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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum BONDING Hammer and Lucy, plus Felix.

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    • BunnyLiz
      1212 posts Send Private Message

        Hey guys!  Its been so long since Iv’e been on here.  But after many months of thinking I’ve decided that Hammer, Lucy, and Felix need to be a trio.  Now that classes are out for the summer, I should have time to do this.  I’m really hoping this works out prefectly, because 1. I’ve come to the conclusion that I do not have enough room for all these seperate living spaces.  And 2 Felix really really needs a friend.  He needs attention ALL the time and is really starting to bug me lol.  I thought it was great that he wanted to me with me 24/7 until he recently started keeping me up at night with his loud protest to be let out of his cage and be able to join me in bed.  He just really needs some frinds.

        Some background for those who dont know/ forgot my buns.  Hammer is a male 3 year old bun I got as a baby bun.  He is a bossy husbun to Lucy, a 2 year old female bun I got for Hammer.  Hammer is the dominate bunny in their relationship, but I think Lucy just lets him think that.  He is dominate, however Lucy will only take so much calmly before she really shows him who is boss and his is the fur that gets tossed around the cage.  Felix is a female (who I thought was male) that I brought home from the daycare I work at.  Nobody knows how old he is, but the vets guess around 4 years old.  Also living in the room is Mae, a 8 year old female.  She will not be bonding to anyone, she was abused at her former home and is very sensitive, Im not convinced that she would make it through the bonding process.  Also living in my room is a cat named Bow, my newest edition to the gang making 10 total animals in my house.  I picked up Bow from a dirt road completely starved and in big trouble.  Unfortantly she is terrified of the other animals in the house, so she stays in the safety of my room with the bunnies.  I do not think she will cause any trouble with bonding, but if anyone thinks that the extra animal and smell will cause difficulties she can be relocated to the bathroom for a few months.

        So far I have switched cages between Hammer and Lucy and Felix.  Hammer and Lucy are still together in Felixs cage, and Felix is in theirs.  I am switching cages each night and Felix loves it for some reason.  He binkies like crazy, he is so funny.  Hammer and Lucy however are going south and I suspect their bond wont last to long. I think ill be adding a third bonding cage in he middle of the room soon because I think I’ll have to spilt them up before they hurt eachother.  In a few hours I’m taking Hammer and Felix for a stressful car ride and trip to petsmart to get pellets.  Hammer and Felix have met before and have done well.  Hammer has given many kisses, but Felix has not returned the favor.

        I think its worth noting that everybun is spayed or neutered and have been for awhile, so they have all waited the appropiate time after surgery and it is safe to mix Hammer with my two females with no risk of pregnancy and no unusual pre spay/neuter hormones.

        Here is the cage set up right now.  The two cages on the left are the two that they will be switching to and from.  The one on the right is Mae’s.

        Here is the happy couple, Hammer is the tan lovely, and Lucy is the gray cutie.

        Here is Felix, my cuddle monster and hopefully soon to be added to Hammer and Lucy’s relationship.

      • LittlePuffyTail
        18092 posts Send Private Message

          I just wanted to say “Welcome Back”! Was wondering if you’d ever be by again!

          How long have Hammer and Lucy been bonded?

        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            Hi Liz!!!!

            I hope you’ll pop into the Lounge and update us on life if you get the chance.

            So Felix is a girl! heeheehee. Hammer and 3 girl buns in the one room.

            Have you been doing any work with Hammer and Lucy to keep their bond tight? I’d hate to hear if that went to far south. : ( From what I remember, Lucy is a bit of a stress head isn’t she? Is it the limited space when they switch pens that is causing the tension between Lucy and Hammer. You don’t always have to use that technique, especially if your pair have been living near Felix for a while anyway. If you feel it’s detrimental to their bond this early on, I’d maybe start doing some other bonding exercises and keeping their habitats as is for now.

            Have you seen how Felix and Mae react to one another at all? I know you have concerns for Mae but instant bonds are not just fairytales…

            Wow, I’m going to have to start chanting “I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!” I could do with the magic.

          • BunnyLiz
            1212 posts Send Private Message

              Hammer and Lucy have been bonded for about 2 years.  So cross all of your fingers for me that they have grown attached enough to each other that they wont split up during this madness.

              I have not had any special Hammer and Lucy time yet to help make their bond stick, they really were not having any issues until yesterday when I started with Hammer and Felix dates.  Now they spat a little when I reintroduce Hammer after bonding time with Felix.  Still, they have not done horrible with coping.  It would be a good idea to do everything in my power to keep them friends though, any suggestions?  Do I just have bonding sessions with Hammer and Lucy like I would with any other bonding situation? 

              I don’t think the cage switching is the issue as much as Hammer “cheating” on Lucy.  I can switch them without trouble, its just that I switch cages routinely after bonding sessions because of the convenience.  Off topic- Hammer and Lucy had caught onto when cage cleaning time was and what the normal routine was.  They knew that when they got stuck in the dog cages for a little while that it was cage cleaning day.  When I was done cleaning I used to be able to just open the door to the dog cage and Hammer and Lucy would go through the house, directly into my room and into their cage without hesitation.  Now they are so confused and just go sit by the two cages and wait for me lol.

              I have not put Felix and Mae together, but Mae is pretty aggressive towards him from between bars, so i doubt they would agree with each other.

              Yesterdays bonding- went very well!  Hammer and Felix only had it out for a minute when they first went into the carrier together, by the time I got them into the car they were stressed and snuggling.  They did great in the car, to and from petsmart and to and from a quick errand.  They did particularly well sitting in the shopping cart at petsmart.  They both hopped around a bit and seemed comfortable with each other.  No problems at all yesterday, and they were together for about 4 hours.  I call that an exceptional first date!

              Kisses in the car!

              The happy couple not willing to be next to each other in the store.

              And a happy end to the petsmart journey.

            • LittlePuffyTail
              18092 posts Send Private Message

                Wow, I’m going to have to start chanting “I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!” I could do with the magic.

                Ditto that! Send some bunny fairy dust my way!!

                That sounds like a promising first date, Liz!!!

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            Forum BONDING Hammer and Lucy, plus Felix.