like Louie loves his vantage point! 🙂 Oscar isn’t much of a climber/jumper. I only need a one grid high fence to keep him out of the kitchen. He jumped it one time because he got excited about food, but I think it was more of an accident. Once he was on the other side, he looked quite shocked and tried to find his way back immediately. Again, jumping didn’t spring to mind, I had to help 😆 I love how Louie is so adventurous!
@prince dorian the bun : I’m pretty happy with it. 🙂 He won’t get in it now because he can’t dig in the litter.
@HipHopBunny : I’m sorry you hit a little bump in the road. Keep it up though, I think they’re doing great overall!
@Hazel: There was more pee today, and tiffs… But there are still cuddles and grooming, so they are doing decently. 🙂 Thank you for the encouragement! (I needed it with the way they are going, OB is being a brat to Smokey 🙁 ) I’m glad to hear that Oscar is doing well!
@Louiethebunny: I absolutely LOVE Louie’s set-up! He is too spoiled for his own good! 😀
Thank you @hazel and @hiphopbunny!
@Louiethebunny – I wonder what they are thinking when they try and climb the walls? It’s so weird to me. Is it a normal bunny thing I wonder?
@Hazel – if I get a kitty again I’ll have to remember that! Though may check it out just anyway since it looks like it would make cleaning a little easier.
Well to be fair, our other cat never showed any interest in hijacking Oscar’s litter box so I guess it depends on the cat. Mosby’s way too big for it, I think he does it just because he knows he’s not supposed to 🙄
Ahhh, someone get me off of PetFinder! In the past day or two, tons of bunnies have been added to PetFinder in my location, including a bunch of babies from a pregnant momma bunny that was surrendered, they are all so darn cute! I would love to adopt one, but that would mean a few months of waiting to get her back to the shelter for spaying, then letting her recover after the spay, then pre-bonding, then bonding sessions. I’m not at the point where I’m able to adopt another rabbit quite yet, but darn! All these rabbits are so cute! A quick question if anyone is able to answer, my Petfinder is within 100 miles from my area, and I was wondering, would it be worth it to drive more than around 50ish miles? The time spent in the car would be pretty long for a poor bunny, especially if they are unfamiliar with me and the car.
I know the feeling @Louiethebunny ! There will always be more bunnies though…
I don’t think 50 miles is too bad… The shelter I volunteer at gets rabbits from a sister shelter that’s about 70 miles away (they are in the same county but don’t have as high of adoption rates), and the bunnies do OK. They just need some extra time to calm down after the journey.
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
@Louiethebunny – I totally understand, I keep eyeing the local shelter where I got Dorian but they are pretty low on buns and kitties too. I am not really at a place to adopt either right now, so probably for the best! I think I would want to go the speed dating route as figure it be better if Dorian can pick his own friend, but right now it looks like the rescue that offers that isn’t at the time (understandably).
@princedorianthebun: shelters near me only have adoption by appointment, so hopefully later this year if I decide to adopt a friend for Louie, I can try some speed dates. Schools in my city have all announced starting the school year completely online, so this year may actually be a good year to find Louie a friend, I’ll be home a lot more to work on bonding..
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › July Pics