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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE How to help bunny after dead of the bonded pair

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    • Isa
      3 posts Send Private Message

        We bought a bonded pair in April thinking it was 2 females (it’s the first time we have bunnies but we thought it was a nice pet for our anxious 2 year old daughter).
        2 weeks ago one of our bunnies gave birth to 2 beautiful babies. I quicly made some research and learn I needed to separate the bonded pair so that the mommy wouldn’t get pregnant immediately.
        We separate them but they could see each other and the next day we took the malead to get neutered so we could reunite the family ASAP.
        Our little Pepe never truly recovered from the OP and he passed away yesterday.
        I’d like to know how to help the mommy now. She seems like she really misses him and he keeps looking everywhere for him (I think).
        We have move her and her babies because our vet recommended as it was not clear whether pepe had an infection and maybe it was contagious. But I know lily (the “wife”) looks for him everywhere.
        We want to keep the babies and maybe get her a new companion since they live in pairs (I’m I right? )
        Is this a good idea? do you think she will bind with a new bunny? And is it better to wait until the babies are weaned to introduce her to a new companion? I really don’t want her to be lonely. Or would it be OK to leabe the 3 together and neuter the male if there is one?
        thanks in advance.

      • tobyluv
        3310 posts Send Private Message

           I’m sorry about the loss of Pepe.

          You definitely should not get a new companion for the mother bunny until after she has weaned her babies. That could be very dangerous to put another rabbit in with her now. It would cause a lot of stress to her and affect not only her, but the health of the babies. Any rabbit that you get to be a companion for her in the future will have to be bonded properly with her, and that is not always an easy task. Before bonding can be attempted, you will also need to spay your rabbit, as well as having any new rabbit spayed or neutered. You certainly can’t spay your rabbit until all the babies have been weaned.

          I think that she will be very busy with the babies for the next several weeks, and they will keep her so occupied that there is no need to think of another companion for her at this time. Since you are keeping the babies, they will all be her companions for the future, anyway. Four rabbits can be a lot of work and take a lot of money.  You will also have to separate the babies when they get to be about 3 months old, that is when they can start reproducing, and they can also fight when their hormones come flooding in. You will need to get all of the babies spayed and neutered when they are old enough – 5 months for the males, 6 for the females. Then after a month’s recuperation, you can start bonding the 4 rabbits.

          Here are two good articles on bonding:

        • Sr. Melangell
          1708 posts Send Private Message

            Sorry to hear about the loss of Pepe, you could talk toyour bunny and give her cuddles (If she likes being picked up) You can talk to her about anything, like I do with my bunny, he was rescued, but his friend was spoilt, I tell my little boy about what happened in the shops, on the bus, I also tell him what I’m going to have for my dinner and what I’m watching on the computer, I never mention the name of his friend he lived with because he will go looking for him, just give the bunny some extra attention and she will be OK soon.

          • Bam
            16977 posts Send Private Message

              I’m so sorry that you lost Pepe.

              Tobyluv has given you great advice – it wouldn’t be good to introduce a new rabbit now. But your girl probably misses her mate a lot. Charlie’s Angel’s tip is very good – bunnies like it when you interact with them even if they don’t understand what you are saying (although they seem to pick up on the meaning of the word “treat” pretty fast).

              Binky Free, Pepe. You’ll live on in your babies.

            • Isa
              3 posts Send Private Message

                Thank you all for the great advice. It has been devastating for our little family to see Pepe go.

                we have been takin care of Lily peting her, talking a lot to her and giving her some extra treats.

                Do you think that it would be fine to just leave the mother and babies together once they all get neutered/spayed? It’s it OK to have 3 bunnies or do they always have to live in couples?

              • tobyluv
                3310 posts Send Private Message

                  I did mean to mention in my previous post that it would be good to spend extra time with Lily, but I see that you are doing that. That, coupled with the time she spends with her babies, should help a lot to keep Lily from feeling lonely since she lost Pepe.

                  Some people have trios of rabbits living together, while others have singles, pairs or have 4 or more rabbits living together. It’s perfectly fine to have 3 rabbits, they don’t always have to live in pairs. It is very likely going to be more difficult to bond trios or quartets, than it is to bond a pair – which can be tricky on its own sometimes, but it can be done. It’s the personalities and temperaments of the rabbits that matter when bonding. Just because they are family, doesn’t mean that they will bond easily, but hopefully in your case, you will have an easy time of it.

                • vanessa
                  2212 posts Send Private Message

                    I agree with Tobyluv, and this is what I would do:
                    – Keep momma with her babies for 2 months.
                    – Wean the babies between 2-3 months
                    – Separate males and female babies at 3 months
                    – Even though they are young, I woudl keep momma, male babies, and female babies, in 3 separate areas.
                    – Spay females at 6 months
                    – Neuter males at 5 months
                    – Decide if you want to get another bunny
                    – Wait 4-8 weeks after surgeries, and start bonding

                    Momma will be said and she will miss Pepe. But she will definitely be busy with her babies, and that will help. Give her love of love and support.

                    One of my pairs is a momma and her son, both fixed. I separated them just like I described above. Kept him apart at 3 months, neutered at 5 months, waited a month for him to heal, then bonded them. It was an easy bond, because they already knew eachother. It took 2 weeks and they were snuggly. I always let them see eachother.

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                Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE How to help bunny after dead of the bonded pair