I had to make a hard decision last week to euthanize my 12 year old bun, Oreo. She lived a great long life but it was not easy to say goodbye. We got her when she was still a young bun so she lived with us all her years. I have so much guilt knowing we chose to end her life. I wanted her to go on her own time, but her quality of life was just not good anymore, and the vet agreed. She had an appetite but that was about it. She’d lost the ability to stand and move around at the end. Here’s the longer version.
In September she turned 12, then a few days later she had some sort of episode that changed her neurologically. It prevented her from moving normally and she was very confused by her normal surroundings. She tracked her head to the left anytime she was eating or doing anything active. She could only walk in a circle one way, also only to the left. She would lay curled up toward the left and her front paws out to the other side. If she tried getting out and moving around she’d get stressed out stuck moving in only a circle and I would have to get her back in her litterbox where she could be confined safely. I set up all her food/ water/ hay in close proximity to her so she would get to it without having to leave the box. She had a very good appetite and was eating well despite still losing weight. It was more work to keep everything clean, etc but I was happy to carry on if she was comfortable. Sadly, 2 weeks ago she no longer was able to stand up. She could eat only with her head lying on one side and it was so hard to watch her struggle to get her food that she so badly wanted. She was still strong enough to try, so she would scoot a bit but couldn’t get herself up. I put her food right next to her face so she could eat and lifted her up to reach her water dish. It was so sad to see her this way, it just broke my heart. I also didn’t want to come to terms with the thought of saying goodbye. I also have 3 young boys, 2 of which are old enough to understand dying. That was so hard to talk about with them, let alone my own feelings. The vet examined her one last time and it seemed she didn’t have full feeling in her back feet and had various things wrong that would prevent her from ever recovering from this. We decided it was definitely time. It’s been a week now and it’s still hard to see her empty spot in our bunny room. Blu who is also almost 12 has lived next to her their whole lives but they weren’t bonded so he seems to be holding up ok thankfully.
I miss her so much and I’m still processing everything, it’s so strange still that she’s really gone. Thanks for reading.