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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A i want so badly *cries*

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    • xXPanicXx
      286 posts Send Private Message

        i have wanted to traine my bunny to be a house bunny. im 15, tho, and my parents, its their house. i dont know what to do. i said atleast my room, but see, my bunny had a potty issue. now shes better! i really want her to be a house bunny cuz i think its totaly unfair for them to be in a cage. how do i convince them?

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message


          welcome here! 

          the best way to convince your parents is by example.   if they can see your rabbit does not cause any problems, they *may* be more lenient as to where she’s allowed to be. 

          tell us more about your bunny… you said the potty issue is better… that’s good.  is she litterbox trained and not having any accidents in her cage?

          is she a chewer or digger?  if she’s destructive, you would probably need to address that first.  have you bunny-proofed the area, and picked up or moved important things out of her reach?

          is she spayed?  spaying is very important for both the health of your rabbit and potty and other "bad bunny" issues tend to decrease.

          i understand how frustrated you must be, but it is your parent’s house.  they may have reasons they don’t want her out, so it would be best to talk to them, maybe get the issues they have on the table, and see if you can fix them or improve the situation for her another way.

        • xXPanicXx
          286 posts Send Private Message

            haha thankyou yes my bunny is spayed. when i mean she had potty issues was that she would sit beside the litter boz, or with her butt hanging over, but now she hasnt missed. i changed her cage from shavings to just thwe plastic floor, anda few blankets, no mess. she has done very good! and she does like to chew, but im teaching her not to.

            DSCN0361.jpg picture by o0Panic0o i know it looks small, but she runs in the back yard everyday. (and no the eletrical cord is outta bunnies reach)

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              It may not be safe for her in the backyard though – it can be dangerous outside.

              I would suggest a larger cage and a larger litter box – that litter box is not large enough in my opinion.

            • xXPanicXx
              286 posts Send Private Message

                our back yard is forest looking, and all the gaps are covered.

                here ill show u. they have a bunch of places they always like to hide

                DSCN0373.jpg picture by o0Panic0o< part 1n

                DSCN0372.jpg picture by o0Panic0o<Part 2

                DSCN0374.jpg picture by o0Panic0oshe likes to hide behind that tree, and log

              • babybunsmum
                3896 posts Send Private Message

                  how about buying some NICs and making a ‘fence’ to enclose an area for her to run around in?  the fence could be attached to her cage, and then folded up after she’s had her time to run around.  this way she can stay inside and not be loose in your parents house.  there are a lot of pics in the >bunny info >> cool habitats section.  it’s a beautiful yard you have there, but unfortunately hawks really are a threat to bunnys outside. 

                • xXPanicXx
                  286 posts Send Private Message

                    yeah. or i can use my dawgy run :3 but i like ur ider.

                  • MooBunnay
                    3087 posts Send Private Message

                      Like babybunsmum mentioned, try to find a puppy pen or something she could have play time in indoors. You can even attach the pen to her current cage so she can get out and play, the cage she has now is realllllly small for a bunny to spend so much time in. is the link to what kind of pens you should have for your bunny. I’d really try to get one of these, your bunny appreciate being able to jump and play at all times of day. For example, at night is when my bunnies really like to run around and get their exercise, so she is missing out on that if she is in a cage that is too small to play in at night.

                    • xXPanicXx
                      286 posts Send Private Message

                        thanks. ime definantly gonna look at them tomroor thanks guys

                      • BinkyBunny
                        8776 posts Send Private Message

                          What kind of shaving are you using? Be sure to stay away from pine.

                        • xXPanicXx
                          286 posts Send Private Message

                            no shavings lol.

                          • Gizmo_Fluffybutt
                            30 posts Send Private Message

                              Since your bunny has to spend a lot of time in a cage, you could try to get your parents to let you make a cube cage. That way you could build the cage up with shelves and give your bunny a lot more room when it has to be confined. My sister has a cube cage in her bedroom with lots of floors so her bunny has lots of room to play when he’s not out running around. Target sells the boxes of cubes for about $15 and I’ve seen them on sale sometimes for $9. Maybe you should offer to even spend some of your own allowance on it so they can see how responsible you’re being with your pet. Like others said, you could make a fence out of more cubes to put around the immediate area and put down old blankets just in case bunny has an accident. Once your sure she isn’t having anymore problems you can expand the area.

                              By doing this a little at a time, your parents will probably become more comfortable with trusting that she won’t potty all over the place or destroy the house. Even if they only ever let her be free in your room that would be a huge improvement over just a cage!

                            • xXPanicXx
                              286 posts Send Private Message

                                im i have enough money for that, i thought it was gonna be like 300 dollars to make tho. Im DEFINANTLY doing that now. thanks !

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A i want so badly *cries*