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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Honeygirl’s speed dating today

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    • RachelF
      287 posts Send Private Message

        Honeygirl and I are going to the HRS adoption day in our area, hoping to find her a friend.

        I’m  really nervous..

        I think she’s nervous too.. shes been looking at me funny all day as I’m fussing over her to “be a nice girl.”

        She doesn’t like her travel kennel AT ALL. She grunts and makes such a racket whiile shes in it. I hope I am able to get her out when we get there!

        Wish me luck!


      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          good luck! take your time and meet several lucky bachelors if you can…

        • RachelF
          287 posts Send Private Message

            ehh, things didn’t go too well today. she didn’t like most of a rabbits, nothing really looked too promising. I think we are going to try and bond her to this Jersey Woolley, Clyde. They had a couple of spats, but he was very tolerant of her. She cuddled with him a bit, and he licked her ear once.

            *squeals* and he’s adorable–

            the only issue is, that if they don’t bond, I can’t have him because they want him to go to a home either with a litter mate, or with a friend.

            *shrugs* its worth a try, they are starting the bonding after xmas, horay! xD

          • Scarlet_Rose
            4293 posts Send Private Message

              Bummer. But don’t give up! There are plenty of loveable hus-buns out there!

            • Ruffles&Daisy
              265 posts Send Private Message

                Oh my god, that bun is too cute. I hope it works out for you.

              • jerseygirl
                22352 posts Send Private Message

                  Pity they don’t give more info. I followed the HRS links to him and it doesn’t tell much, how old, whether he’s entered neuterdom etc. Did see ” Pending Adoption” notice though……is that you??!
                  He looks young and a cute lil fluff ball !
                  Thought you might be interested to see….not for adoption but just to see…there was a tri-coloured dutch there named Betty! I remember when you were establishing Kit’s breed how some said how rare they were! Her markings are pretty perfect.

                  I don’t visit bonding section too often but always laugh when hearing of another bun going of to speed date! I saved these pics from a while ago. If only it could be done this way!


                • RachelF
                  287 posts Send Private Message

                    Its funny you mention Betty, that was the one I was originally inquiring about when I contacted the HRS. They thought when bonding Honey that I would have better chances with a male.. but she is still in my head as a back up plan. They said that there are often times where you have to try more than one rabbit– but I have my fingers crosses that Clyde is the one I already paid for him and signed the adoption contract, and I am possibly dropping Honey off tomorrow– just waiting to hear back from the fosterer. It would have happened a lot sooner, but with the holidays, things have been quite busy for everyone.

                    I’m really excited and nervous, and I sure hope it works out.

                    OH– facts about Clyde:
                    He is a little over a year, neutered, and currently lives with his brother and sister. His brother and sister were adopted at the same adoption meet– and Clyde was the remaining one. He is the smallest of his siblings, and most laid back– he is quite a cuddle bunny and isn’t easily excited by being picked up, or loud noises. He’s about 3.5 pounds.

                    I’ve been reading up on longhaired rabbit care– Jersey Woolly hair isn’t nearly as hard to take care of as angoras, but still gets matted and has to be brushed on a regular(atleats weekly) basis. Anything else you longhaired rabbit owners think i need to know??


                    THOSE PICTURES ARE ADORABLE! I wish bonding was that easy :/

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                Forum BONDING Honeygirl’s speed dating today