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› Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › funny bunnies
My bunny does some weird stuff like:
she rolls over like a dog she loves to make people smile.
what does your bunny do that makes people smile?
Binkies always make me smile, but I especially love it when they nudge my hand to get affection.
Here’s a really FUNNY site. (it is just a bunch of funny faces of “disapproving bunnies”)
It’s just one of the funniest bunny sites I’ve seen!
My kids do some funny things- every day Viktor runs over to the baby gate and puts his head though to see if he’s magically shrunk and can fit through. He also is into everything and nothing phases him. I like when he and Dori are fighting over the same stem of parsley even though the bowl is full. They keep stealing it back and forth, it’s quite a site.
Hareiette has a mind of her own, so everything has to be on her terms. She likes to be brushed when she says it’s ok and even will turn so you don’t miss any spots. She also has a litter box for sleeping only.
Sable comes running up when I’m stretched out on the couch. He starts at my feet, runs up my legs and stops just short of my chin. Then he cocks his head a little and looks at me like he’s trying to ask me something, then he turns and hops away. Sometimes he does a repeat.
I love the disapproving rabbits!! Don’t you think Fujoe’s pictures belong there? He looks like a disapproving rabbit to me 😉
Lollo cracks me up when he runs round in so many circles he gets dizzy and stumbles into something – he has this sort of ‘wha’??’ look shortly followed by an ‘i meant to do that, all part of the routine…’ look then he hops off as if it never happened – and does it again!
Absolutely! But he may disapprove of that!
No I wouldn’t. Why would you say that?1810283480571.jpg
what is wrong with my bunny? Even lying down he disapproves….
yeah, but it’s ok because he does it in the most handsome way ever!
I think it’s great that Fujoe has the confidence to disapprove… he’s very aristocratic and he must know how handsome he is. On the other hand, Sable is more likely to seek approval than to express disapproval of anything.
I love it when I’m grooming Chloe and when she thinks I’m finished, she’ll turn completely around and let’s me brush her on the other side. Then she’ll turn around again. She seems to know when to turn around! She loves getting groomed and her teeth chatters when I’m brushing her! Kahlua does the happy flop so loudly sometimes that it makes me jump! The first time he did it, it scared me. I didn’t know what he was doing!
hehehe you guys have some funny bunnies!!
I let Boo into my bedroom the other day, i have fitted full length mirrors on my wardrobe doors, when boo initially came into the bedroom she shot under the bed and i could hear her rustling about she came out when she heard me brushing my hair and just froze! she caught her reflection and did what I call bunny push ups, her ears where forward and she pressed her self up and down on her front legs.
She had no idea what was going on I’m not even sure if she knew what she was looking at, she licked the mirror and got such a fright that she let out a grunt and boxed a bit before shooting off back into the livingroom. It was the funniest thing i have ever seen i gave her half a grape to calm her down.
she also makes me and my flatmate laugh when she oinks and rolls over like a dog, she just kinda flops over and pushes her front legs up and down before rolling over the other way. SOOOOO CUTE!
I love this picture!! You want to see him up in the Gallery? If so, just say the word, and I can just copy this directly and put it there.
Yes!! I’ll be emailing you more fujoe pictures- the most handsome bunny ever
AWW. I can’t wait to see them.
Hey Binkybunny,
I regularly read birdchick’s blog, and she just put this on her site:
We visted the Bunny Barn at the Minnesota State Fair today and there was a whole lotta disapproval goin’ on.
Those are hilarious pictures and captions! I love birdchick’s disapproving bunny pics. Thanks for sharing.
Those pictures and cute captions are awesome!!! I heard there was an extensive bunny-themed exhibit at the California State Fair with lots of information and stuff but by the time I got there they had switched it over to chickens and roosters. I was so disappointed. But then again sometimes I feel really bad when I see buns in less than optimal situations (i.e. little cages, that uncomfy wire flooring!) so perhaps it worked out better this way…
btw, your Cinnamon is beeautiful!
hahaha thats so cute! i just found the perfect picture of my bunny doing some disapproving also…
OMG! That is great. Look at those eyes. Now that is one disapproving bunny! So funny!
Yeah, i also find it hard to go through. There are so many adorable bunnies, and I think the hardest part is that is so stressful on many of them. All these people, all the noise. You can seem some of them cuddle up to each other on the other side of the cage.
I usually go through, just to make sure they aren’t getting overheated and they have enough air and cooling (some of the fairs get soooo hot, and sometimes I feel they don’t adequetely cool them, though maybe some of those bunnies grew up in the heat and can be more tolerant, but I’m always on the look out for a bunny that looks like it’s in trouble)
Hugo certainly APPROVES of carrots.
"I disapprove of being represented in this forum in Black and White."
She’s quite the little pouter.
FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!!!! Look what BirdChick’s site has started! I love it.
i found a cute site that i dont know if anyones seen before but it has some really cute and funny pics of some buns on it!
Thanks new_obsession! I think I just OD’d Those are some of the cutest pics ever!!!
I LOVE that website! You know what’s funny is that even my dad likes it (I showed it to him and then I came back 10 minutes later and he was still lookin and grinnin’ at the adorable pictures) Very good call, new_obsession!
Oooh and btw, Theresa, Bungelina is absolutely, ridiculously adorable. I love the expression on her face =)
i found a cute site that i dont know if anyones seen before but it has some really cute and funny pics of some buns on it!
SOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!! I definitely ODed!!
Having technical difficulties…Can’t post text w/pic?
Thanks Ligeia!! xxx Bungee
hi Ligia – you should be able to post a picture when you click on the "Add Reply" button, which will bring up a toolbar of different formatting options. On the third row down very left is a little mountain image – click on it – then enter the URL where the image is hosted (like photobucket)
Hey Gravehearted,
Just out of curiosity, so can you see the toolbar even if you just click "reply"? Not only in "add reply"?
Should be able to have the toolbar in both modes, but if not, I’ll need to report that as a "fix"
Really cute picture by the way!
Theresa – uh, oh, so what’s going on exactly? I definitely want to know about any quirks in the system so they can be fixed.
Lemme see if it works today-
Gravehearted – I love the criss cross bunny pic! How is that comfortable?!?
My 4-month old bunny Cuddles thinks its funny when she and I are on the couch and she runs over jumps in my lap, gives me a kiss on the chin and tears over to the opposite side of the couch. If I ignore her when she comes over to see me she will go pout over at the other side of the couch and make sure she thumps really loud to show her disapproval.
this was quite some time ago..but i had given my bunny a 7 up box to play with and he had managed to get it wet from water from his water bottle. When i woke up in the morning, i saw a green bunny…
LOL did you panic at first?? Thats too funny!
Thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa skitter skitter slide skitter bonk!
That is the sound of Annabelle Lee zooming the length of my apartment, only to find no traction on the hardwood floor try to stop, and then skid and bonk into the wall.
I’m getting some long carpet runners for her this weekend. I was thinking of painting a dotted yellow line down the middle of my "bunny-highway", if only to remind me to look both ways before crossing!
hahahha a bunny highway….thats too cute!
I just uploaded my latest batch of bunny pics —
Bungee, the paper thief:
New Obsession – Those are funny!! You’re bunny is all set for St. Patricks Day.
Theresa – Great pics. What a goof Hugo is. Love the bag pics! What happened to the first pic? I don’t see it. hmmmm.
Try either reloading the page, or just right click on the blank pic area (there usually is a red “x” up on the left corner)
and click “Show Picture”. That should take care of it.
Hareiette is VERY busy – do you have an appointment?
Viktor’s in the way of the water bottle… again!
Hey Gravehearted,
Just out of curiosity, so can you see the toolbar even if you just click "reply"? Not only in "add reply"?
Should be able to have the toolbar in both modes, but if not, I’ll need to report that as a "fix"
I only get the toolbar when I click on the "add reply" not with the reply button…
This is strange. Sometimes I can see all of the pics to that post, but sometimes not. And the refresh won’t work.
Bungee, the paper thief, take 2:
how do i post pic? i tried, it said that i don’t have enough permission to post a pic .. a bummer cause i got a cute pic of blackjack, he was up on my tv stand right next to the tv…
edit. well the message attachment works… i was trying to use the insert image button, where all the other buttons like bold, indent etc etc is at
When you said that you didnt have permission to post apic..were u trying to upload it from your computer? and then "send to server?" thats what happened to me too when i tried to do that. It works if I just host it photobucket…and put in the URL
and i still can’t see the bungee paper thief pic
here’s some very blurry pics…
oh yea…I’ve been noticing on his hind leg…yo u can see in that pic…his back right leg…always seems to be sticking out to the right of him…alot…is that somethign i should worry about? idont seem tonotice when he’s running around..just when he’s standing like that or sitting…
ahhhhhhh i went so overboard! but i couldnt help it! I always make everyone look at bunny pics onmy phone haha!
OMG Your babies are sooo cute!!!
More pics!!!
I don’t know what is going on with that one pic of Bungee..I have no problem seeing it everytime I log in.
It wasn’t meant to be ..
how do i post pic? i tried, it said that i don’t have enough permission to post a pic .. a bummer cause i got a cute pic of blackjack, he was up on my tv stand right next to the tv…
edit. well the message attachment works… i was trying to use the insert image button, where all the other buttons like bold, indent etc etc is at
Yeah, I’m so glad your were able to figure it out. CUUUUUTTEEE PICTURE!!!!
I know it is really confusing and partly because there is actually a quirk in the system that my admin guy says will be fixed in the next upgrade.
So I’m so sorry, right now you either upload the attachment with the button below or you can use click on the little the Link portion to display image – but then the picture would have to be hosted somewhere like photobucket or flicker.
This is strange. Sometimes I can see all of the pics to that post, but sometimes not. And the refresh won’t work.
Bungee, the paper thief, take 2:
I just checked out the source code of your post and it looks like the paper thief picture is linked back to your own computer/camera. So when you have pics on your own computer, it’s best to use the "Attachment" option below the editor box. Did you do that? We are going to be updating the software soon, so hopefully these problems won’t happen after this. So sorry.
› Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › funny bunnies