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› Forum › RAINBOW BRIDGE › Heaven has a new angel
I posted this in a different section of the forum before I found out about Rainbow Bridge
I lost my precious little girl sunday, we have had her since December 12 2013, she was a part of our family and I loved my family, not just a pet. I am a mess, I can’t even function now.
She was sweet, affectionate, clean, friendly trusting, loyal, in my eyes perfect. I wouldn’t change a thing about her personality (except for a few destructive habits but even now I miss them, I would give almost anything to have her use my bed as a litter box right now, just to have her back)
We had a party saturday. Whenever we have parties at the house bunny is always locked up in her room. Well this time my daughter also had friends over, she took bunny out to have a tea party with her and her friends (they always do this, she sits with my daughter as long as she gets pet and has something to eat). My daughter put her back in her room but someone at some point opened the door and she ran out and hid behind the couch and it is a hard spot to get her of so I left her and decided I would do it later when the party calmed down – it didn;t till 4:30 am. I left the door open to her room so she could run in if she wanted to, but someone kept always closing that door, which I would then open.
Two hours passed and I finally saw her try to get in her room. However she got scared by people and ran under another couch, a recliner this time (she doesn’t like when the house is full of strangers and hides). 2 hours passed and I knew she has to get to her litter box and she had to eat. I opened the recliner carefully so she wouldn’t be crushed by it opening but was very hard for me to get to her. The room was a disaster due to a demon child (I don’t even feel bad saying that, although I usually do) coming here,his mother left him unattended in the room (not the party room) and I only found out that out when I came to look for bunny. There was an entire bowl of chips scattered on the floor, everything this child could get his hands on he threw on the floor.
I had to crawl under the couch to get her, because its a recliner its full of metal bars underneath and she didn’t want to come, while I was trying to get her out (she was resisting) her little face got stuck between a metal bar and the floor for a few seconds, I got it out but I am afraid maybe she got her little face hurt. Then I had to pass the resistant bunny between metal bars, and crawl from underneath that couch, she was grunting and at one point made a little squeal grunt, I got scratched up but tried to protect her.
then I got her in her room and closed the door, I made sure she had food and water. She ran right to her litter box because she had held it all in for hours.
I checked on her at around 3 am, about 4-5 hrs after the couch incident she looked fine.
1pm the next day, my daughter goes to check on her bunny and feed her and she runs out of the room screaming in panic and with the most horrified expression I’ve ever seen. “MAMA SNOW WHITE IS DEAD” I run over and see she is dead, bunny’s belly was still a little warm however she had already began to get hard. my poor little baby was dead. We were hysterical. then my poor child gets the bunny begins carrying around her dead bunny refusing to let us take her away. i am in tears typing this right now, I can;t believe it. We always talked about bunny eventually dying and we were prepared for it, but we talked about bunny dying because she got sick or old. She just died she didn’t look sick or act sick, the day before she was following me around the house (she was always after someone, she didn’t really like to be alone much)
I miss her, I feel so sorry, bad sad, everything for her death, we weren’t ready for this, we weren’t expecting it, I cry for my child who loved her as much as I did, they were best friends, most of the time together when my daughter was home, she would tell everyone about his bunny (even cashiers at the supermarket) and now she is gone. She was a part of our family and now our family is smaller, she was wonderful and just made me happy to have her, just to know she was there, was litter trained and roamed around free the whole house so she was always there. She was well behaved (as good as it gets for a bunny) and so sweet and friendly, truly a little angel on earth.
I also feel so guilty, like I should of tried harder to get her to her to her faster, I should have locked her in her carrier, maybe I hurt her when I forced her out from underneath the recliner, I should have asked someone to help me get her out (I needed to get her out as someone was going to sleep there) maybe she ate chips off the floor when I wasn’t looking and that made her sick. I am trying to figure out what killed her was it chips that she maybe ate, was it not using her litterbox for so long, not eating, maybe I broke her when I forced her out from under the couch?
I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I can’t work properly, I can’t eat, I can;t sleep and it pains me too much to dry my daughters tears, all she did was talk about her bunny yesterday, she at one point said her bunny wasn’t dead and we made a mistake and buried her alive (we didn’t she was dead) this bunny would come to my daughter and lick her and sit with her when she cried, when she was sick she would lie down with her, she would follow her around the hose, my daughter even would walk her outside. She had so many plans for her and her bunny this year, we were even having a birthday party for Snow White in 2 weeks- my daughter planned it.
How have you coped with the loss of your bunny? How have you helped someone deal with it. She is comforted a little when I tell her bunny is in heaven and with her mother, fathers and sisters and brothers and she is watching you but that doesn’t last long.
How long before you were back to “normal” after the passing of a loved one?
After reading your story I really want to write a few words for you and your daughter because I know exactly how both of you are feeling. I recently lost my bun only last month. You can read about Mopsy on here and you will notice similarities between our stories. I wish I could help you with more than just words and many people on this site probably wish the same. You came to the right place and feel free to talk about your baby bun as much as you like. Trust me, it won’t erase your pain, but it is healthy and will make you feel better. You may want your daughter to write about her bun(doesn’t have to be online, she can maybe write a memorial on paper about all the good things and enjoyable times she had with the bun). To be honest, I also draw pictures of my Mopsy. Since it happened I can’t eat, sleep, or drink either – I’ve lost 10lbs and my doc is concerned that I’m now underweight. I’m sorry I can’t give you a time frame for when your emotions will heal. It takes a lot of time and it depends on the person. I’m still not much better at all. If its any comfort I can tell you that, in my experience, after a while you will both start to only remember the good things about your bun and the fun times you had. Try to focus on that. Try not to feel guilty and beat your self up about what happened, although it is normal. I would also like to thank you for being so concerned about your daughter’s feelings and doing what you can to get her through this horrible time. That’s more than what my family gives me. I’m no expert on loss, I can just tell you about my experience. To be honest, I don’t know if I will ever be normal because I’m so numb all the time. It’s like you had a huge light in your life and now, where that light was, it’s pitch black. Maybe you can talk about the Rainbow Bridge with your daughter. Tell her about the great time Snow White will be having with the other bun friends she is making, endless supply of food and drink, warm Spring weather. Where she is now she doesn’t have to be afraid of strangers and she’s there waiting to see you both again one day.
I’m so sorry for your loss. A real tragedy and especially hard on your daughter. I wish I had the right words, just know my heart is with you and your daughter.
Please share with me Mopsy’s story.
Thank you for sharing your experience Rabbit100, this is what i was looking for, we feel so alone and although its unfortunate its nice to know there are others out there that understand for they have felt it themselves. I do hope you feel better soon and come to terms with Mopsy’s death, be strong for I am sure that’s what your bun would have wanted you to do, too bad I don’t listen my own advice
Yes, you are correct when you mention the light and the dark. She made me happy just being around her, she was a little angel at my feet, just looking at her made me smile and despite all the trouble she would cause sometimes not once was I truly mad at her, oh what I would give to have her back to chew up any boxes that were on the floor, any wires she found lying around, to get on my husbands side of the bed and poop all over it as she sometimes did. she was litter trained but for some reason she would once in a while poop on his side of the bed, and only on his side, it was one of those mysterious habits… Now she left a void, we lost a member of our family, our sweet innocent baby.
my daughter was so involved with Snow White, when she wasn’t in school or with friends she had bunny with her all the time, she had a rabbit themed birthday party and Snow White was the guest of honor, I now have rabbit silhouettes we drew and painted all over the house, a great big bunny poster we made on the wall, most of her clothes have bunnies on them, and in every picture she drew of herself or us bunny was always there. Now my poor daughter carries around a fur scarf thats white and fluffy because it reminds her of bunny, she takes it everywhere and calls in Snow White. It breaks my heart, my husband is sympathetic but the rest of the family doesn’t get it and have accused me of being over sensitive and over dramatic, makes my blood boil when they say that!
I don’t really want to eat however I want to sleep, I want to sleep all the time, I have barely energy. To barely clean the house and cook it takes all my strength, my home has always sparked but now I have barely cleaned up after she passed. I am doing just enough to keep us going, thank god I have a family and a daughter to take care of, or else I don;t know what would become of me. I also work from home and have a home daycare, its so hard when the children ask where is bunny, I say bunny has gone away, but they keep asking because they are little. My Snow White wasn’t afraid of the children, i would leave her room door open and she would come and go as she pleased from the daycare room, she would love to come and pet by the kids and especially loved snack time when she would pick off scraps of fruit that would fall on the floor.
Yes we do remember the nice things about her and that makes us sad because we wont experience those things again. We were planning to take her out on walks when the weather got good, this week the weather is nice, my daughter cries that bunny didn;t get to go and dig up the garden before she died. She was also planning a birthday party on the 28th of April, and bunny passed away before we could do that. I have to be strong for her and comfort her but its so hard to comfort someone else when you yourself are in pain too.
Rabbit100 I just read Mopsy’s story. I am so sorry. God Bless her, she was very lucky to have you in her life, I am sure she loved you very much, if you would like to talk more about her I am all ears, she seemed like a lovely soul.
My Snow White only reached almost 3, we were ready to go the whole way with her and dreamed of having her until she was an old bunny, she was taken from us too soon. You were lucky you had yours until she was 9, although I don;t think there is ever enough time to spend with our buns.
They both seemed to have similarities in the behavior, sweet, loved affection, gave lots of kisses. My darling came when called by name, whenever she wasnt napping or eating she would follow us around the house,
I cannot believe that its a coincidence that our stories and feelings are so similar. I too miss the mischief Mopsy would get up to – digging up every carpeted corner in the house and nibbling through wires so that we had to buy new appliances. I don’t even care about the material things and nobody in the house, including me, could ever scold Mopsy for it. If anyone tried to tell her off after doing something bad we would just end up hugging and kissing her and she would show her little bun smile. She was the baby in our family too. I know exactly how you’re feeling. My room is a total mess and I’m so tired all the time and sleep a lot. That is a normal part of grief and I don’t want you to feel bad or feel like you’re being lazy or slacking on your duties. You have every right to get as much rest as you need. Grief takes a lot of energy out of you, especially when you’re crying all the time. People have also said those ignorant, cruel and harsh things to me too. It will make you so angry and I don’t want you to put another drop of energy into thinking about those people because they will only soil the memory of your precious baby. These people, my so-called blood related family, made such cruel comments and behaved so cruel. Now in a few months they want me to go overseas for a wedding. Although I’ve wanted to go back to my parents’ country for a long time and experience an authentic wedding for the first time, I don’t know if I can stomach seeing those people. However, I don’t know if I will get this opportunity again. This could not have come at a worse time. I can hardly crack a smile. I can’t smile or laugh since I lost Mopsy.
I also understand the pain your daughter is feeling. About the scarf – I am 25 years old but after I lost Mopsy I carry this stuffed teddy bunny with me all over the house. I hug and talk to it like I did with Mopsy. She sleeps on my bed like Mopsy used to. I now have piled all my teddy bears on my bed and they sleep in Mopsy’s spot too. Like they were her friends too. Despite my age I don’t feel bad about doing this because when you feel as bad as we do I think you should do everything you can to make yourself feel any tiny piece of relief. It may not be much, but its something. Perhaps you can get some stuffed teddy friends for your daughter. Since it happened I have been searching online for stuffed animal rabbits. I also found some websites that will make replicas of your beloved baby. I cannot afford it right now because I’m a student, but I will give you the resource and it may help get you and your daughter through your grief.
I hope one day I can afford to create a tangible memory of Mopsy that I can hug and see everyday. Another piece of advice I would like to share with you from my experience is about eating. Try eating only your favorite foods. For several weeks I could hardly touch the favorite foods I used to like to eat. Now I am sort of starting to eat them again, but its like I can’t taste it. However, it is worth a try and I hope you have better luck than I am having. I knew Mopsy would be gone soon because she was growing older. I knew the reality, but that does not prepare you. In your head you hope for some miracle that would go against the truth and make your rabbit like an impossibly long life. I was hoping Mopsy would live so much longer just because she was so happy. When I first got Mopsy, after a few months, I had an allergic reaction that made my eyes swell to twice their size. I don’t even care that it has left scars and I’m not even angry or resentful towards Mopsy. If anything its now a permanent reminder that I once had her as my own. Despite the doc’s advice I could not give up Mopsy so we moved her out of my room. It was horrible because I know my room was her favorite place to be and she always tried and wanted to come back in. She was very social and wanted to be included in everything everybody was doing. She wanted to share in everyone’s personal space – so I let my personal space be her personal space. In my mind this is Mopsy’s house and Mopsy’s room where she could do and have whatever made her happy. Allergies are a curious thing and sometimes I could hug and kiss Mopsy without gloves or protection on my eyes/skin and nothing would happen. Last year I said to heck with allergies. I want Mopsy to be happy. So I put her back in my room and the allergies were only mild and treatable at home with some Claritin. Looking back I am SO glad I did this. I got to spend invaluable time with Mopsy and she couldn’t be happier. I looked forward to going home everyday to cuddle the baby. We spent so much time together and she was very happy. She licked my face, flopped onto her side and chewed her teeth non-stop. You’re right that there is never enough time to spend with your bun even if they lived to 14 years. Its not enough time. I also regret not taking Mopsy out to the garden one last time and letting her eat all her favorite foods. She had such a sensitive belly that she would have suffered if I gave into her begging and gave her too much of those foods. I hope she understands. But we didn’t know she would be gone so soon. She liked to take in the sun and listen to the birds. We lay her to rest a good distance from the lettuce patch which she loved to nibble.
I also have rabbit pictures in my room. During Easter all the stores had rabbit items and I bought a poster with pictures of real rabbits. One of them looked a bit like Mopsy so I just had to get it. I understand that your daughter must love rabbits just like I do and would want to be surrounded by all things rabbit. Rabbits are unique and they have a special effect on us that is hard to describe to those who have never had the experience. Its one of those things you have to go through yourself to understand. Please let your daughter carry around that scarf for as long as she needs. I’m no expert, but this is what I think. The loss of Snow White was so sudden and unexpected. It left a void where your daughter was used to having her around all the time. I think we need something, whether it be temporary or more long-term, to fill that void until we are able to emotionally cope with a sudden loss. Its a sign of how much we miss our buns and of how they were a big part of our lives. Such a big part that we don’t know what to do with ourselves once they’re gone.
Feel free to spend as much time as you want on here to talk about Snow White and the struggles you are all going through. This is a safe place to share your feelings where nobody will ever be harsh and cruel towards loss. Everyone here knows how special rabbits are. Do not put any value whatsoever on those ignorant bullies who have never been fortunate enough to experience what its like to have a bun. We feel like we have a void once they’re gone, but we have memories and the experience even though we miss them so much and just want them back. Those bullies have a permanent void in their hearts because they are unable to understand love and affection for and from a rabbit. Its something very special that honestly can change you as a person for the better. They are our babies.
I am so sorry, SnowWhiteBunny. It is completely normal to blame yourself and feel guilt after the passing of a loved bunny. Your story with Snow White is so sad and so beautiful. You had a friendship, your family loved her, and you were bonded with her. You gave her all the love that a bunny parent could possibly give their bun. Take care of yourself, and talk to people if it helps. Binkybunny is always a place to express your feelings and tell other understanding bunny people about your pain and grief. Take some time to cry and remember Snow White, if it feels like a release. I am so sorry for your loss. I don’t know what to say to make you feel better; I don’t think that there are any words to ease the pain of someone who is grieving deeply. Many (((hugs))))
((((Binky free, little angel)))))
Thank you Cinnybunny2015, my snow white’s story is long. We bought 6 rabbits at the farm for my daughter to have them outside in the rabbit hutch we made (horrible mistake, never should have done that but my husband had been successful keeping rabbits in the past until he had no time for them, so he wanted to do it again for his daughter). Long story short, Snow White was a daughter of rabbits we had in an the outdoor coup that got out and bred under a big pine tree (my alpha male and best mama bunny got out, she made many wonderful babied). Snow White was born wild and free spring 2013 and we caught her december 2013 in a trap. Every single rabbit we had (about 20 at one point living in the coup and out) died of either myxomatosis, some sort of diarrhea, fly strike, bot flies or predators like hawks and raccoon’s, I’ve seen more rabbits suffer in my life that i would wish on anyone, I watched my daughters previous favourite die of myxomatosis and had to put down my favourite (she was old, we found her in a cage at the side of the road and took her in) because she had fly strike so awful it makes me hurt just to think about it. Snow White was the last one and we saw her in our backyard in the winter and put out the trap, we weren’t going to keep her as I was done with rabbits, we just wanted to show my daughter and let her pet her and release her again but she was wonderful from the start and I fell in love with her and kept her.I appreciate your kind and comforting words, its just what one needs to hear in hard times.
Sorry it took a while, family gatherings this weekend, try to be happy, but people don;t understand afterall they think its just a rabbit, a friend was surprised to hear I was shaken up by Snow Whites passing, she thought just children would get upset… She is the last thing I think about before bed, and the first I think about in the morning, and throughout the day all the time. Got better regarding the crying, but I do miss her terribly, my heart aches for her and especially at night when the house is quiet and I am the only one awake its really hard, she was my companion all the time and now she is not there, shes left such a void, if only she knew… and now that the weather is nice I keep thinking how she didn’t even get a chance to go for a walk. How are you doing Rabbit100?
Oh gosh, my Snow White did the carpet thing too, only in secret spots behind furniture, I had to learn how to patch carpeting before my husband saw and got furious lol! he still hasn’t seen the damaged areas, hoping it will take a long time before he does! Thanks to her I learned how to how to also splice wires, she damaged a few wires things whenever they were in one of her “tunnels” (behind furniture where she would crawl). Its hard to get mad at a sweet bunny face, they are irresistible! I would get mad at snow white and tell her no and put her in time out, but most of the time it would result in a kiss and a few squeezes and she would be on her way
Everyone has probably told you this but maybe it will be good to go away for a while, now sights and people may spark some happiness in you. Mopsy would probably want you to go. Don’t try to hide your feelings be true with yourself, don’t miss your opotunity, Mopsy must want you to keep living, she must since she loves you.
Wow, another similarity, I’m 24! Where do you live?
She has a whole bunch of bunny stuffed animals which she now carries one most of the time as well as the scarf.
I heard of cuddle clones and am saving up to get one for her as soon as possible, the only problem is I don;t have too many photos of Snow white, I wish I had, I neglected that, I always thought I would have more time, foolish me… The heart felt customs are stunning, I actually know how to felt and am not half bad, I just have no time recently but I will try to make time and attempt making a snow white, thank you for sharing the websites. Do you have many pictures of Mopsy? Is she the little brown bunny in your picture?
I am ok eating again, I don’t really want to, but I do, that is good advice however and sort of that I have been doing naturally. How are you now? try not to waste away, your sweet bun doesn’t want to see you hurt.
if Mopsy was happy then you were successful and you gave her a good life, you sound like you were an amazing loving rabbit owner, Mopsy is very happy to have had you. How were you able to play with her and care for her with the allergic reaction in the beginning? Snow White was also very social, she was always with somebody, You did the right thing by taking her in, its amazing what love can do. Did your allergies get better with more exposure? from what i was told that is the best way to cure an allergy, slowly slowly exposing yourself to what makes you allergic until your body realizes its ok.
Yes, I let her, she even takes it to school, whatever makes her feel good, She wants to throw the party for Snow Whites birthday, it hurts me to think about it, but my daughter says she wants to celebrate her bunny, even though it will be sad the birthday girl isn’t here. i will help her make it happen, we have a rabbit cake pan which I used for my daughters birthday which was rabbit themed.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and communicate with me even though you are still grieving Rabbit100, I wish you to feel better and pray for you and Mopsy
You’re lucky you’ve been able to house so many rabbits. I wish my house were full of rabbits. Family gatherings seem to happen at the worst times. I hadn’t seen the rest of my family for at least a year before this happened. I understand its hard for you to act happy around people especially when they don’t understand. I was a recluse when my family visited and could not crack even one smile for the photos. No need to apologize for late responses. As the crying stops you will start to have more energy and you may not feel as tired as before. Its only a small relief, however, but this has been my experience so far. I periodically tear up when I focus a lot of specific memories of Mopsy because I can sometimes vividly imagine what it was like to hold her and how she smelled like a baby because her dry bunny bath smelled like baby powder.
I live in GA at the moment, but I’m originally from the UK. How about you? I hope the felting project goes well and please post a picture if you can. I can’t believe I just found one of Mopsy’s hairs on my keyboard while writing this.
That’s funny that Snow White dug up the carpet in secret. Mopsy did it out in the open no matter who was around. Rabbits are just funny to me when they’re cheeky. Her mischief was cute and earned her lots of kisses.
I have around a hundred pictures of Mopsy and some videos too, but they’re on some old and new mobile phones. The problem is finding out how to get them off the phones and onto my computer. When I do I will be posting quite a few on here. Yes, Mopsy is in my profile pic. Luckily I had 3 photos from a digital camera. I just remembered we also have some from a regular camera that I’m going to look for. Despite the lack of pictures I’m sure whichever website you choose will work with the pictures you have to re-create your baby. Try not to trouble yourself too much. After all, some pictures are better than none.
After the first reaction, which was the worst, I think all I could do was look at Mopsy. The next time I held her my eyes had swelled up again. It’s just like what you wrote. I limited the exposure and gradually increased it. I wore gloves and coated my eyes with thick layers of Vaseline. This trapped the fur that got on my face. As soon as I finished playing or my hands started to itch I would wash up. By doing this I practically had no more reactions and my eyes never swelled again. Mopsy hated the sound and feel of the plastic gloves and for her sake I stopped. I also wanted to feel her fur on my hands. Even without the gloves and Vaseline I sometimes never had a reaction – even when I brushed her during molts. I went away for college and visited Mopsy quite often. During those visits my allergies had practically gone. When I finally brought her back into my room only mild allergies flared up and a daily Claritin and over-the-counter itch cream took care of it. More exposure over time made it a lot better.
I think you should definitely throw that party. It will give some closure to you and your daughter and I think its a nice way to remember Snow White. Even though she’s gone you can still celebrate her life.
You’re welcome. Even though these are awful circumstances, its nice to talk to you also as we understand each other and can help each other. I hope you and your family start to feel some relief soon.
I found the photos and posted some here
I won’t post them here as this page is for you and your memories of Snow White. When you’re ready perhaps you could share some pictures as she sounds like a very pretty baby.
Once again I am sorry for the late response, been very busy the last week and I will tell you why shortly
Bunny hugs are the best, I can imagine a bunny hug smelling like baby powder Snow White just smelled like herself, not much of a scent, I’d still burry mu face in her fur and inhale her…
I am in Canada, southern Ontario, it would have been too much of a coincidence if we lived close!
Whenever we heard the sound of chewing or ripping my daughter would say “Snow White is doing bunny shenanigans” lol! They are indeed funny, too cute to get mad at and if their behaviour is upsetting, just one look at them and they are forgiven
Oh lucky you, have you thought about putting them all in a disc or usb together? She looks absolutely precious! I just saw the photos, what a sweet heart, I can see her up to mischief and looking cute to get out of trouble I don;t mind if you post photos here, although I never met your girl I feel fond of her just from what you tell me. When you post more let me know, I’d love to see more of her, they’re even cuter when you know something about their personality. I plan on making the cuddle clone next month, as soon as its done, I’ll post photos, same with the felting, I just have 101 other projects I need to finish before I get to it. I am 95% back to my previous energy levels and now I feel a little more motivated because I want to get memoirs of her made as soon as possible.
Amazing despite all the allergies you stayed loyal to her and did what you could to be with her, I am sure she knows all that and appreciates it all.
We are going to do the party, just us 3 a cake, happy birthday and a candle for her, I hope from wherever she is she can see it and understand how much she is loved and missed.
Thank you for being such a great compassionate listener, you have really helped me.
Believe it or not last week someone brought us 2 babies, a neighbour of a family friends mother brought us two 2-3 week old babies, she said the mother passed away. One of the little ones passed away in my hands, now there is 1 left. So now I have been very busy leaning how to be a bunny mama to a little one, feeding, actually setting up a cage (its too little to roam the house all by its self still) and trying to bond with this baby. Its very skittish and doesn’t trust anyone yet, also always tried to run away. I really didn’t want a new bunny now, I am not emotionally ready to have another bunny, I am not giving it all my love (not on purpose) and am not putting in the effort to bond like I’d like to, I keep comparing it to Snow White in my head and missing her while I try to make a connection with this new baby. my daughter is quite happy with it but she too compares it to Snow White constantly. I couldn’t say no to a baby bunny though and took it in anyway. Its a little brown fluff ball, either going to be named Clover or Lavander, depending if its a boy or girl. Three days after Snow White died my daughter had a dream that she was in the laundry room playing with Snow White and then when she was about to get up and leave she saw a brown bunny which was supposed to be Snow White, she tried to touch it but it ran away. Really weird no? Also every time i would visit Snow White’s grave I would see a wild bunny in the backyard, haven’t seen any more since. Crazy coincidences no?
The red eye was due to the flash, they were just nice brown eyes.
I don’t have many photos on this computer, this is her on our bed, she was such a pain when we left the bedroom door open, she would jump on the bed at night all around bounding, then lick our faces, hands, whatever just to wake us up so we could pay attention to her, after getting pet for a while she would stop and lay down on the bed, only to start bouncing, licking and waking us up a little while later for attention. she would only stop once she got attentions. We had to learn to lock her in her room at night or there would be no peace. Oh how I miss her
Snow White was a very beautiful girl. She looks so perfect.
I hope your new baby will make it, and that you’ll become best friends. Nobody can even begin to replace Snow White of course, but our hearts have many rooms. This new motherless little one needs you a lot. We’ll be looking forward to hearing more about him/her.
Thank you for your kind words bam, she is too precious, she was gorgeous outside and in, I couldn’t ask for a sweeter, more loving bunny.
I will post about the fluff in another part of the forum,
I felt the same way when I lost my beloved Oreo and freckles, my father had to tell me that I did everything I was suppose to do by giving them hay, veggies, clean homes and a mommy who loved them. I still think of my babies and miss them dearly. I just remember what a best friend told me years ago, remember the best times you had with them, cherish those memories and you’ll never forget them but people grieve differently that’s what makes us unique. For me it was laughing at all their silly quirky moments they shared with me. I’m very sorry you lost your sweet little angel so soon. May God be with you and your family. I’m very sorry to hear about your little girl.
Binkie free Snow White, you sounded like a real sweet and gentle angel.
Thank you Jessica, there isn’t an hour that passes that I don’t think about her.
I am sorry for the loss of your babies, if there is anything you’d like to talk about or share regarding them feel free.
Sorry for my late reply. My depression has gotten worse recently and its hard to get out of bed and get anything done.
I would love to post more photos, but I’m still trying to find a cable to get them off my phone. I have a nice photo album I’m keeping them in as I like to hold the pictures in my hand as well as keeping back-ups on a flash drive. How is the cuddle clone coming along? I’m going to try and make a Mopsy. I’m no expert as I mostly knit, sew and crotchet but at the hobby store they had some nice furs and felts that are similar to Mopsy’s color and I thought I would make an attempt. I’m glad your energy levels are up and I hope you continue to feel better.
How was the party? I hope it gave you some closure and that it helped your grief by celebrating her life.
You’re lucky to be able to have another rabbit. I also really want another rabbit, but I don’t know if I would be able to bond yet with another rabbit without comparing it to Mopsy and I can’t even afford one at the moment. It says a lot about you that despite your grieving emotions you would still take in a baby rabbit and give it a wonderful home. That’s more than what some people would do. I’m sure over time you’ll be able to connect and its good for your daughter to have another rabbit there to help her through this time also. I really want a rabbit to hug, play with and look after. I miss giving cute Mopsy lots of kisses. Now that I know what its like to have an animal I really struggle with life without one. I need to have an animal companion – it gave me something to look forward to when I came home. Now if I go out I have nothing to look forward to when I come home and nothing to look forward to when I get up in the morning. When I go out I don’t even want to come home sometimes. Please keep us updated on the baby and whether its a girl or boy. Those are some precious names you came up with.
I honestly don’t think those are coincidences. After Mopsy left I have been having dreams about her too. I hope they’re not dreams and that they really are our babies visiting us from where they are and letting us know they’re alright.
That’s such a precious picture of Snow White. She looks very pretty with that sweet rabbit face. She knows how to get what she wants – how adorable! Rabbits have the best personalities.
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