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› Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › How’d your bunny get its name?
How’d your bunny get his/her name?
Bailey: No fancy reason – Just because I thought it was cute, and I was saying a few names over a few days and she just seemed to respond to Bailey. Don’t know if she REALLY did, but it just seemed to fit.
Jack: That was his original name he had when I saw him at Animal Care and Control. I guess that was his original name too. He was just this big bulky boy, and he reminded me of a Lumber Jack, so it fit, plus he responded to it.
Rucy: Rucy’s name was Ruthie when I adopted her from the House Rabbit Society. But it didn’t really fit, and she didn’t seem attached to it. She was sort of a goofball, so I decided to name her Lucy. But I kept getting tongue-tied between her old name and her new one, hence – the name Rucy was born. She responds to it when she wants to. She ‘s very independent.
Not too original I’m afraid… we asked the lady in the pet store what his colour type was called and she said “Sable”
Hey, we thought, that’s a neat name for him. We try to use his name but we usually just call him “Bunny”.
I love Rucy’s naming story, sounds like the name suits her too!
First off I would like to introduce myself, my name is Robin and i am a proud owner of a 3 month old mini-lop named Kupo.
Her name was a result of my finance’s love of Final Fantasy games and in the game there are these moogle things and their catch phrase is “kupo” Our bunny is so cute and I always thought the moogles or mogs were cute so we named her Kupo.
my rabbit is a rescue rabbit originally called bucky ( but in glasgow bucky is a nasty alcoholic drink) he loves to hide and peek his head out so i called him bunny boo shortend to boo or boo boo when he is being uber cute
Tallullu – Ah!! Boo sounds very cute! That is wonderful that you rescued him! How did that all come about? I mean what made you decide on a rabbit and then to adopt one from a shelter?
My rabbits are also from shelters/rescue groups. (I have three) Two of them do have health problems too, so I understand. How wonderful it is of you to give Boo a loving home.
Welcome Kupo! Now you’re entered into the drawing for the bunny goodies!
What a great name. My husband and I also love to play video games. We haven’t played the Final Fantasy series though, I’ll have to check it out.
Kupo sounds very cute. She’s right at that 3 month mark though. Has she gone through her hormonal changes yet? If not, don’t be surprised if she starts acting a little goofy soon – maybe even a little aggressive in certain areas.
Again, WELCOME!!
THANK you he is a little gem. I have always wanted a pet since i was a little girl but my mother has bad asthma so that just wasn’t possible so i promised myself when ever i move out i would get a pet of my own i didn’t care what. I have been a member of the sspca ( scottish society for the protection of animals) since i was 15 and they stress the importance of rescuing unwanted animals instead of buying one from a pet shop or breeder. So the day after my graduation me and my boyfriend went to the local shelter and looked at all the animals. Boo had been there a long time and he was scruffy looking and because he had health problems he was always overlooked so i decided to take him. There is also a 11 year old spaniel who i loved too, so as soon as i get a bigger place im going to go back for him.
Ah, you’re a softy like I am for those left behind.
welll…. Hareiette was in and out of the rescue for close to a year and knew her name. I really am not sure it’s a name I would ever pick for a bunny – but since she has such strong opinions and attitude it suits her.
Pandora’s name was also a shelter name – and it really suits her.
Viktor was only at the shelter briefly but they named him Soot. We didn’t like it at all and neither did he. So through one of our other volunteers who can talk to bunnies – we went through a series of names with him and he liked Viktor the best. Then I asked him if Krum could be his middle name. He liked it because it made people smile at Viktor Krum 🙂
Ok, this is a good story: So when I got a bunny I wanted to name him Fufu; not because of little bunny fufu, but I call everything that I can’t think of a name for a “fufu.” Ya, I know I’m weird. So my boyfriend and I were discussing a name, and then I thought of Joe! Joe Cavalier is a teacher at our school that we are in love with; a truely amazing man. So we decided to name the bunny Fujoe- after fufu’s and Joe!
Fujoe’s original name was Pedro, we adopted him from a woman on craigslist. But he’s totally not a Pedro…he’s a Fujoe. It was great cause at the first trip to the vet the nurses were calling him Fujoe Fabio (my last name) and were laughing so hard. I’m happy with his name
I love that story!
And now I am so happy I have a word for all of the things I can’t remember the name of. That always happens to me – drives me crazy, but I haven’t been that creative. It’s always been….”that thing, the thing thing, thingie, thingamajig!” But I really like “Fufu” much better. It will at least make me laugh and fend off frustration when I can’t remember.
my bunny got her name because she is the color of orange juice so that is what we named her.
hummmmmmmm.. Lets see. Well Midnight got her name because she’s all black, Kensey is named after my favorite nascar driver, Matt Kenseth, but i had to make it girly
, Lexus, my husband named, he likes cars
and Dusty was already named when we got him but he’s sort of a gray and white mix so it fits.
My bunnies names came from bizzare movies and cd’s my husband owns. I have 4 rabbits 2 of which were adopted from a shelter.
Nino – Was the male character out of a french movie called Amelie. It seemed to fit to him perfectly.
Jasper – Came from Jasper out of the Simpsons. That old man character that lives at the retirement village with Grandpa Simpson. Jasper was adopted and he just reminded me of an old man.
Ziggy – Came from David Bowies song Ziggy Stardust. She’s a crazy little bun who “zigs” everywhere, PERFECT!
Pepper – Well Pepper is my other adopted bun. She’s all black, pretty obvious name really!
OMG so I’m not the only person who turns to the Simpsons to get creative names.
I’ve had hamsters named Bitey (the monorail episode), Rudiger ("I didn’t do it" boy episode).
My first bunny was Bobo (after Mr. Burn’s teddy bear – plus she was brown).
My second bunny was Jubjub (after Aunt Selma’s iguana.)
My current bunnies are Hugo (The halloween episode where Bart has a twin "It’s loose! Hugo‘s loose!" We love saying that to him when he jumps out of his cage, haha)
One of my girls is Mabel (Very obscure, one episode starts with Bart and Lisa sitting at the kitchen table, reciting the first line from The Great Gatsby word for word: "So I sez to Mabel, I sez…"
My other girl is Bungelina Jolie, our only non-Simpsons name, because my boyfriend came up with it on the way home of picking her up from the foster home, and I was laughing so hard.
Also we’ve pretty much tapped the Simpsons dry at this point for names – and no I was not going to call her "Snowball II".
I think you can guess who’s namesake she is after. (She just had Brad Pitt’s baby).
Now we just call her Bungee, or Bunga-Bunga-Bunga, after Marsha-marsha-marsha!!!
Am I really as crazy as I think I am? Feel free to let me know!!1824175725771.bmp
Hello, love this site!
My bunnies names.
Pepper cause she is mostly black with some speckles of brown and grey, not my idea the name, she was/is my sisters bunny I got her when my sister moved in with another sister who has a rambunctious terrier. My sister asked for the bunny for her birthday before she was planning on moving and I got it for her, was my plan that I would end up with it all along though. MUHAHAHAHA.
My bunny is Boofa. I do not know where that came from I had her almost a week and just called her bunny till one day Boofa just stuck in my head. I got much protests from several friends and family members about that though. So I told them they could call her BB short for Boofa Bunny. So mostly she gets called BB but her name is Boofa dang it!!! LOL
My new foster got his name Spike because when we first got him he was blowing out his coat and his hair was spikey…
Tippy my bun got his name because of the way he always tips over to one side when he stands on his back feet…
welcome PhanRiver & Little Furies Rescue – we’re delighted that you’re here!
I love naming my buns. If i get another I like the name FRED!
WELCOME Phanriver! I love your evil plan! And Boofa is great original name.
The description of Tippy makes me laugh, because my Bailey does that too. She’s got a spine issue, so sometimes when I am trying to give her a treat, she stands on her hind legs and if I move to far over past her nose when I’m bending down to give it to her, she’ll fall backward.
How long have you been fostering?
hi guys, Im new to this site.
I recently bought my beautiful bunny, who i called Elwood as im quite a big fan of Joaquim Phoenix and i love the film Buffalo Soldiers. His characters name in it is Ray Elwood, so when choosing a name, me and my boyfriend went through our dvd collection and came up with it.
as it happens he has turned out to be quite a cheeky but charming bunny, so his name fits quite well.
Noble had his name when I adopted him. He is the Noblest of men, so I kept his name. It fits my 5 year old bun well.
hi y’all
i’m newly registered and in the running for the bunny goodies…woohoo!
i’m very active in bunny rescue and when i started a few years ago i told myself that i would not adopt any bunz cuz it would cut down on the time & energy i would have to devote to volunteering.
well, that of course was a silly stupid thing to think!
i have had the pleasure of naming a bunch of foster bunz, it’s always a fun thing to do.
my own gang came to me as fosters w/names that i didn’t like so i changed them. aubrie was found by another volunteer on a sidewalk, she was only a baby 2 months old. wombat was a “box bunny,” the runt in a cardboard box of bunz that was dumped on a shelter doorstep. he had lots of bites and thru-and-thru wounds. i had to flush them several times/day, give antibiotics, syringe feed etc. he also was around 2 months old. by the time i nursed him back to health he had fallen in love w/aubrie (both were fosters at the time) and i had fallen in love w/them, so…
wombat got his name cuz it’s unusual (i like different names but they must be pronounceable!) and wombats are fabulous critters that live in australia and which i think are awfully terrific!
my nykko was born on my couch and i didn’t name him for the longest time as i already had aubrie & wombat and i was determined not to fall in love w/him (gosh, how silly stupid can one person get…??!!!) anyhoo, when he was a bit older i got a foster baby who was also only a few weeks old, so i put them together so they could keep each other company. ha ha, you guessed it, i still got ’em! nykko originally had another name but in march he got really sick and almost died, had to have his tail amputated etc etc. so i gave him the name nykko which derives from the goddess nike which means “triumphant, victorious”; i wanted him to have those qualities. and he’s doing great now! the little girl who has kept him company all his life had a name that i actually gave her but ended up not liking, so she now is yazmin. i like to give my girls really elegant pretty names and the boys can have whatever suits them.
well, i’ve got salads to make & hand out and 6 kits (baby bunz) to handfeed i’m outta here. blessings, joy & binkies to all! 😎
Well, he sure looks Noble!
WELCOME qzobevmama! I haven’t reposted this month’s drawing yet, but it is the same as last month as so you are absolutely included in the drawing (as it will include all post in the month of September) GOOD LUCK!!
We are lucky to have you here! I too volunteer at a rabbit rescue, and I realized I’m not cut out to Foster. My first foster became my adopted bunny Jack. And I realized I fall in love too fast. So I keep my volunteer work AT the shelter.
What touching endearing stories. You are wonderful to be able to do what you do! I bet your a rabbit expert now and you have a lot to offer here. So again, welcome!!
My bunny Cuddles got her name the first night I got her, she was still a little baby, and I was considering the name Sophie but through the evening she let me hold her and wanted to cuddle with me all evening, so I decided the name Cuddles was more fitting. She still loves to be carried around the house with me on my chest.
Annabelle Lee came named from the shelter – named after one of the volunteer’s first pet and favorite poem.
I’m not too enamored of it – the poem is sad and she’s not a very “girly” bun – and she doesn’t respond to it so I’m thinking of changing it. Right now I call her “Bunny-girl” or “Cow-bunny”.
Oh, how sweet. Every once in a while, at the rabbit shelter I volunteer for, we get a cuddly bun. Most of the time rabbits are not fond of being held, and so, of course, we respect that, (unless we have to clip nails etc) but we can’t help but just swoon when we get a bunny in that actually loves to be snuggled in our arms. Such joy!
Ooooh – PEPPER. That’s PERFECT!
Annabelle Lee is a lovely name, but it is rather too girly for my little bundle of bunnitude. plus I think the poem is kind of depressing.
I hope binky-bunny’s other Pepper’s mommy doesn’t mind, but I really like that name for my black and white sassy bun.
Sophie: I have no idea how I named her that. It was my favorite "baby" name and a single 26 year old woman, my mother inevitably started hinting about being a grandmother. So I named the bunny Sophie Grace. She’s my mom and dad’s grandbunny.
i gave my rabbits there names becausee one of
them is called leo thts my mums star sighn nd the
other gizmo cuz he has the sme coloures as gizmo
of the gremolons
Awww. Cute story! You’re still young enough not to have to worry about it. Plenty of time!
I know what you mean! Our bunnies are our "kids" right now. We’re not opposed to having brand new human beings in our life, we’re just not ready, (may never be) for that huge responsibility,so for now, I’m sticking to big eared, four legged, puffy tailed creatures.
hey! I thave a Sophie bunny. I thought Sophie was an original bunny name! I like cuddles. I should have named my Sophie that since she is very much a "lap bunny"
Hello, I’m new here but I already love your site. We have 2 buns, a wild "brush rabbit" and an English Spot.
Our first one is the wild cottontail, she was rescued off the street with a crushed leg when she was only about 3 weeks old. I named her Hazel after the character in the book "Watership Down" because I always loved that book and the name Hazel, and she is a little Cottontail too. so her name is Hazel Cottontail .
Our second bun was rescued from a shelter where she was slated to be put down. My husband just couldn’t let that happen, so we took her home with us. She is really my daughter’s bun now, those 2 bonded and little White Chocolate is a real "mommy’s bunny" now.
She got her name at the adoption event where we got her. That day the HRS also had a pet psychic visiting, a woman who can talk to animals. So we asked her to ask Hazel what she thought the new one’s name should be. Well, since Hazel didn’t really want a companion, the names she came up with were not suitable at all (Traitor, Intruder… no, definately not). So we explaned to her why we needed to bring the new bun home, and she finally agreed to name her "White Chocolate" (Yes, my husband sneeks her a little piece ones in a while even though I keep telling him she really shouldn’t have it!). It does fit her, since she’s mainly white, with black and brown (also called "Chocolat" colored) spots so we kept that name
. She was originally called Truffles, so now we have White Chocolate Truffles, or Chocolate for short. Or, when she’s been biting me again, it’s "White Chocolate Trouble"
P.S/Binky bunny Jack is adoreable!
WELCOME Poppy797!! I didn’t know there was a "Poppy Day".
Jack says thank you for the compliment.
We’re happy to have you here! Have a Binky Time!
My baby lionhead’s name is Felony…I’m a first year law student, so I thought it was fitting. Although I usually end up calling him spoiled rotten because that is exactly what he is!!
hi Hooty – welcome! 🙂 What a fun name for your little guy!
When Lori brought our guy home from the Kill Shelter we wanted him to have a name that would reflect his personallity as well as pay homage to our interests. Because I am a huge fan of Reggae Dancehall, specifically Sound Clash, I wanted to name him Killamanjaro (Jaro for short). Killamanjaro Sound is the number one killing sound in Jamaica and we wanted our guy to be the number one. But Jaro never really stuck or fit and we started calling him The Bunny Killa, after one of the biggest DJ’s in the business Bounty Killa. That didn’t fit either because he is hardly a killer. So while watching a baseball game on TV one day there was a situation that called for a bunt and he perked up everytime the announcer said “bunt”. The Bunt is now a vital part of our family much like the bunt is a vital part of baseball. Sometimes we still call him The Bunty Killa….
welcome thebunt! Isn’t it funny how it can take a while to find just the right name for a bunny. I think it’s because they have so much personality and it can take a little time to get to know them better. So glad you adopted and saved a life!
Not very creative here. My sister helped me "herd" a dumped off rabbit so we could bring her in. She said she always wanted a rabbit named Thumper (after the cartoon character I guess) so Thumper it is, although I usually call her bunny. She does not listen to either one anyway 🙂
WELCOME thebunt!! FUNNY STORY. Love it!
When Apollo was a baby, the Winter Olympics were on tv, and the US speedskating champion was Apolo Ohno. I’d never heard of a person with that name except the Greek god, and I thought it was cool. I didn’t know if she was a girl or boy at the time, I just wanted her to have a name right away.
My Sophie I named after reading the DaVinci Code; after one of the main characters, Sophie Neveu. Before that I was considering naming her Elphaba from the book/Broadway show Wicked, but that didn’t fit. I kept thinking she should have the ph “f” sound in her name, and I think she just looks like a Sophie.
We have two (soon to be three, snicker), all named by either the shelter or their foster parents:
DJ – He was found dumped in a self-storage place called DJs Storage
Curly Sue – Curly haired Rex, you do the math :-}
Deanna – Tiny two pound Polish Dwarf with one eye. Our director Auntie Heather named her, not sure what the inspiration was.
They all have nick names that we use interchangeably. DJ is also know and doodge or doodgy, Curly Sue is Curly Boo or just Boo, and Deanna is Little Dee or Dee.
I always imagined bunnies as bounding through patches of flowers in a field.. and a little girl who would do such a thing would be named Lilly (like the flower) in my opinion, so I thought it especially fitting to name my bunny Lilly! I was floored when the hubby agreed .
I also call her: LillyBear, Little Bear, Bear… no idea why haha!
My little girl juli got her name from the shelter, and my little boy Raimundo was originally Raymond (because he reminded me of Raymond from "Everybody Loves Raymond", and my other little boy is names Kramer, but he is the tiniest little bunny I have ever seen, so when he misbehaves I call him "Teensy" to remind him that I can still scoop him up with one hand!!
My boyfriend has two buns as well, one is named Teeno (he was Martin at the shelter, which turned into Marteen, which turned into Teeno) and our original bun HENRI was adopted because of his name, I was living in Paris 2 yrs. ago, and I did not want my BF in LA to be lonely, so I went on petfinder to find him a rabbit because he had one when he was little and always talked about how he wanted one. When I saw a bunny named "Henri" I was excited because I lived on a road called "rue Henri Royer" and so thats the bun I adopted for him! Turned out to be a fateful meeting since that is how I met the 26 buns I am now trying to find homes for (and that is where our other 4 buns came from)
hurrah for rescue bunnies! how lucky it is that you went to meet Henri – all those 26 bunnies are very lucky to have you working to help them find homes!
I took in my rabbit from a life of neglect from my co-worker’s sister just yesterday. My rescued bunny was originally named Mr. Bunny by his/her original owner (not sure yet if I have a boy or girl). I have renamed “him” Pacer. One person asked, “As in Indiana?” (I did not know the Indiana Pacers were a basketball team) Nope! My sweetie is named after the upside-down fishbowl, the AMC Pacer. He body-line reminds me way too much of the well-liked (for me anyway) quirky car. My boyfriend is a car guy/mechanic so he was happy with the name, and agrees with the description.
My husband and I are both car enthusiasts so originally we planned to name all our pets after cars.
Carrera was our first bunny named after a Porshe. It fits her perfectly and it sounds so weird now to hear that word r/t a car. Shes very headstrong and rules the house.
When we bought Pookie we planned to name her I think Medina but when we got her she was so small and cute and that named sounded too big. I was a huge Garfield fan growing up so I decided to name her Pookie after Garfields teddy bear. My alternative motive for naming her Pookie was i thought it would be hilarious to hear my husband get after her yelling her name. Still cracks me up when he yells pookie.
Tee hee, when i brought Bunny home he was very skiddish. He was too young to tell his sex at the same time. So he was origionally called “scaredy poop” but that only lasted a week becasuce his fear went away, then we started calling him Bunny. he started to anwser to it so it stuck. in May he had his first check up where we were told he was a girl. We schedualed the date for her to be neutered. I was a nervious wreck. The vet called almost as soon as i got home and said that they could not neuter bunny because she had testicals. So she was a he and he got spayed. Lucky for us Bunny is a neutral name.
Cassy was rather an epiphany. I was looking at her in the store and was like "what would I name you?" And Cassy popped in my head and I had an image of a princess from a small medieval village, who wore normal clothes most of the time and didnt really want to be a princess but wanted to run around and play all the time. And then her full name "Cassandra" came from that since it was like a fantasy book. And her middle name "Bella" Came from me calling her "Cassy Bell" out of the middle of nowhere. Kinda strange really.
Hello all,
Probably my first post here so a big hello to all! We’ve got two wonderful rabbits, the first one was rescued and the second adopted from our local HRS.
Happy – he was found abandoned in the field near our home. The grotty feller was initially called ‘bunny’, ‘Mr Buns, and ‘Mr rabbit’ for the lack of a better name/s. We seem to find it tough to name him but one night we attended our neighbours ‘reading night’ on the theme of happiness and suddenly it struck us both at the same time: Happy!
Sofi/L’ll Miss Grumps – we adopted Sofi a few months ago to keep Happy company. Though Sofi was her given name, we call her ‘L’ll Miss Grumps’ as she grunts all the time. Both of them are a perfect pair, bonded instanly!
lennyjames – welcome!! that’s great that you were able to rescue Happy and give him a safe home 🙂 sometimes it can take some time for the right name to come to you. I am so glad adopted a friend for him too. How lucky that he and L’ll Miss Grumps get along so well.
My bunny, Downey, got his name… well… he has a flat face and was very odd looking. My husband named him right away… the reason would be offensive to some… so i won’t say exact. But we love the bunny he is a Lion Head and quite gorgeous now!
Welcome anjelk! How wonderful of you to give this bunny a better life. How did you end up finding out about the neglect?
Re: names. Brian Bubblebum, (aka Mr Bums on correspondence & when crawling under the bed to blow a big raspberry on his belly) was named after a fantastic hairy eared little old man over Gran Canaria, always meeting us at the airport wearing a tshirt with BRIAN proudly emblazoned upon it. When we got the bum he was a tiny ball of black fluff, with a rumbly tum, and so Brian Bubblebum it has been ever since.
welcome to binkybunny Spacehopper! What a colorful story about how Brian got his name. 😀
Awww!!! WELCOME Spacehopper!! Well, you aren’t new to the gallery though are you? I’ll have to update the picture with your member name. Bubblebum is adorable, and the story of how he got his name is wonderful!
I had a hard time coming up with a name for Oren. His mom’s name is Hugs, his dad is Ho Ho Mr. Chips. So I thought I better come up with a desent one LOL. He is a lop, so what you see first are his ears. He is a Holland Lop, the Holland folk speak Dutch. His name is Oren de Zomer. In Dutch, it means Ears of Summer.
My son wanted a lop-eared rabbit for his birthday (11) and so he decided after much research that he wanted a Holland Lop and would name her "Holly". Well we ended up with a mini-lop, thought it was male and named him "Zach", after 3 days we discovered she was a girl so naturally she became "Holly" . At Thanksgiving (3 weeks later) my bil was here and started laughing at her name and said Bunny Holly – how funny! Her full name now is "Bunny Holly" and her nickname is "Holly" which we call her all the time – or just "Holls"! Does anyone else have multiple names that they call their bunny, like we do?
WELCOME TO BINKYBUNNY PETLOVER. I know there are a few bunnies here that have multiple names. The one that stands out is right now is Brian BubbleBum. Love that name.
I love minilops! I don’t know what part of the world you are from, but if you are in the U.S. Then I am guessing you are talking about the lop that is bigger than the Holland lop. (in other parts of the world, the minilop is actually considered something else)
I think minilops are wonderful, and the fact they are bigger can make it actually better for kids, since they are a bit more sturdy.
So what is Bunny Holly like?
We are in Ohio, and yes our mini-lop is larger than a Holland Lop – but we love her to death! She is about 4 1/2 months old and our once loving, cuddling, and lap bunny has now become slightly aggressive and chewy – especially toward feet! I am thinking it is hormonal and am contemplating having her fixed. She weighs 4.5 lbs. and has doubled in size from her size at 6 weeks. She loves to run around the house and do binky dances. She also loves to be petted on the side of her jaw and around her ear. She even cooed like a pigeon the other day. She will sit for 15 minutes at a time to be petted, just not in our lap anymore! Holly is litter trained, however, lately she has been urinating on the carpet so she is limited to running only in the kitchen for now! Again, I think it is hormonal!
Hi Petlover,
there was a post a while ago where some people shared their full names of thier bunnies….i put mine in there i think it was "Full Names" but i’m not sure how to add the link into this post – sorry
Hi Petlover,
there was a post a while ago where some people shared their full names of thier bunnies….i put mine in there i think it was "Full Names" but i’m not sure how to add the link into this post – sorry
Here’s the line to the discussion about full names:
For anyone who wants to post a past discussion. You can click on search (upper right corner of forum) put in a word or words that may match what you are looking for (example: "full names" It will come up with stuff that is also not relevant, but usually you can spot the one you want or you have to refine your search.
Then just copy the address of the location from the address bar, and paste it in your post.
Thanks BB
Nibbles – I got her on Valentine’s day 3 years ago from my boyfriend who his “pet name” was Nibbles… so I decided it fit her for that reason. Also because she does in fact, nibble on everything in sight. So it also has a literal meaning as well!
Welcome lady_ivy1. What does Nibbles look like? What’s her personality like?
Well, our Hercules was named cuz he was the biggest bun I had ever seen. Hence, Hercules. lol When I look at my buns, names just come to me. Chocolate, well, cuz she is a black bun. My Butterscotch, well, he’s multi colored. Bugsy with her gray lop ears… And my daughter named Cotton Ball. lol Needless to say, Cotton Ball is a white dwarf.
Cowie is pretty self explainatory, here is a picture so you can see what I mean. When I went to the animal shelter the second I saw her I was just like "awww, she looks like a little cow" it was pretty funny. The people who had here orignially named her Baby, but really I can’t stand that name, so I just started calling her Cowie, and Cow for short, she does respond to it…. when she feels like it. I’m still not sure if she’s kinda stupid or just really really smart, like oh I hear you calling me but I’m just gonna continue chewing on this wall because that’s what I wanna do and you can’t stop me! Ya know that kind of attitude. She’s pretty sassy, and she has occasionally lunged at me if I’m doing something in her cage that she doesn’t like, for example putting the litter box back where it goes, after he has decided she wants it on the other side of the cage for the time being, you know stuff like that. Overall she’s a very good natured bunny, and she has all these little quirks that are just too funny. When I got her, I never would have guessed that rabbits had sooo much personality, I was very very pleasently surprized.
I currently have 4 bunnies, 1 Who was going to be meat, one who was bred at the store by accident and one who was marked down because he was "mean" I am not certain how old each is. Which really stinks. Any how how i got their names.
Firefly-Hes my 1st bunny. I got him from the store and he was oh so mean. Misunderstood is what i think it was.Later while looking up bunnies on the net I discover hes a silver martin. They are small bunnies and man when i let him outta his cage he is like a speedy gonzolez. I decided to name him fire fly from the little burst of the orangish red color on the back of his neck behind his ears. His eyes are so big and cute.
Ladybug- Grubs mom. She is basically Just a light grey. Kind of like a storm cloud. Since we had firefly we figured we would keep a bug theme and she was such a sweet lady.Ie:ladybug
Grub- She is the baby from the mother we got from the store, shes 3 weeks old now, her colors are black with a peppered grey on the top of her coat. Dubbed grub because she is super cute as a button. Bunnys tend to live underground in the wild and since her nose is so short she just looked like a little grub pulled out of the ground.
Last but not least i have Junebug.
June bug was in a reptile store for feed. I couldn’t let that happen to such a sweet rabbit I was told by the owner of the store she is a Hex mix so I am excited to see how big she gets.If you can immagine when you think of a Junebug she is pure black her eyes are a light brown, she is such a sweetheart. so that is the end of my themed critters of my affection
My babies (River and Simon) are named for characters in a TV show and a movie- Firefly and Serenity. They are the first pets that my SO and I have had together, and we both like the show! Plus, the characters were siblings, just like the buns.
Reni – welcome to Binky Bunny 🙂 It sounds like you’ve been a wonderful bunny champion. I am sure that Ladybug, Firefly, Grub and especially Junebug appreciate it.
Megsabelle – welcome! I love firefly & serenity too 🙂 I hope that your bunny River isn’t quite as explosive as the one from the show!
Welcome Reni! Wow, what a big heart you have! Sounds like you really care so much about them and they are so lucky to have you and live with love.
Welcome Megsabelle! What Beautiful bunnies. I got your pictures. Adorable. I will be out of town for a bit, but as soon as I can I will put them in the gallery. I will email you when I’ve put them in there.
i admire all of you that decided to adopt a bun. i found my bun on recycler and i guess the person i got mine from was a breeder but the mother of my bun was her house bun so maybe not…. but anyways, when i went to see her buns, i immediately fell in love with the two i got. both of them were so calm compared to the others (they were trying really hard to get out of their cage). to boot, my black one had such a cute face i couldnt turn her down and the brown and white one had only one lopped ear (SO CUTE). when i first brought my bunnies home, my boy friend immediately made up names for my buns. emo for the black one and armagendon for the brown and white one. – -” (he still calls them that too). i wanted to give my brown and white bun a sweet name because she is so sweet. she rubs noses with me and when i sit cross legged on the floor, she hops into my lap (when she is not playing catch me under the futon) and basically looks up at me so i can pet her. so i went through many sweet names but nothing really worked. however, at that time i was thinking of a name i had a craving for something called Mochi (ice cream ball coverd in a gummy type dough with powdered sugar around it, yum) and at that same time, she rolled into a ball on my lap. BINGO!!!! Mochi it was. my brother’s girlfriend was supposed to name the black one and she wanted to name it something sweet just like mine. she came up with pocky but then thought it was un original and then i mixed mochi with pocky and got pochi (p-ochi). Mochi Pochi. =P very cute huh? well pochi didnt really stick with me nor the bun. however, emo seemed to be taking over. =P all she does is lounge around in her house and look at you…. (not very playful) so now we call her emo. that is how my buns got their names. =P
WELCOME xliddobunnyx! Your bunnies sound adorable! I think that no matter how anyone got their bunny, a committed loving human who will give them a forever home is to be admired.
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