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Forum BONDING Hammer and Lucy arent speaking!

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    • BunnyLiz
      1212 posts Send Private Message

        I don’t know what their deal is but they are having a fight of some sort.  Three days ago they had a fight with chasing and hair pulling and Lucy trying to mount.  I dont know what it was about I just came running when I heard them zooming all over the pen.The next day the same thing happened, Lucy trying to mount, Hammer not allowing it, and loose fur as a result of the chase.  Its not hard to break them up, I just have to grab Lucy and tell her she is being dumb and she comes back to sanity.  And im kind of proud of Hammer, he is such a pushover usually but has been ignoring her more lately and gaining confidence.  But that might be hurting their relationship, I really dont know.  Yesterday was no different so I toke them on a car ride to hopefully get them to see eye to eye again.  Which didnt work because they did the same chase routine last night again.  Im worried because they are lounging farther apart now and not snuggling as much.  And when I give out treats Lucy doesnt think Hammer should get any.  She grunts at him and tries to steal his then she starts trying to mount.  So treats trigger it, but it happens at other times too.  I think maybe she is obsessive about food now because Hammer eats 3x a day and Lucy only eats once..?  They have hay all the time, but Hammer gets his two salads, and they share pellets.  But Lucy doesnt want his salad, so I’m not sure if that makes any since at all.  Suggestions?

      • BunnyLiz
        1212 posts Send Private Message


        • jerseygirl
          22352 posts Send Private Message

            Only thing I could think of was the little outing they had recently. Could she be a bit stressed or establishing dominance since they came back into their space? Was that just at your home or elsewhere?

          • BunnyLiz
            1212 posts Send Private Message

              Oh good one! Hadnt thought about that. Unlikely though, that was over a week ago and they just started doing this. And yes it was at my house, and only for maybe half an hour.

            • Sarita
              18851 posts Send Private Message

                Have you added any new toys or additions to their space? I had a friend who’s rabbits just couldn’t share stuff – they were fine with just the basics but any toys or tunnels or anything else they would just fight so we decided they wouldn’t get any toys and they were happier that way.

              • BunnyLiz
                1212 posts Send Private Message

                  Nope nothing new in the pen.  And nothing new that I can think of at all really.  They dont get as much out time as they had in the summer, but I would think bad attitudes would show before now.  No idea, except maybe…

                  Is it possible that they can reflect my mood?  I have a really rough and scary thing going on right now and its just recently (within the past few days) gotten worse.  So ive been in a funk, sad/worried/scared/upset.  Could that be throwing things out of whack with them?  I hadnt thought of this until now, but I am always in my room (their room), and that is where I kind of vent because im the only one that knows whats going on.  Yea now it makes since.  Nothing I can do about them though.

                • jerseygirl
                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                    Personally, I think they can. Think back to bonding and how nervousness and more confidence had an effect. Or when you handle them how you have to be calm and confident.

                    Hope you’re ok. (((Hugs)))

                  • BunnyLiz
                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                      Yea your right Jersey, they would know im too stressed and that would in turn make them stressed. And the poor buns dont know how to react to that I guess and just take it out on each other. Gosh now im praying I dont screw up this bond and they are strong enough to get through it. I have news for them though, things just got a whole lot worse today and its not going to go away soon! Ill just try to give them (them=Hammer) some extra love and cross my fingers that it works. Thanks for the hugs Jersey! Not been an awesome day thats for sure.

                    • jerseygirl
                      22352 posts Send Private Message

                        Give Lucy extra love too – if this is what’s going on, sounds like she’s the one picking up on it and her behaviour is affected. So, extra love for Hammer and Lucy but make sure you look after yourself! If you have a situation where you feel powerless and can’t change a bad situation, just concentrate on getting yourself calm. You at least have power in that. (((Liz)))


                        Edit:  Here’s a cute pic I’m loving at the moment. A small thing, but hope it puts a smile on your face.


                      • BunnyLiz
                        1212 posts Send Private Message

                          I just said extra love for Hammer because Lucy wont accept it, she is one of those “No Touchie!” buns but to the extreme. Cute picture, I set it as my background

                        • Deleted User
                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                            BunnyLiz, theirs is a fairly new bond, it could be just that. rabbit bonds go through phases from what I have seen. When I bonded Lint and Mops, Lint would mount Mops and Mops tolerated it. Just like Hammer, after a short while of living together, Mops gained confidence and wouldn’t have it. This phase lasted until Lint learnt to respect the new rules.
                            It’s discouraging when you’re stressed out and then the rabbits go through a tiff on top of everything else. Some days when some things get me down and the rabbits are acting up, I feel like saying: “hey: you guys were supposed to be a delight!”
                            If the fight consists of ‘just’ a round of zoom and a little fluff flying, my guess is it’s just them establishing their order. Keep an eye on how Lucy takes Hammer’s new attitude. She should mellow out about it.

                          • Kokaneeandkahlua
                            12067 posts Send Private Message

                              {{Bonding VIbes}} I personally think your mood could affect them so {{Happy vibes}} for you

                            • BunnyLiz
                              1212 posts Send Private Message

                                Well they seem to be doing better, so I guess it was a newly wed thing and not a bad vibe from me thing. They are attached at the hip today!

                              • mrmac
                                2156 posts Send Private Message

                                  Mine have ‘off’days with eachother every once in a while.

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22352 posts Send Private Message

                                    Good to hear. Hope things improve for you too BunnyLiz! lol – Lucy no touchies. Wasn’t Rose like this too in the beginning?

                                  • BunnyLiz
                                    1212 posts Send Private Message

                                      Yes Rose didnt like to be touched much either, but I understood that because she had a unstable life. But she would let you pet her if she knew you, it was quiet, and you did long slow strokes. Occasionally at least. Picking her up was impossible. But she got better with petting and carrying. Lucille… I swear she is not all there, she needs a bunny whisperer. She is such a spoiled brat, and NOT in a cute sense lol.

                                    • luvmybunny
                                      576 posts Send Private Message

                                        I hope you feel better soon, Liz Also, I hope your bunnies will continue bonding. Maybe they are just establishing dominance roles since they are together? Good luck with everything. *hugs*

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                                    Forum BONDING Hammer and Lucy arent speaking!