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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Indoor cage big enough for 3 mini lops?

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    • Pansbunny
      10 posts Send Private Message

        Hey! I have 2 doe mini lops in a 160cm indoor cage and they get free roam of my living room as long as im home and not in bed. Im getting my buck mini lop done soon and want to have them as a trio but im not sure what cage would be suitable sized for 3 mini lops? He is currently is a 120cm cage. 

        Can anyone recommend anything? as i really would love to put them together! 

        Thanks! x

      • Aaron
        184 posts Send Private Message

          4 feet in my opinion is not enough for three rabbits, if you have enough space, you can by some NIC grids and zipties, and make them a yard. That is what I did. Connect it to the existing cage and they could go in and out as they please. Just lay down blankets if you have carpet and they will love it.

        • Pansbunny
          10 posts Send Private Message

            yeah its deffo not big enough thats why i wanted to find a bigger one and cant seem to. i was looking at making one out of those grids, i just would prefer a good flooring for it as they will just pull up a blanket. i wouldnt be any good with making flooring from wood x

          • Limit
            189 posts Send Private Message

              Posted By Aaron on 3/07/2017 5:00 PM
              4 feet in my opinion is not enough for three rabbits, if you have enough space, you can by some NIC grids and zipties, and make them a yard. That is what I did. Connect it to the existing cage and they could go in and out as they please. Just lay down blankets if you have carpet and they will love it.

              Agree with this. I go by the RWAF standards though, meaning I would only put 2 average sized bunnies in a 6 x 2 foot area with an additional run. Just remember they need to be able to get away from eachother!

            • Mikey
              3186 posts Send Private Message

                3 minis as a trio sharing a cage should have atleast 18sqft of moving space

              • Pansbunny
                10 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks for info but i know they need a lot of room already all im wanting to know is if anyone knows of indoor cage big enough for them to live in? if not i will have to make my own or somehow put a few cages together. They will be running around my living room all the time so long as im home and awake x

                • Vienna Blue in France
                  5317 posts Send Private Message

                    Could you make your current cage a double storey ? Or get two and join them together by a tunnel or walkway….

                  • Mikey
                    3186 posts Send Private Message

                      You can go to C&C cages and look at their bigger cages. Thats where mine is from for my trio You can mix and match pieces as you wish, and order a few different flooring and added panels to put together however you want. Basically, a DIY, but you can buy everything all at once and it comes together :p


                    • Pansbunny
                      10 posts Send Private Message

                        I was debating putting two of my cages together but i love that site mikey im prob gonna use that!

                      • jerseygirl
                        22353 posts Send Private Message

                          I agree, I don’t think you’ll find a suitable big enough cage for 3. I think a condo is the way to go. Or use an exercise pen as is or to build a condo style habitat. Another option would be adjoining some large dog crates.

                          Just a “heads-up” in case you are unaware, don’t put your male rabbit in with the girls for a month (2 months is better!) after his op as he will still be fertile for a time. If the girls are desexed, then it’s not an issue. But he may show some increased hormonal behaviours right after neuter. That’s not unusual.

                          As for them living together, some rabbits will get along from the get-go, but more often then not, there will need to be a bonding process before they can all co-habit peacefully. : ) Forgive me if I’m telling you things you already know! I usually like to mention these things regardless, as it may help anyone else reading that is in similar situation. And it just may save someone the shock and cost of a suprise litter of rabbits, plus avoid rabbits becoming injured as result of fighting from being housed together too prematurely.

                        • Pansbunny
                          10 posts Send Private Message

                            yeah i knew the majority of that but thanks for the info and advice anyway! could be helpful is others see this post too that dont know! unfortunately it turns out my buck might have snuffles… and i think he has given it to one of my does… i couldnt get him done due to having a temperature so trying to treat my two poor bunnies! The hopefully one day i can get them both done and together x

                          • Boston's Mama
                            1452 posts Send Private Message

                              What kind of cages do you have? Could you remove one side of each and join them together? Or you could get a Xpen that comes off both cages to make a big space with two cages that they can access from it

                              Or the grids cage – you could lay a lino piece under it making sure the edge of the lino is 10cm further than the cage to catch any leaking pee or hay etc and then they can’t chew the edges. Then inside you can put blankets on top of the lino to give traction so no one slips

                              Or depending on the cages you have maybe you could use them side by side as your base to build the grids cage off so you have a solid plastic floor

                            • Boston's Mama
                              1452 posts Send Private Message

                                for instance i have this cage 

                              • Boston's Mama
                                1452 posts Send Private Message

                                • Boston's Mama
                                  1452 posts Send Private Message

                                    And that’s with pen off it ( I have a tarp down to protect floor then blankets for traction )

                                    And I could open one side and connect that pen to another cage on other side of I wanted… or if I get another of the same cage I could remove one end of my current cage and one end of new cage and connect them ( then I could use a bendy bridge to allow rabbit (s) to jump through from one cage to the other

                                    One cage and pen is fine for Oakley as a solo bun
                                    Then I have same set up on other side of the room for Boston who is also a solo holland lop
                                    But if I bonded them ( which I won’t be) I could join the two cages and the two pens to make ample space and still be utilising my current cages

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                                Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Indoor cage big enough for 3 mini lops?