Sorry I have duplicated some of this thread in the wrong section. I believe I’m in the right place now.
I want to thank you all for all your thread’s about gi stasis, I would have been totally lost over the last month without all the advice.
My rabbit is 9 years old and stopped eating on the 7th she went 50 hours without pooing a few days later until she stopped spitting the syringe food out. She had a dental procedure done despite the vet believing it wasn’t necessary. It seemed to help slightly as she started eating very small amounts of food. But she has had gas ever since. I manage to get her eating in the night very well some days doing 300 poos but other days when we reduce the syringe feeds she stops eating and pooing.
She has a lump on her lip which has been aspirated by an exotic vet. Mainly inflammatory cells but some borderline cells, probably benign if anything apparently. She’s had this op for 2 years so it doesn’t seem to concern most vets I’ve taken her to.
However since July its got considerably larger and the vet said due to the level of inflammation it would be painful. I have been using hibiscrub on it as directed by my vets and it is reducing in size and her appetite for harder foods has increased.
What is concerning me most is she seems perfect and active eating pooing in the night 10pm-6am then goes downhill during the next day 11am- 8pm when she’s sleeping and until the night time.
Her poos when she first poops 5pm like clockwork, are dodgy (small, elongated or covered in mucus) she had even passed large slime/mucus. Toward the end of the night, midnight onwards, they are regular round and very healthy looking. But it goes downhill again the next day.
I would appreciate any suggestions as I have tried everything that me and othe vet can think of. I have another appointment next week but I’m looking for some advice to get her more confortable etc in the meantime. I’m staying up most of the night every night woth her and getting an hour or two between feeds and belly rubs and I just can’t seem to get her better. Simeticone seems to help and she’s also on metacam and cisapride.
The vet wants me to monitor the lump, he hopes her appetite will improve when it’s gone, or it will need removing. Though we are reluctant to due to her age and the risks of anaesthesia.
Sadly in the meantime the gas buildup is so painful she lies there most of the day and won’t eat for more than a few bites event hough she looks interested in food.
When I get the gas under control its begins again the next afternoon and we are back to square one.