I come here today with a heavy broken heart. This might end up being a pretty long post, so I’ll warn you ahead of time.
3 years ago, We got Chloe, My first bunny. I did tons of research, bought tons of books, I wanted to make sure I was taking care of this little, joyful beautiful life as best that I could. She started out in a small “bunny cage” from petsmart, but I quickly learned that was TOO SMALL! So i bought a second one, with a fencing thing, and started “training” her to be a free roam bunny (at night she stayed in her cage) I figured this was good for when I was home (I’m a stay at home spouse, so I didn’t go out everyday!) Fast forward to the end of 2015, I started looking for my second bun! I thought it was time to get Chloe a friend, I hadn’t found the “right one” until a friend was like “Hey des, you want a bunny, she is living in a box, and needs a home” . On 1/9/2016 I brought home Khalessi. We slowly introduced Khalessi and Chloe to each other outside of the cage, They got along well, No fighting happened, a little “I’m the boss” from Chloe, (Laying her head on Khalessi’s back making her lay down) , but other then that, They were getting along great! I new it was time to build a bigger pen, now that there were two bunnies, So I decided to go on the hut for the grids to make a 5x3x3 (3 leveled) pen. With ramps and toys and goodness. I found a lady selling about 80 of them, So i snatched them up and started building. I finished there new pen area, and placed them in it on 1.25.16.

They both seemed to love it, but everything went down hill.
On 1.26.16, I put them in the pen with their fresh veggies like I do every night.
They were fine, and happy, and eating like normal. On 1.27.16 I had to leave at about 1:45 to go over to my sister’s because she was moving, and I was watching her friend’s children while they made the drive out of state, My other half got home at about 4pm, and then came over to my sisters to let my know, both bunnies had passed away. There were no signs of fighting (One of the bunnies is pure white, so I would have seen blood on her). Chloe was at the front of the cage by the door, and Khalessi was in the middle of the cage toward their little bed. They both looked as though they went to sleep, and never woke up, Chloe was completely clean with a little bit of poop , Khalessi’s whole bottom half was covered in poop.
Nothing had changed, besides there pen, The pen is in the same spot as the smaller one was, They were still eating the same types of food they had been. I don’t know what happened. I’m filled with so much grief.
I can’t help but think it was something I did, Or didn’t do correctly. I’m just… so very lost