Posted By Wick on 6/15/2018 2:36 PM
As general information (if you ever have a rabbit neutered again), typically waiting until the testes descend is a good practice. Sometimes you can’t do that because the rabbit is so, crazily hormonal despite testes not being descended, but if you can wait, that’s always a good option. Wick wasn’t neutered until 9 months old because his testes did not descend until 8 months old.
It’s good that you’re being conscious about limiting his space, but sometimes more harm than good can come from him constantly tugging at stuff. That could be more agitating to the incision site at times! Is it possible to expand the space some more using a combo of the X-pen and maybe furniture re-arrangement? And in that expansion, making sure there’s not many things that would tempt him to jump very high. Unfortunately, it is concerning that his favorite activity is constantly dashing around the apartment, but it’s in his best interest not to do that.
As for the wood toys, I’m unsure because Wick doesn’t have any. I haven’t read up on the safety, so other BB members can chime in with their knowledge!
Thanks for the reply. I’m aware it’s better to wait for the testes to descend. As I said in my post my vet believed Doppler was a female and wanted to perform a spay before the female hormonal behaviors could have a chance to set in. It was only once my rabbit was already sedated for surgery that they could do a more thorough check and realized my rabbit was actually male. I too am a little frustrated by this because I sexed my rabbit as male myself when he was still very young, but I decided to take the word of the vet and not argue with him when he told me Doppler was female. I live in a semi rural area and have limited access to vets. The vet I take my rabbit too is very knowledgable about rabbits and all his care information coincides with the recommendations of the house rabbit society, but he also does certain things that I don’t always agree with. If I had the option of finding another vet I probably would but unfortunately he’s the only vet in my area that I trust to perform surgery on a rabbit.
I really can’t expand the pen itself any large and still be able to walk through my small 600sq foot apartment. I can let him out into my bedroom, which is rabbit proofed, but he will easily be able to jump on and off my bed because the box spring sits on my floor. If I let him out into the main room of the apartment he will certainly want to run around. His pen is 24 square feet, so it’s by no means a small living area, but he’s used to having access to the entire apartment during the mornings and evenings when he’s most energetic.