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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Help! Water bottle issues

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    • mamachumchum
      54 posts Send Private Message

         I bought a water bottle just like the one that was in the pen at the store where I got my buns from. I became concerned with how little water they were drinking. I put a ceramic dish in the pen last night it holds 6 ounces and they drank almost all before bed. I refilled it before I went to sleep and in the morning there was maybe an ounce left. I am not sure if the bottle is just too hard for them to use. I really dont want to have to leave the bowl for cleanliness reasons. Suggesstions would be great!


        Is this too crowded??

      • mocha200
        4486 posts Send Private Message

          Most rabbits prefer bowels over bottles. My buns refuse to drink out of them.

        • Sarita
          18851 posts Send Private Message

            I would buy a larger bowl. All my rabbits use bowls and I find it so much easier to clean – dump the water twice a day and refill the bowls. It seems more natural for them to drink from a bowl than from a bottle too.

          • mamachumchum
            54 posts Send Private Message

              I know you cant believe everything that you read….but….everything has said that bottles are best I would have to agree with you based on what mine are doing. They lick it but it seems as if nothing is coming out. I thought maybe i needed to get one for younger/ smaller pets.

            • Stickerbunny
              4128 posts Send Private Message

                The problem buns have from water bottles is the bottle only releases a few drops (if you have a big one) of water at a time – buns drink a LOT of water in one sitting, so they sit there and lick and lick and lick and lick and get frustrated. Mine will use bottles, but it takes about 5 minutes for my male to get the water he wants out of the”rabbit bottle” sizes. I give both of mine bowls.

                You can buy bowls that attach to the side of the pen so they can’t tip it over, then just fill it up as needed

              • mamachumchum
                54 posts Send Private Message

                  bowls it is. Now off to find some that dont tip over! Thanks for all the help.

                • Monkeybun
                  10479 posts Send Private Message

                    Agree with bowls All 4 of mine prefer them

                  • LoveChaCha
                    6634 posts Send Private Message

                      Water bottles were annoyingly loud for me and my bunny didn’t seem to enjoy drinking out of a bottle. I have a big cabbaged shaped bowl that I use for her. I change it every 2 days so the water doesn’t get stale. Plus, it is quite funny when I heard her splash her little nose into the bowl

                    • tobyluv
                      3311 posts Send Private Message

                        I quit using water bottles a long time ago, when I saw that bunnies prefer a bowl. Get a heavy crockery bowl, one that holds around 2 cups.

                      • mamachumchum
                        54 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks everyone. Will do it

                        • Isabelle
                          468 posts Send Private Message

                            I tried a bowl and a bottle with Dutchess when I first got her, and she just tipped over the bowl or got her bedding in it or stepped in it, etc. and she refused to drink from it, she will only drink from the bottle. If your buns prefer a bowl, let them have the bowl, I don’t think it’s too much extra work to refill it twice a day if you get a heavy ceramic bowl for them. I won’t give Dutchess a bowl since she always refuses them for her bottle. I think she likes to lick ^.^ It gives her something to do when mum is at work or asleep.

                          • kamdynandsunshinesmom
                            910 posts Send Private Message

                              I use to use a water bottle for my bun kamdyn after a few months i switched to a water bowl and couldn’t believe how much my bun drank. I now use a water bottle for both my bunnies and yes I do change them sometimes 2-3 times a day because for some reason they love to put there hay in there water.

                            • gladys rabbit
                              1 posts Send Private Message

                                I hate water bottles! They leak, make a lot of noise, are hard to clean and frustrate the rabbit. They cost a lot, too. Phooey on ’em.

                              • Elrohwen
                                7318 posts Send Private Message

                                  Definitely go with a bowl – I can’t stand the bottles because they’re noisy and always leak. It’s much more natural for them to drink from a bowl and easier to clean it.

                                • BinkyBunny
                                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                                    You had asked if your set-up was too crowded. I don’t think so — looks great! A fun habitat for a bunny. I also prefer water bowls and I do clean mine out daily as it can get fur and some hay pieces in there every so often, but actually I think that it makes them even cleaner (as they are easier to clean than water bottles.) A ceramic (or heavy ceramic if you have a bunny that likes to tip bowls) should be fine and just put it off in a corner where they will be less likely to knock it over. Let us know how it goes.

                                  • mamachumchum
                                    54 posts Send Private Message

                                      Thanks! Thumper likes the set up , but Houdini has yet to go into the box yet? He just sits by the water bowl and sleeps….

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                                  Forum DIET & CARE Help! Water bottle issues