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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

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Forum THE LOUNGE Furniture Fatalities!!!!

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    • Muj Mom N Bun
      352 posts Send Private Message

        I just added another reply to a thread about the murder of a mattress… RIP…

        Well, today I was only out for a few minutes, I came home to find not 1 or even 2, but 5 holes chewed into my sofa!??? Luckily, they are in places that can be concealed with the help of some accent pillows but I cannot say I’m thrilled about the bunny approved enhancements BunBun kindlymade to my sofa. I told a friend of mine and she pretty much said my Bun was out of control… I, however, know that a “Bunny’s gonna chew, what a bunny’ Gonna chew!” And I told her it is rather common and if I were to post My Bunny Chewed My Sofa on the forum I would simply get “well, welcome to the club! “ in reply.

        So, this gives me the idea to ask all, what furniture and other household items have you literally said Goodbye to as a result of bunny incisors of death!?!?

        For me, we have only had BunBun since October and I’ve really tried very hard to Bunny proof as much as possible so the list is somewhat short…
        iPhone lightning Cord, dead on arrival, chewed clean through
        A few books, covers and pages eaten from side to side…
        Area rug… on its last leg but it’s a survivor, it’s not going down without a fight
        Living Room Sofa, as strong and resilient as the area rug in front of it… (aka, can’t afford to replace it anytime soon)

        Have fun and I look forward to reading these!

      • Reesebun
        1034 posts Send Private Message

          With my rabbits, they will chew any cord they can reach. It’s like a bunny magnet! I’ve had to get over 10 iphone lightning cords (my fault for leaving it in places the rabbits can reach). Once I got Leo and Vinny, I found that they love to rip up the foam puzzle piece mats. I had to throw all of them away. It’s weird because Reese has had them for years and never chewed them. Also Reese chewed a small hole into my comforter and I haven’t sewed it back up yet so every time I move a little poof of feathers fly out lol

        • Sirius&Luna
          2320 posts Send Private Message

            Our sofa in our rented apartment definitely has quite a few bunny teeth marks… I’m not really looking forward to explaining that.

            Many iPhone chargers and three internet cables.

            Oh and a giant wooden chest that belongs to the landlord… Guess it’s bye to my deposit.

          • Q8bunny
            6345 posts Send Private Message

              Fun thread!

              Ok, let’s see…

              His IKEA toy bed, with my blessings… The edges of the wooden frame under our IKEA sofa, every time I cooked something “fragrant”… The hoover cord, while NOT plugged in… a few pairs of Havaiana flip flops (mine AND visiting friends’)… a summer maxi dress, WHILE I was wearing it… The lower branches of a young tree, after jumping up in the giant planter… The corners of anything his I read, including student assignments and exams needing to be graded (but ONLY the corners)… His carrier, because they’re engaged in a very Sicilian vendetta… the edges of his grandpa’s throw rugs… and his isolation tent, to escape from quarantine when he moved to Canada.

              But he’s really not a distructo bunny. I have trusted him home alone and free range all his life, because he only customizes things on very special occasions, and for very good reasons.

            • Bam
              16957 posts Send Private Message

                Bam is a very laid back bunny, who probably considers bunstruction too much work. He can snip a cord or two or bite holes in clothes that have been left out, like socks. My bunny Yohio was the opposite, he chewed everything. Cardboard, wallpaper, shoes, backpacks, bedlinen, rugs, my bed. He ate a plastic ball and chunks of a hot water bottle, he even ate big holes in a leather bag.

              • joea64
                1423 posts Send Private Message

                  Panda and Fernando finally managed to chew their first device cord the other evening. It was an optical mouse that had its cord dangling into their X-pen. The joke’s on them, though; that mouse had been nonfunctional for a long time and I don’t know why I hadn’t thrown it out long since.

                  They’ve also – especially Fernando – chewed up two corners of their IKEA sisal rug, but they’re supposed to do that, so no sweat; I’m going to buy them a new one soon (along with one of those dolly beds).

                • Gordo and Janice
                  703 posts Send Private Message

                    Okay, right off the bat when we first got her, two optical mice. And she was sneaky about it in that she didn’t cut them in two pieces. She nibbled it enough to where they wouldn’t function. After the second one stopped working it took some forensics work to realize there were little nibble marks in the cord that pierced the copper wires. We were new and didn’t realize they were at risk. Soon after a phone charger. Like Q8, an unguarded, unplugged Oreck vacuum cord (the cord suffered multiple injuries from one attack). The carpet, multiple strategic zones of attack. A couple of pairs a Janice’s shoes had been customized along with a purse or two. A leather office padfolio. She chewed a hole into our box spring mattress so she could run around inside that magical playground. We lost her, couldn’t find her, but could hear this faint rustling around. Realized it was coming from the bed somewhere. It was cute to look underneath and discover where she was by seeing the little indentations of her feet pressing down through the bottom of the box spring fabric. And then to reach under there and poke her feet and bottom. We laughed and played with her like that until she had enough and came out. Moving on……

                    Etched her initials into the bottom left brand new fridge to Janice’s chagrin and my amusement, not really a fatality. And there was also nonlethal baseboard destruction and some outside corners of the sheetrock walls. Nothing overly devastating but enough to make you clench your fists, purse your lips, close your eyes and think of the 45 chew toys that you have bought her over time that she chooses to absolutely ignore. You go find her and (stupidly) ask her why, why!? And she sits with her two front feet in between her two back feet (like they do) looking up at you all adorable and then gives the little head and body shake and runs over for pets…….all forgiven….

                  • Daisy
                    199 posts Send Private Message

                      It’s not so bad until you realise I’ve only had my buns for 5 months. 

                      – Tablet cord

                      – 5 buttons of the remote magically disappeared…

                      – Bottom of the couch (where the foam is), atleast you can’t see it :’)

                      – A pillow

                      – My bagback. It had grapes inside and Monster decided those graps were his.

                      – The bag of a friend. Real leather. I thought you buns were vegans!

                      – A vest of mine

                      – The cord of the lamp, somehow it is still alive though

                      – Some fairy lights, Muffin snapped through them as I ran towards her in slowmotion screaming “nooooooooo”

                      – One of my biology books

                      – The door mat, it is the root of all evil and it must PAY for being on this planet as far as Monster is concerned

                      – A glass dome (I have evidence, see below)

                    • Luna's Parents
                      27 posts Send Private Message

                        Our bun hasn’t really chewed much of anything.

                        She started to destroy her first quilt, but I took it away from her because I didn’t want her swallowing the stuffing. Now she has a thin quilted blanket with no fuzzy stuff inside and she isn’t interested in chewing the new one. We do have a handmade, plywood table for our computer keyboard that she would love to eat, but we strategically blocked it off. The two plywood boxes we bought specifically for her consumption she wants nothing to do with, she longs only for that one table. She used to hide under a desk and chew the bottom of the bottom drawer, but we blocked that off, too. She also chewed a little nick in my computer charging cord, but its my work laptop, so who cares?

                        She chews her cardboard boxes and sea grass mats a lot, but doesn’t seem interested in our stuff (phew). Although, looking at the above list, she has experimented with chewing a lot of our stuff…

                      • Whiskers
                        38 posts Send Private Message

                          After reading these posts( I am sorry but I am grinning about the antics you all have shared), my Whiskers is an angel. He has only chewed 1 2″ spot of 1 door casing. I did stop him in time before he chewed a wall edging. Thankfully, Whiskers is easily side tracked with will balls and Willow sticks. He nibbles on my clothes for pets. The time he realized he could get on the couch before the cat he didn’t even pee on it and he was still a kit.

                          I am so watching this board. Sorry about the damage though. Replacement costs are sad. But we sure do love our buns don’t we?

                        • Gordo and Janice
                          703 posts Send Private Message

                            Come on Whiskers!!! Show your owner what you’re really made of. What you are so truly capable of. We know you can do it! Make the rest of the buns proud with envy!!!!

                          • Whiskers
                            38 posts Send Private Message

                              Whiskers would like to know… Does throwing my empty dish into my litter box count as a little mischief? Or steal the cat’s toy balls and throwing them in the cat’s direction count? I racing the cat down the hallway and when I beat him to the end the cat couldn’t stop and hit the door. I did a happy hop dance in front of the cat. ?

                              I think Whiskers loves his free time too much to cause trouble. LoL

                            • Sirius&Luna
                              2320 posts Send Private Message

                                Oh I forgot about the remote Daisy we have barely any remote buttons left, and when my parents looked after Luna I forgot to tell them she was a remote button addict, and now they’re missing a few too

                              • pinknfwuffy
                                660 posts Send Private Message

                                  This is quite a thread!

                                  Olaf isn’t a huge bunstruction fan but I’ve lost two sets of Roland piano headphones to his cord-cutting skills. Almost lost the piano itself after he wriggled behind it looking for a wire snack. I have random objects all over the place to keep him away from favorite chewing spots. A toolbox in front of the corner of the couch he shredded. Clear packing tape over the rubber draft stopper on the deck door. Carpets that must overlap lest he push them back to get to the rubber traction pad underneath.

                                  Oh, yeah, and every single button on my television remote.

                                  What is with the rubber fixation? I swear, he can eat all the rubber bits in my apartment without an issue but I gave him kale once and it nearly cost a vet visit for GI problems.

                                • Bosco_Da_Bunny
                                  15 posts Send Private Message

                                    Bosco looooveees the couch. He’s gotten into the habit of chewing the corners and the parts where the sections come together, right down to the foam. Other injuries include

                                    – plastic bag that litter comes in (he doesn’t even eat the litter)

                                    – plastic bag hay came in

                                    – plastic bag pellets came in

                                    – any wires in small nooks, crannies, and spaces (speaker, wifi, phone, computer, TV)


                                    – living room blanket

                                    – sweatpants

                                    – books

                                    – homework/paperwork of both me and my siblings

                                    – shoes

                                    – sliders/flip flops

                                    Bosco is the king of bunstruction!

                                  • Q8bunny
                                    6345 posts Send Private Message

                                      These are making me giggle.

                                      I read a few to my dad, and he fessed up to Chewie’s also attacking the wallpaper in one spot. I was wondering why there’s an item of furniture in the sunroom in a very odd spot. It’s to block off access to a 6 square inch of now bare wall Apparently this was punishment for visiting without a treat.

                                    • Bladesmith
                                      849 posts Send Private Message

                                        My carpet.
                                        My antique orange crate bookcase
                                        My leather couch AND recliner
                                        My homemade coffee table.
                                        The stand that holds up the bearded dragons cage
                                        Jarvis the parrots toys (Clover literally climbed into the cage to get them.)
                                        My shoes.
                                        7 T-Shirts.
                                        4 pairs of socks. While I was wearing them.
                                        The Vacuum cord.
                                        3 laptop chargers.
                                        and last but not least, my paperback copy of “Watership Down”. Oh the irony.

                                      • Sleepy
                                        190 posts Send Private Message

                                          My headphone wire
                                          My Hoodie strings
                                          Several remote buttons

                                          Annd there’s now a conspicuous rip on our couch bottom, which is sometimes covered with duct tape. Because bunnies decided to see if they could tunnel through (answer: no, because bottom is solid wood behind fabric — not that it stopped them).

                                        • Bladesmith
                                          849 posts Send Private Message

                                            Addendum: MY daughter new pack of Pokemon cards. (I told her not to leave them on the couch, lol)

                                          • Muj Mom N Bun
                                            352 posts Send Private Message

                                              ???? Oh we do love these Buns of ours!!! I had to put a large artificial plant with a very heavy glass vase in the corner of the bathroom by the baseboard heating corner join… let’s just say the hole in the wall that the pipe runs through now is quite a bit larger! Solid 100 year old plaster walls in this house: even my local hardware store guy called my walls nail busters…. well, then along came a rabbit! Not so tough anymore, you old wall! The bathroom door is also targeted often when she feels that I’ve been in my bedroom too long (it’s gated off so far), so she knows that I will come a running out when I hear the bunny chain saw turn on against the corner of the bathroom door! Then she binks away!

                                            • Q8bunny
                                              6345 posts Send Private Message

                                                That aged gypsum must’ve been irresistibly tasty

                                              • Sonn
                                                1810 posts Send Private Message

                                                  *cries* MY MATTRESS!!!!!

                                                  Over the years I’ve watched many things get chewed into their grave.

                                                  Numerous headphones
                                                  Laptop cables
                                                  Lamp cords
                                                  Tv cords
                                                  HDMI cables
                                                  Game controllers
                                                  Dog food bags
                                                  Cat food bags
                                                  A variety of clothing items
                                                  My very expensive college textbooks
                                                  A $600 reptile lighting/heating system *cries*
                                                  Tiny nibbles out of EVERY SINGLE Stephen King book I have
                                                  The underside of my couch
                                                  My hedgehogs heating lamp cord
                                                  A wooden chess set
                                                  Dog bed
                                                  Dog leash
                                                  Dog collar
                                                  More than 1 broom

                                                  I’m sure there has been more but I just can’t think of them.

                                                • Muj Mom N Bun
                                                  352 posts Send Private Message

                                                    Sonn, your mattress is the inspiration of this thread!!! Bunny Gonna Chew what Bunny’s Gonna Chew!

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                                                Forum THE LOUNGE Furniture Fatalities!!!!