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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Ideas for a bored and lonely rabbit?

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    • Sonn
      1810 posts Send Private Message

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        So Moonshine is a bit lonely and bored. He had gotten used to Gypsy chasing him around during playtime and in general having another rabbit to hang out with. 

        He isn’t much of a toy loving rabbit. He has countless toys he can play with but they for the most part go ignored. I’ve made every homemade toy I can think of and the only one he ‘plays’ with is the cardboard tower.

        The only interaction he wants from me is nose and cheek scratches. Unless food is around then he is way more interested in his food.

        He likes my cat Tiger but Tiger is not the Tiger he used to be able to play with after his injuries (super supervised obviously). Tiger does lay beside his cage at night and they “cuddle” and groom each other through the bars and sleep. But they can no longer run around together since Tiger can’t run and it frustrates Moonshine so he bites Tiger’s butt which ends up making Tiger upset. So they have to stay separated now.

        I am not ready nor am I allowed to get another rabbit. My landlord basically told me if I get another rabbit she will evict me immediately (get everything in writing kids!). 

        So any ideas? He spends most of his time sitting in a corner on top of a hidey hole all day long other than to eat or use the litter box.

        I feel extremely guilty that I can’t find him another friend. I am not even close to ready for another rabbit but had planned to try to get him a friend in the future but my landlord squashed that in a heartbeat. I can’t hide one because she literally comes in my house unannounced and sometimes when I am not home.

        I no longer know anyone with rabbits around here that he could hang out with.

        So any creative ideas to help my bunny man out?

      • Yoyo
        98 posts Send Private Message

          hum,… I’m sad to admit,. I don’t know too much about your situation … Assuming Gypsy was another rabbit of yours? and that Tiger, is a cat…does Gypsy no longer live with you? What injury was there, that occurred? – Id love to know a bit more about your situation, to be able to try to give you some tips, if at all.

        • Sonn
          1810 posts Send Private Message

            Gypsy passed not long ago. I was in the process of bonding her and Moonshine before she died.

            Tiger is indeed a cat. He had to have extensive surgery to remove gangrene and his tail as well as suffered a back injury after being left with a pet sitter for a month while I was out of town. He functions almost completely normal except a balance issue and incontinence.

            More about Tiger can be read here:

          • Yoyo
            98 posts Send Private Message

              ahh,… I remember reading that story now… I hope Tiger is on the mend.. my heart goes out to the poor fellah!

              Sounds like you have done most anything you can do, within your realm, to help Gypsy at this time.. maybe he is mourning the loss of his bun friend as well, and, added to it, the sad, that he cant play with Tiger, during this time…terribly difficult situation for all 3 of you, I can only imagine

              I would try these, tiny changes, just to give Gypsy something to do, while everyone heals… toss in a piece of firewood, if you have any around,… go to the dollar store, and get tissue paper.. crumple it up, and toss his way,.. popsicle sticks too,. seem to be a cheap entertainment… get a small water bottle, and put in some tiny piece of dried banana… list goes on and on.. everytime you open a food pkging, that comes in a cardboard box,.. toss the box to your bun.. there will eventually be SOMETHING that will pique his interest…

              My heart goes out to you, during this time! – I’m very sorry for your loss too!

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          Forum THE LOUNGE Ideas for a bored and lonely rabbit?