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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m an IDIOT!!!! Neutering ?s

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    • skunklionshow
      1257 posts Send Private Message

        Well….we rec’d our final bunny donation a gorgeous lion head named Leo.  So now each of our classrooms has a rabbit (dwarf, rex, and lionhead).  My room has the only girl…our beloved Jessica.  All of them are doing very well and have been very active in all our rooms from 8 am to 3pm.  The kids are doing an excellent job of feeding, watering, playing/treating, and cleaning.

        I’m also please to report that my room and the K-2 room has had a major decrease in tantrums.  Neither of our classrooms have had any tantrums that require restraint.  Some tears…but nothing major.  We are completely shocked by this!  The kids say that they don’t want to do anything to scare, hurt, or upset their bunny.  I’m hoping to start up some research on this phenomena…maybe I can use this for my dissertation.

        Anyway…here’s my dumbness!  Leo the lionhead.  When he was dropped off I was told that he had been neutered.  So I did allow him access to Jessica.  They hopped around my classroom together for about 5 mins…no more than 10 mins.  She kept hopping away from him, like a little bunny bat out of hell.  I then locked up Sir Leo.  I haven’t had them together since, except in their separate cages, as neighbors.  I did not observe any actual humping.  But I’m terrified that maybe she got pregnant.  Maybe I’m just paranoid w/ those crazy vw rabbit commercials.

        I’m still trying to find low cost spay/neuter in SE Pa w/ no luck so far.  I’ve started to save up my own cash for this endeavor.  My friend the vet suggested doing the boys b/c of possible problems w/ bunnies and anesthesia.  She stated that since a spay is more extensive than a neuter, possible anesthesia probs may be minimized w/ the shorter surgery.  She expressed that bunnies, guneia pigs, and even smushed face kitties tend to have more anesthesia concerns that other mushed face animals. 

      • Cuddles_Momma
        59 posts Send Private Message

          Awww thats great!! I actually got my bun Cuddles as a therapy pet for my handicapped 2 1/2 year old son. It is amazing how the two have bonded! I keep reading all the posts that a lot of other buns do not like to be held, if my son is sitting down she will allow him to hold her and kiss on her and stay there perfectly happy. She lets me cuddle her and thats when I get the “tooth purring”.
          I know everyone I told I had planned on a bunny were worried that he would get bitten, as that seems to be a very popular fear. But she has not even tried nipping at him, if I pick her up unexpectedly she will nip at me but it’s always been really gentle.
          She has even started giving him kisses when he leans over her trying to give her a kiss on the top of her head.
          I thinks it’s wonderful that you all have those bunnies!

        • Gravehearted
          2428 posts Send Private Message

            I am glad to hear the children are responding so well to the bunnies and hope the bunnies aren’t too stressed in the classrooms.

            Could you try a school fundraiser or bake sale to raise the money for vet visits / spaying?

            If Leo is neutered and it’s been longer than a month since the neuter, she should be safe from pregnancy. Spaying is a more invasive procedure – but is **extremely** important since unspayed females have a 80% uterine cancer rate.

            Rabbits are still considered an exotic and most vets just aren’t knowledgable enough to give them the best care. The bunnies will need to see a rabbit savvy vet who does successful spays on a regular basis. I’m not sure where you are in SE PA, but can highly recommend Dr. Beck-Ross in West Grove. She’s wonderful with bunnies.

            Here are some other rabbit vets in that area:

          • dmh426
            433 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so happy that you have a bunny for your classroom! What a great idea.  I feel the need to point out my favorite parenting rabbit book- "RABBITS FOR DUMMIES"- while I suggest getting the males neutered, I STRONGLY suggest getting the female spayed. It is a proven scientific fact that if female rabbits don’t have a litter, up to 80% of them will get uterine cancer and die within 5 years.  It’s almost as if the uterus becomes toxic to their bodies because of non-use.  With males, it’s more of a behavior issue.  When the males get older, you will notice "spraying" of urine to mark their territories, especially if they can smell, hear, see or sense another rabbit.  While spaying and neutering is very risky anesthetically and also expensive, it is a bigger healthcare risk to not do it.  Males also become more aggressive and although rabbits are wonderful pets, especially classroom pets, they are their own person, so to speak, and become edgy when picked up against their will.

              So, I recommend getting all three of the classroom rabbits spayed, for everyone’s health and wellbeing!

              Good luck!

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          Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A I’m an IDIOT!!!! Neutering ?s