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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum DIET & CARE Hair tufts and some other things…

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    • jerseygirl
      22353 posts Send Private Message

        I have some small concerns regarding both rabbits but thought I’d contain them in one thread. So sorry for the length.

        Rumball: When I first brought him home, I noticed 3 tufts of fur coming out of his “chest” area. He is molting – so I assume he has a different style to Jersey.  I’d pulled them out but last night I pulled out a few more I noticed and they come out like a plug. Attached at the base.

        Pic:  shows what I mean by tuft or plug.


        So does this happen in a rabbit shed sometimes?   Is it attached like that because I pulled it? 


        2nd concern: Rumball is too squishy-licious!  He is a mini lop (dwarf lop) and weighs 6.6lbs. He now eats hay, veggies and probably 1-2 teaspoon of pellets.  He’s not pining for the pellets so that’s worked in my favour. So other than diet and exercise should help the weight but how long am I looking at him being able to shed this weight?

        He also feels odd to me. The weight is in his middle and to the sides of his front legs, especially when he sits. It pillows out and feels squishy.  Then he has a hump just behind his neck/scruff area that feels more muscular.  His hind end also feels more tough at the skin level.  Is this how lops carry their weight? Or does it just vary between rabbits?  Despite his extra weight, his hips feel angular to me, more prominant, whereas Jersey, who seems thin to me, has a roundedness there.

        I guess I’m just adjusting to the differences between them.

        Now to Jersey… She’s been eating more hay but I have noticed before that when she did eat it her poop would end up more odd shaped. Hay not hair would string it together and be sticking out of bits.  Now she’s eating more hay and the poop in even more weird shaped & varying sizes.  I know hay is indigestable fibre which is part of it’s benefit but I have concerns Jersey’s gut doesn’t process it very well.  Should I have concerns?  No worries about the frequency, she’s been daily marking territory!

        Sorry for all the qu’s, just some things playing on my mind.


      • bunnytowne
        7537 posts Send Private Message

          Ahh when I read about the tuft of hair I thougth Lop bunny…  Yes buns will molt out like that.  Kind of neat to pluck them makes it easy.

          Lops are shaped different.  They are more compact with what seems like no neck. They are not wild hair shaped at all.   They are Square and compact. 

          Can you post a pic of your lop?     If your lop cannot clean it’s backside like your other bunny does or get to it’s cecals then I would say lop is overweight.   Most likely  bun is not overweight and is just how lops are shaped. 

          Can you take him to the vet for a well checkup if you want to be sure lop is not overweight?   They do have loose skin too. 

          Your other bunny with the odd shaped poops yeah it sounded like she needed more hay.    I mention that due to the hair in her poop that you mentioned.  

          And brushing will help. If your first bunny is grooming your lop it may be swallowing excess hair from there.  So brush pluck brush….

          Some people use laxatone on a paw so they lick it off to help with the hairs passing through the gut.  (so glad I caught that typing error b instead of g  &#160  That would have sounded bad.  tehhee  

          Perhaps some fresh pineapple/papaya would help too…


        • jerseygirl
          22353 posts Send Private Message

            Thanks BT. I have had a check up with Rumball, she did agree he was a bit overweight but he does manage to groom and get cecals well. Also, when he moves about outside, he looks quite good. Just when he sits or lies, he seems to pillow out.

            Jersey doesn’t really get the hair string of pearls, rather the hay string of pearls. Poop joined by hay stems, it is quite obvious. So she is eating more hay and getting more odd poop. (???)

          • TARM
            1253 posts Send Private Message

              Be careful with plucking…this past weekend I was plucking matted fur out of an elderly french lop girl and it was coming out in plugs like that…and the next thing I knew i was looking at an ugly tear in her skin! Their skin is very fragile. :0(

            • wendyzski
              1312 posts Send Private Message

                THose tufts are normal – I plucked 3 off Pepper last night.  A friend’s French Lop actually sheds to bald spots!  When Pepper blows her coat, I can usually see the new fur growing in like very short velvet underneath.

              • KatnipCrzy
                2981 posts Send Private Message

                  In my experince when the hair sheds in tufts with a “piece” on the end of it and holds it all together- that “piece” is a scab.  I get this on my bunnies from little bonding scuffles and also on my cats from minor scratches and bites.  Usually I don’t even know they had a tiny ouchie until it sheds out like that. 

                  My lops do shed in clumps sometimes- and you can see the clumps to pull them.  If they are already poking out from the other fur they are no longer attached to the skin- and I pull them out with no side affects or “pieces” that hold the clump together. So regular shedding pulls out in a clump but then is just a bit of hair that is no longer “connected”.

                  Lops so seems as though they carry their weight differently than other bunnies.  I can’t remember Rumballs situation- did he come from less than ideal situation/diet?  Schroeder was found outside as a stray and surrendered to the Humane Society- where after neutering he went to a pet store for adoption.  At the pet store he was fed crappy/cheap pellets, no veggies and limited hay.  He was on the thin side- I could feel his ribs and backbone easier than I should have been able too- but he was still considered healthy.  He eats like a pig now- all the good things he should have- and his belly is larger.  My vet said that it would just take a while for his weight to porportion out to the other areas of his body- she expects that although he is not as “bony” as he was that will only continue to improve and that his belly will reduce as his body evens out.  I have only had him since Jan- so 3 months.  He can still groom himself properly.

                  Cotton who I have had since she was a youngster- is much more stocky, sturdy and her weight seems better distributed.  Everyone at work thought she was a larger than Schroeder- but when we weighed them he was 2 ounces more.

                • jerseygirl
                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                    Probably a case of wait and see with RUmball. He was in a home and started out as a house rabbit. Then to a hutch – but still allowed indoors also. He was fed a grain base feed from what I gather. Also, oat and lucern hay. I now feed him mainly meadow, some oat and a little lucerne on top.
                    He does manage to groom ok, though I did cut out some matting from his underside lastnight. The fur on his belly etc is quite wooly. As a minilop, ideally he should be about a little over 5lbs so I think him losing 1lb is reasonable.

                  • Hedi
                    969 posts Send Private Message

                      Hey Jersey- those tufts you see- that is how my minirexs shed sometimes-that little plug comes out with the fur. But Cooper, my lop, rarely has that plug come out.

                      Lops are just so funny shaped anyways so keep that in mind. Their heads and bodies are shaped so funny compared to the rest of buns so he will feel and look so much different than Jersey which will throw you off some but make him look just so cute and “puppyish.” lol

                      What his backside though. I find that my cooper even with having a mate has a horrible time keeping his backside and big feet clean so I have to actually cut matted fur off his big feet sometimes. Poor little guy.

                    • BinkyBunny
                      8776 posts Send Private Message

                        Regarding the plugs: I only noticed the “plugs” on the hair on the cheeks. Both Bailey and Jack had/has them.

                        I also think the way the a mini lops heads are shaped, makes their back bones look differently, and I also find their weight to be distributed more like how you describe.

                        Jack has been on a diet, and it’s slow goins. He needed to lose a pound and he’s lost a half a pound and it’s been about 2 months.

                      • MooBunnay
                        3087 posts Send Private Message

                          As far as the hay eating – sometimes my bunnies poops come out a bit odd shaped or with pieces sticking out too. To me that would mean that maybe they are not chewing it thoroughly? Has Jersey had any molar issues? If the texture and frequency are OK, I wouldn’t worry myself too much about the odd bits, I don’t think the bunnies really 100% digest the hay so much as use it as a fiber to keep the digestive system going.

                        • Kokaneeandkahlua
                          12067 posts Send Private Message

                            Yes lops are shaped very differently! Chuck is a little chubby-nothing we’re concerned about-but his spine is still more prominent then the others-and he has sort of a “skirt”-it’s like a fat roll that when he stis down it’s around his bum. Whereas Rupert carries the weight in his tummy area and dewlap

                          • LizzieKnittyBun
                            2147 posts Send Private Message

                              Just replying so people can see this terrific thread by Jerseygirl! Momo and Remy have these little plugs on their cheeks sometimes and I was a little worried about it until I found this thread.

                              As always, Binkybunny is my one-stop place for all of my bunny answers : P

                              Thank you Jerseygirl <3

                            • wiseleyd
                              236 posts Send Private Message

                                My mini lop is kinda oddly shaped as well. He only weighs slightly over 5 lbs. and I can easily feel his vertebrae and ribs, but he has a huge butt and a tiny dew lap. When he sits, all of his weight is on the floor.

                              • Barbie
                                1581 posts Send Private Message

                                  Thanks! I was wondering about those funny looking tufts of fur… Leroy gets them sometimes. Very satisfying to pull out the ones that are sticking out… even if I maybe shouldn’t, lol.

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                              Forum DIET & CARE Hair tufts and some other things…