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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS Help! Need foster home for bun while deployed…

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    • Lionbunny
      49 posts Send Private Message

        Hi, everyone-

        I don’t really come on here that much anymore because of school, work, etc., but I was hoping someone could offer me some guidance. I am in the Coast Guard and I am getting sent over to the middle east this December. I have to leave to start training at the beginning of August and after that point I won’t really be around much until after I get back from over there. I don’t have any problems with any of this except for Bunny.

        I did find a website for an organization that tries to find foster homes for the pets of deploying military members. I am going to apply through them, but I’m not sure how successful I’ll be with a bunny. Their success rate seems low even for dogs and cats. I do have a couple of coworkers here that say they can take care of her, but I know she will end up being caged or even worse in a hutch outdoors and I that would absolutely be my very very last resort. She is used to having free range of the house. She’s an awesome rabbit, hardly ever chews or digs, very good at using the litter box and is super friendly.     I don’t want her to end up in the wrong hands, and if I could arrange so that I would get her back when I come back that would be awesome. So, does anyone have any advice on other organizations or what I should do???


      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          oh wow. first off, thank you for your service. that must be a difficult thing knowing you have to leave behind your bun.

          i’m not sure how much luck you would have in finding fostering. i know it would in no way be ideal, but have you considered giving her up for adoption as a last resort? you could contact a local chapter of the House Rabbit Society and see if any of their members would be willing to foster, or if they know of a petsitter that could do a long-term deal in their own homes. some of them might already have sanctuary rabbits (rabbits unadoptable due to health, age or behavioral issues).

          you might consider letting a friend keep the bunny. it’s likely that no home is going to be able to accomodate her the way she is now. if she goes to a home that already has rabbits, it’s unlikely she would be allowed free roam all day, just due to other buns needing to share the space. i’d rather she go to a home that had other rabbtis and receive less out time, than a home with no buns and she does not get proper care.

          what kind of costs will you be able to provide for? i think in traditional fostering, housing and vet care is provided for, the fosterer pays for food and litter and toys, but you mght decide to cover those costs (or some of them), as well. do you know how you will be able to send money from overseas, or will you be able to give a lump sum ahead of time?

        • Lionbunny
          49 posts Send Private Message

            I would definitely pay for food, healthcare, etc. It can either be deposited directly from my pay check or automatically sent by my bank each month. I would still have access to email so if anything came up I would be able to factor that in as well. I, too, would rather have her in a home with a bunny friend. She’s been living alone for about a year and I know she gets lonely and bored I wonder if a rescue society would be willing to foster her? I’d also rather not have her fostered up here in new england because I don’t have any intention of coming back up this way once I leave (I plan to put all of my belongings and truck in storage in Virginia since that will be where I will arrive back to the US). I hope to end up in California probably.

          • jerseygirl
            22352 posts Send Private Message

              Alternatively, could you look into someone house sitting and looking after Bunny in your own home?

              Edit: I just read your last post, so maybe not…

            • jerseygirl
              22352 posts Send Private Message

                Would you consider taking Bunny down to Virginia too and having her fostered out there? Only member here from VA I can think off is TankandRangersMom. She’s involved animal care, rescues and fostering. She may have some contacts for you if taking Bunny to VA is an option. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been active on the forums of late but might be worth contacting her via email.

              • Beka27
                16016 posts Send Private Message

                  please keep us updated LionBunny! i’m interested to know which route you end up going. good luck!

                • Lionbunny
                  49 posts Send Private Message
                    Posted By jerseygirl on 01/25/2009 5:25 PM
                    Would you consider taking Bunny down to Virginia too and having her fostered out there? Only member here from VA I can think off is TankandRangersMom. She’s involved animal care, rescues and fostering. She may have some contacts for you if taking Bunny to VA is an option. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been active on the forums of late but might be worth contacting her via email.
                    Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Jersey girl, I think having her fostered in VA would be my best option (although maybe not the most doable, but I’ll try!) Thank you for the name of that member, I will try contacting her. And I will keep all of you guys posted. Thanks again!


                  • lilmizzsnickerz
                    318 posts Send Private Message

                      SEND HER TOOO ME LOL!!!

                    • RabbitPam
                      11002 posts Send Private Message

                        I searched the House Rabbit Society for foster, and they had one person listed.

                        However, they also had a link to the MA chapter, so I am attaching it here


                        I’d suggest contacting them, letting them know where you live in MA, and asking if they know good foster parents you might contact.

                      • lilmizzsnickerz
                        318 posts Send Private Message

                          i would like to foster .. but dunno if i can over here

                        • kralspace
                          2663 posts Send Private Message

                            Dear Lionbunny,

                            First off for me too, thank you so much for your service to our country. I would definitely follow up the leads with any available rabbit organization in your area for a foster home. Maybe they could help with a public appeal since you’re in the service for a suitable foster home.

                            I live close to Ft Hood here in Texas and when they began deployment all the surrounding towns went on TV, radio, newspaper, everywhere to find foster homes for all the pets that were in danger of being given up to shelters. I fostered several cats and a dog for different soldiers and it was the greatest day of my life to see this one dude, 6 ft 3 inch tall marine drive straight from the base to my house to pick up his big ol cat when he got back. He was crying like a baby when that cat jumped on his lap purring.

                            Let us know how it goes!

                          • skibunny8503
                            1338 posts Send Private Message

                              Me too, thank you for your service to our country   I would foster in a heart beat, but we don’t have any room right now and OH is kind of far.  Good luck and let us know if you find anyone!  I couldn’t imagine being away that long from my buns. 

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                I would contact all the local rescue groups near you, explain the situation and see if they can help. Foster homes are hard to find, but if they have an empty foster home they may be able to help you! Good luck!

                              • MooBunnay
                                3087 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thank you so much for what you are doing for all of us! I used to go to school in Massachusetts, and I have a few friends through work out there, so I will see if there is anyone that I know that would be a suitable foster home. What was the name of the organization that you applied to that finds foster homes for those in the service?

                                • TARM
                                  1253 posts Send Private Message

                                    Have you found anyone to foster your bunny? What part of VA will you be returning to? Norfolk?

                                    There are a couple of options in Northern VA that I know of. BigSis7 is a teenager who is very good with animals. She really, really wants a bunny of her own but her mom has been less than receptive to that idea. It’s possible that her mom would let her foster your bunny though, since it’s for such a good reason. That way your bunny would be spoiled rotten while you’re gone and her mom would see that BigSis7 can take care of the bunny. I have 100% faith that she will do a fabulous job.

                                    I could foster her for you but she won’t have free range. I have dogs and four bunnies myself. I can give her time out of her cage and lots of attention and all the greens she could possibly eat (thanks to this awesome new Asian supermarket that just opened up. Dandelion greens, anyone?).

                                    Let me know!

                                  • bigsis7
                                    732 posts Send Private Message

                                      Hi! Thanks TARM!!

                                      Lionbunny, I am located in Northern VA!! I was wondering how long would you need someone to foster her? My mum might possibly let me care for her, but I’d have to check with her. I’ve pet sat two bunnies before, neither being cared for right. My mom was not impressed with the bunnies even though I tried to tell her it was the owners, but she wouldn’t listen. One problem is I am going on vacation from August 10th to September 9th. Maybe TARM could take care of her during that time and I could pick her up once I get back? Would there be a way to meet you guys first? Anyways I know you haven’t been active here, but let me know! My email is shayna10smith at yahoo dot com!

                                       ETA: Does anyone have Lionbunny’s email? I can’t seem to find anyway to contact her in her profile…

                                    • bigsis7
                                      732 posts Send Private Message

                                        Arg double post!

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                                    Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS Help! Need foster home for bun while deployed…