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Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Hard of hearing, or just a really deep sleeper?

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    • clop
      51 posts Send Private Message


        How can you tell if your bun is hard of hearing, or just really calm, or a deep sleeper?

        He can sleep through loud noises (tv, music), and bright lights.  When I vaccuum the room, he sleeps right through.  When I near the cage, he awakes, then goes back to sleep.  When the tv’s a bit loud, he’s not very startled.  Today I dropped the top of the cage (the top of the cage flips out), and it clanged really loud, my friend and I jumped.  Buns didn’t stir.   When he’s doing something he aught not, sometimes we clap our hand, and he stops, turns and looks at us – this means he’s not deaf right?

        Any information would be greatly appreciated.  He’s been to the vet twice.  I haven’t specifically asked about this, but they didn’t mention anything either.


      • Cassi&Charlie
        1260 posts Send Private Message

          He’s a lop right? My full lop hardly jumps at anything, but my half lop is a bit jumpy. I’ve gotten suspicious that Layla full lop) is deaf because I can clap right next to her ear and she wont even wake up. I’m not sure whether it has something to do with their ears being down or not.

        • jerseygirl
          22345 posts Send Private Message

            It’s odd he didn’t stir with you dropping the cage top, most would be startled by that. His attention when you clap may not necessarily be because he heard you, he may have just caught the movement and turned to look at you. Rabbits cannot see directly in front of themselves but pretty much see all the way around themselves. So if you were behind him and clapped, he may have seen this rather then heard it. Worth investigating.

          • bunnytowne
            7537 posts Send Private Message

              I was thinking HB was hard of hearing too. Nothing startles him and loud noises dont’ wake him right off. HE is a french lop so maybe he is extra mellow.

            • clop
              51 posts Send Private Message

                Hi Cassi&Charlie, thanks for your reply! Yes, Buns is soo not jumpy, especially compared to my friend’s bun whom I spent the day with yesterday. Initially I attributed it to his size (maybe he’s so large he’s not as jumpy or nervous), but maybe it’s his ears – they’re down so sound is more muffled?

                Hiya jerseygirl! Yeah, the cage top dropping was loud, it also rattled/vibrated. I was really surprised he didn’t spring to attention. Ic what you mean about the clap, it makes sense.

                Hi bunnytowne, thanks for your response. HE”S A FRENCH LOP??!! he looks so tiny in that photo!! Would you mind telling me more about Honey Bun? Or direct me to a thread with his info? How’s his personality, etc? Are all three bonded yet? I was always curious if I ever got a playmate for Buns what size she should be size he’s so large. Your other babes also look small – does he tower over them?

                My last bun was a holland lop, and he didn’t seem hard of hearing. Is this something that’s a huge concern? Dh said, “I’m not getting him a hearing aid if he’s deaf…it’s not as serious as if he was blind” Not sure when he’s going to the vet next, but will inquire when I do.

              • Kokaneeandkahlua
                12067 posts Send Private Message

                  It could be hard of hearing-I think lops given the mutation that leads to lop ears (a wider face causes the ears to flop) may not be able to hear that well anyways.

                  Three lops at our shelter can give you the fright of you life-I go down the stairs calling “hellloooo stinkers -whooooos my good stinkers’ and those goofy bunnies are always dead asleep on their sides-I have to physically wake them. Soo whatever it is I think it’s pretty common!

                • RabbitPam
                  11002 posts Send Private Message

                    They’re not deaf, they’re insulted.

                  • clop
                    51 posts Send Private Message

                      Thanks for explaining that K&K! 

                      ehehehehe I may have to agree with rabbitpam! 

                    • clop
                      51 posts Send Private Message

                        ok – he can definitely hear. He’s just a really deep sleeper.

                        We were on the bed where he was binkying, the door was open, and someone opened a door outside. He immediately stopped, and became alert. phew. 🙂

                      • bunnytowne
                        7537 posts Send Private Message

                          HB does not startle I think if the walls fell in it would not phaze him.  HE is sooo mellow you can hold him on his back he hums to show pleasure. He hates being brushed. He has a huge cute adorable face.  HE is about 12 lbs I think.  

                          My 2 little ones are 3lb 8 oz and 3lb 4 oz.  

                          NO they have not bonded. Ruby hates him on sight.  cotton isn’t too thrilled with him either

                          He is neutered.  So so so calm I finally figured out he wasnt’ deaf for a while I wondered if he was hard of hearing but nope. Just dead aasleep.

                          I have pics to put on here of him soon. Probably tomorrow. His ears are very long but not as long as an english lop not near so but I think longer then the holland and mini lops

                          When alert he moves his ears forward and they cover half his eyes. HE puts them some back too. He hums when happy. He comes to find me and is soooo affectionate. All he wants it to be loved held petted loved loved loved.  His first weeks here I hardly ever saw his head up it was always down asking for pets. Even after I left the room I would peek in and his head would still be down asking for pets.

                          finally after a couple of weeks he started to put his head up at attention and not just pet me.

                          He is extremely intelligent too.

                          HE ran out of food at 5 am.  HE scratched at his food bowl. I was so sleepy I stuck a pillow over my head.  I heard more noise but fell asleep.  Finally when I did wake up to get out of bed and start my day my the first thing I saw was that …

                          HB had dragged the low sided box with his food bowl and his phone book over to the front door of the bathroom so I would see it first thing when I got up. The box normally was inside the bathroom where I couldn’t see it.

                          It also makes me sad when I pet Cotton and Ruby HB looks so sad like hey what about me?  When I pet him Cotton is like hey wait a minute. Whats this about.  All this jealousy. 

                          But HB is extremely intelligent.

                        • clop
                          51 posts Send Private Message

                            aww! thanks bunnytowne for sharing! I am so jealous; Honey Bun is so affectionate and smart! I hope Buns grows into such a sweetheart too.

                          • Lily
                            340 posts Send Private Message

                              Your bunny is so cute! My two mini lops seem the hear fine….

                            • KatnipCrzy
                              2981 posts Send Private Message

                                I have had my MiniLop since she was 12 1/2 weeks old and now she is about  1 yr 3 months old- and Cotton has always slept very deeply.  A couple of times I had to check to see if she was breathing.  We can bang on the wall, etc- and she could care less she is still flopped out comatose.  But the crinkle of the Craisin bag has her at alert in an instant.

                                Penny, my Holland lop is about 2 yrs old and I have only had her for a few months- and she is very alert and has never had a “flopped out. ignore the world” nap.  I think in part it is her personality and the fact that she is new to the house and does not “own” the house.  Cotton has been here since she was young and has a dominant personality, so I think she assumes that any noises or feeble attempts to get her attention does in fact not require her attention.  So, I think personality and attitude mean a lot.  Cotton would never assume a strange noise is another animal sneaking up on her since she has no problems sticking up for herself and even bullying the cats at times.  Penny must feel the need to be alert and aware.

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                            Forum HOUSE RABBIT Q & A Hard of hearing, or just a really deep sleeper?