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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE How does your bun like to be pet and or cuddle?

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    • Cloversmom
      52 posts Send Private Message

        Recently my now 16 week old bun has been doing a lot of growing so her personality is starting to develop more and more. This led to an interesting conversation between me and my husband about how she prefers to be pet. So I would love to hear from you guys. What are your buns petting and cuddling preferences? Do they have any petting and cuddling quirks? Personally with clover her petting preference has changed a lot. When we first got her and she started to accept pets she only wanted us to rub her right on her little tiny cheek. Which was hard because she was an 8 week old dwarf. Super tiny in comparison to our fingers haha. Then she wanted us to only stroke her body. We couldn’t touch her head nose or ears. Eventually she warmed up to us stroking everything including her head. But it had to be gentle and couldn’t be for long. But ultimately she was really only tolerating it and cuddling was a big no. After a few more weeks she started seeking me out for pets which made me soooo happy since she was such a shy timid baby. She would lay next to my pillow and get pets for a while before bed and before getting up in the morning. Then as some of you know she started getting more pushy. Waking me up in the middle of the night for pets and chewing off some of my hair if I didn’t hahaha so that was hilarious. Now her favorite way to be pet is by burrowing into the crook of my one elbow and having me massage her with my other hand. Me and my husband joke that she only likes deep tissue massages haha. If we pet her with just lazy gentle strokes she gets very annoyed with us and will either nip at us or will hop off my lap, thump, and hop back on. If I don’t start petting her the way she wants she will repeat the process until I do haha. This is especially true when we’re trying to fall asleep and our petting grows a little lazy haha. She’s hysterical and we love her to bits!! Can’t wait to hear all your stories!!

      • GarfyTheLop
        171 posts Send Private Message

          She sounds hilarious! What a lovely little bunny, it shows how comfortable she’s become with you both

          Garf has always enjoyed being pet from our first day of having him, he likes his ears and cheeks rubbed. Always on the floor though, he’s not a lap bunny – this was the story until Saturday where he jumped on my lap on the sofa and decide it wasn’t so bad up there after all!

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Hee hee she sounds like a little cutie. I can’t wait to see all the instas!

            Bombur was like Garfy, loved being pet from day one! I call him a little ham. He’ll lean his cheek in for kisses and look at you disgruntled if you don’t kiss him. He’ll lay next to me for hours while I give him love. He’s incredibly needy, both medically and how much attention he requires, but I’m not complaining

            Asriel is a little different. He takes 10 steps forward 5 steps back. One day he wants to be on my chest getting all the nose rubs, and the next day even just walking by him puts him in a tizzy. He’s very independent, but appreciates a good snoot rub when I offer. The rest of his body is off limits unless we’re nose to nose.

          • Deleted User
            22064 posts Send Private Message

              Ophelia typically likes her snuggles on the ground at her level, but at night and in the morning she comes up on the bed for cuddles. I sleep on my side with one hand shoved under the pillow, so she has taken to just coming up to me and putting her front paws on my arm, then as she gets pets she starts moving her head down until her chin is resting on my arm and the rest of her is a pancake lol

            • Wick & Fable
              5812 posts Send Private Message

                Wick is also a vocal proponent against lazy pets. He’ll turn and groom the hand until grooming is back to a degree of his satisfaction, or kick away.

                The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

              • Heaven
                256 posts Send Private Message

                  These are so funny to read!

                  Sam will pointedly lay down near to me with his back legs poking out & then he tolerates a lot of stroking, smooching & snuggling. He’s fine on his own level & will sit in my lap if there’s food on offer but currently doesn’t enjoy laying *on* me or right next to me for pets. Ya gotta go to him! He deals with a LOT of smooching and squishing though.

                  Hoping he’ll get a bit cuddlier as he gets older, he isn’t allowed on the bed for long because he pees there ;p

                • LBJ10
                  17014 posts Send Private Message

                    Both of my boys will be 8 this year. You pet them on the head and the head only. No touchie other spots. There was that graphic that perfectly summed it up.

                  • LBJ10
                    17014 posts Send Private Message

                      Found it!

                    • Cloversmom
                      52 posts Send Private Message

                        I love reading these!! That petting chart is hilarious haha. My bun must be the exception. She will let me pet her anywhere. Even her lil feet which makes it nice to check on her toenails and she’ll even let me fluff her lil cotton tail. Although this may only be because she recently had a surge in hormones. After she’s spayed I wonder if she’ll stay the same.

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          lmao that chart is 100% right. Ophelia will be totally loving her pets but if I go near the paws or touch the tail, it’s so over and she gives me foot flicks as she hops away XD

                        • Bladesmith
                          849 posts Send Private Message

                            I have a Clover too! Only mine is a huge American Chinchilla, and she MUST have her pets!
                            Every morning I get jumped on, pawed at, sucked and slobbered on as her way of saying “I missed you!”, and every night we cuddle on the floor (I spend a lotbpf time on the floor because of my back) where she tucks her head on the crook of my arm and goes sound asleep. Its so cute when goes to sleep and twitches in her dreams.
                            We also has a dwarf black otter, Dawn, who isn’t a cuddler, but will come over and do a few nudges and tugs on my clothes, then curls up close, but no touching. Occasionally, she’ll grace us with a chin or nose boop. Even a lick if shes really feeling affectionate.
                            She once jumped up into my lap while I was sitting in my recliner, and froze when she realized what she’d done. After her “Oh Crap!” moment, she sat for a few moments, jumped down, did a little binky, and acted as if she meant to do that.

                          • Heaven
                            256 posts Send Private Message

                              She once jumped up into my lap while I was sitting in my recliner, and froze when she realized what she’d done. After her “Oh Crap!” moment, she sat for a few moments, jumped down, did a little binky, and acted as if she meant to do that.

                              SO CUTE

                            • Heaven
                              256 posts Send Private Message

                                She once jumped up into my lap while I was sitting in my recliner, and froze when she realized what she’d done. After her “Oh Crap!” moment, she sat for a few moments, jumped down, did a little binky, and acted as if she meant to do that.

                                SO CUTE

                              • joea64
                                1423 posts Send Private Message

                                  Both Panda and Fernando are pretty “vanilla” pet-on-head types. Panda is pretty sparing about even accepting pets on the forehead, usually only early in the morning. Fernando is a lot more eager, even aggressive – he’s taken up pawing at me and even nipping me during evening floor sessions to get some attention!

                                • CinnamonPearl
                                  69 posts Send Private Message

                                    Awww these are all so adorable!

                                    Adding a third Clover into the mix! My Clovo loves pets and kisses. When hes lying down (usually against the closet door where its a little more secluded), Ill come over to him and smother him with kisses. He always purrs when I do it! He likes face rubs, and he likes being stroked up his nose and down his back. He prefers I dont touch his feet though. I usually sit a few feet away from him on the floor, but lately hed started lying down out in the open and closer to me. Its really flattering!

                                  • MeketatenBun
                                    178 posts Send Private Message

                                      Meki DEMANDS to be pet at all times. If there is a hand anywhere near her that isn’t petting her, her face will be wedged under it in no time. She loves her nose to be pet. So much so that I’m pretty sure if I could pet her all day on her nose, she’d stay there in that spot forever.

                                      She also loves “shnuggles”, which is her cheeks. She leans into your fingers.

                                      And she loves full body pets too. At bed time I’ll go into her cage to tell her goodnight and she’ll run over and put her paws on my lap (sometimes she’ll just jump into my lap if she’s especially needy) and flatten herself into a pancake like BunNoob’s Ophelia, lol

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                                  Forum THE LOUNGE How does your bun like to be pet and or cuddle?