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› Forum › THE LOUNGE › How do your bunnies scare you?
I’m sure other bunny parents have had moments like this, where afterward it’s a funny story but in the moment you’re fur parent terrified.
I feel confident the first time you see a flop you have to confirm bun is still breathing.
Like that; my new adoptee Hector seemed to be missing from his ex pen when we got home from work Monday. He didn’t come out when we turned on the lights or called his name; no response to the cookie rattle. Then we noticed a lump under his diggy blanket, but-but-but, he’s not -moving?!
We lift the blanket to find a startled awake little guy, wide eyed and as scared as we were.
I was so relieved I almost cried.
Please share and let me know I’m not the only bunny parent who gets nervous
With Bleu, if he escapes the kitchen, he’ll find a place to hide in the house and won’t come out even if you call him. One time I came and saw Guinness alone with no Bleu in sight and panicked. I looked through all his usual hiding spots and even tried rattling some pellets to get him to appear but he didn’t appear. Finally, I went back to the kitchen…and found him sleeping in the back of the cat tower, unperturbed.
Likewise, one time he managed to crawl under the couch, which we’d bunny-proofed from Guinness but didn’t account for Bleu being a smaller bunny. We were worried mostly because a ) we couldn’t reach him b ) there’s tons of springs and dust c ) the couch is so old it has other holes and could lead to somewhere he might not be able to get out of. Meanwhile, Bleu was calmly perched on a wooden plank, grooming himself.
Guinness scared us mostly through her gaining a liking to lotus leaves, which we usually use for sticky rice. We didn’t know if it was dangerous for bunnies at the time but we had to chase her down because she was running around with a big leaf in her mouth and she didn’t want to let go, probably because she thought it was funny. Then a few months later, while cleaning her pen, I found a lone lotus leaf hidden under the blankets.
Bam scared me especially bad one time. I had been calling him and looking for him, he has a habit of resting in different spots, so I’m rather used to that. But this time, when I found him, he still didn’t move even though I called his name. I thought Oh NO! and scooped him up in my arms and he was all limp. I sat down with my lifeless bunny in my lap, certain he was gone – and then slowly, slowly tone started to return to his little body. Then he raised his head and gave me a most disapproving stare for making such a fuss when he was just getting a bit of beauty sleep.
Every time he flops I must look at his chest cage so I see that he’s breathing. I try to refrain from poking him, because that’s very impolite, but I have to check so he’s breathing. Buns are crazy good at scaring the %¤#” out of their hoomins.
Sleepy~The lotus leaf under the blankets… That’s foreboding! He obviously has some good sense (not the eat the leaf) and a sense of humour (to run with it for kicks)
Bam~ Scooping him in your arms and having him limp, my heart would stop! I love at the end how he gave the look of disapproval that’s a bunny
It’s comforting, and slightly alarming, that other buns *also* aren’t motivated to move a muscle when called or offered snacks. Yikes though – Hazel and Georgie are/were so food motivated; Hector is going to have me racking my brain
Atlas does a full on dead bunny flop multiple times a day. Eyes rolled back, all legs in the air. It’s terrifying, and I know he’s just snoozing, but I do have to go and stand over him and check he’s breathing. Luckily, he’s at least partially deaf, so it doesn’t tend to disturb him.
I’ve been bonding them on my living room table too, and with Nimbus and Atlas, they’re chilled enough that I’ve been able to sit on the sofa and watch them. About three times now I’ve looked over and thought he had mysteriously disappeared. But he’s just great at camoflaging into the black radiator behind him.
Asriel has a tendency to jump notoriously high. We’re talking like 4 foot verticals. I’m always like “oh God, oh gee, that’s the one that killed him.” Then he just gets up and looks at you and hops away. One time at the vet, they were getting treated for mites and had a nail trim. During the nail trim we were commenting on how Asriel was being surprisingly calm. As soon as we said that, he kicked the vet in the forehead, jumped free on to the table, then double jumped onto her shoulder about to hop off. She was literally holding him so tight he was pancaked against her shoulder. That was the most terrifying thing. I was certain he was going to jump off her shoulder and become a paraplegic.
Bombur’s health scares me. HA. Honestly though, we’ve had so many vet trips for him alone, and he’s not even a year yet (March 23rd!). Every time he’s lying down for a nap I panic that he’s dead. I’m like BOMBUR WAKE UP! Kinda like Darla from Finding Nemo but not violent xD I also freak out if he’s in his usual snuggly mood or lays in the litter boxes outside his cage. The first time he ever laid in a box outside his cage was when he had a terrible stomach problem. He wouldn’t leave the litter boxes.
Oh my, these are all so familiar! The first couple of weeks that Breintje lived in my house everything he did looked so odd. Bunnies aren’t exactly graceful and some things they do look so weird, not like anything you’d recognise from other pets like cats and dogs. From flops to head shakes to binkies, Bas had to reassure me: no, he’s not dead or having a seizure, this is very common bunny behaviour.
My main scare scenario is his tendency to eat wool, cotton crochet thread and sewing thread. He chews it up like spaghetti, and I’m always scared he’ll develop a massive blockage. With a bun who’s fond of climbing it’s near impossible to keep craft projects away from him.
Dead bunny flop!
Bam, that sounds hilarious. I can just imagine the stern look he must’ve given you for disrupting him
Panda did a classic dead-bun flop this past weekend and if I weren’t already familiar with the concept, she’d have given me a terrible scare! As it is, I got pictures of her with her little paws in the air, as well as Fernando on his side enjoying a nice snooze with his eyes tight shut (being a pink-eyed albino, I’ve observed that he closes his eyes at times like that, but I’ve never seen his mommy close her own eyes completely). Pictures coming along in due course once I’ve transferred them from my phone.
Blue has found a new hiding spot hiding behind the curtains in their room. The first time, my partner and I were terrified that we couldnt find him. We really felt weird because his bondmate, Bombur, wasnt reacting. The sure fire way to get Blues attention is to shake the pellet bag, but it didnt work. Hearts racing faster and my anxiety setting in, I shake it again. Tiny lump of sleepy fur comes running out from behind the curtain with his adorable sleepy face wondering if hes getting any treats. It was so funny after the fact, but equally as scary
Snickers decided he needed to check out the toilet. Jumped right in!
We heard water and wondered what it was! Thankfully he bunny paddled until we got there (literally 4 seconds later, felt like a year).
We panicked because we knew they aren’t supposed to be bathed. We dried him off and he seems no worse for wear.
Toilet seats are all now down, but he also stays away!
Atlas being deaf would alarm me because he wouldn’t react to audible stimulus :S
Bombur’s stories are making me feel more, I don’t know -normal? for my level of concern for my new little guy
Breintje: relate – new little guy likes to bite through fabric. Terrified he might decide to ingest one day
Joea64: can’t wait to see those my guys won’t put their paws in the air during flop, I find it cute
Oh Mikey! My heart is with you. What do people do with rabbits who *don’t* respond to cookie noise?!
Thus far I think Snickers wins for most scary story
Oh Snickers… You rascal ^_^ It’s a funny story now, but you must have scared everyone to bits.
@Georgie: Breintje is indeed a fabric chewer. Not for fun, but because he has “opinions” about free paths and such. He chews on wool and thread which are on the couch and in his opinion too closely to his napping spot. I’ve also seen knitting and crochet work fly off the couch. My spot!!
When Breintje was still living in Bas’ bedroom he always had access to the window sill via the back of the couch. One night Bas closed the curtains too tightly and Breintje patiently went to work on a new
entrance. In one night he chewed a bunny-sized hole straight through. Rather neat and well-rounded too I must admit
Goodness gracious. I like how we’re all reacting to this terrifying stories with, “Oh, phew! Glad it wasn’t just me!”
Olaf leaped off the vet table at our last visit and when I scooped him up from the floor we noticed blood. I almost died. He had bumped his nose on the way down but I was convinced he had a head injury and was going to die. After some quick clean-up he was no worse for wear.
He also likes to sit precariously on the arm of the couch. He was loafed up there, facing me, when I realized his eyes were really big and he seemed to be getting smaller. He was – because he was sliding off the side of the couch! I heard a thud and thought the worst. Fortunately, not only was he unharmed but he had fallen straight into a tote bag.
I had a scare with Sam recently when I just absolutely could not find him, he wasn’t coming when I rattled the pellet box, anything. Me and my sister running around starting to freak out. Then we heard a scratching sound from behind the mirror… he’d wedged himself right in comfy? XD but it was terrifying 5-10 minutes, I tell you, adrenaline pounding!
Sometimes when I’ve fed him and he’s gobbled his food super enthusiastically, he will do a spectacular dead-bunny flop, haha. Seems that every bunny owner has been subject to that!!
The biggest scares for me is when I realize Alfie has been eating something that he should not have been!! I get so paranoid and monitor his food/water intake and poop meticulously. He’s always fine, but I always like to be safe. I also get so scared when he loafs, ever since I got him he looooves loafing but I can never tell the difference between loafing and hunching so I always disturb him to make sure he’s feeling okay
Worst scare I got when K was a young hormonal teenager and had his first *satisfying* encounter with his plushie. He straight out screamed, then flopped to the floor twitching and all that. He came to after like two full minutes, found himself in my arms and freaked out.
Turns out that’s completely normal, but I still wasn’t on the forum so I passed a long night googling about how to do a neurological assessment on a rabbit.
Omg Muchelle! I laughed so hard – I had to read that out loud to my bf. I would have been freaking out but it does make quite the anicdote.
Breintje must be a Bunstruction worker, excavating curtains to a high standard
Pinknfwuffy: glad it wasn’t just me is what I’ve been needing. Couch adventures have recently begun here, nothing that exciting yet. Though ending in the tote bag was cute.
Happy it was only 10 minutes Heaven. Glad he wasn’t fast asleep and making zero noises :S
Caillou: Loaf vs Hunch. Then you’ll see cecotrope munching or is that the tooth grinding of pain? Then you upgrade to poop counting and preventive – attempted tummy massage. The whole time bun is thinking “Calm down mom! I’m fine! Sheesh!” which makes me wonder when I became my mother. I can relate
Georgie I legit took my light-pen (I used it for my internship @ neurology ward) and bothered him every 10 minutes to check that his pupils were still isochoric + pushed his paws to check that he had equal strenght on both sides.
No wonder this rabbit has hated me for a long time ahahaha
Fernando made me jump again last evening. I was at my desktop PC about 8 pm, half an hour or so after having given the buns their evening oat snack, when there was an odd flash of movement that I caught out of the corner of my eye, I turned around, and there was that fluffy little white long-eared rascal, looking at me with a downright insolent expression in his pink eyes. I’d neglected to secure one of the ends of the X-pen securely to the condo cage, and Fernando had managed to squeeze his way through and stage another “jailbreak”.
To add to the fun, Panda made her escape a few moments later as I was trying to chase Fernando down. I ended up having to break out the banana treats to lure them back in again, and Fernando, being deeply displeased with having his fun curtailed, spent the next half-hour or so digging at the sisal rug where it goes under the X-pen, trying to burrow his way out again. He was obviously attempting a tunnel job through the night, because when I went to give them their breakfast this morning, one corner of the rug was well and truly chewed up. Oh well, that’s why I got a natural-fiber rug for their play space.
This thread has helped so much to normalize all the things my non-bunny coworkers and friends look at me sideways about!
Thank you for your stories everybody
Poro: will binky into a wall, and do a dead bunny flop right after. Likes jumping around people’s feet, especially when they’re walking. Doesn’t really react when you walk close, and often sleeps in a dead bunny flop. (Terrifies the heck out of me)
Gary: stands behind doors and won’t move even when you’re opening/closing the door. He’ll also stare at the air for a bit, and then suddenly run away insanely quickly (makes me really terrified, especially after I’ve watched a scary movie)
› Forum › THE LOUNGE › How do your bunnies scare you?