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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hi its so lonely now

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    • bunnytowne
      7537 posts Send Private Message

        Cotton was suffering.  I hated seeing it.  Broke my heart.  I did the best I could for him.  Followed the vets orders.  I am grateful we had this week together.    

        I indulged him with watermelon its what he wanted I gave it to him.  He was suffering and I felt at todays vet visit she would say its time.  So I indulged him.  And his greens and his parsley he loved that and grasses too.  HE didnt eat much of it but its what he liked best. Gave critical care last  2 days I hated force feeding him.  Gave him sub Q iv fluids myself.  3x.  I tried Cotton with all my  heart I tried.  You did too I know you did you really did.  

        His kidneys were failing.  He may have had cancer the vet said.  He lived a long life for a bunny 10 1/2 most live about 7 years she said He lived a very long life.  I wonder what I could have done different that could have saved him.  If I had taken him in sooner.  Something.  Anything.  Anything at all.  Just tell me what I could have done different.   I knew this day would come sometime.  He was 10 1.2  But damn.   Ouch.  

        I came home without him.  Walked in the door said his name as usual. Hi Cotton.  Remembered he isnt here anymore he will never be here again. I screamed and cried.    I couldnt rest til I threw a few things out.  Opened treat bags and hay and pellets.  2 used litterboxes.  talking 3 hours to my mom and for a little with 2 neighbors.  I must remember tho I did the right thing he truly was suffering I could see it and hated it that last week.  I loved him extra.  I knew it was coming.  He was fiesty tho.  Oh always the fiesty one lol.  Thats my boy lol  Fiesty as ever even to the end.  I love that boy.  

        When I lay on the floor he would move around my body giving kissies and chewed on my hair lol.  All the sweet memories.  All the pictures and videos I have of you.  I am so glad I paid good $ to have a special portrait done of us.  So happy I did that.  

      • tobyluv
        3310 posts Send Private Message

          I’m very sorry about the loss of Cotton. He did live a long life. It sounds like you and the vet did everything you could to help him. He knew how much you loved him and that you would do the right thing for him when the time came.

        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            Oh BT, my heart goes out to you. I know you’ve been preparing, but it doesn’t make it less painful. Sending you many (((hugs))).

            Cotton was such a funny, spunky dude and Ive so enjoyed hearing about his antics over the years. He was so well loved by you!

            Please share some photos if you can. I’d love to see pics ol’ blue eyes again. I always said it looked like he was wearing a pair of low-cut chocolate pants. Funny boy. : )

            ***Binky Free Cotton*** You will be dearly missed!

          • Rookie
            466 posts Send Private Message

              I am so very sorry for your loss. I had my boy only 2 years before I lost him and I wish I could say I coped with it well but truth is…no I haven’t. I have Sprocket now and I can truly say he put my heart back together as much as he could and I love him a much as I loved Rookie. I miss Rookie though. still cant look at photos. breaks my heart. but sprocket makes me happy. I hope you too find peace and love again. I hope a bun hopes into your life as unexpectedly as it did into mine to pick up the broken pieces.

              Hope Cotton is doing all his binkies and eats all the cloud given watermelons he can. Rookie and him would get along…he too had the bunnytude going …lol. ..

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message

                Oh Kawthar, I’m gutted for you. I am so very sorry to hear Cotton Boo has gone. He was such a character and there was no doubt your connection to him was strong and will always be, even to the hereafter. You have my deepest sympathies and if you need an ear you can always message me here. I don’t get on BB much anymore, but I try to get back when someone asks after me.

                Binky free, wonderful Cotton. You will be remembered and loved so much by so many who you never knew. Keep watch over your mum from the bridge, dear one. We will all see you again someday.

                A candle for you:

              • Gina.Jenny
                2244 posts Send Private Message

                  Always a hard call to make, Binky Free (Cotton)

                • Bam
                  16977 posts Send Private Message

                    Dear bunnytowne, I’m so sorry about Cotton.

                    He was a wonderful bunny, so full of personality. But he got old, his body gave up on him, and you tried everything and in the end, you didn’t let him suffer. It’s so hard to make that decision, but it was for him.

                    It must be lonely now, without him. You had a long life together. He was so loved.

                    Binky free, sweet, funny, feisty Cotton.

                  • Vienna Blue in France
                    5317 posts Send Private Message

                      So sorry. ((((( Binky Free Cotton )))))

                    • LBJ10
                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                        I’m so sorry to hear about Cotton. He was a sweet boy and we all loved him so.

                      • RabbitPam
                        11002 posts Send Private Message

                          I am so sorry. I know how heartbroken you are. You were wonderful with him, always. I will miss Cotton. He was such a part of binky bunny for all of us.
                          I think I will never forget the way youcould take him in a little wagon to the store.
                          And how you both would enjoy sitting on the dock by the water.
                          Cotton was a very special, unique, wonderful bunny.
                          He will be with youalways.

                        • bunnytowne
                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                            Thank you everyone.  Yes Cotton and his little low cut grey pants lol.  They get brownish in the summer.  

                            I went down by the dock to cry.   Then sweet memories come every time.  This one was when I used to take him to the dock.  He would squirm to be put down.  Then he would run down the walkway with me running behind trying to keep up so he wouldnt hit the end of the stretchy leash.  He would run right alone with his  little head up a bunny on a mission.  He would head right for the grass.  Where I would take him to play.  He knew exactly how to get there.  Even tho I carried  him to the dock he had it all figured out on his own.  Smart little wascal he was.  

                            The week before he went his way I was brushing him.  He had cecal stuck on his leg and foot.  I easily picked it off his leg but hte one on his foot gave me a hard time.  He got up turned sideways gave me a look then turned around lay down with his feet towards the wall so I couldnt pick that cecal off his foot.  He hated his feet messed with.  Oh was he smart.  lol.  Little fuzzy butt.  

                            4 weeks ago I lay on the floor with him before he was really really sick.  HE went around my whole body licking diferent areas.  One side then the other.  He reached my hair.  He licked then started pulling then chewing giving me a hair cut.  lol.  

                            Oh you my little Boo.  

                          • BinkyBunny
                            8776 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh Bunnytowne — I’m so sorry. Your posts about this are written in such a way that can really get a picture of all that you are going through. I am heartbroken for you. I know how hard it is. So tough! As their humans, it’s natural to wonder if we could have saved them or done something different. But we all know your history and I have NO doubt that it was just his time. He did live a long…and wonderful life. He was such a lucky bunny. You gave him such an amazing life full of love. It hurts so much I know right now. There will always be pain in the “loss”. But in time, the memories of the good are less painful, and then can be enjoyed with such strong stabs of pain. (That has been my experienced).

                              Get rest and be kind to yourself. Mourning is hard.

                            • LittlePuffyTail
                              18092 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so very sorry you had to say goodbye. We all know how special and beloved he was. Your heartfelt words have me in tears. It is so hard to let them go, but harder perhaps to see them so unwell. I’ve been there. I know your heart ache. Cotton Boo was sure lucky to have you for his Mama. ((((Hugs))))

                                ((((((Binky Free Cotton- Watch over your Mama from the Bridge)))))

                              • Luna
                                2219 posts Send Private Message

                                  It sounds like you guys had a bunch of fun adventures together. What an awesome little guy. He knows you love him.

                                  Binky free Cotton

                                • RabbitPam
                                  11002 posts Send Private Message


                                    BT, in case you missed it, I posted a pix of Cotton on the Binkybunny Facebook page last August 14th. Here’s a link, or go to our FB page and scroll down to last Monday.
                                    I don’t usually do this, but Cotton was so special to many of us. He was around for most of binkybunny’s history.

                                  • Zari
                                    2 posts Send Private Message

                                      I lost my Bella yesterday. She was a 6 year old Holland mini-lop. She died because of GI stasis. I can’t stop crying. I’m on vacation and left her in the care of my good neighbor. But she just stopped eating and died. I blame myself for not being there, not seeing the signs. I feel your pain. I’m surrounded by cold ppl here who think “it’s just a rabbit,” i feel so broken

                                    • Chocolate
                                      4 posts Send Private Message

                                        Cotton was gorgeous. What a fabulous, long life!

                                        Zari….so sorry about Bella. And really sorry people don’t understand. Hugs to you.

                                        Binkie free Cotton and Bella.

                                      • Dee
                                        704 posts Send Private Message

                                          Bunnytowne, I know this response is late, but I just saw this. I’m so sorry. You are another bunny parent I remember from way back when our rabbits were young…. it just goes much too fast. I know your pain, and how empty it feels when they are not there. Why is it that we always think that we could have done something different, even in a case like yours when you obviously did all you could? I guess it’s just a way to process the loss, but it’s torture on top of missing and mourning them. I hope you keep reminding yourself of all the special things you did to spoil Cotton, and what a wonderful life you gave him. You even did the hardest yet kindest thing and released him from this life when it was time. I love the way you described him and his antics and personality, he had so much fun. I wish I could bring them all back, young and healthy again.
                                          {{{Binky free, Cotton}}}

                                        • bunnytowne
                                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                                            Oh Zari.  We know its not just a bunny.  They are our fur children with such huge personalities.  I mean huge.  

                                            I hope you are doing better now. 

                                            Everyone thank you for your comments.  I do appreciate it so much.  It has really helped.  

                                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                                              I’m so sorry BT you gave Cotton such a good life. I was really sorry to see that he passed He was lucky to have you

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                                          Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hi its so lonely now