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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Is it possible to make 2 unneutered males friends?

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    • bunnyko.official
      4 posts Send Private Message

        I’m not planning on getting another bunny but someone else in my building has a bunny and I was thinking of introducing them so he has someone to play with occasionally  

        My rabbit is a 6 year old male unneutered rabbit. He used to hump everything but he completely stopped this year (by himself). He also doesn’t destroy anything anymore (again, didn’t train him to not chew anything) and he only pees in his litter box except when he marks the fridge as his territory. He’s very lethargic unless food is involved (then he goes crazy) and gives everybody lots of kisses. In general he seems like he doesn’t care about anything.

        The bunny I met is an 11 year old male unneutered rabbit. He chews things but stops when he’s told to. He’s calm but is way more playful than my rabbit. He melts into the floor the moment you pet him.

        With a slow introduction in a neutral territory/with a cage in between, and since they’re both no longer young, would it be possible to have them get along for short periods of time? I want him to have a friend but if there’s absolutely no way 2 old unneutered rabbits can get along then I don’t want to risk it.

      • tobyluv
        3310 posts Send Private Message

          That is very risky. Two unneutered rabbits would likely fight, and the result could be severe injuries to one or both of them.

          The other reason your plan would not work is because rabbits should only be introduced and bonded when you plan for them to be together all the time. And both would need to be spayed or neutered. That would be the case if you got another rabbit – it would be a permanent companion for your rabbit. Rabbits cannot just go on play dates. That doesn’t work.

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            It is definitely not worth the risk. Even if both are seemingly mellowed out now that they are older, that may not be the case on meeting. Even neutered males have a tendency toward aggression when meeting.

            Is your rabbit moving around okay? His vision is alright? It sounds like he has had some fairly recent change in behaviours.

          • bunnyko.official
            4 posts Send Private Message

              Posted By jerseygirl on 12/11/2018 10:06 PM
              It is definitely not worth the risk. Even if both are seemingly mellowed out now that they are older, that may not be the case on meeting. Even neutered males have a tendency toward aggression when meeting.

              Is your rabbit moving around okay? His vision is alright? It sounds like he has had some fairly recent change in behaviours.

              Hey thanks for your response! He had GI stasis a couple of months ago and after I took care of him his personality changed completely! He used to always get up when I reached towards him to pet him but now he continues laying and allows me to do whatever I want. He started kissing everybody whereas he would never do that before he got sick. He also used to hump everything and would actively circle our legs and try to mount them but after I treated him back to normal he mysteriously stopped circling/humping everything completely, even his favourite stuffed toy. Other than the last change which I don’t understand, I assumed everything else was related to him trusting me more. He has been to the vet since and they haven’t found anything abnormal.

              I guess since he’s so lazy and loving it’s easy to forget the possibility that he could get aggressive with another bun around

            • LittlePuffyTail
              18092 posts Send Private Message

                Ditto what is said above.

                It’s surprising sometimes how mean a super sweet bunny can be to another bunny. It’s just their nature to be territorial. My little elderbunny, who sadly passed, was like a teddy bear. Just as sweet as sugar. But I tried bonding him with my other guy and he was insane vicious. And they were both neutered. I tried to stop him biting my other bun and he ended up biting me and I had to go to emergency room.

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            Forum BONDING Is it possible to make 2 unneutered males friends?