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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Is It Safe? – Tractor Supply Pine Pellet Stall Bedding, 40 lb.

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    • Millie
      42 posts Send Private Message

        Good Afternoon Everybody! 

        I am a soon-to-be first time rabbit owner and after doing almost a full year of research, I still haven’t decided on a bedding that I’d like to use for the litter. I have been reading some websites, forums, and youtube videos about this Equine Pine Stall Bedding at Tractor Supply (40lbs for $5). It is aimed for horses, but reviews have used it for their rabbits, aswell. Does anybody have experience with this or know if it is safe?? I’m pretty sure its safe because some people I know say they’ve used it and it has been successful, but I don’t want to buy something that may be dangerous in the long-run. I might just be over protective haha 

        – Is this Tractor Supply Equine Stall Bedding safe?

        – Does is do the job nicely?

        – Will it cause any harm to my rabbit?

      • Dasher
        156 posts Send Private Message

          I use that and it is safe for rabbits. It absorbs urine and there is absolutely no smell. I started using it because paper bedding was making my rabbit sneeze and she has been fine ever since.

        • Luna
          2219 posts Send Private Message

            I know other members here use equine pellets, but I don’t know if they use this specific one. I’m not 100% sure from the product description if it has volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The specs say “Scent: Pine” but the Q&A says it is “kiln-dried” (aka no VOCs).

          • Bam
            16981 posts Send Private Message

              Pine horse bedding is fine for buns. i use pine wood stove pellets (without accelerants). Both alternatives are excellent.

              Pine wood pellets can be dangerous if you store large quantities (cubic meters) loosely (ie not in the bags they come in) in a small stuffy space with poor ventilation. That’s why they’re sold in comparatively small bags.

            • Millie
              42 posts Send Private Message

                Thanks Dasher and Luna! Your responses were super helpful

              • Millie
                42 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks Dasher and Luna! Your responses were super helpful

                • Rio and Buns
                  73 posts Send Private Message

                    I use this brand too and really recommend it, though sometimes I use a different kind from Rural King. It makes cleaning out the litter boxes SO much easier because it doesn’t stick to the bottom. Takes 3 minutes to dump out, rinse off, and replace, and the buns aren’t inclined to eat it like they did when I tried Carefresh. They are kind of rough and pokey though so I suggest putting a small layer of something else on top to make it more comfortable for them. I use wood shavings or soft orchard grass, but will soon be making the switch to a mesh screen.

                  • Millie
                    42 posts Send Private Message

                      Thank you bam. Once I open a small bag, how should I store it once opened?

                    • Millie
                      42 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By Rio and Buns on 3/09/2018 2:35 PM

                        I use this brand too and really recommend it, though sometimes I use a different kind from Rural King. It makes cleaning out the litter boxes SO much easier because it doesn’t stick to the bottom. Takes 3 minutes to dump out, rinse off, and replace, and the buns aren’t inclined to eat it like they did when I tried Carefresh. They are kind of rough and pokey though so I suggest putting a small layer of something else on top to make it more comfortable for them. I use wood shavings or soft orchard grass, but will soon be making the switch to a mesh screen.

                        Thank You! I will check out the Rural King brand as well because I have a Rural King store much closer to my location. Do you prefer Tractor Supply’s brand or Rural King’s? Or are they both the same?

                      • Rio and Buns
                        73 posts Send Private Message

                          I actually prefer Rural King’s because I noticed that TS’s pellets sometimes get a fishy smell after they’ve been peed on… doesn’t happen all the time though so maybe it varies from bag to bag. I think the kind from RK is called Equine Fresh.

                        • Millie
                          42 posts Send Private Message

                            Posted By Rio and Buns on 3/09/2018 2:49 PM

                            I actually prefer Rural King’s because I noticed that TS’s pellets sometimes get a fishy smell after they’ve been peed on… doesn’t happen all the time though so maybe it varies from bag to bag. I think the kind from RK is called Equine Fresh.

                            Good to know. Thank you!

                          • Bam
                            16981 posts Send Private Message

                              Posted By Millie on 3/09/2018 2:35 PM

                              Thank you bam. Once I open a small bag, how should I store it once opened?

                              I just keep it standing in my hall. You can put it in a closet. It doesn’t matter if the bag is open or closed, the amount of pellets isn’t enough to cause trouble in an apartment/house. There were problems when people had cubic meters of pellets loosely stored next to their pellet heater, because the pellets release carbon monoxide and that’s very bad to breathe in. There have been fatalities in tanker ships filled with unpackaged pellets. But that’s ginourmous amounts of pellets. (I looked into this when I was planning to switch my buns over to pellets after having had paper litter. Since then I’ve been using pellets for about 6 years.)

                            • princessbookworm
                              135 posts Send Private Message

                                I’ve used it and I’ve always found research to say it’s safe It’s very affordable too!

                              • JMC
                                15 posts Send Private Message

                                  I’ve looked in my local Tractor Supply for this bedding after reading this thread, but I guess they just don’t carry this particular thing Staff weren’t sure. I buy the aspen shavings from there that’s $8.99 and it lasts quite a while, but this pine bedding does sound good.

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                              Forum DIET & CARE Is It Safe? – Tractor Supply Pine Pellet Stall Bedding, 40 lb.