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Forum BONDING Hammer is lonely

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    • BunnyLiz
      1212 posts Send Private Message

        The poor boy cant leave my cat alone!  One of my cats, Toluz, spends almost all his time in my room.  He is in my room being an odd cat and chasing imaginary things or harassing the rest of the cats or dogs in the rest of the house.  My room is the bunny room and Toluz’s room.  He hangs out in there I think mainly because the rest of the animals are not allowed in my room, therefore they arent in there for him to see and be tempted to chase/tease, therefore he stays out of trouble.  Well Hammer and Toluz used to be good friends, they would relax together, maybe play a little.  But since they were always in the same room (though Toluz can leave the room if he wants) they usually just kindly ignored each other.  Well now Hammer is lonely I guess, and is chasing Toluz around nonstop.  He will chase after him and give him a few grooms, try to play etc.  Hammer is basically trying to be attached to Toluz.  Which is scaring Toluz lol, totally not something to expect from him.  Toluz is the complete oppisite of any normal cat behavior.  But Toluz flees and then Hammer is upset.  He will sit at the baby gate at the door for a few minutes and try to climb it or sizes it up to see if he could jump it and go after Toluz.  This is obviously bad for Hammer, making him very sad.  Not good for my house either, since Toluz is avoiding Hammer, and therefore my room, he is causeing problems elsewhere.  He is now tempted to play with the other cats and dogs, even though he knows all to well they dont want to play with him lol.  So my question is should I think about starting to bond Hammer and Lucy?  Lucy is only about 4 months old, not spayed.  I was waiting to bond till Lucy is spayed and over her hormones.  But Hammer is hurting and wants a friend.  So im not sure what to do, wait or not?

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          I think since Hammer is neutered I might give it a try – unfortunately there is no guarantee that once Lucy reaches puberty and/or gets spayed she will feel the same way.

          The major thing is that she cannot get pregnant since Hammer is neutered so I say give it a try and see what happens.

        • Beka27
          16016 posts Send Private Message

            How is his aggression now? I’d be very worried that her hormones could cause her to lash out at Hammer, and he may retaliate in defense. A bad experience between the two might end up preventing a bond from happening in the future. You can certainly try, but I would be very, very cautious. Also keep in mind, behavior betw/ cages is usually no indication of how they will behave when confronted with the other. Some buns can seem to get along or be interested in each other while caged, but when let out together it can turn bad quickly.

          • BunnyLiz
            1212 posts Send Private Message

              Hammer is all better aggression wise, now his only problem is being lonely. They are fine between cages when they are both in them. But when Lucy is out she dances around Hammer’s and they usually end up trying to nip threw the cage if im not watching them. So your right it could go badly. I havent been switching cages with them though, I didnt want to upset Hammer any more, so I just avoided stressing him. Maybe ill try and switch cages tonight, see how they react, then decide from there.

            • MimzMum
              8029 posts Send Private Message

                Aw poor Hammie! The switching cages thing sounds like a good idea, I have had Fiver since September and he is only now beginning to understand there are two other bunnies in the room whom he might like to be friends with (I have not tried the cage thing yet, but now that Mimzy is feeling better, I may have to do that also.)
                Until then, I keep bringing either Mimzy or Pip out on the bed next to Fiver’s pen and pet them both near each other, then switch hands to transfer scent. It seems to work pretty well so far, but the real test will be when I finally try to bond all three. (Mimz & Pip need to get back together first, they have been separated while Mimzy was ill.)

                Needless to say, the first and only time I had tried to allow Mimzy and Fiver to be in the same space together, Fiver took a vicious snap at Mimzy and I was VERY lucky that he didn’t connect or Mimz would’ve been seriously hurt. Scared me to death.

                Poor Toluz! Is there any way you can spend time with just him outside your room, or is there any space at all that can be just his in your room? (My Griff doesn’t particularly care for the bunnies, but he doesn’t hurt them, so I just placed a little carpet remnant on top of my dresser and he feels like he has a safe place to go.)

              • BunnyLiz
                1212 posts Send Private Message

                  Toluz does not crave my attention at all, only my room lol. Like I said, Toluz is the complete opposite of a normal cat. He actually hates to be held, will sometimes tolerate a few pets. I did try to give him a blanket on top of the printer (really the only bare surface in my room lol) because Hammer knows he is not allowed up there. But Toluz refuses to be normal and curl up like a cat, he likes to lay in the weirdest positions and make himself as long as possible. When I put him up there to see if he would go for it Hammer just ignored me and went after him still. So the closet with the door closed is my only option there lol.

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Hammer was having daily bonding sessions with Rose wasn’t he? It’s almost like he’s resuming this with Toluz as the stand in. When reading your other posts of late, I had wondered whether putting Lucy and Hammer together might help both their current behaviours…but I’m in no way experienced! If they do bond quickly, it might be broken during the post spay recovery period and you’d have to rebond so you’d have to be prepared for that. If it were me though, I’d be getting them together now
                    Wise or not!

                  • BunnyLiz
                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                      They were having bonding sessions as much as I could give them lol. That was a rough time for me, when I was losing 3 other pets, gone every weekend. Extremely stressed out, so my homework was a mess. Unfortunately my grades showed that, 3 Bs when Ive gotten straight As all year. So anyways they got sessions a few times a week for a while. But they were having daily sessions when Rose passed. They had just started in my room with shared territory, they did that for maybe 3 days before she passed. Ill let you guys know how the cage switching goes tonight.

                    • MimzMum
                      8029 posts Send Private Message

                        Posted By BunnyLiz on 03/30/2009 06:24 PM
                          3 Bs when Ive gotten straight As all year

                        *sigh* Can I adopt you? Perhaps you could inspire my two lackadaisical kids who still need to graduate…

                        Your speaking of Toluz’s strange sleeping positions just reminded me of these pix, taken when I was undergoing chemo and my little Griff was sleeping on my bed with me more often than he does now. Just a few cute piccies to lighten the sad mood, if that’s alright. ^_^

                        My “Shoulder Angel” who can be quite the little devil when he wants to….

                        And we have NO idea how he cranked himself into THIS position….

                      • Beka27
                        16016 posts Send Private Message

                          What a beautiful cat! (Like his mama!)

                        • BunnyLiz
                          1212 posts Send Private Message

                            Lol Mimz you can adopt me if you move here, id be to cold there. Im always always cold! I sleep with at least 3 quilts in 80 degree weather. Its about 60 now and I have 5 on my bed right now lol. Grades haven’t always meant much to me, I got my only D in 5th grade and have been pretty driven ever since. My mom doesnt care, she is happy with Cs but I like proving I can get an A on a really hard test because I put in a few hours of effort. Your cat looks a bit like Toluz. He sleeps like in the last two pics all the time. You wont catch him ever sleeping any different. Ill see if I can get a good picture of it tonight.

                            I did not switch cages last night. I thought it over and decided to wait till next week. I leave for week on my senior class Thursday. So it would only stress Hammer out to be switching cages, then have me gone on top of that for a week, which means almost no out time for a week for him too. I didnt want to push him any more then I have to when I leave. Im going to pick up some extra chore things around the house, so hopefully my mom will like me enough to let the buns out for a few minutes each day. Mainly that but Im to stressed right now too, if they start losing litter box habits ill go insane! Ive just been to busy, havent had a break since December. And all my teachers are packing in to much before the senior class trip too, going in early to lengthen their class, staying late, using homeroom for class time too. Slept 7 hours in the past two days. Im hoping for 2 tonight lol, BB is my break. Spring break is just around the corner thankfully!! Sorry for the rant guys, I gotta rant or ill lose it lol. Anyways mostly for the buns, but some for my sanity as well.

                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                              Oh Mimz your cat is gorgeous -so cute!!

                              Bunnyliz-I think although it’s possible that Hammer may bond with her even though she’s not spayed, an injury or fighting is the least of what you need right now! I’d just try to be there for him, and give him loving

                            • MimzMum
                              8029 posts Send Private Message

                                Well Liz, you certainly have more on the ball than most kids your age. I am always impressed with what you take on and how well you manage.
                                You’re doing some good thinking there. I do believe that Hammer could use a little less stress too, and I can imagine he’ll miss you while you’re on your trip. But enjoy it anyway…it only happens once in a lifetime! ^_^ (I missed a lot of stuff in my senior year due to illness in my family.)

                                Thanks for the compliments, everyone…I just think it’s so funny how pretzeled up my cat got…has anyone ever seen that cartoon of Garfield where he’s tossing and turning for a nap and then finally throws his paw up over his eyes in grief and yells, “I just can’t get comfortable!” … last frame shows him out cold where he’s standing with the z’s coming out of his head? This picture reminds me of that cartoon every time.

                                Oh, and Beka… ….I harbor no illusions…I am surprised the camera lens didn’t shatter on that shot of me…lolz!

                              • BinkyBunny
                                8776 posts Send Private Message

                                  OMG!! MIMZ That photo of your cat snuggling with on ya is just precious!!!!

                                  BunnyLiz – keep us updated when you do have time to switch cages.

                                • BunnyLiz
                                  1212 posts Send Private Message

                                    Well I got back from my class trip early this morning, then slept till noon. But I just switched cages and they seem ok with it. They sniffed for a few minutes, then Hammer flopped on the shelf and is napping. Lucy is still exploring. I switched litter boxes too, because 1. Lucy is not 100% litter trained, but has been doing good for almost two weeks and I dont want to start over 2. Lucy has the big one I used for Rose when she dug litter because Lucy likes to dig litter out too and 3. Lucy’s box has alfalfa and Hammer’s has timothy. If I keep switching cages and they do well ill switch litter boxes too. But 20 minutes later and no stray poops or aggression so im pretty excited. I kept everything the same except the litter boxes, Lucys pellets moved with her and Hammer’s RoseBun moved with him. He still cuddles with it, it probably doesnt smell like Rose anymore but he is still attached to it so Ill keep that for his security blanket. Dont want Lucy’s scent on it right now. And youll never believe it but Hammer groomed Lucy. While I was on my trip my mom let the buns out a few times. When she turned her back Lucy jumped up on my bed where Hammers shelf is next to it, there is only one layer of cubes there. They were nose to nose and Hammer groomed her through the cube. Later when Lucy got up there again Hammer was aggressive though. Good and bad but im taking it as mostly good

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                                Forum BONDING Hammer is lonely