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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum BONDING Give Rescue Remedy on First Date? (Yes or no?)

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    • Binkles
      823 posts Send Private Message

        The date is set! Day after tomorrow at 5:00, Peter’s foster will bring him over to date Little-Bit. I’m excited and nervous! But my question is this: would anyone reccommend or not reccommend giving Little-Bit some RR to ease her nerves on the first date? I want her to not be flipping out, but I also want her attitude to be representitive about how she feels about Peter.

      • jerseygirl
        22353 posts Send Private Message

          I think it wouldn’t hurt to give her some. Might be an idea too for Peter to have some settling time before the introduction. Do you have a neutral space for the meeting? I’m looking forward to hearing about how it goes. Be sure to report!

        • Barbie
          1581 posts Send Private Message

            Oh yes, let us know how the date goes!! I can’t weigh in on the Rescue Remedy though… I’ve never used it before.

          • Binkles
            823 posts Send Private Message

              Rescue Remedy is amazing stuff. I can’t say that it’s solved all of Little-Bit’s spastic bunny issues, but it sure does help. It makes her very happy and considerably less jumpy. Last time we trimmed her nails we didn’t even have to bun-taco her!

              I just want to make sure that giving her a drop or so won’t make their first date non-representative of her true feelings towards him.

              Yep! I’m planning penning part of the hallway downstairs (Little-Bit doesn’t have access there).

            • TARM
              1253 posts Send Private Message

                I would wait and see if she needs it first. You don’t want her to be mellow on the date and then find out that she doesn’t like him as well as she thought when she was feelin’ groovy…lol

              • Elrohwen
                7318 posts Send Private Message

                  I’m with TARM. I would rather find out right away if she hates him or not to get an idea about their future bonding. However, if you put them together and she just seems majorly anxious about having another bunny around it might be helpful. I think anxiety is different than disliking another bunny and you’ll be able to tell the difference when you put them together I think.

                • Binkles
                  823 posts Send Private Message

                    Good point you guys. I agree. Thanks!

                  • Moonlight_Wolf
                    1155 posts Send Private Message

                      Good luck with the date! And is rescue remady some kind of sedative?

                    • Binkles
                      823 posts Send Private Message

                        Thank you! It’s kind of-sort of a sedative. It’s not a drug, but an herbal flower remedy. Kind of like how chamomile has a calming effect? Other plants have different kinds of effects like that too. What they’ve done with RR is basically taken a BUNCH of different flower essences which have positive effects and combined them into a highly-concentrated solution.

                        (Though some may argue that the 27% alcohol content has something to do with it. It’s supposed to be an inactive ingredient and acts only as a preservative. What ever the actual case may be, a drop from the eyedropper helps my baby.)

                      • Balefulregards
                        715 posts Send Private Message

                          It helps mine too Binkles – and I don’t find they are loopy or out of it – just calm. And I take it too – It doesn’t act as a sedative ( and I have taken THOSE for anxiety) because once you take that kind of pill, you kind of leave your body – or in my case the drug disconnected my flight or fight response which was causing my anxiety attacks.

                          The RR is meant to “support” your body during times of stress – and the same for pets. I have given it to them before vet visits and the vet commented on how calm and relaxed they were. I told her I gave them the rescue remedy and she said “well, it hasn’t hurt! I have seen some house rabbits who seriously Lose it during vet visits ” Our consensus was that it can’t hurt and it seems to help, so why not.

                          I forgot about giving it to them before Nail clips. That is a GREAT idea.

                          As I have mentioned before, I have and use LOTS of the Bach’s essences. I use them to help me write too – and as half my comps were deemed “brilliant, scholarly and insightful” it didn’t seem to Hurt using them as a support through the process!

                          I think it may help her set a positive state of mind for the date. I don’t think she would show false interest AT ALL. she will either be interested or NOT.

                        • Sara Darlingg
                          70 posts Send Private Message

                            Ive never heard of this, It would be fantastic to get some before I take my bun in to get her nails trimmed!
                            she’s quite a spazz when she gets handled especially her feet.
                            where can such a thing be bought? pet supply stores?
                            Please let me know!!

                          • Monkeybun
                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                              I’d hate to have to depend on the rescue remedy for everything that may be stressful. I’d rather my bun get used to it on their own, rather htan give them something every time. The alcohol content alone makes me not want to give it to them.

                            • jerseygirl
                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                There is a pet version that is alcohol free, though I don’t know where you buy this. Perhaps look on their website. Product is Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy. Here we find the original kind in most pharmacies. You can give it diluted so the alcohol is lessened.

                                MB, you make a good point and I do think with some things a rabbit can get less stressed when they get used to things over time. Or you can train them using positive rewards so a formerly stressful event becomes less so. However, I also think with some rabbits, something like RR is totally worth it. Especially those with a history they can’t escape and they are just more stressed all the time. It would be worth it to lessen their stress & hopefully avoid  more serious problems like gut stasis, fur loss or self mutilation, that are sometimes brought on by stress.

                              • Monkeybun
                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                  I know its worked with Monkey, she gets alot less stressed now, as I have been getting her used to stuff, rather than just make it all nice and flowery every time

                                • jerseygirl
                                  22353 posts Send Private Message

                                    Yes – you can come quite a long way with one you’ve had since very young. I notice that difference with Jersey & Rumball. Though she’s the one that gives me the most rabbitude, I can handle her with ease. Rumball is still tricky. I will never know his entire history. He reacts differently toward different people and I have to wonder if small things from his past. I don’t think it was traumatic but there may have been times he was mishandled by a child or adult that leaves him a bit wary.

                                    btw Binkles, I think a dose of RR for the human is not a bad idea either!

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                                Forum BONDING Give Rescue Remedy on First Date? (Yes or no?)