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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BEHAVIOR Is Old Age Getting The Best Of Her?

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    • JackWabbit13
      73 posts Send Private Message

        So, this is kind of a sadder topic. I think Jumping Jack, my 7 years, 11 months old Holland Lop, may be starting to see some issues with old age

        Ever since my dad let me move her into my room from the garage, which was a horrible place to keep her, she has been pooping outside the litterbox. Lots of you said it was because the edge was too high. This evening, she also peed outside the litterbox, which is something new. That may also be due to a too high litterbox, but I find it strange that I haven’t seen this happen before

        She has also had a surge of energetic behavior, which kind of concerns me because of past experience. We used to have a Golden retriever. Frank. A few months before he died, he started acting suddenly much more energetic

        I know I’m probably being paranoid, but is old age getting the best of my sweet bunny? And don’t sugar coat anything, be honest. Should I maybe talk to the vet?

        P.S. This may or may not help, but she is not spayed. the vets recommended that we get her spayed, despite her old age. She was scheduled on the 13th, but the vet had to cancel. We still need to reschedule

      • GlennTheLionhead
        377 posts Send Private Message


          Given the recent habitat change, to me those symptoms don’t sound particularly  concerning. I have heard that sometimes bladder issues can be a culprit and sometimes it’s just because the bunny is protesting the type of litter or due to a change in habitat or something like that.

          What kind of energy is it? Energy is often a good thing and could be an indicator that’s she’s just happy in her new environment so is excited and doing lots of binkies.

          As for the spaying I would definitely book her in right away if it was me. Uterine cancers in unspayed rabbits is a big concern. About 75% of unspayed rabbits by age 4 develop uterine cancer. I have read uterine cancers can often be corrected by spaying though.

        • Bam
          16982 posts Send Private Message

            I agree with Glenn. Getting to live in your room instead of in a garage could definitely cause an energy boost. (There is sth known as a “death bed surge” when a dying animal or human suddenly becomes alert and responsive for a short while just before passing away – but that state isn’t sth that goes on for months. Given your experience it’s highly understandable that you see this increase in activity level as a red flag, but it generally isn’t considered one if it goes on for months.)

            I’d ask for chest x-rays before of spay of a girl bun of this age. She should also have bloodworks done, any rabbit over 4 years of age that goes under for should be thoroughly checked up.

            Peeing and pooping outside of the box could be hormonal. Hormonal bursts could be triggered by the move inside. Rabbits are relatively simple animals (albeit wonderful), and their behavior is deeply affected by hormones. Is her appetite good? Do you see her strain to pee? Making tiny puddles all over the place can signify a UTI or even e cuniculi.

            How age affects rabbits is highly individual. Some get “stiff joints”/ osteoarthritis at a relatively young age (4-5), some stay very agile until they’re very old. It’s the same with dogs. Food, body weight, opportunities to be physically active only matter to a certain extent.

          • JackWabbit13
            73 posts Send Private Message

              So, she doesn’t really binky. I’ve seen her binky only a few times. She’s got the space to do it, but she never does. Maybe that’s osteoarthritis…?

              Thanks for the advice! I’ll book a spay (with blood work and the x-ray) tomorrow

            • Bam
              16982 posts Send Private Message

                Rabbits as a rule don’t binky very much when they’re older. Can she still jump up on things with ease?

                • JackWabbit13
                  73 posts Send Private Message

                    Just the other day she got on her bed and launched herself across the pen on top of her litterbox, so I’m gonna say yes

                • Bam
                  16982 posts Send Private Message

                    That is lovely =)


                    • JackWabbit13
                      73 posts Send Private Message

                        Yeah, you could call it lovely… 😂

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                  Forum BEHAVIOR Is Old Age Getting The Best Of Her?