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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS How Can I Convince Parents To Let The Buns Inside?

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    • Cavbudg
      9 posts Send Private Message

        My mum says that the bunnies can’t live inside because (a) the health risks aren’t higher outside and (b) the bunnies won’t be happy inside.

        My mum believes that the bunnies enjoy being outside in the sun and with the animals and I try to tell her I’d let them out on the lawn (in a play pen of some sorts so they don’t go somewhere they would be injured etc).

        I have a room that’s free where I’d put their cage and make ramps and things but she won’t accept it. She isn’t worried about their litter smelling or anything like that, she just says that they won’t like it and that there are no more risks outside. (We have the occasional falcon and my friends bunny died from a mosquito bite a few years back but she doesn’t accept them inside.)

        They’ve lived inside temporarily for when they got spayed and neutered and things so they have lived inside before.

        So I was wondering, any tips to convince her to let them live inside?

      • longhairmike
        1069 posts Send Private Message

          show her the june picture thread

          then go back to may,, april,, as far as you need

        • Deleted User
          22064 posts Send Private Message

            Brilliant suggestion Mike! If that doesn’t do the trick, I’m not sure what else will???

            I’m a grown up with adult kiddies and mostly sensible (though some BBer’s may disagree, lol!) but I have my pets for company and to be able to enjoy them and their antics. Not wanting to be disrespectful – but how do you do that when you have to go outside to ‘visit’ with them? At this very moment Henry (my bunny) is laying behind me at my desk, while 2 of my 3 dog’s (I’m sure the other one is in my bed – doh!) are laying next to my chair. When I get up soon to go into the kitchen, they will follow me, Henry included – I LOVE IT!
            I (personally) don’t get why people have pets that they leave outside? Why? Just to feed/clean and visit them? I don’t get it?
            Being respectful of your mum’s wishes – I get it! Some people just don’t have the appreciation and that’s totally ok! But then I think – why have a pet?
            I know how you feel Cavbudg, and I am so sorry – I know your intentions are good. But if mum say’s no even after showing her all the ‘house’ bunny’s from the picture thread’s – I’m not sure there is much more you can do (except nag – that worked for my kid’s…. ha ha ha!).
            My Henry’s house is in our dining area (right next to the table) and honestly, we change his litter daily/2nd day and it never smells – but I am a bugga for opening window’s – I love fresh air (regardless of Henry). Maybe make a deal – if you can keep the bunny room clean and stink free, you can keep them inside. If not – you’ll respect her reasons and back out they go…..
            It’s worth a try??? Good luck Cavbudg – cheers.

            PS – I don’t have any issue with people having bunnies outside (I promise!). I just choose not too for MY reasons above – I’m a bit of a sucker! Lol!

          • Pipje
            73 posts Send Private Message

              Oh I know that attitude, it is the same that my parents have and my partner’s mum’s. Luckily I do not live with them, but with my partner, but they just don’t understand why we’d keep “Outdoor” animals inside!

              We had to move the rabbits to the shed for a month and I was so sad. I missed their company and funny antics and the rabbits grew apart from me, they began to distrust me because I’d always be trying to pick them up or carry them in their litter boxes out for exercise, I’d never have to pick them up when they were inside.

              She needs to understand that domestic rabbits are not wild rabbits, they do not enjoy being outside, especially outside and confined in a pen/hutch. They definitely do not like being “outside with the animals”, all other animals to them are a threat and danger! Mine are terrified when in the garden in a pen (we had to do it for bonding) because they are scared of the environment and unlike wild rabbits they are stuck in a pen so can’t run away and hide somewhere. When we’d bring them inside they would instantly do binkies and flops to show how much they like it!

              Can you maybe try explaining it like how dogs and cats are domesticated from wild animals that live outside but (most) people keep them inside where they are safe and comfortable and can be social with their owners. Rabbits are the same, they are domesticated from wild animals but that doesn’t mean they should live outside! If you wouldn’t chain your dog up outside 24/7 then it shouldn’t be different for a rabbit.

              If you can show that rabbits are social animals that love to spend time with their owners just like cats (and it is so rewarding to spend evenings just chilling on the sofa and have little nose bonks from a happy rabbit as it zooms around doing binkies), then maybe you can convince her.

              My rabbits are so much happier now they are back living in my living room instead of in the shed, they are kings of the house lol. They are friends with me again and they are super relaxed and full of life now!

              Personally I’ve found there is no joy in having a pet you only see by visiting outside, and the pet will find no joy in you that way either.
              You will all be so much happier enjoying each other’s company where you spend most of your time – in the house!

              If you haven’t already, try telling her these things. Show her this site, all the happy bunnies and cool housing, the flops and binkies and snuggles! She just has the mindset that is very common and most people don’t question it because “that’s just how it is”, but by letting her read things on this site and see the happy bunny pictures maybe she will realise that this mindset is old fashioned and based on how people used to keep meat rabbits, not pets!

              I don’t know how old you are or how your mum is, I know nagging mine as a kid would have just gotten me punished lol! (I had VERY strict parents, they are good now though!)
              But maybe instead of just showing her, you could put together a slide show presentation on the computer with information and pictures from here to show you have done lots of research and aren’t just saying “i want i want i want”. I basically had to do that with my partner because he thought I was being spoilt by saying I want rabbits indoors, then he learned from here that it was better, and the bunnies being cute and happy in the house in his company showed him the rest
              If you show you are being mature and responsible by putting so much research and effort into this then how can she still say no?

              Whichever way you decide to go, good luck, and please let us know!

            • Hazel
              2587 posts Send Private Message

                I have nothing to add as to why bunnies should live inside, everyone covered it above. What I would say is, call her on her bluff. If she’s so convinced that the buns will be miserable inside, let her proof it. Offer a one month trial period and if the buns look to be sad and depressed, you will put them back outside. Believe me, when the binkies and flops start happening, there won’t be anything she can say.

                Also, ask her why she thinks they are happy right now, outside? Any binkies or other indications of happiness? Or is it just that they DON’T seem sad? People often think bunnies are happy and content because they don’t cry and whine like other animals would. They are prey animals, which is why they are always quiet and calm, even if living in less than desirable conditions. They don’t complain but that doesn’t mean they are happy.

              • Cavbudg
                9 posts Send Private Message

                  Thank you everyone for the tips! I’ll test them out! I really appreciate it, thanks again 

                • GipsAndLenn
                  25 posts Send Private Message

                    I have the same problem, my parents reckon they live a happier life OUTSIDE. I have to admit, my buns do enjoy a dig and running on the grass but, I think that as @pipje has said, they will have a better relationship with me if we share a room! My buns are allowed to play in my room but my parents draw the line at being in all night.

                  • GipsAndLenn
                    25 posts Send Private Message

                      Omg @hazel you are so right about then just, “not looking sad” which supposedly means they are content and happy!

                    • Cinnamon Bun
                      205 posts Send Private Message

                        Try and start a new thread, @GipsAndLenn. Older threads don’t usually get replies – and we aren’t supposed to reply to older threads to avoid confusion. I’m positive that if you started a new topic you’d get more help! ♡

                      • Bam
                        16992 posts Send Private Message

                          @GipsAndLenn, you can’t know this because you are a new member – but contrary to many other Internet forums, we ask members to not revive old threads. This is because rabbit knowledge is developing fast, both when it comes to medicine and enrichment and general understanding of rabbits.

                          I’m locking this thread now. Feel free to start new threds though, there are a million topics that never get old!



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                      Forum HABITATS AND TOYS How Can I Convince Parents To Let The Buns Inside?