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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I had to put my bunny to sleep and I feel so guilty

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    • Bunny T
      3 posts Send Private Message

        A few weeks ago my bunny Pablo was a little more tired than usual. Before going to bed that night I checked on him and he was playing with his toys and still eating. The next morning when I opened his hutch he wouldn’t come out… I called the vet and made an appointment and got him to eat some critical care. The vet listened to his stomach and couldn’t hear anything. They ran a blood test and he was severely anaemic. His red blood cell count was 11 (a normal range is 35-55). The vet told me to rush him to the emergency vet an hour away for further investigation. We made the trip. After waiting the vet finally called and said he wasn’t ok. They did an ultra sound which was inconclusive for internal bleeding. It was either calici virus (Pablo was up to date with vaccinations but there is another strain that the vaccine is not so effective) or a chronic condition where red blood cells were being destroyed at a rate more quickly than they could be replaced. It was a Saturday and I was told the only thing I could do was keep him in ICU until Monday to confirm what the problem was with more tests but that didn’t mean he would be ok. Already knowing how sick he was I asked the vet if I should let him sleep and the vet said that it was a reasonable option. We went into the room to see him and the poor thing already seemed like he had left. In that moment I just felt in my gut that I couldn’t leave him there so we put him to sleep. My partner said Pablo knew I was there with him. I feel incredibly guilty that I didn’t wait and that I don’t know what was actually wrong. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him there alone and I was convinced if I left he would die there alone without me. I went with what my gut was telling me at the time but it just feels  like not knowing has made the grieving process so much worse. If there was a chance Pablo could have survived would my vet have told me or did he support my decision because it was the right one…. Rest In Peace little one. I miss you so much.

      • Bam
        16992 posts Send Private Message

          I am so sorry you lost Pablo. It is an awful decision to have to make. It does sound like he was very ill. There are several possible causes for severe anemia, none of them good, including cancer. I do believe you made the right choice for him, but I’m familiar with that nagging guilt that says perhaps I couldve done more.

          Vets like to treat animals if they can, but they tend not to want to put animals through pointless procedures that are likely to just prolong suffering. I dont think any vet wants to pts animals – and they obviously make more money  treating live animals-  so I think your vet would’ve told you if there had been a real chance of saving Pablo.

          Binky free, little Pablo 💔



        • DanaNM
          9064 posts Send Private Message

            I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙁

            It is very normal to feel guilty after the loss of a beloved pet, no matter what we do. I agree with everything Bam said, it sounds like he was very very sick, and you made the right choice by not forcing him to suffer further in a strange and scary place.

            (((Binky free Pablo)))

            . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

          • Bunny T
            3 posts Send Private Message

              Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply. This happened nearly 3 weeks ago. I was starting to feel ok (and feeling guilty about that too) but yesterday it was almost like reliving the whole thing again. Reading this when I woke up this morning helped me more than you know.

            • ParsleyBun
              123 posts Send Private Message

                (((Binky free sweet Pablo)))

                I’m so sorry for your loss and I think you made the best choice by not prolonging his suffering. ❤

              • Ellie from The Netherlands
                2512 posts Send Private Message

                  Oh no, that’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss 😥 I think you made the best decision for him. The condition he was in sounds very serious, such extreme anemia is a sign of internal bleeding or things like cancer.

                  Rabbits are not good at recovering from illnesses, they’re very frail animals. They have few reserves and heal slowly. Sadly they weren’t built for individual survival, only species survival.

                  There’s also not much that vets can do for rabbits with severe illness, simply because there isn’t a lot of medication for rabbits and surgery is so dangerous for them.

                  (Our vet explained that to me when our bridge bunny Breintje got incontinence problems. If he were a cat or a dog they would’ve had medication to help his bladder a bit, but rabbits have a very different system and there hasn’t been much research on rabbit medication.)

                  A vet will always keep in mind that quality of life is more important than length of life, and they’ll advise accordingly. I’ve seen people struggle for months to prolong their bunny’s life, while the bunny’s health kept deteriorating and they still passed away. That’s suffering for everyone involved. We’d do everything for our rabbits, and sometimes it means knowing when to help them pass peacefully.

                  Binky free, sweet Pablo…

                • Jadeo09
                  83 posts Send Private Message

                    I think you made the right decision. The vet would have known if they would likely recover even more tha  we do and they agreed with your decision.  Sometimes the stress of the procedures when there is little they can reasonably be expected to achieve just causes more suffering and you spared your rabbit the stress of being there without you. You did what they needed even when it hurt you so deeply. That’s such a selfless act and you shouldnt feel guilt.

                    My vet told me months ago with my rabbit that there are two types of owners that she sees. Ones that do it a little sooner and generally are happier with their decision and the ones that leave it too late and witness a lot of suffering and regret their choice. She has been a rabbit specialist for over 30 years. I found this incredibly comforting that its safer to let them go a tiny bit sooner than to prolong unnecessary suffering even if that leave a doubt in your mind. We all experience that but it doesnt mean you did anything wrong.

                    I truly beleive you did what was best. You knew them better than anyone and you should trust your gut instinct especially as the vet agreed. Try to allow yourself comfort in knowing that and to be as compassionate to yourself as you would a dear friend. It’s what you deserve and need in atime like this.

                    I’m ever so sorry for what you’re going through


                    • DanaNM
                      9064 posts Send Private Message

                        Beautiful message Jade, thank you for sharing that info from your vet  <3

                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                    • Bunny T
                      3 posts Send Private Message

                        I think I know deep deep down that it was the right thing to do. It doesn’t make  easier though. I miss him so much, I am lonely and it just feels like something is missing. I have a great partner but there’s just something you get from a pet that you can’t get from a human. I’m terrified of getting another rabbit now but I just feel empty and sad and know that having a pet is really special and important to me. It feels like this sadness will never end and I feel stupid that almost 2 months on I still feel the hurt. Thank you to everyone that has replied.

                        • Jadeo09
                          83 posts Send Private Message

                            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello lovely</p>
                            It’s not silly to still have heartache and loss they are wonderful little things and fulfill so many of our needs so it’s only human to still feel such loss months later. I love my rabbit as deeply as I ever have to a human. It’s no different.

                            I hope talking to others and keeping busy is comforting you. I’m here to message whenever you like. I had to say goodbye to my rabbit yesterday too. So I know how you feel.

                            I feel lonely and lost too. I’m so happy that you know deep down it was the right thing to do. That assurity will solidify as the doubts fade. You knew in your gut.

                            My goodness will they have known they were loved because I can feel how truly and deeply you loved your rabbit.


                            Take care


                        • Cinnamon Bun
                          205 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so, so sorry, please don’t feel stupid or guilty! I know it’s really hard right now… your pain is still so brand new and it takes time, love and patience to heal. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I lost the love of my life, Binkie, about 4 months ago to GI stasis, and I’m still grieving and my heart aches terribly. It was so traumatic. She was also my ESA (emotional support animal), so when I lost her, I lost a piece of myself. I didn’t know what to do. I was also so scared to adopt another bun, but that sad, cold, lonely emptiness was shattering my heart and I couldn’t bear it anymore. I had lots of love and a warm loving home for a poor, lonely homeless bun, and so I decided to adopt another bunny (I spent a couple months contemplating it ♡ ). He makes me laugh and smile constantly. Those bunnies that we adopt after our losses will never be our previous buns, but we still love them! Having a new baby bun around has lifted my spirits and comforts my broken heart. The pain has still not completely healed, but loving and spoiling him has made it a little easier. You really feel how unbelievably heavy the impact is when they’re gone, don’t you? ♡

                            I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet baby Pablo. Take your time to grieve and heal but don’t be sad forever. Sending you tons of love and virtual hugs! ♡

                            I’m always here to comfort you and maybe help you to find that little light in the dark. It’ll be okay –  I promise. Stay strong! ♡

                            (((( ♡ Binky free Pablo ♡ ))))

                            ♡ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

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                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE I had to put my bunny to sleep and I feel so guilty