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Forum DIET & CARE How do you store your hay??

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    • LAZ1982
      13 posts Send Private Message

        I need some ideas!! My daughter and I are moving to a cozy (and when I say cozy, I mean SMALL!!) condo with Blossom, Charlie and my gargantuan dog Gabe (think Falcor from The Never Ending Story, lol). I’m trying to come up with ways to store the hay that will conserve as much space as possible, while also looking “attractive” as my bun’s will be in the main living area. Anyone have any creative help?? Thanks in advance!!

      • jerseygirl
        22354 posts Send Private Message

          How much hay do you buy at a time?
          Are you looking into storage for the hay supply or hay you have out in the rabbits area?

          Your dog sounds amazing! I’d love to see pictures of him sometime.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            How do you buy your hay? I just keep ours in the big cardboard box it ships in.

          • Sarita
            18851 posts Send Private Message

              I do the same as Beka.

            • LAZ1982
              13 posts Send Private Message

                I buy great big boxes of it from the House Rabbit Society… but having a huge cardboard box in the living room isn’t so cute .  I’d like to find a way to disguise that I have enough hay for a small army!!

              • Sarita
                18851 posts Send Private Message

                  LOL – I agree, it’s not attractive in the box. I keep mine in a closet so I don’t see it. I guess you could buy one of those big plastic storage boxes (not that I think those are any more attractive) but sometimes they do come in colors. Or even a large hamper type container might work. Target always has nice storage options, you might just browse there and see if anything inspires you.

                • LAZ1982
                  13 posts Send Private Message


                    Meet Gabe… this pic was taken about a year ago. He’s about 100 lbs of hairy, drooly, goldendoodle love



                  • Beka27
                    16016 posts Send Private Message

                      I used to transport hay into a smaller container, but the issue was then I had TWO containers with hay in them, my big box in the closet and the smaller box in the bunny room, rather than just one box of hay. And in a small apartment or house, every square inch of space counts. So unless the decorative storage container can hold ALL of the hay, while still allowing it to breathe, I wouldn’t go that route. Embrace the box, or hide it in the closet.

                    • LAZ1982
                      13 posts Send Private Message

                        Actually, a wicker hamper might work really well!!

                      • LAZ1982
                        13 posts Send Private Message

                          Beka, I wish I had enough closet space!! I know the El Mel near my home sells the smaller bags of Zupreem hay, so I may have to start going that route… either way, an attractive storage solution is a must. I think the hamper may work really well, seeing that they have the cloth inserts that would allow air to get through.

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m more into saving money than interior design, but to each their own. Lol.
                            Let us know how it works out for you. Oh, and make sure it’s kept out of the bunny’s reach. They could get thru a wicker basket in no time, especially if they smell “yummies” inside!!!

                          • Bunnies4ever
                            368 posts Send Private Message

                              I store my hay in a huge Rubbermaid container. It takes up a lot of space, but with 5 rabbits, I need a lot of hay!

                            • jerseygirl
                              22354 posts Send Private Message

                                Yeah, I had the same thought with the wicker, it would be a nice looking option but would be very tempting to bunny teeth.

                                What is the bunnies housing going to be like? Is there a way you could store hay ontop of it?

                                Another option is if you have furniture that has space under it, you could use flatter storage boxes or hay storage bags. Pretty sure Lintini posted picture of one of those bags once. Or use something like a storage ottoman that doubles as a coffee table or something.

                              • jerseygirl
                                22354 posts Send Private Message

                                  AND Gabe is gorgeous! omgosh!!! Just as well I’m not meeting him in real life coz I want to do a running cuddle tackle type thing. Lol

                                • LAZ1982
                                  13 posts Send Private Message

                                    Those are great ideas!!! They aren’t bonded yet, so they are in two seperate living spaces… Blossom is in a 3 story NIC condo, and Charlie is in a large dog crate.

                                  • LittlePuffyTail
                                    18092 posts Send Private Message

                                      Adorable doggie!!!

                                      I keep my hay in a Rubbermaid tote as well, tucked away under my bar counter.

                                    • Molzy
                                      161 posts Send Private Message

                                        I too use a big plastic tote, which fits in my closet. Then when it comes time to fill the hay rack, I bring the whole bin out next to the cage, and fill the hay rack over it (thus avoiding dragging hay all through my apartment!).

                                        This has worked well for me because I am slightly allergic to hay, so it keeps it mostly contained. It also fits the 9# bales of Oxbow perfectly, which lasts me a couple of months with only one little dwarf rabbit!

                                        I live in a small apartment with three parrots and a rabbit (who lives in a giganic NIC cage in my living room!). Good luck fitting into a small condo, I’m sure you’ll make it work (I mean, I didn’t really need a dining table anyways!).

                                      • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                        12067 posts Send Private Message

                                          I use plastic totes.
                                          So I have a large garbage bin for litter, then a plastic tote for hay, then one beside it for hay cubes, and a small one for pellets.

                                        • Hoppy Valentine
                                          73 posts Send Private Message

                                            I use the plastic storage bin, it fits a bale of hay perfectly, its not the prettiest but it works. I would maybe suggest those plastic 3 drawer containers on the wheels that you can buy in colors or just plain white and put hay in 1 and the food in another and toys or other essentials in the 3rd drawer. Well now that I think of it I may buy one for my buns stuff. Wow I can’t believe it took me writing this post to think of it myself. Plus the drawers are kinda open in the back so that the hay can breathe and not get bad.

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                                        Forum DIET & CARE How do you store your hay??