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Forum BONDING Jersey and Rumball – progress report

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    • jerseygirl
      22352 posts Send Private Message

         I’m celebrating!  Tonight there was grooming! And it was JERSEY grooming RUMBALL!!!   *pinches self*

        I’ll try update in more detail in the morning.  I was becoming dejected at their lack of progress, so I am really pleased with this.  Yay!

        Boring video to view –  but to me it’s hope (and evidence).


      • BinkyBunny
        8776 posts Send Private Message

          YEAHHH!!! I know it’s still a day at a time thing still, but these positive signs sure are worth celebrating!

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            Yeah, celebrate while it lasts…

            I meant to write up about sessions up until this point but they’re all starting to blur. I’m a bit lost. I’ve read so much bonding info and spent this last week bunny sitting in the bathroom that I’m all mixed up. I’m tired of my bathroom! Thing is, they seem to do best there. Much more accepting of one another there. I tried a pen in the living room twice now and there’s much more aggression from Jersey. It’s not out of hand and I think Rumball has become less frightened by it. She’ll be really ansty toward him, then approach later and lay down very close or they’ll touch noses or just hang out. He quite comfortable with her then. I think he’s learnt that she’s a contrary Miss! She’s just more put out by being in a pen I think. It’s very unfamiliar to her. I’ve given her too much freedom from the get go and now I’m paying for it.

            On a recent session in the bathroom, I popped them both in a box to carry them there. This seemed to be more affective than atop the wash machine so I stomped around the house for a few minutes then put them in the bath. Turned on the radio and watched. (I jokingly say they spent a night at the Opera as that’s all I could tune into on radio. Lucky buns even had their own box.) They did stay nearby one another for long after the box ride and snuggled I guess. The next night they settled in the bath fairly quickly but it was an 80minute session ending with the grooming I posted about above.

            Side by side petting seems to be the best aid in these sessions. (More hands on…) I haven’t tried the car ride yet. Next step?
            I feel bad to stress them when both are undergoing so many changes to routine as is. Should I do stress bonding then back to bath or try them in their own area? I thought if I clean it through then open the barrier fence and let them interact out there.

            I think I need some direction. I’m only a week into this but am already in a muddle.
            Grateful for any advice…

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Ok, to simplify…I’m seeing some progress with their interaction in the bath so should I continue doing this, for longer sessions? Or move things along now and try new area or stress bonding?

            • BinkyBunny
              8776 posts Send Private Message

                Boy, do I understand the “muddled” feeling. It does become a one big blur, and if you are in the bathroom – you can get some nasty body aches too!
                So how long have they been getting along in the bathroom. If it’s been just a day or so, I’d stick with it a bit longer. If it’s been a week, (sorry, my mind is muddled now as far as schedules goes – this bonding thing turns minds to mush!), then maybe you could try somewhere else. Maybe start in the bathroom, let them get comfortable and from that situation move them so they are already in that mindset. IF the get all jumpy in the new place, then yeah, you may have to stress them first. I think though that it may still be too early to put them back in their territory in my opinion. Though right now I am in “learning” mode too as our situations have some similarities. Hopefully some other people will soon pop in with what worked with them with their challenges.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks. I think I just needed someone else to say “Do this…” I don’t have anyone else on hand (in the flesh) that’s experienced – or interested!
                  I’ll rug up and continue with bathroom dates I think.

                • Kokaneeandkahlua
                  12067 posts Send Private Message

                    Awwwwwww that video is adorable!! Rumball just seems like the perfect name for that little wombat *errr* bunny

                    I think your doing a great job bonding! It looks like it’s coming along great!

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      Jersey, I found when I bonded mine that the small neutral space, such as xpen, made Mops really uncomfortable, and he would bite. Any stress-bonding sessions had the same effect (usually I got bit by accident, once in my lower back, ouch). I know, most bonding is done in small enclosures, but if you have any open space that Jersey hasn’t claimed as hers, yet, you could try them there. I’d say once the bathtub sessions resemble each other a lot with the grooming and relaxing and flopping… you should take it to next level.

                      –Or, you could try a new strategy, it’s called ‘wombat’ bonding and has to be done outdooors! Wear gloves, and catch a wombat… (Warning: this is stress bonding extreme!) you then introduce both rabbits to the wombat at the same time in your car! Most rabbits tend to take to each other rather than fraternize with the wombat, although I am not sure if this holds true for Rumball….

                    • Deleted User
                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                        please: nobody try this wombat stuff… i will not be responsible!

                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                          please: nobody try this wombat stuff… i will not be responsible!

                          LOL *snickers* Wombat bonding…I still can’t believe I thought poor Rumball was a wombat

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            I think, Kate should change his name to ‘Womball’

                          • RabbitPam
                            11002 posts Send Private Message

                              …or Rumbat

                            • TARM
                              1253 posts Send Private Message

                                Wow. I’m really lucky. Marshmallow and Digger already live together 24/7 like they’ve been together their whole lives. No more humping or anything. Good luck to you.

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  KK: go to the shelter and check that everybun is a member of the species rabbit.

                                • Cassi&Charlie
                                  1260 posts Send Private Message

                                    Jerseygirl your doing the same thing I did, bonding when it’s cold! LOL. I spent so long in the bathroom when I was binding Layla & Charlie, in winter, that I moved them to a new space out of sheer frusteration. Can you put them in the kitchen? Wipe down everywhere with a vinegar solution and then cover al the sides of the x-pen with sheets so that nothing looks familiar. I did that straight out of the bathroom & it worked well. The trick is to make sure it all looks new to them, so that Jersey isn’t aggressive (hopefully).
                                    Good luck!

                                  • 3crazybuns
                                    222 posts Send Private Message

                                      YAYYYYY For grooming!!!! Keep up the good work, i really enjoy reading your “blog” on their bonding sessions! =)

                                    • jerseygirl
                                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                                        Cass, I had thought something like that. With the pen, I think that because she can see out, that makes her frustrated, so the sheets idea may help with that – ta. I had also thought if they’re not bonded in a months time, I’d fly you aver to Adelaide and pay you a fee to do it! Pay you somehow…

                                        Rumball is a total Womball – Rumbat! He just sits or lays in the same place for most of the session while Jersey prances about.

                                        The ‘aggression’ has really abated.  I think Rumball is calling her bluff now too.  Despite her carry ons, I keep finding her in the bathroom at various times, she’s much more interested in that room now.  .She groomed him 4 times last night. Once, encourage by me (side by side head pets, continued petting her as she groomed him) The other three times she went to him independantly. I finally got him to groom her – a few token licks… then he thumped and hopped off, turned and mounted her. After 3-4 session of no mounting. He expects to be groomed, not to groom!

                                      • Beka27
                                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                                          Can you move them into your bedroom? Is that neutral enough to both?

                                        • jerseygirl
                                          22352 posts Send Private Message

                                            I wish. There’s only just enough room for the furniture. Plus I’d end up falling asleep on the bed. I did the pen in the kitchen and this worked really well. I’m even finding I can trust them more and take my eye’s of them and do other things.

                                            The eye grooming gives me the shivers though. When they ‘nibble’ at the eye… Rumball does balk a few times at Jersey’s grooming – I guess if she’s hit a sensitive spot. He always settles in for more though. I have to laugh at him, he likes to get “secondary’ grooms. So if Jersey is grooming herself near by he’ll shuffle forward on his belly and smoosh his face into her. She was cleaning her extended hock and he just stuck his head under it!

                                            How do I get her to remain calmer for when he grooms her? He hardly does but has tentatively started (very minimal). When he started near her eye, she jumped aside and growled. It’s like she doesn’t know what is going on… Maybe doesn’t completely trust him? I tried to keep petting her back to keep her settled but it didn’t work in this instance. Maybe she’s just not ready yet? I think I get too involved and should step back, let them take things at their own pace.

                                          • BinkyBunny
                                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                                              Posted By jerseygirl on 04/29/2009 03:09 AM
                                                I have to laugh at him, he likes to get “secondary’ grooms. So if Jersey is grooming herself near by he’ll shuffle forward on his belly and smoosh his face into her. She was cleaning her extended hock and he just stuck his head under it!

                                              Jack does this too!  SO funny to watch

                                              How do I get her to remain calmer for when he grooms her? He hardly does but has tentatively started (very minimal). When he started near her eye, she jumped aside and growled. It’s like she doesn’t know what is going on… Maybe doesn’t completely trust him? I tried to keep petting her back to keep her settled but it didn’t work in this instance. Maybe she’s just not ready yet? I think I get too involved and should step back, let them take things at their own pace.

                                              My first thought was to pet her to calm her during this, but you said that doesn’t work. It may be that once they continue to gain trust (you said they are getting better) it will happen naturally. If you see it escalating the tension overall and if this makes them digress then would be a problem,  but since they seem to progressing along, this might be something that they will work out.

                                              Another thought: You could also try to pet him when he does this so she may see that nothing negative is happening.  That may relax her  ????

                                            • jerseygirl
                                              22352 posts Send Private Message

                                                I was thinking if I was doing that or not. I have to really point him to it, coax him into grooming. I though she requested a groom yesterday i.e. head under his and he turned away and thumped! He’s always the one requesting grooms. I think I’ll have to them them sort it out. I may try putting banana or something on her forehead yet though. 

                                                Any aggressive behaviour I see in Jersey is triggered by jealousy (involving me). It’s not really all that aggressive and Rumball isn’t so bothered by her tantrums now, but I’ve had to change my approach in some things. Like, if I’m in the pen I give equal attention to both, and I’m finding it better to put her in the pen after him and not the other way round like I had been doing. I did it that way as thought I was sticking too unwritten rule of putting 1st bunny first. However, in her view, when I’d be putting Rumball in with her, all she could see was me and him together and she didn’t like it. They other way round, it’s him alone in pen, her and me going to him in pen. If that all makes sense.

                                              • Cassi&Charlie
                                                1260 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Just with the banana, we tried this and Layla ended up trying the chew out Charlie’s fur to get every last bit of banana out LOL! It ended up a bit disasterious so keep your eye on him, esp if he’s a greedy guts like Laya is.

                                                  It’s so funny that she’s having jealousy tantrums when your trying to put her 1st. Guess she cant guess your motives, lucky you can guess hers :p

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                                              Forum BONDING Jersey and Rumball – progress report