Hi Bob,
Beka’s right, I’ve been through the same thing with mine. I only got my first bunny just under 2 years ago so it’s been a learning experience. Thank God for the BinkyBunny forums!
When I wound up with 2 bonded couples, I had the same wars. It could get very intense like you said, the fights and all. I had one couple in the living room, the second couple in the back bedroom. It’s an old fashioned house plan, no hallways so you walk from the living room, (their condo is right next to the door.) through the kitchen and into the back bedroom.
For the first few months even though they stayed in their respective rooms and no one got in the kitchen, it was poop pee central. And the couples would squabble quite a bit. The boys weren’t too bad, but the girls, geez, Pringle and Lola are both divas and they’d jump through hoops to escape their rooms and get to the other condo.
Just like you said, the loose girl would go parading in front of the other couple and all hell would break loose. The girl in the condo would alternate between trying to tear down the door to get to the interloper and biting and chasing their poor partner (who after all was only trying to get a look)
Even after I got them separated again, the next time the buns were out of their condo they both would mark their entire room with so much poop and pee, I was threatening them with rabbit stew. And they would continue to fight for an hour or so after the confrontation.
It did get better, after a couple of months. Now I let both couple in the kitchen (not at the same time) and there will be some marking, but not as much as before. If one gets into the other’s room by accident (mine, not their’s) it’s come down to the locked up girl chasing the guy into the box and then she follows the loose woman with a stink eye that could kill. And instead of marking her territory when she gets out, the offended girl just does her best to get into the other’s room to flaunt.
THEN I was faced with a third couple (funny how neutered rabbits can multiply like that) An older couple that would have to share a room with someone. I asked here and received a lot of helpful suggestions and that transition was much smoother. I put their condos side by side and hung a blanket so they can’t see each other when in their condos.
When each couple had their ‘out’ time I used a blanket to block off their view to the other condo. There was a lot of fussing and fighting at first, but it also calmed down after a few weeks. My older couple never really paid Pringles and Toby much atttention so it was mainly Pringles having to get used to their company.
I finally got tired of the poops and let the room go without cleaning for about 4 days. It got pretty bad, but it seemed to satisfy Pringles. After I scrubbed and mopped (vinyl flooring) and disinfected, it’s never gotten that bad again. Just a few here and there now.
I’ll try to find that thread , it had “multiple rabbits” in the subject line. Sarita, Mobunny and others with multiples gave me lots of great advice to try.
I have to say, I never thought the situation would settle down like it has. It took several months overall, but has been worth it definitely. My older couple really don’t like to leave their condo. Pringles and Lola still delight in occasionally sneaking into the others territory to taunt and binky in front of the other’s condo. It makes the couples squabble a bit but not like it used to.
Hopefully some of the veterans can repost their suggestions here for you and you’ll find the ones that work for you!
good luck, Kathy