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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hardest thing I’ve ever done

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    • skibunny8503
      1338 posts Send Private Message

        My mom just called a while ago and said that Mickey was laying on his side and had urine all over him.  He couldn’t sit back up on his own   If we let him go he’d just fall over again and lay on his side.  So I called the local vet here and asked how much it was to put him to sleep.  I was really hoping he’d go peacefully and I’d never have to do this.  But I don’t want to see him suffer anymore.  He was my first pet and I am so sad right now.  I’m waiting for my dad to come to drop him off. 

      • TARM
        1253 posts Send Private Message

          Oh no, I’m so sorry. ((((((skibunny)))))

        • babybunsmum
          3896 posts Send Private Message

            that is just awful… i’m so sorry.  as devastating as that decision is to have to make, it sounds like you’re doing the right thing.  (((hugs)))

          • skibunny8503
            1338 posts Send Private Message

              Thanks…I just got back from the vet.  They were very kind and said they were so sorry but he lived a long life.  They were so surprised how old he was (12).  He was just laying on his side the whole time, very scared and didn’t even try to move his legs until they got him out of the cage.  Said my final goodbyes and they took him in the back.  I’m so sad right now, I know I did the right thing but it just hurts.    I think I’ll let Archie & Gracie out and maybe they’ll make me feel better. 

              I hope he’s binkying away up there right now

              BTW, I wanted to post a picture of him since I never really did on here…I can’t find any on this computer, so I’ll have to check my laptop and hopefully post a pic later.

            • 2lops
              347 posts Send Private Message

                Oh skibunny I’m so so sorry! ): Mickey lived a long happy life though, and had a caring mom, and that’s the best a bun can ask for ♥

                ~ ~ Rest in Peace Mickey ♥

              • jerseygirl
                22351 posts Send Private Message

                  I agree, a long and happy life. Binky free Mickey! My condolences, take care skibunny.

                • BinkyBunny
                  8776 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh, I am so sorry! How sad for you. You obviously gave him a wonderful long life. My Rucy and Bailey will keep him company on the other side.

                    Hugs to you!

                  • Sarita
                    18851 posts Send Private Message

                      Oh, hugs to you. I will light a candle so he can cross the Rainbow Bridge.

                    • KatnipCrzy
                      2981 posts Send Private Message

                        I know it is a hard decision- but you gave him a great life and at the end gave him the kindest gift by putting his needs before yours.

                        Binky Free Mickey!!

                      • skibunny8503
                        1338 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks guys!  This was my first experience dealing with all this so it was pretty hard yesterday but I’m feeling a little better today.  And I know he’s in a better place now. 

                          I went to my parents house today and buried him in his fav. hidey box with a container of raisins (his fav!).  I found a few computer cds with pictures on them because I wanted to post a picture of him since I never did on here.  These were probably from 3 years ago (he looked about the same now but a little thinner since he wasn’t eating as much).  Hehe obviously it was around X-mas time.  Almost every year (except the past few) we would take a family picture in our living room at X-mas time and he would always be sitting in my lap.  He was such a good bunny, I never had any trouble handling him.



                          RIP Mickey Aug. 1st 1996 – April 14th, 2009



                        • RabbitPam
                          11002 posts Send Private Message

                            I’m so sorry. I know how hard it was, but he is out of pain now and not sick anymore. He obviously had a very long and wonderful life with you.
                            Those pictures are precious.

                          • jerseygirl
                            22351 posts Send Private Message

                              skibunny, he’s gorgeous! From thing you’ve said of him in the past, he really seemed he was a special guy. A lovely one for your family to share life with over the years. Just remember his this recent health decline before he went was only a blink in the timeframe of 12 years of being loved and adored. Remember all those 12 years.

                            • Kokaneeandkahlua
                              12067 posts Send Private Message

                                I’m so sorry! *HUGS* Sounds like he had a long happy life with you-and went peacefully. *Binky free Mickey”

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                  Oh, wow, he looks JUST LIKE Rucy! What adorable photos. I am so sorry. Binky Free Mickey – Rucy, your twin sister, will keep you company on the other side.

                                  hugs to you.

                                • skibunny8503
                                  1338 posts Send Private Message

                                    Posted By BinkyBunny on 04/22/2009 01:22 AM
                                    Oh, wow, he looks JUST LIKE Rucy! What adorable photos. I am so sorry. Binky Free Mickey – Rucy, your twin sister, will keep you company on the other side.

                                    hugs to you.


                                    I remember when I first came upon this site and saw Rucy & was like “Wow Mickey looks just like her!”.   I’m sure they’re having lots of fun together. 

                                  • 3crazybuns
                                    222 posts Send Private Message

                                      I heart goes out to you!!! It is very obvious he had a Great life with you!!!

                                      ~Binky Free Micky!!!

                                    • Beka27
                                      16016 posts Send Private Message

                                        I think I offered you condolences thru Facebook but not thru your thread. I apologize for that.

                                        I am again so sorry for your loss. I know how much you and your family loved Mickey, and he could not have had a better home than with you. I know you’ve said in the past that you guys made “beginner” mistakes with him, but you must not feel bad about that. He had a long life with you. And b/c of him you have an intense love of bunnies that will follow you thru out your life. You’ve already rescued two and you’re fostering a third… that along with the educational help you provide on Binkybunny is helping to make a difference in the lives of buns everywhere!

                                        Binky Free Mickey!

                                      • skibunny8503
                                        1338 posts Send Private Message

                                          Thanks Beka

                                          Yes I definately think if it wasn’t for Mickey I wouldn’t have known the joys of having a bunny!  And if it wasn’t for him my husband would have talked me into getting a dog instead but now he loves bunnies!  He prefers bunnies to dogs since he owned a dog before and said bunnies are so much more quieter!  That and you don’t have to wake up early in the morning to let them out hehe!  Even in his final hour, Mickey helped me and lead me to a rabbit savy vet that is just around the corner from us that I didn’t know about!  Now I don’t have to drive 15 -20 min. into town to the other vet.  The vet we usually go to was closed and the one by us said they would stay open just for him.

                                        • bunnytowne
                                          7537 posts Send Private Message

                                            That was sweet of your new vet to wait for him. I am so sorry it turned out like this.  Sounds like he was ready to go.  You made the right choice as difficult as it was to do.

                                            He wil always be your special bunny.

                                          • hophophop
                                            55 posts Send Private Message

                                              so adorable. thank you for sharing your story and pictures.

                                            • Monkeybun
                                              10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                Binky Free little bun! *hugs for Skibunny*

                                              • Deleted User
                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                  About a couple of years ago I had to let my Fluffy go and I still ache for her.  We had her only 5 years, our first bunny.  My daughter and I saw her at the pet store one day and had to bring her home, though my husband wasn’t so sure. He is now a bunny lover just like me and if it weren’t for Fluffy, we may never have known this love that we can share.  Four months after Fluffy crossed the Rainbow Bridge, we adopted two boys from 2 different shelters.  Our Bucky is blind.  We felt like we were able to provide him with the safe and loving home that he deserved, because we were able to care for Fluffy, who was in a handicapped state for the last year and 3 months of her life.  Fluffy was sudddenly stricken with 100% head tilt one day, fevery and spinning uncontrollably.  An emergency vet said we should put her to sleep, but that was not an option.  Another vet kept her over another night and then I brought her home. It took me 3 weeks to find a wonderful bunny vet.  I have to drive over an hour and 15 minutes to get there, but it is worth it.  Unfortunately, because she was misdiagnosed and mistreated after her illness, she was left with permanent head tilt and would spin many times daily for the remainder of her life.  Eventually, she was nursed (by me)  back to her new self, not her old self.  Many adjustments were made and she thrived, until she got uterine cancer.  She seemed to do well immediately after surgery, but then her health suddenly declined and her kidneys were failing.  I had to put her to sleep, or allow her to suffer.  I know she was ready to go, but I didn’t want her to leave me.  We visited with Fluffy for a long time before I could let the doctor do it.  A staff member would come into the room every once in a while and  ask if I was ready.  I don’t know how many times I said no, but they were very patient.  When I finally agreed to let her go, I said I am still not ready.  I will never be ready.  But, I knew I had to say yes eventually.  It was the hardest thing in the world and I will never get over it.  I know I had her blessing.  I held her in my hands and she kissed me until the moment I could literally feel her leave her body.  My husband and daughter were there with her too.  I miss her terribly.  She was my best friend.  Fluffy played hide and seek and chase and she was so loving and beautiful.  My boys are very different from her.  Both different breeds.  I love them too, as I love all bunnies, but Fluffy will always hold the most special of places in my heart.  I know the last part of her life here was very rough.  My vet said as long as she was happy and eating, that keeping her alive was reasonable.  Some people I know could not understand this and thought I should have put her down after the E. cuniculi threw her into the headtilt.  I am so thankful for the extra time I had with Fluffy.  We bonded incredibly after her initial illness.  And she was very happy.  She ended up getting around just fine.  But, I knew when it was finally time to let her go.  As hard as it was for me, I find solice in my visions of her frolicking around beautiful fields filled with flowers and all of her bunny friends. 

                                                • bunnyluvr
                                                  409 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Wow bunnylover – what a beautiful and sad story. Binky free Fluffy!

                                                  • skibunny8503
                                                    1338 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I know how hard that must have been bunnylover! ((Binky free Fluffy!)) I know before we put Mickey down that a few months before I saw him and knew he was sick and felt he should be put down but at the same time I just couldn’t and neither could my parents. He wasn’t young but his spirit was always young. I still miss him terribly. I still walk into my parents basement where his cage was and look over and hope to see him. He’ll always have a special place in my heart.

                                                    • SirThumpsey
                                                      539 posts Send Private Message

                                                        Losing a pet under any circumstances. It’s even harder to choose to let a pet go. It has brought me peace to know that they are no longer suffering and it was the least painful way to go. I send my condolences. I know that it is hard to lose something so special to you. You probably won’t stop missing your lil’ bun but one day it won’t hurt quite as much.

                                                        ((Binky Free Lil Bun))

                                                        ((Binky Free Fluffy))

                                                      • Barbie
                                                        1581 posts Send Private Message

                                                          Binky free Mickey and Fluffly!!! I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. My heart goes out to you skibunny and bunnylover – and to everyone who’s been left behind after the loss of a special friend – human or animal. I know the animals in my life have touched me deeper than almost anyone I know. That deep unconditional love animals give so willingly and the love you give them in return means that the pain of loosing them will always be there, unfortunately, but it will lessen with time. (((((Hugs!)))))

                                                        • Deb'sBuns
                                                          160 posts Send Private Message

                                                            I feel so bad for you. I know hard it is.

                                                          • kralspace
                                                            2663 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Dittos, binky free Mickey and Fluffy! I’m so sorry, I know it is SO hard to have to make the decision (((hugs and whisker kisses)))

                                                            • youngbunny
                                                              38 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Hi Skibunny, i’d just like to say that those pictures are adorable and that your bunny will live forever in heaven and in your heart. Binky free.((hugs))

                                                              • i~luv~frappichino&sammy
                                                                192 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  i am so sorry,i am sure my bunn wednesday will keep him company…
                                                                  your bunn is so gorgeaus!
                                                                  what you did was right

                                                                • i~luv~frappichino&sammy
                                                                  192 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    BINKY FREE MICKEY

                                                                  • angelicvampyre
                                                                    754 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Huge hugs I had to make the same choice with a bird a few weeks ago and as much as you know you are doing the the best for them it is a horribale thing to go through. Big Big Binky hugs!

                                                                    • skibunny8503
                                                                      1338 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Thanks guys for the support!  It’s been awhile but everytime I go to my parents house and I go in the basement, I can’t help walk around the corner and hope to see him in his cage   I told my mom they need to get another rabbit so I don’t have to see boxes on the table where his cage was but unfortunately towards the end of his life, my mom got allergic…to him or hay or something.  Nothing had changed, just her body.  She gets the same way around mine (usually if she’s there for a long time and it’s shedding time).  But her throat would close….I hope it doesn’t run in the family  

                                                                        I feel for everyone that has to make that decision because you hope that you’re making the right choice and that they’ll understand why you did that.

                                                                        A funny thing about where Mickey was buried….not to long ago my dad found a deflated red balloon on his grave!  It’s been months since but it hasn’t moved and I just saw it the other day.  Just thought it was kind of interesting.

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                                                                    Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Hardest thing I’ve ever done