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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE January Chat

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    • Dface
      1084 posts Send Private Message

        I may have missed it but I can’t seem to find the January thread…

        So with a slight delay, white rabbit white rabbit white rabbit.

        January so far has been hectic for me, my SO and myself both moved to a new house together and we both started new jobs today.
        Im dying of a chest infection though so Im not really feeling the excitement…

        We have re-entered talks of turning our pair into a trio, in the spring when we are a bit more settled…
        I must be a glutton for punishment looking to bond in a third bunny in as many years nearly

      • Bam
        16977 posts Send Private Message

          White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit!

          Dface, that’s exciting!

        • BunnyLass568
          446 posts Send Private Message

            White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit

            That’s really cool DFace, about moving I mean and I’m so sorry that you’re sick, here’s hoping you get better! ❤

            Guess who has high blood pressure AND diabetes (type 2). Yay fun?

            ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

          • Azerane
            4689 posts Send Private Message

              White rabbit, white rabbit, white rabbit.

              DFace new house and new jobs is vey exciting! I can only imagine the stress of some of that has contributed to your illness.

              Been deep cleaning the bunny cage today, fur everywhere. Its like a snowfield. I weighed Apollo again, not a single change in his weight at all. So I’ve also decide to rearrange their part of the room, I’ve rotated the cage and their playpen will actually end up bigger. I’m hoping the change will bring some life back to him and inspire some exercise. I also going to reduce the amount of bunny stuff I have (worn out toys and other various bits and pieces they never use).

              Jasper (kitten) was spayed just over a week ago, it got infected on day 6 so we had to go back to the vet. She is now wearing a onesie made out of girls leggings, she looks completely adorable in it.

            • Dface
              1084 posts Send Private Message

                She is now wearing a onesie made out of girls leggings

                Umm Az, where are the pictures ?
                Im sorry to hear that it got infected(am I right to say that also happened with your other kitty?) it’s such a pain…!

                I’ve been cleaning every second day to try keep on top of the mess the buns make, and because my SO is allergic to them… My god the fur. Im pulling up the equivalent of another rabbit worth of it. I dont remember it being this bad when they were on a non carpet surface…

                The chest infection is clearing well, but Im very out of my depth in the new job and feel very overwhelmed. But I guess if I stick it out for 6 weeks I can make a decision then.

                BunnyLass – oh no ? that sounds like a rough go of it

              • Azerane
                4689 posts Send Private Message

                  I promise I’ll upload pics, I’ve taken plenty ? Jasiri’s spay didn’t get infected, she was all healed up by the time we first brought her home as she was spayed while much younger.

                  I know the feeling with the bun mess, the shedding has been worse than ever this year. While cleaning I decided to rearrange their area and move their cage. It ended up with Apollo stuck on the very top shelf for 7 hours. Lol. I wouldn’t have left him so long but I wanted him to get down himself, in the end I picked him up off of there and put him on the main top level, only to realise he was also stuck up there. Because I rotated the long side of the cage away from the wall, I think he was too scared to use the steps because they’re more exposed. I ended up bringing him down to the bottom level and he’s been running around and exploring ever since. I’m hoping that once he goes back up he’ll have a bit more confidence to come back down again.

                  I’ll also add pics of the bun area tomorrow, it’s harder to take pics of but I’m sure you’ll get the idea. I just need to get some new corflute for around the hay zone then I think it’s all set. Wouldn’t mind clear perspex but that’s really pricey.

                • MoxieMeadows
                  5375 posts Send Private Message

                    Hey guys! How is everyone? I have been super busy and don’t have a computer anymore, and BB doesn’t like to load on my cellphone, so I apologize for not being on as frequently! I really miss you all though, and think of you guys often!

                    Loki gave me quite the scare this morning; He had managed to chew a hole into one of his fleece blankets and he got his head stuck and started panicking since it was around his neck and he couldn’t chew himself free. He twisted himself so it got really tight and it started restricting his ability to breathe. =( Luckily I got him freed and he is totally unharmed, and he loved the extra treats he got afterwards since I was so concerned about him. (And all of his blankets and beds have been inspected for holes now, but that was the only blanket that he had chewed into)
                    But man, my rabbits are going to be the death of me at some point haha xD

                  • BunnyLass568
                    446 posts Send Private Message

                      DFace: Yep, it is but it’s more under control now. I hope you’re feeling better!

                      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pets-Passed away: Hailey (9 years old, half rat terrier and miniature pincher, Feb-5-2019),Monster (13 years old, mixed breed, Lhasa Apso and some form of terrier, Sep-14-2020), Demon (14 year old Lhasa Apso, Aug-3-2022) Blossom (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-7-2024) Thumper (6 year old bunny breed(s) unknown, April-12-2024)💔💔💔💔

                    • DanaNM
                      9056 posts Send Private Message

                        Az I just had the buns at the vets for a check up today, and he said Bertha could stand to lose a few! So maybe she and Apollo can go on a training regimen together. He basically said I could cut out pellets entirely if I wanted to… but I don’t know if I have the will power. As she gets older he said having less weight will make it easier on her joints. :p

                        I also found out that Bun Jovi’s estimated birthday is Oct 6, 2008! So my little grandpa is at least 10!! He was in and out of the shelter a few times before I adopted him last spring, and that was his estimated b-day when they first brought him in. Who knows how they estimated that, but I was still impressive to me!

                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                      • jerseygirl
                        22352 posts Send Private Message

                          Sending some good health vibees for those of you that have been under the weather!

                          Hi Mox. Please come back more often!! You are missed. Good thing you were there when Loki got himself entangled. 

                          Timbu has put his head through larger holes a few times. Luckily he’s just playing and not distressed so Id been able to grab the opportunity to snap a photo. Lol. But I usually take care to either widen the hole more or completely cut the fleece through from that point. I hate the thought of him becoming stuck while Im not home.

                          I also found out that Bun Jovi’s estimated birthday is Oct 6, 2008! So my little grandpa is at least 10!!

                          WHAT?!! Why have I been under the impression he was far younger?

                        • DanaNM
                          9056 posts Send Private Message

                            I also found out that Bun Jovi’s estimated birthday is Oct 6, 2008! So my little grandpa is at least 10!!

                            WHAT?!! Why have I been under the impression he was far younger?

                            Right?? He acts so spry and chipper! 

                            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                          • jerseygirl
                            22352 posts Send Private Message

                              A Benjamin Button Bunny… That’s what I used to call Rumball sometimes. He came to me aged 2 but seemed like and old man. Then he started acting like a young buck when he got older.

                            • Dface
                              1084 posts Send Private Message

                                Az- that picture in the pics thread is hilarious! But she really is a gorgeous looking cat, very regal… Even in her long johns ?

                                WHAT?!! Why have I been under the impression he was far younger?

                                I was also under the impression he was a young un! Rabbits age gracefully!

                                I took mine off of pellets mostly, they have fibrafirst sticks instead now, which seem to have the same nutrients as pellets, but aren’t as addictive and are better for teeth. Took them a little while to take to them, but now they eat them happily, and get excited to hear the bag-but theres no more scoffing of food. Might help Bertha lose some weight without taking away too much from her?

                                Im on my way home for a hospital consultation, so my boyfriend is being left in charge of the bunnies til saturday. Its the first time hes ever been trusted to mind them (it helps that there is a 24 hour vet around the corner…) ?

                              • DanaNM
                                9056 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’ve heard good things about fibafirst! They are bit pricey in the US, but I am interested in them…

                                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                • Azerane
                                  4689 posts Send Private Message

                                    Mine only share 1 tablespoon of pellets a day so it’s not like I overfeed them. Apollo is just a natural chubster. But I do worry about his joints and other weight related health issues. The good thing is since rearranging their cage Apollo has been a little more active, hopefully that helps. We are back to an oaten hay bale now though so I’ll have to be careful about how many seed heads he gets.

                                    We were back at the vet again today with Jasper. We went 2 days ago because I was worried about the amount of seeping from her spay still. The vet shaved her fur some more, flushed the wound with saline and iodine and then applied a bandage with some sort of cream and wrapped her in vet wrap and I put the onesie back on over top. Yesterday the bandage had slipped so I got a piece of bandage from the first aid kit and some vet wrap to hold it in place. At the vet today the wound looked amazing, nice and pink and healthy and no pus. However the hole isn’t closing. So I had to leave Jasper there for a sedation to debride the wound and insert a couple more stitches. Im definitely not stressing for no reason. just waiting on the post surgery call from the vet. Just under 3 hours till I can pick her up.

                                    DFace I worry about leaving hubby in charge of the pets even for an evening! Lol. The other day the bunnies got a second serve of pellets that they weren’t meant to get and our parrot Dory was still uncovered at 11pm (I cover her cage when the sun goes down).

                                  • Azerane
                                    4689 posts Send Private Message

                                      Jasper’s been home for a couple hours, she’s fine but I’m really concerned about her reaction to the painkillers or whatever she’s on. She is so hyperactive and restless. I had her locked in the spare room but could not her her to be still. Jumping, climbing, rolling, biting attacking anything and everything. I’ve resorted to putting her in a large travel carrier I have for the buns. She can’t jump etc. But am concerned she will hurt her face constantly pushing against the bars. Really hoping she settles down soon.

                                      ETA there was an adorable 5 month old harlequin Flemish giant at the vet clinic when I went to pick up Jasper. Very relaxed, just hanging out edith his mum and dad on a harness and lead.

                                    • Dface
                                      1084 posts Send Private Message

                                        DanaNM – i dont speak for all rabbits but Ive found that mine have worn their spurs down a lot simply with the sticks, which is very handy. Plus they don’t eat the full amount I give them every day, so they tend to last a little longer than pellets do.

                                        Az- that’s never a good reaction when stitches are involved. Did the vets mention sude effects to what they have her?
                                        Also that flemmie sounds adorable. Id love a big docile bun, but I dont think its be popular if i were to bring one home

                                        Can’t wait to get home to my bunnies, I had a hospital appointment today with a “joyful” pelvic exam. It was very uncomfortable and I wound up getting bad abdominal cramping(which has yet to stop) and some bleeding because of it. Yumi is usually the best little nurse maid and sits with me like a little hot water bottle whenever this happens. Such a wee little comfort

                                      • Azerane
                                        4689 posts Send Private Message

                                          The side effects weren’t mentioned, but doing a quick google search of the lists of things given on the receipt shows that one is an opioid, which may have been the issue. She had mostly settled down by 11pm which was good. We have a revisit tomorrow so will ask the vet about it then. Most things I read on it said it would most likely caused tiredness and lack of appetite, but Jasper was the complete opposite. I found a study that listed the same side effects in 2 of the 24 cats tested, so at least it’s not unknown and doesn’t appear harmful except in the sense that she could have hurt herself further.

                                          The Pelvic exam sounds awful I’m glad you have Yumi for comfort.

                                        • Muj Mom N Bun
                                          352 posts Send Private Message

                                            So, I’m finally back on after a bit… and I missed you all! Shall I say, things sound like January is a recovery month from the holiday season? I’m down with the flu… so I’m finally feeling just well enough to lay in bed and log on for a few and see if I can catch up… still having trouble breathing and energy is really low. Getting a decent snow storm rt now too… which I’m dreading bcz I know I’m going to have to shovel it in the morning (sick or not)… One thing that was super nice was that BunBun must have know n I was really out of it for a few days, she was sleeping on my lap on the sofa! I was zonked out but she was right there on my lap with me! I’ll take it!

                                          • Bam
                                            16977 posts Send Private Message

                                              Hi Moxie! We miss you! Horrible blanket-hole scare! Thank goodness you got him out! I’m repurposing Bam’s old fleece blankets now, they’re so full of holes theyre practically more holes than blankets. Works super well as the bottom layer for sashiko-boro embroidery.  


                                              Starting out by pinning small pieces of fabric (mostly scraps of discarded bed linen “improved” by Yohio’s teeth back in the day) onto Bam-improved fleece.

                                              Finished product, a tablet cover.

                                              (Sashiko-boro is an ancient Japanese mending technique that is very well suited for bun owners )

                                              Fibafirst sticks are great, especially for buns that are reluctant to eat hay. (Bam was a genuinely lousy hay eater). They are pricey in the US though. They are rather pricey here as well and I fear it will get worse when the UK leaves the EU. I give them as a night snack to Vilde, so a box lasts a pretty long time.

                                            • Q8bunny
                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                I got through! So hi, all! Wish more of you were on Instagram so I could oooooo and aaaaaa over your floofs.

                                                Hope everyone who’s poorly gets well soon, and that everyone who’s fat slims down, and that everyone who’s buried under three feet of snow moves to the south of France. lol

                                              • Dface
                                                1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Nice to have you back Q8 (even temporarily!)

                                                  Az-im glad it was only temporary, hopefully she is doing better now ?

                                                  Bam- oh that’s cool! i wish id known about that before. I ended uo scrapping so many chewed blankets! Dernit

                                                  Muj-hope you get better soon, rabbits do make such lovely little carers!

                                                  My boyfriend and myself only moved house in January and are still doing a lot of set up and getting setteld in our jobs… And his parents have made the decision(minus any consultatiin with us) that they’re coming over in February…i wouldn’t mind but it’ll mean the rabbits wont be allowed out of their pen when they are around (they are very careless and i dont want any injuries..) and we already had invited a group of friends over.

                                                • Asriel and Bombur
                                                  1104 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Dface: aren’t in-laws the absolute worst *sigh* I could tell so many stories.

                                                    John and I are in the middle of a move ourselves. We become Rhode Islanders on February 2nd. John’s first time, and I haven’t lived there in 17 years. But I visit a lot because it’s my home state and I think it’s perfect (of course :p ). I’m looking forward to showing John how fun it can be in its own way. He’s never lived anywhere but the north shore of MA, so it’s a change for him.

                                                    I’m all registered for my USAPL competition and I’m feeling pretty good. United Ladies of Iron, which is the largest all female powerlifting event. Making steady gains in all my lifts and eating keto (partly for migraines but seen amazing results with performance as well). So overall I’m pretty good. Not gonna lie, it feels oh so satisfying to be lifting heavy and have dudes impressed if y’all wanna follow my road to the platform my instagram for that is @laura_ingemi_fitness

                                                  • Dface
                                                    1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                      A&B – yup.. I can’t really warm to people who dont like animals, and they are *overbearing*. My boyfriend loves them but is like ‘from a distance please’

                                                      Ah thats exciting! Its always a bit more stressful when the move has buns involved though.
                                                      And congrats! Its so rewarding to be seeing progress!

                                                    • Azerane
                                                      4689 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Well, it’s 8:30pm and the temperature has finally dropped below 40 degrees Celsius. We have survived. It reached just over 47 today, that’s 116.6 in imperial. Needless to say we smashed a few local temp records. We have air con, but when you have evaporative air conditioning it only cools so much. I’m sure it was still close to 30C in the house all day. Now that the temperature is finally dropping I can actually feel that the air from the AC is getting cooler, so it’s finally starting to catch up. All the animals seem pretty pleased, Apollo and Luna barely moved all day from the time I got home around lunch time. There’s a cool change coming through tonight so I’m looking forward to that. I love summer, but 47 is HOT.

                                                        We had a hot day yesterday too, but around 41, and in the late evening I went to the beach. The water was amazing and it was so relaxing. Too hot for that today though. I’m happy to have been home to keep an eye on the pets and ensure the air con didn’t break down or have the power go out. Not everyone has been so lucky. I’m sure the bunnies will be happy also to have some cooler temps leading into the weekend.

                                                        And with how hot it is here, I can’t help but notice the news story about how cold it is in the northern USA, with Niagra falls partly freezing. The photos from that look amazing.

                                                      • Dface
                                                        1084 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Az… I cant even begin to imagine that heat! Especially cause it was icy out this morning where I am!
                                                          Cant wait for the mild weather back so i can start planting for the buns! (and the bees) We have a beautiful little back garden, that unfortunately has a very toxic tree/shrub that I’m not allowed to remove. However its near the back part of the garden, so I figure I can just blocl it off. I have noticed since the glass house and having access to a selection of growing plants, Yumi had lost intrest in anything that was toxic, selectively chosing good food, but I still wouldnt risk it.

                                                          Her hocks are inflamed again so its back to footbaths for her. Which means I’m back to evening drenchings. She acts like shes going to behave, and its all going well, and then bam, the mule kick to the bowl and we both get covered in water.. Hopefully it goes down soon ?

                                                        • MoxieMeadows
                                                          5375 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Bam- That’s really cool! I will have to buy some embroidery floss and look into that!

                                                            Life has just been super busy over here! I just finally got my applications filled out in order to apply to a CNA/nursing prep program. So hopefully that will work out =) Also have been busy with work and schooling, and trying to keep a social life and spend as much time with my furbabies as possible. love you all! xoxo

                                                          • Tony's Mum
                                                            431 posts Send Private Message

                                                              and that everyone who’s fat slims down

                                                              Q8 I love you haha. Mellie bun is on a diet actually and she’s lost 280g! I haven’t lost anything yet lol

                                                            • Q8bunny
                                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Count your blessings, Az, you could’ve been in Kuwait (60+ C summers).

                                                                PS I can’t believe January Chat only had two pages! lol

                                                              • Q8bunny
                                                                6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  TM: My mom says that in a household, if someone loses some weight, someone else is bound to find it. lol Chewie is 30g over his usual so we’re cutting back on treats.

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                                                              Forum THE LOUNGE January Chat