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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS I am so heartbroken over this…

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    • wcarter77
      12 posts Send Private Message

        Pleas everyone,

         I’m not sure if this is a right or wrong place to post this but for the sake of the bunnies please watch this and sign the petition at the bottom…

        I am so horrified at this when I came across it I was literally in tears I can even imagine the pain and suffering caused to these animals so people can wear nice clothes.,.. What has this world come to..

        PETA needs to be stopped at once this is monstrous.. 


      • njbunny
        99 posts Send Private Message

          You need some kind of warning on this. It plays automatically and now I am upset and wish I had not viewed it (although I appreciate you opening our eyes to the problem).

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            wcarter77 – I have included a warning – we ask that people please provide that in our forum rules section – PLEASE make sure you read and understand those rules.

          • bunbunlov3r
            46 posts Send Private Message

              ?That’s horrible!! How can someone be so heartless? I will have a hard time buying any close made with bunny fur every again! (Not that I’ve ever bought any, I don’t like the way they look) I understand it when they just take the fur from already dead ones, humans useing animals is a part of life. but that is just tutoring them!!!

            • NewBunnyOwner123
              1930 posts Send Private Message

                This makes me so upset. Like in America it’s illegal to do such cruelty for fur yet they just go and buy it from china. Which is in retrospect, SUPPORTING cruelty to animals. Just because you’re not physically doing it yourself you’re still paying someone else to do it! This makes me sick. But I also didn’t see a petition either. What’s the petition for? We can’t directly affect China’s laws of doing this. All we can do is not buy furred clothes and hope demand goes down enough for the clothes industry to not purchase it.

              • NewBunnyOwner123
                1930 posts Send Private Message

                  Providing a link to the petition would be nice. I would’ve preferred avoiding the video but I was trying to find this petition to read up on it.

                • unknownphoenix
                  97 posts Send Private Message

                    I am crying so hard right now and I cant stop. I read the warning but still chose to click the link. Thank you for opening my eyes to this though..

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      I “won’t” open the link – can’t do that to myself! (sorry).

                    • Bam
                      16957 posts Send Private Message

                        I won’t open it either, but I’m still glad you posted it as a reminder to never ever get anything made out of rabbit’s fur. My little niece wants stuff made from rabbit-fur, but I will absolutely tell her parents, who are are reasonable people who I’m sure won’t buy stuff that is produced by torturing poor, poor rabbits. Until now I though rabbit-fur came from meat-rabbits in southern Europe, where eating rabbits is a common practice – I thought that was kind of ok because if you kill an animal for its meat you might as well use its fur too.

                        But I realize now that’s not the case.

                      • Sarita
                        18851 posts Send Private Message

                          Unfortunately I think all farm animals including rabbits are not treated at all well.

                        • AnnaW
                          569 posts Send Private Message

                            I won’t open the link either, will make me too sad when in all honesty, there is nothing I can personally do to save the poor creatures. I am part of several protection against animal societies, and have signed countless petitions … but it seems that nothing helps. x

                          • bunny06
                            68 posts Send Private Message

                              I saw the vid i think the problem is people cannot take watching it PEOPLE NEED TO WATCH IT so this can be stopped. It is what it is and needs to be stopped.

                            • Cochin
                              81 posts Send Private Message

                                Posted By AnnaW on 12/04/2013 01:49 PM

                                I won’t open the link either, will make me too sad when in all honesty, there is nothing I can personally do to save the poor creatures. I am part of several protection against animal societies, and have signed countless petitions … but it seems that nothing helps. x

                                Please tell me you mean factory farmed animals?

                                not how angora wool is plucked, its usually done when they are blowing their coat and its plucked according to what comes out (like a dog shedding. & brushing the fur) – in case anyone was wondering.

                                i don’t like peta all that much, but ill sign for this. I think they’re trying to shut down the company or make it illegal to buy from china.. Have ya heard, I think that it’s gonna be legal soon for china to sell chicken to us… OY… Glad I raise my own chicken…. 

                                IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO DO NOT TURN THE SOUND HIGH UP, OR AT ALL EVEN. Unless you want to hear a bunny scream. 

                              • Deleted User
                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                  bunny06 – ‘NO’ we ‘don’t need to watch the link for it to be be stopped. We all know what is in the link, why cause ourselves the distress watching something we can do nothing about short of signing a petition? I’m sorry (and I said that earlier), but what do you suggest? I’m sick just imagining what is contained in the video and CBL recommended keeping the volume down because of the screaming (that alone brought tears to my eyes). Without watching it, I am devastated! I encourage ‘everyone’ to do what they can to stop any form of cruelty – but if your a sad sack, big sook, etc., don’t feel you need to open the link to make a difference – do what you can (don’t buy the product, maybe refuse to buy from shops that sell items that are obtained cruelly) and if there is a peaceful protest, join in? I agree, it was great that it was bought to our attention again – but you don’t have to watch something horrific (& I’m sure it is) to support the issue of cruelty. Yes, it needs to be stopped! But yes again – I for one can not watch it. I won’t do that to myself.
                                  Oh and CBL – Unless I missed something, I don’t think AnnaW said anything in her post other than state her support for protection against cruelty to animals, and her disappointment that signing a petition doesn’t seem to do much…..
                                  Wishing everyone all the best. (Especially considering this forum). Henry’s mum.

                                • Cochin
                                  81 posts Send Private Message

                                    Oops! I ment to quote ‘Sarita’ saying all farm animals are not treated well. My bad.

                                    Yes. Horrible video. The rabbits scream and well… Just stop there. I really don’t reccomend watching it – made me sick to my stomach.

                                    This next link some graphic pics (admin note: Edited out graphic description)but I think the petition thing is there…


                                    Really the only way to stop is stop buying things from china, and then just check out companies. Really, any animas products you buy from Fred Meyer, Walmart, etc. is going to be cruelly processed. Going to farmers market – if you eat meat- can get you organic, well raised meat. As well as lovely, cheap veggies. I LOVE the farmers market, lol. No meat there, but you can get honey, veggies for super cheap (we got 8 bundles of carrots for $10… And BIG carrots, organic!), and well… It’s overall pretty awesome.
                                    The farmers market is closed during the winter (here, anyway), but come summer see if there’s one new you… It’s pretty cool. I love them. Maybe it’s just cause I’m a honey fanatic… I love honey WAY too much. Haha.
                                    That and the vegetables are at all like market ‘organic’ vegetables. These are fresh, crisp foods that just are incomparable.

                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      Hey CBL – I sorta thought that…. (mistake – I make many, lol!) Just didn’t want AnnaW to feel bad considering she one of us good guys – doing what she can to stop cruelty. I’m not sure if I should say this? But Anna took in a gorgeous (no exaggeration) 3 legged bun (so cute – I am on the other side of the world and my boy wants to make her his! (and she has a boyfriend, ha ha ha…). Don’t you just love bunny talk….
                                      And yes, I think the best way is to not buy anything made from an animal cruelly. Then the question arises – how do you know? I don’t know! But I can’t help but think, if you need to use an animal for whatever reason can’t it at the very least be killed humanly? What distresses me is the suffering, then for it to die….
                                      Hey, and thanks for the warning to others who are able to watch the link/video to keep the volume down – I’m sure hearing those screams would be enough to cause nightmares forever.
                                      Oh, and is it you that loves honey or your bun??? he he he….

                                    • Cochin
                                      81 posts Send Private Message

                                        Don’t we all…

                                        I’m sure she’s done a lot of great things… 3 legged bun sounds very cute… A friend of mine had a dog chew off his foot… Eek… Well now she owns a 3 legged dog. He’s adorable. Just wish he didnt decide to chew off his foot.
                                        Well, you check what something is made out of.. If it includes animals, don’t buy it… Anything factory made doesn’t care about the animals ; it cares about making money. And, to them, if an animal suffers, who cares. As for meat, you pretty much just need to buy from a farmers market or a farmer. Or raise your own animals. But, not many people here have the funds, mental strength or space to raise & butcher your own animals.
                                        Sometimes though, you have to just grin and bear it. I can’t always find or afford meat from farmers market – doing something humanely costs more money.
                                        But, you can afford not to buy Rex or angora wool from the stores. Different if you get it from a breeder since then they’re usually by products, or the meat is used as well (for Rex furs). Or the angoras are treated humanely. But not sure how many people would wear rabbit pelts.

                                      • RabbitPam
                                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                                          Hi, everyone,
                                          I think due to the disturbing nature of this post and the link, I am going to lock this thread and ask BB if it is in compliance with the rules here. We tend to avoid the really graphic stuff since we are all, by our very natures of bunny lovers, already sensitive to the subject of cruelty to animals and do what we can in our own ways to help, be it giving one bunny a home or supporting rescues. I appreciate everyone’s concern, but need a judgement call from our fearless leader as to the graphic nature of the topic. Thank you all for caring about the welfare of animals and bunnies in particular.

                                        • BinkyBunny
                                          8776 posts Send Private Message

                                            It is not against the rules to post about this matter as long as there is warning about graphic nature and members do not describe in detail what it is about. I did have to edit out some descriptions so please be conscientious about it. Debates are also not allowed. As long as members remain respectful and calm with each other then the post can stay.

                                            Here are the rules regarding posts like this-

                                            When Posting About Animal Abuse or a Heart-Wrenching Incident:

                                            Though many of us want to help with animal welfare, or may want to share a painful loss, no one likes to be shocked with some horrible image that may be burned into their memory, so please be sensitive when posting graphic information. Whether it is something that happened to your animal or a news story that you want people to be aware of and help with, please follow these guidelines:

                                            • Do not post graphic and disturbing descriptions or photos of a suffering animal and/or animal abuse directly in your post. You can provide links to a news story or to more information.
                                            • Please post a warning at the top of your post when describing details in your post or posting links that will be disturbing when clicked on: Example of Warning to use: CONTAINS GRAPHIC/DESCRIPTIVE MATERIAL. THOSE WITH SENSITIVITIES USE CAUTION BEFORE READING FURTHER

                                          • BinkyBunny
                                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                                              Well, seems to be some good news on this, at least Gap has stopped selling their Angora sweaters until they can investigate further: This is what it says on the Peta link

                                              “UPDATE: Gap has announced that it is suspending placement of orders using angora and investigating further. PETA welcomes this step, with the stipulation that it should lead to a ban so that rabbits and consumers can breathe easy again. Please help make sure that Gap goes all the way by writing—and also encouraging everyone you know to write—to urge the company to BAN angora NOW!”

                                              In this link, there is a place to sign a petition if you want without having the video play automatically HOWEVER THERE IS A PHOTO THAT IS DISTURBING. ==

                                              I wish that activist groups would offer links to just petitions.(and give links to the graphic stuff for those want more info). We are there to take action and find out what we can do – which is their end goal anyway, we don’t need the horrific image or video up front and center as a reminder of why we are there- it actually can scare some away which is not what they want. I know the shock factor may drive people to act, but I think they could have some success with an alternative link to just the action part. I know many people would sign the petition but are worried they are going to see something that will be scar them. I’ve seen enough awful stuff over the years and it always haunts me even years later, most likely for life. I give serious props to those who deal with this first hand to stop it from happening.  They are tough as nails.  But for the rest of us, many of us will take action after we hear about it from a trusted source without having to hear and see the actual horrific details of it. 

                                              ON another good note to end with, I have also read on other sites (but they have more disturbing photos) that even more brands, Calvin, Tommy Hilfiger, Izod and many more are also taking all the angora off their shelves. 

                                            • BunnyLady1989
                                              446 posts Send Private Message

                                                I have signed a few of the petitions going around based on this subject and it has made a difference! As terrible as this video, and several others, is I am now more aware since I have been educated on this sad subject matter. It reminds me of the saying, “out of sight out of mind.” Now that things like this are being made known, we are more conscious about what is going on and maybe now we all can do something about it.

                                              • Tessie
                                                1231 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Yeah, in the UK at least, Gap, Topshop, Zara, and H&M (and I think a couple of others) have stopped selling angora due to these petitions. Yay!

                                                • Megabunny
                                                  2041 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Now if we can also get word out about how sheep are mistreated maybe people will think twice before buying Uggs. I saw the sheep video and it’s what nightmares are made of. Angoras are a favorite of mine, so I absolutely won’t check out the video you mentioned. Thank you for the warnings.

                                                  • Miss.Slipknot
                                                    65 posts Send Private Message

                                                      Well, i think i need to go puke now… Another thing is ( unlike AndHenry) i do not get sick normally sometimes i do cry but… The only reason why i normally dont is because i watch videos like this. It gives me modivation every day to get through school, now before you think im a horrible person i say get through school because i want to start a rescue. And school is hard for me. When i watch theese it reminds me of how i must help these poor animals. I wanna rescue animals from mills and i also wanna rescue strays and abandoned animals.

                                                      I love this form because i get to talk about theese things ya know? Im like the only kid in my class who is ageinst animal testing. I am the only one who likes to stand up for animals in my class. And when im here i meet people who not only share the same passion with bunnies but we also talk about this. Sorry if im getting off topic… Anyway when i watch theese i loose faith in humanity what about you? What is so wrong with PETA though? Im like a huge fan…

                                                    • Sarita
                                                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                                                        I am locking this – do not respond to old posts please….

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                                                    Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS I am so heartbroken over this…