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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › July Chat
Chewie, Fresno, Bun Jovi
Happy July everyone!
June’s over?
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It’s hard to believe it’s already July.
talesOfTybalt: Tee-hee, nice one! 😆
People aren’t supposed to shoot off fireworks yet here. Interesting how there are so many “booms” outside. 🙄
I can’t believe July is here. I feel like the entire year is just flashing before my eyes. In other news, I spotted a wheel bug nymph today. I picked him up and moved him over to a plant. I told him to be free and eat as many insects as he likes.
Happy July! I’m both sad that the year is going fast but excited for nicer weather to come back around. I have an outside job, so working in this 100 degree heat has been more than unenjoyable.
kanin: I feel you. I get to work in 100 degrees too, with the humidity going through the roof. I drink so much water at work that I literally end up making myself sick.
LBJ: Nice, I’m sure the nymph appreciated it! 😀 I spotted one of those black furry caterpillars the other day, I was gonna move him but he was dead already. 🙁
Hazel: Can’t take credit for it unfortunately, but it makes me laugh every year 😛
Oh gosh and here in the UK I’ve seen approximately 3 days of sunshine, 28 degrees being the highest (I think that’s like 80ish degrees for you guys?)
Here in the PNW it’s still pretty mild. Things are opening up a little and I’ve been going on hikes and spending time outside. It rains every other day and is sunny the rest. It’s only July but I’m worried about leaving Louie at home when school starts back up, I’m usually gone from 7 am until 3 pm. Even though he sleeps all throughout the day, it’s hard to imagine leaving him alone for so long. Luckily, this fall, I only attend class in-school twice a week and online the rest.
Hazel – He was very wary of me picking him up. LOL I’ve been finding lots of insects lately. Those milkweed beetles don’t want to stay on your hand though. 😐
It has been in the 90s since the start of June and very humid. So yeah, it sucks anytime I have to do fieldwork.
I have a Bonnie update! Last night I decided to let her free-roam overnight because she seems to have no interest in chewing things or digging the carpet. Woke up around 4 this morning to her zooming around the apartment! 😀 So happy she is getting more comfortable here!
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Happy 4th of July everyone!
DanaNM: Yay, for Bonnie on settling in! 🙂
The weather here has been in the 90s lately, nice weather for swimming 🙂
Happy 4th of July those who celebrate 🙂
Hooray Bonnie!!
Go Bonnie, go!!! 😀
Happy 4th everyone! Now stop with the fireworks already, poor Mosby is hiding under the bed. 😐
DanaNM: Congrats to Bonnie, I absolutely love the name btw. I’m new to owning a bunny, and it’s been quite a fun handful so far. How long did it take Bonnie to get more comfortable in your apartment?
Aww, Bonnie! 🙂
OK, you can tell I’m bored. I go for walks in the evening and I keep picking up cicada nymphs crawling on the sidewalk and putting them on the nearest tree.
@Hope We started fostering her about 5 weeks ago! I ended up having to change our set-up around after the first week though, so it’s only been 4 weeks with the current set-up. The first couple weeks she showed no interest in coming out, and didn’t even move around her pen very much. I even had to move her water bowl closer to her fav spot because she wasn’t even going to the other side of the pen to drink.
After about a week and a half, I started attaching a second pen to her pen and scattering treats around. For the first few days she didn’t even go out to get the treats.
But then I think after maybe the 4th week she would start going into the pen readily, so I would leave it up overnight for her to explore in peace and quiet. Then just this week started just giving her access to the apartment.
She is still skittish, but getting less so! Last night she came out while we were still up, and didn’t bolt into her pen when I walked by, so that’s a big improvement. 🙂 One of the reasons we started fostering her was because she was just not doing well in the shelter and had been in the system for about 3 years. She was getting cage aggressive and just wasn’t thriving. We will likely end up adopting her, or at least fostering her long enough to help her get adopted.
Every bunny is so different though! Bun Jovi was climbing all over me and getting into everything from day 1!
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DanaNM: That’s awesome! i hope everything works out good with both of your bun-buns😂
I figured I’d update BB for those I haven’t talked to on Instagram over the past year.
We attempted bonding A&B (again) back in October. And all actually seemed right with the world for the first 2-3 days they were together full time. So I finally decided they were fully bonded and slept in the bedroom. No luck, 3 hours later I heard a lot of racket in the living room. Found the boys having a tumble. Separated them, and decided I’m done with attempting a bond. We moved Asriel to the bedroom and kept Bombur in the living room. They’ve been happily free roam in their respective areas since November. Most days we’ll put a grate up between the living room and the bedroom so they can hangout and it seems to do them good. Always lots of flops and of course grooms only from Asriel. So it’s nice they still get enrichment from each other.
Healthwise- Asriel is still healthy as an ox (knock on wood), just a milk case of dental disease. Which the vet said was normal for lops to start developing around 3, so nothing to worry about. Bombur, as per usual, is my little mess. He’s had a few bouts of EC flare up in the past year. Most recently he’s been dealing with URIs and a weepy right eye. It started in January, cleared up, came back in April, cleared up, and now his right eye won’t stop weeping. They did a tear duct flush at his follow up in May, which seemed to help it at first. But now it’s just constantly wet again. So could be a tooth root issue, as he does have a more aggressive dental disease (that damn smooshy face). But overall he’s not worse for the wear.
A&B: Welcome back! 🙂 Thanks for the update on your little guys. I’m glad to hear they’re mostly doing well, hopefully something can be done for Bombur’s eye. That’s too bad the bond didn’t work out, but it’s nice that they still enjoy each other’s company through the divider. 🙂
And some good news, my phone works again! 😀
Hey guys!!
I came back briefly a while ago and then vanished again 😆 this time I’ll try stick about a bit more!
I cant believe we are over half way through the year! Im still emotionally processing February … The one thing great about quarantine is that even though I havent really done anything this year, neither has anyone else! So I dont feel bad about it…oh pandemic, the great equaliser of us all.
Nubnub (my “foster”) went off to his new home a so I am back down to three buns: The floofs and the danger potato.
For those who don’t know me: Im D, I have 2 rabbits and a gremlin in the shape of a rabbit, that I refer to as Moink.
I’ve had him for a year and a half, and so far have:
-failed to bond him 6 times,
-had many disastrous vet visits, (including the time he humped a teddy so determinedly that he …*ahem*.. rubbed himself raw and needed medical attention)
-lost him countless times (I have never lost the other rabbits this creature does not obey the laws of any known universe)
-made questionable progress with his mental state
-not established that he actually is a rabbit
But sure he’s himself.
As for the pair, for anyone who doesn’t know, quick update:
Peep has been really up and down over the last year, he was diagnosed with Pseudomonas in June 2019, and given very poor odds. But he’s still here and still my grouchy gorgeous cloud. We take it a day at a time with him and mostly work on keeping him comfortable, while the infection is mostly gone, the damage it seems to have done means he know sounds like a pug(or a delightful little pig).
And like always Yumi is my perfectly imperfect little doll
Hi Dface! Nice to meet you! 🙂
Wow, you sure have had quite the time with your bunnies! I’m sorry to hear that your bun got Pheusdomonas and I hope he gets better! Poor guy 😥 But it’s good to hear that your other bunnies are doing good 🙂
Over here I’m in the midst of the Pee Wars, but they just got spayed, so hopefully it will settle down.
Hoppy February! (Can’t be July, too soon, although the weather here says otherwise… 🙂 )
@Dface your descriptions of Moink made me snort laugh! Oh Moink!! What a wild man! And 6 bonding attempts?! You must be the most patient person in the universe.
Poor Peep, but glad he’s hanging in there. I’m sure you are thankful for every day with him. <3
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Can’t believe we’re 1/3 into July already. Summers passing by, and with lockdown here it’s hard to go out and do all the fun “summer things.” That isn’t too big a problem though, I love chilling out in my room with Louie. (2 month gotcha day anniversary today!!!) I’ve been doing research about finding him a friend, hopefully, later this year or next as school and work gets back to normal he can have a bunny friend to spend the day with while I’m gone, though he typically flops in the sun all afternoon long.
Hoppy 2 month buniversary, Louie!
Dee, it’s so lovely to see you here again!
Thanks @Bam 🙂 So many new faces!
@DanaNM aye most days with Moink feels like the lord is testing me. I tried myself 3 times, and then he went to bonders on top of those times, mutliple times with the same rabbits, different rabbits…the general consensus is he’s an ass. We even tried him with rabbits who are considered “easy bond” rabbits(ie bonded to “unbondable” buns before), babies dont even seem to false bond to him. He’s unpredictable and prone to moods even at the best of times, even when things are going is way it’s not unusual for him to have a meltdown and freak the other bun out… So I have classed him as unbondable for now, and will revisit when I have the energy to deal with his shenanigans ( a year of on and off bonding is both exhausting and expensive!)
Hi @HipHopBunny, I know all about the pee wars… keeping unbonded bunnies in the same house is a recipe for hard work !!
I am feeling very demotivated this weekend..I planned to do the divil and all , and I have barely even brushed the buns…ah sure..guess there is always next weekend!
Moink is an interesting rabbit for sure! Keeping things entertaining! 😆 As DanaNM said, you are a VERY patient person 🙂 Hang in there! 🙂
Yesterday I did the first bonding session, it actually went pretty well, I’m hopeful for an easy bond! 🙂 Although there was still A LOT of pee…. work in progress. I hope you find somebun for Moink!
today Louie peed in my bed 😅 we stripped all the sheets and blankets and I put him in time out in the xpen. He is a sassy little dude.
Stinker! Is that the first time he’s done that?
My rabbit TimTim has access to my bed and thankfully has good litter habits. But he did pee on it a bit when he was younger. 🙄
Now, if he does it, it’s actually an indicator for me that he is unwell. So while it’s annoying- it’s also helpful for me to know when something is up.
@ Dface & A&B, great to hear updates about your fur crews. I’m sorry the bonding attempts haven’t worked out though.
Also Yay for NubNub. I hope he’s happy with his new people. 🙂
He usually has great littler habits except for a few stray poops here and there, but he’s only 7 months old so I don’t expect his litter habits to be perfect quite yet. He also gave himself a new zoomy circuit which occurs in the morning at 8:30-9 am which includes running around the room then hopping on my bed. He also learned the skill of running across my laptop keyboard for attention.
@louiethebunny Aww that’s so cute! Trixie would never do that. She also has not perfect litter habits and shes already over a year old! I don’t mind though and its not out of hand or anything just a few stray poops and every once in awhile an accident.
“He also learned the skill of running across my laptop keyboard for attention.”
Are you sure he isn’t a cat?? 😛
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Funny story, Louie behaves similarly to one of my aunt’s old cats, he crawls into your lap for attention and pets!
Louiethecat! 😆
Strange… I just get the eerie feeling someone is watching me. Like psychic bunny powers “You will pet me. You. Will. Pet. Me”.
I can’t seem to stop picking up cicada nymphs and putting them on the nearest tree. We can’t go for walks around the neighborhood without me keeping an eye on the sidewalk. I’m so weird… and yet, they are cute and I can’t help but want to help them along.
So I have been sprouting all these carrot tops to hopefully be emergency veg in case RHDV hits my area hard… and they were coming along nicely. Prob had about 16-20 tops sprouting…
Then last night my cat knocked them off the table and Bonnie ate them all! Aside from a few that were trapped under the container.
She seemed very pleased with herself this morning. :p
No treats for her for a few days, she got enough carrot to last the month! lol
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I have several plots at a community garden and I’ve filled several beds with greens exclusively for Louie, I have a bed of lettuce, and another with carrots for the greens and parsley. I also snip some twigs off the raspberry bush for him to chew on. Every other day I full up a container of greens for him, and it’s much more inexpensive than buying from the store.
This was mostly meant to be my indoor-grown supply incase I didn’t feel it was safe to get outdoor grown veg (I’m very near to the current RHDV2 outbreak). womp womp.
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fingers crossed more vaccines can be produced!
yes! Our vet has ordered ours, so hopefully it will be here in the next few weeks!!!
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
I’ve tried to grow things inside before (just because) and it never seems to work well. I definitely have a brown thumb. 🙁
Growing things inside doesn’t work too well for us either… we have a small herb garden outside our front door of several high pots with herbs for cooking and for Louie.
Oops. Sorry about the carrot tops Dana. They must have plotted that together.
Could you try buying carrots with tops on, use most the greens but plant the top of carrot with some still intact. I know you can do it with just the top of the carrot but my thinking is if some greens still there, it might encourage the growth of more faster. Full disclosure; I’m also a black thumb, so this idea may be a failure! 😄
btw, purple carrots produce really big carrot tops. 🙂
Oh no the carrot tops! 😕
Is it just the US where the VHD2 vaccine needs to be imported and such and also why is it not easily/readily available?
Yeah, vaccines aren’t required in the US for rabbits, so the vaccines need to be imported. I hope I can get one for Louie because his one year vet visit is coming up in a few months.
Until recently RHDV2 was not present in most places of the US, and it was not in wild rabbits. Currently it is only available to import (after permitting) if RHDV2 has been documented in your state. Unfortunately people cannot be proactive and get it until it shows up in their state.
However, it is in the wild rabbit population now, so I think the USDA knows it is here to stay and will keep spreading. I’ve heard rumors they are going to start producing it in the US as well, so hopefully in the future it will be easier to get.
If you are in a state with confirmed RHDV2, it’s best to get in touch with your vet and see if they are working on importing the vaccine.
. . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.
Oh that’s so sad! Idk why I just assumed it would be more readily available in the US than in the UK where I am. I was trying to find info on how widespread it is over here but it’s all been v general info – since it’s readily available I’m guessing we have cases of it everywhere?
I had Tyb vaccinated against it 3 weeks after his first combined vhd one just because I was scared about even taking him into the back garden but I hope it does get easier for everyone to get over there!
I got some good news about Bubbles. As some of you might know, he has Insulinoma (cancer of the pancreas) and is taking Prednisolone to combat the high Insulin levels caused by the tumors. Recently I noticed that he’s starting to show some fluid retention which is a common side effect of the medication. So I decided to try and dial down the dose. He is also taking CBD as a pain reliever, and I hoped that it could possibly slow down the cancer as well. He previously needed 1.4ml of Pred a day to keep his blood sugar in check, I weaned him down to 1ml a day now, and he shows no signs of low blood sugar. So to me it looks like the CBD might actually be shrinking the tumors, which would be pretty amazing. I don’t want to go so far as to assume he’s cured, but I will continue to cut back on the Pred and see how he copes.
Little Louie Update: Because of his not-so-desirable behavior, (bed-peeing), he is confined to his xpen during the day when I am not in our room to watch him. I let him free roam all night, and some during the morning, then he is in the xpen during the day when I’m not around. I thought he would be bored and chew on the xpen as he used to, but by getting his exercise at night and in the morning, he actually just dozes off during the day and is perfectly fine. I reduced his pellets some more, and both that and the time he spends in the pen have really helped his hay eating. He now eats tons of hay compared to before. He now eats around 2x his body size, before he was eating a pile the size of himself each day. So glad that doubled! We have also started carrier training, just so he is more comfortable if we ever need to take him in it. I leave the carrier with his favorite bed in the room with the door removed, and occasionally he goes inside. I also take it out and teach him to go inside with a treat. His trick “spin” has improved so much, and he does the spin with a subtle hand motion and sometimes a treat, and he also learned that when I go near the xpen with his treats, he should go in. Very happy with these improvements! Due to the amount of hay he’s consuming, he also drinks a lot more water as well.
@Hazel I’m glad that Bubbles is doing better, hope to hear of more improvements soon!
@Louiethebunny Yay for Louie! 🙂 Staying happy and healthy.
Update on bonding: All doing well, there have been no improvements and no downfalls. I am debating on when it would be best to start the ‘stunt double’ trick. Any advice is welcomed! 🙂
@HipHopBunny : Thanks, I’ll let you know how it goes. 🙂 The stunt double is often used before the rabbits even have any face to face meetings (in case there’s any major aggression, they can take it out on the double), so I think you could try that out right away if you want. It might help smooth things out. In my opinion it’s always best to stick to whatever level of bonding you’re at until you see no further improvements, and then move up to the next stage. Take my advice with a grain of salt though, I’ve never actually gone through the bonding process myself 😆
@Louiethebunny : Sounds like he’s doing great! Would love to see him do his spin trick! 😀
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › July Chat