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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • lashkay
      1548 posts Send Private Message

        I want to find a bunny-safe glue that is strong enough to hold a coconut husk fibers mat to the top of Buddie’s cardboard mini-haven that is safe for a bunny  if he nibbles on it – is there such an animal? Glue, not a bunny.   Does anyone know where such a non-toxic to small animals glue can be found and purchased?  Thanks!   If such glue is not available for consumers, does anyone know how a coconut husk fibers mat can be secured to the roof of a cardboard mini-haven for traction, that won’t slip off when the bunny hops up on it, and around on it?  Thanks!

      • Monkeybun
        10479 posts Send Private Message

          Found these online:

          Homemade Glue Recipe
          This is a very basic glue but works. Simply mix water and flour together until you have a paste that is the consistency of pancake batter. Heat on low for 5 minutes. You can add color (food coloring) or flavors to it.

          This recipe is non-toxic but it does take awhile to dry.

          Here is another Glue Recipe

          1 cup tapioca starch
          4 Tablespoons of sugar
          2 cups of cold water

          Mix starch, water and sugar in a sauce pan until all ingredients are dissolved. Stir over medium heat until it forms a paste. This mixture should be stored in an airtight container that just fits the amount that you have left.

        • jerseygirl
          22345 posts Send Private Message

            Was going to suggest same. Use a starchy flour like cornflour (cornstarch?) and water. Apply and let thoroughly dry. Though not ideal if a bunny eats it, if it does ingest a little, it wouldn’t be toxic, just extra carbs.

            For a glue-free option, try using cable ties to fix some edges down to the cardboard.

          • lashkay
            1548 posts Send Private Message

              Terrific, both posts…Thanks, Monkeybun and jerseygirl, just what I was looking for! My little bugger nibbles on ties but no telling what he’ll do with the paste. LOL Thank you!

            • Kokaneeandkahlua
              12067 posts Send Private Message

                I need to see pictures of the finished product! THat sounds cool!

              • BinkyBunny
                8776 posts Send Private Message

                  You could also try and just zipties to secure it. Cut little holes on the edges and pull the zipties tight and cut off the extra.

                • lashkay
                  1548 posts Send Private Message

                    Thanks, BinkyB., I thought of making holes in the mat and in the cardboard with an awl or ice pick and pulling the zipties through. By zipties, do you mean those wire ones you get at the grocery store to tie around plastic vegetable bags? If I peel the paper off those ties, I’m thinking the wire would probably work okay if I knot it around the holes a few times and he shouldn’t be interested in chewing those. Thanks, they’re all great suggestions.

                    Kokaneeandkahlua, I’ll take pictures once I have the arrangement in place. Buddie likes the coconuthuskfibers mats, they provide traction on his linoleum floor as well as on top of his mini-haven roof, are safe to chew (so far he hasn’t) and don’t seem to bother his furred feet…just right.

                  • jerseygirl
                    22345 posts Send Private Message

                      Zip tie / cable ties are the plastic one you thread one end through other and pull it tight. I don’t know if the grocery store ties would stay – are these like bread twister ties? But something like that in a thicker, longer wire might work.

                      Or you could use some of these clips around the edge.   They are really strong and you can fold the wire bit back down so it sits flat on top of the mat.

                    • Monkeybun
                      10479 posts Send Private Message

                        Yeah, I doubt the grocery store twist ties would stay. Moose likes tugging on the bars to Monkey’s pen when they are running around, and she has a twist tie on one end that’s coming loose from Moose tugging. Luckily I won’t need that pen up much longer

                      • lashkay
                        1548 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks everyone. I had one of those clips that jerseygirl mentioned – thanks! – a small one that worked fine. I just need to get or find one or two more. I like this idea because the mat can be easily unclipped and removed from the top of the mini-haven roof with the least fuss. I certainly will save all those other tips though as very good ideas and solutions for other uses — Thanks again, everyone!

                          Buddie was tugging at twist-ties I had used on other things, too, Monkeybun…thanks, I agree they seem to be only a very temporary solution at best.

                        • Monkeybun
                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                            I got a couple bags of those clips from the office supply place nearby.. shouldn’t be hard to find

                          • KatnipCrzy
                            2981 posts Send Private Message

                              I had a wooden “bench” that my husband made for Cotton to jump in and out of her original cage to get into her pen area.  I just drilled holes in the wood and used sisal or cotton rope to tie each corner of the mat down- and clipped the excess from the knot.  I did not want her slipping on the bare wood so I used a typical grass mat that is sold for bunnies.

                            • lashkay
                              1548 posts Send Private Message

                                The clips SHOULDN’T be hard to find…except when they’re hiding somewhere in my apartment as they are now LOL I remember buying a whole box of them at one of those office supply stores, but I’m durned if I know what I did with them! So frustrating to think you have to go to the store when you know you have a full supply at home…somewhere!

                              • Moonlight_Wolf
                                1155 posts Send Private Message

                                  Yea I love those clips they are all throughout my cage holding on mats. With that thought I really do need to buy the bunnies more sea grass mats. Maybe for their birthday I will, but the problem is that I look at the stuff on this website and I can’t just buy one thing! I put all this stuff in my cart and it ends up to be 80 dollars! And I can’t bear to take anything out of the cart…

                                • Monkeybun
                                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                                    Hehe my hubby makes sure to go through my cart before I’m allowed to click the button to get it all.. he makes sure I don’t over buy

                                  • lashkay
                                    1548 posts Send Private Message

                                      Here’s the finished product…VOILA!  A mini-haven with coconuthuskfibers mat secured to it with binder clips….And Buddie testing it out…or testing out the height of his pen from the roof it looks like!

                                    • Bindilicious
                                      154 posts Send Private Message

                                        Perfect!  BTW, Buddie is too cute to be real – he looks like the cutest bunny toy! 

                                      • lashkay
                                        1548 posts Send Private Message

                                          I know the coconuthusksfibers mat secured with clips isn’t so impressive but it keeps him from sliding around on the roof of his mini-haven so I’m grateful to you all for writing in your different household bunny hints, I’m sure I will make good use of them all. Thank you, Bindilicious for your nice compliment. Buddie’s made it clear to me, he’s no toy! LOL But he seems to know how he looks – maybe that’s why he has such an ego complex! LOL

                                        • MirBear
                                          1412 posts Send Private Message

                                            see hershey’s earys look nothing like buddies!! and she’s a lionhead too… i love her but she isnt living up to her breed, she looks more like a big nethie than a lionhead… shes so small and her ears are so tiny and straight not wide and roundish like i lionhead

                                          • lashkay
                                            1548 posts Send Private Message

                                              Hi MirBear, I just looked at your photos of Hershey in your profile, and she is CUUUUUUUUUTE!!  Regardlless of her seeming to have more of the traits of a Nethie than a lionhead, I know she is your sweetheart because she IS a sweetheart!!  I just love her ears, her siamese coloring is gorgeous, and those bright alert eyes, I would love her if I had her.  Keep in mind that Lionheads are being reported in England and the U.S. in greater and greater numbers as having seizures in their everyday, -week or month lives especially once they hit puberty.  So if it turns out Hershey is not an actual Lionhead, you may be spared other such problems that seem to be inherent to the breed if she was a Lionhead.  I love her and look forward to seeing more pictures of her doing different things.   Twix is beautiful too!  You’re very lucky to have such gorgeous bunnies!

                                            • MirBear
                                              1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                i met the parents when we got her we had a choice between hershey and her sister who looks identical (except with a mane) looks like a lionhead, her brother looks like buddy only in white with the blew eyes soo cute
                                                we originally wanted the brother or hershey but they werent selling the brother, and my little sister wanted ther one that “looked like a bunny” so we got hershey

                                              • lashkay
                                                1548 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Thanks, MirBear, for the compliment for Buddie. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get wind of it, though… The little bugger has enough of a swelled head already. LOL

                                                • MirBear
                                                  1412 posts Send Private Message

                                                    lol it must be a lion head thing, hershey thinks the world revolves around her

                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Seems like a nethie thing too

                                                      Pssst Buddie! You’re adorable! <3

                                                    • lashkay
                                                      1548 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Don’t let HIM hear that – He never lets me hear the end of it as it is! LOL Thanks, I think the same of your Monkey, bun. I mean, you’re bun, Monkey. lol

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                                                    Forum DIET & CARE IS THERE A BUNNY-SAFE GLUE I CAN BUY?