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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Honey and Clyde Good News!!

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    • RachelF
      287 posts Send Private Message

        After almost two weeks, Honey and Clyde are almost ready to come home! I’m so excited, I just had to share! This is the email I recieved today from the bonder:

        A bit of good news here.  After being good pretty much all afternoon
        and evening, I took the plunge and Clyde and Honey spent
        the night together last night peacefully.  Today I caught them
        cuddling and saw him lick her, and visa versa.  Just to be sure,
        I am going to keep them until Friday and then send them home.
        But my work is basically done.  I just need to leave them in
        neutral territory and let the bond strengthen.

        This evening, I moved them from the livingroom back into
        the pen next to the fluffy sisters.  That did not seem to
        cause any problems and it was 6 + hours ago.

        I’m so happy, been buzzing around all morning at work thinking about them! I’ve decided to keep them in my kitchen as the “neutral territory” because Honey is rather scared of the tile aaaand if anyone has accidents it will be an easy cleanup(I usually keep Honey in her xpen on a heavy duty rug).

        I just can’t wait to see them together being all lovey..

        I never thought Honey would make it this far, she is so dang bossy, I thought id be months before they got to come home!!

        *happy dance*


      • luna
        147 posts Send Private Message

          Aw thats great news bunnyballet… im delighted for you Its just the nicest feeling in the world to see two bunnies bonded. Henry and Poppy have been so loving to each other over the last few days and it melts my heart every time i see them grooming each other. Like you I am keeping mine in the kitchen too. Initially it was to make cleaning easier if there were any accidents but now im going to keep them in the kitchen as they seem really happy and there is nothing they can damage so they are out all day even when we are not home!


          Id say you cant wait to get your two little luvbuns home! They will be a joy to watch

        • RachelF
          287 posts Send Private Message

            thanks for the warm thoughts Luna (:

            So I’m a little worried, the bonder called me today and said that Clyde’s sister must have nipped her above the eye in the lid area. She’s taking her into the vet to make sure that its okay, she thinks it would have healed fine on its own but she thought “cosmetically” it would be better to have a stitch put in.

            I know things like this happen when bonding, but I just wish she would have seperated the pens enough so that this wouldn’t have occurred.

            But things happen, and hopefully the vet will give her an antibiotic or something, aren’t cuts easily infected? Isn’t it easy for buns to get an absess from a bite?

          • Kokaneeandkahlua
            12067 posts Send Private Message

              That’s great news!!! Only ‘three more sleeps’ until they come home!!! That’s so exciting-can’t wait for pictures

              ohhh darn-didn’t see that last post. Well that’s good she’s taking her to the vet (at her own expense I hope!) so that’s responsible, but that does stink that they were close enough for that to happen… It’s not really that they are easy to infect, but that infections are more serious in rabbits. If the vet is good and you guys keep it clean (you can put polysporin on the cut as much as you like, or neosporin) then it shouldn’t be a big deal at all. *hugs*

            • RachelF
              287 posts Send Private Message

                KK- yes she paid for everything, and I saw the bill $250 plus a flat exam fee of 50$. Yikes!

                I called the vet this morning, call me crazy, but I wanted to talk to him for myself. He told me they put three tiny stitches in her eye, and gave a cream to put on the eye 2 times a day until the stitches come out in a week. The cream keeps out any infection and helps her to heal without a scar. Poor little girl, I don’t want her perfect face flawedd xD Lol, but I’m just happy it didn’t sound serious and everything will be okay.

                THE DAYS GO BY SOOOO SLOW! I just set up the xpen last night, bought two new heavy crocks because Honey chewed the heck out of the last bowl we had for her. 2 new rugs! And the pen pretty much takes up my whole kitchen (: I can’t wait til it is filled with two little cottonballs!

                Trying to keep myself busy :/

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  i’m excited for you! sorry, she got a nip, that sounds OUCHY! but at least it was taken care of promptly…

                  you’ll be able to take some pics when they get home, right?

                • RachelF
                  287 posts Send Private Message

                    oh definitely! it will be like bunny paparazzi!
                    (just got a new camera for christmas!)

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      Actually bunnyballet, it was very forward thinking of you to talk to the vet! You will be doing the after care after all. It’s so funny your world has stopped while waiting for these two. Totally understandable! Maybe try occupy yourself doing things that you normally couldn’t do with a bunny in the house. It’s your last chance! Can you even remember what some of those things could be? I can’t!! lol

                    • dlscanne
                      149 posts Send Private Message

                        I’ve been following your thread and I’m so happy for you! I couldn’t imagine being away from my bunnies for that long! Can’t wait for the pics

                      • RachelF
                        287 posts Send Private Message

                          Jerseygirl– there is nothing I do when my buns aren’t there that I’d rather do without them.. well maybe wrapping presents or reading books(Honey likes to SHRED things right out of my hands).. but its all still manageable! xD

                          I’m so excited to pick them up….i just can’t stop thinking about it!

                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                            When do you pick them up?? *excited!*

                          • RachelF
                            287 posts Send Private Message

                              I pick them up tomorrow around 2.

                              The fosterer is supposed to give me a grooming lesson and sell me a willow tent because clyde likes to hidee.

                              (: I’ll be sure to post pictures asap!

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                *waits for pictures and tries to look patient*

                              • RachelF
                                287 posts Send Private Message
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                              Forum BONDING Honey and Clyde Good News!!