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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS Help for Tommy – seriously injured!

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    • Gravehearted
      2428 posts Send Private Message


        Help for Tommy-

        Rabbit with severe genital injuries 3-17-2009



        This sweet rabbit was dumped at a local vet office when they found out the cost to repair his injuries caused by housing the rabbit with other intact males. He is in shock, having sustained serious injuries to both testicle and genitals.  This will require emergency surgery to save his life.


        This poor bunny has two ripped testicles hanging off his body and several other profound wounds to his genital area.   The vet has him set for surgery now.  I will send photos of the injuries upon request.  They are far too graphic to post.  They are tough to look at.

        I am amazed Tommy is still alive.  Apparently, the poor little fellow has been suffering with these terrible injuries for days!    Most tissue remaining in necrotic, swollen and must be surgically removed and repaired to the extent possible.   


        The “owners” of this rabbit that dumped him said they did not know how long he had been injured – Learning that he needed surgery, they signed him over to be euthanized. Just like that!   ) :     The vet called the Rabbit Haven. We will be rescuing him.


         This rabbit’s injuries are quite severe.  His surgery will be aprox. 1.5-2 hours.  If you want to help Tommy, please act ASAP.    Please help and send any donation you can afford.  $500.00 is what he needs now. That includes Haven discounts.  All donors will be kept up to date of his recovery.  Use this link to make your contribution: 

        E Mail”>    Call me if you like at 831 600-7479. 


        The vet office says he is very sweet and gentle rabbit. He is in a great deal of pain and must have this surgery, which is scheduled for today.  I have said ok to the surgery and rescue and we will need support to cover the cost of his surgery. The Vet office reported that there is a great amount of necrotic tissue that needs to be removed and the surgery to repair the damage will be extensive.  Of course the Haven will do all the post op, care and rehab needed post surgery.  


        The Rabbit Haven /AVA is a 501 c 3 non profit org,  so your contributions are tax deductible. Please help if you can.  Thank you in advance from Tommy!


        I look forward to hearing from you and sending out updates on Tommy –Send healing wishes.   

        Love, Auntie Heather /”>

      • Kokaneeandkahlua
        12067 posts Send Private Message

          I was just going to post this!! You beat me to it!


        • MarkBun
          2842 posts Send Private Message

            I wonder if the other rabbits that the owner has should be checked in on.

            Maryann and Dono both sent their monthly treat budget to help Tommy. Of course, this means that for their selfless act, they’ll get even more treats

          • Kokaneeandkahlua
            12067 posts Send Private Message

              Awww Markus that’s sweet of them

              The other rabbits should be checked up on, however I don’t know about laws there-ie. if they have an animal come in in distress-does that give them grounds to check the premises? I can phone in an anonymous complaint if anyone knows the info-that shoudl give enough to go inspect?

            • MarkBun
              2842 posts Send Private Message

                Tommy’s had his surgery and he’s doing well.  Here’s the letter from Auntie Heather (BTW, she’s the one I got Dono from so how could I say no?)

                Thank you so much Mark!  Your donation is deeply appreciated. 
                Tommy had his long surgery yesterday.  Two surgeons worked on him and he is such an amazing bunny.  They removed all the necrotic tissue from his two swollen,  torn testicles and they did a great job clearing the  area of infected tissue.  They were also able to save his urinary track system, so he can urinate normally.  I am so pleased with his current situation. 
                Tommy seems pretty content.  he is on antibiotics and pain meds (of course) .  He’s indeed a lucky bunny.  St Patty must have been handing  him lucky stars,  First he was even brought to a vet! One of our key Haven staff members just happened to be in the office,  so the vet popped in and told him about the rabbit’s situation.  the family planned to euthanize him rather than treat. The  vet thought there had to be a better option.  He  is a very young, sweet bunny boy.  So she  asked if the Haven could help.  Since the family had no interest in his survival, the vet asked them to sign him over to her- they did!   -the rest is history-
                We said yes immediately to surgery,  not even knowing where the money would come from.  The odds were dicey, but another lucky bit of magic- he pulled through his surgery very well!.   His incision sites are repaired with obvious care and  precision.  they are not  red, swollen – Of course it isn’t  pretty,  but he needed extensive surgery!  The before pictures were gruesome. poor little fellow.  After his surgery he was delivered to me for Post op care. His incision sites look very good – lots of staples but no redness swelling and any other issues.
                Today  his luck is holding.  Thomas Patrick,  his new full name, is moving about eating his hay, eliminating and eating .  He even is using his litterbox!  He loves greens and Oxbow hays!!  Now this is a rabbit that lived outdoors! He is a wonderful bunny.  a very special fellow.  We love him already!.
                So he will now move through his post op phase, then he may need PT (right now it does not seem like he will, but it is planned); then he goes to a tlc foster site and finally he will be a happy,  healthy boy finding his forever home.
                Thank you for making his  life what it is today and what it will be in the future.
                We  will keep you posted.
                Love and many thanks to you!
                auntie Heather

              • MarkBun
                2842 posts Send Private Message



                • MarkBun
                  2842 posts Send Private Message

                    Tommy’s had his surgery and he’s doing well.

                    Here’s the letter from Auntie Heather (BTW, she’s the one I got Dono from so how could I say no?) Well that and who could say no to that face

                    Thank you so much Mark!  Your donation is deeply appreciated. 
                    Tommy had his long surgery yesterday.  Two surgeons worked on him and he is such an amazing bunny.  They removed all the necrotic tissue from his two swollen,  torn testicles and they did a great job clearing the  area of infected tissue.  They were also able to save his urinary track system, so he can urinate normally.  I am so pleased with his current situation. 
                    Tommy seems pretty content.  he is on antibiotics and pain meds (of course) .  He’s indeed a lucky bunny.  St Patty must have been handing  him lucky stars,  First he was even brought to a vet! One of our key Haven staff members just happened to be in the office,  so the vet popped in and told him about the rabbit’s situation.  the family planned to euthanize him rather than treat. The  vet thought there had to be a better option.  He  is a very young, sweet bunny boy.  So she  asked if the Haven could help.  Since the family had no interest in his survival, the vet asked them to sign him over to her- they did!   -the rest is history-
                    We said yes immediately to surgery,  not even knowing where the money would come from.  The odds were dicey, but another lucky bit of magic- he pulled through his surgery very well!.   His incision sites are repaired with obvious care and  precision.  they are not  red, swollen – Of course it isn’t  pretty,  but he needed extensive surgery!  The before pictures were gruesome. poor little fellow.  After his surgery he was delivered to me for Post op care. His incision sites look very good – lots of staples but no redness swelling and any other issues.
                    Today  his luck is holding.  Thomas Patrick,  his new full name, is moving about eating his hay, eliminating and eating .  He even is using his litterbox!  He loves greens and Oxbow hays!!  Now this is a rabbit that lived outdoors! He is a wonderful bunny.  a very special fellow.  We love him already!.
                    So he will now move through his post op phase, then he may need PT (right now it does not seem like he will, but it is planned); then he goes to a tlc foster site and finally he will be a happy,  healthy boy finding his forever home.
                    Thank you for making his  life what it is today and what it will be in the future.
                    We  will keep you posted.
                    Love and many thanks to you!
                    auntie Heather

                  • jerseygirl
                    22352 posts Send Private Message

                      Great news! That they saved the urinary tract was a big bonus. I can’t even imagine how complicated urinating would be for a bunny with injuries there. Good point about the other males in that home. I guess, if the family brought in Tommy, they’d do same for the others but be better they weren’t needing vet care.

                      ((Thomas Patrick)) What a great face! Can we access reports and more pictures through Rabbit Haven?

                    • bunnyfofo
                      67 posts Send Private Message

                        I hope he finds a wonderful home, he is such a pretty bunny. He’ll be in my prayers, it’s to bad that animals don’t get a choice in who their owners are.

                      • MarkBun
                        2842 posts Send Private Message

                          Just an update. Tommy is done with his surgery, the staples are out and everything looks good. He pees a ‘little off center’ but other than that he’s doing just fine. He is, understandibly, terrified of other rabbits and even fears the stuffed toy ones. Hopefully he’ll find a nice, single home to go to and enjoy humans and forget about the other buns.

                        • LittlePuffyTail
                          18092 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so glad to hear that he’s making out okay. What a terrible ordeal for the poor little guy.

                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                              Ok Oh my gosh -what a freaking trooper Tommy is!!! And Markus-how sweet of your buns to donate to help out!!! And Auntie Heather-I’ve never spoken to her personally of course, but seen her on video on here-and she’s in my disabled rabbit group-she’s like rabbit-saviour-celeb how sweet an email you got from her, you must have helped out!

                              {{Continued Thomas Patrick}} Vibes xD

                            • MarkBun
                              2842 posts Send Private Message

                                I’ve donated only a few dollars to her rescue as I work mostly with SaveABunny but every once in a while, a story will come along and I can’t but help out.  Besides, I got Dono from her AND she once put Maryann into a sweater – that alone was worth the price of admission.

                              • MooBunnay
                                3087 posts Send Private Message

                                  Poor little guy – I would be scared of rabbits too…let us know when he finds nice one-rabbit home!

                                • osprey
                                  2065 posts Send Private Message

                                    I met Tommy over the weekend at an adoption show.  He is in remarkably good health now, he seems fully recovered from his surgery and is now ready for a home of his own.  I got a new picture of him too.


                                  • Sarita
                                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                                      That’s great – he is so handsome!

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                                  Forum RESCUE EFFORTS FOR SHELTERS Help for Tommy – seriously injured!