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Forum BONDING From Trio to Quartet

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    • Deleted User
      22064 posts Send Private Message

        For reference I link the bonding of my trio here:…fault.aspx

        Neigey’s bonding to my trio was fun for me. It was refreshing to meet a little rabbit that is somewhat flexible, enough so to bounce back after a negative encounter.  This is why it didn’t take as long as it might have. It took about 6 weeks until I could move them in together for cementing. Neigey had to meet each of my trio’s members individually since together the trio was a united front against him.  I held a few dates between Neigey and each rabbit from my trio to determine who I would pair him up with first. edit: I had Neigey meet each one of my trio when he was a 3-month old kit but my three were not at all fond of him.

        Mops only had attacking in mind when seeing Neigey, while Lint turned completely stoic in his presence, so to boykot the entire process once more, and I ended up selecting Deirdra.

        I used the bathtub for their first meetings. Deirdra was very clear on who she was toward Neigey: she was not interested in him but kept him at bay whenever his initial curiosity made him advance toward her. They fought in the tub briefly which left young Neigey in shock.

        Deirdra was busy eating, grooming, pottying, sleeping but would not allow Neigey anywhere close to her. Deirdra did never try to mount Neigey which is odd for her, she mounts everybunny else.

        Neigey was terrified of her. This was the best hiding spot he could come up with: 

        Deirdra was very pleased she scared the curiosity out of him.

        Because of Neigey’s fear he became very stressed, and he would growl at me when I would come and get him out of his cage for bonding time. So I held a few sessions with him huddled up on my lap and Deirdra flopped out beside me munching treats. It seemed to make him calmer as he was bonded to me and liked the comfort.

        They didn’t fight again. Neigey understood that she was the boss and luckily he is faster than her. He would just run off from then on in, and so I was able to move them to a larger space where they spent long daily sessions with each other.

        I confined them together in the beginning of each sessions for about 20 minutes inside an NIC cube to force them to be touching one another. This was helpful to me too because the cube is easy to take on a car ride, or around the house. it sort of became my portable bonding unit.

        They hated it but it helped get them closer.

        As the sessions in the room became longer and longer and they were able to stay in that space without chasing each other, I started small sessions between Lint and Neigey…

        I will post more of that.

      • Sarita
        18851 posts Send Private Message

          Poor little dude. That’s sad that he growled at you but I’m glad you were persistent, not many people would be. I’ll be looking forward to reading more.

        • mrmac
          2156 posts Send Private Message

            Neigey is so little! I love that picture of Neigey on your lap and Deirdra laying next to you!

          • rosalie68
            193 posts Send Private Message

              thank u so much petzy! i was wondering…. how much do they both weigh? looks like a big size difference. i know size doesnt matter but some people think that since one of the girls is 9 lbs and my boys are 4 lbs that this will be hard on the little guys. im so excited to read all about your bonding. you have given me hope and reassurance! thank u for taking time to help me and share your experience!


            • MarkBun
              2842 posts Send Private Message

                Okey, I know it’s sad but it is so cute/funny seeing Neigy trying to hide from Deidre by hiding behind the drain fop.

              • Monkeybun
                10479 posts Send Private Message

                  I like the cube idea, I’ve been hunting for a better carrier for my 2 to be in for car rides, but the ones at the pet store are usually in bad shape from people playing around with them. I have some leftover grids and connectors, so maybe I’ll build a cube thing too Thanks for the idea!

                  And I agree with MarkBun.. Neigey hiding there is kinda funny Poor little dude!

                • Deleted User
                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                    A larger rabbit is harder to stop in an attack. They are more powerful. Before each session make a plan as to how you are going to stop the rabbits if they want to fight.

                    Deirdra and Neigey didn’t cement a bond as a pair but they came to an understanding. Deirdra called the shots. She got first dibs on everything and secondly Neigey was not supposed to get too close. Neigey’s curiosity got him in trouble with the second rule but he kept coming back like a bouncy ball. In the beginning Deirdra chased him but she gave it up over time.



                    Neigey whinced and thumped a lot during this phase



                    Neigey is the first bunny I bonded that binkied in the sesions


                    I started Neigey with Lint. Lint played plushy in a corner while Neigey hopped about in a spacey manner wondering what to do.

                    I switched them to confined sessions. The cube…




                    on top of the washer during a spin cycle

                    After daily sessions like these I tried them out in the big room.

                    Neigey plucked Lint and growled, chased, and generally disrespected him. Lint really disliked Neigey by then.


                    Lint designated for himself a time-out zone on the bed where he would not permit Neigey.

                    See the tense body language even in a flop on the bed.

                    I went back to confined sessions. I held several meetings between them in a puppy crate not expecting too much but bonding is always a surprise…

                    It was a breakthrough.



                    Lint tolerated Neigey’s dominance.

                  • Deleted User
                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                      This is a video of Lint and Neigey on top of my washing machine during the spin cycle. This is really stressful for rabbits, more than car rides, I found.


                    • Sarita
                      18851 posts Send Private Message

                        So, how many hours a day did you spend on bonding them?

                      • Deleted User
                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                          I would start at 4 in the afternoon and go sometimes to midnight.

                          Here is a clip of Lint and Neigey in a new pen I had put up for them in the corner of the room so that Lint would not be able to avoid Neigey any longer, but still have some space to run off. Lint was really trying to get away from this little white nuisance that Neigey was during his overexcitement period.


                        • Sarita
                          18851 posts Send Private Message

                            For how many weeks?

                          • Deleted User
                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                              For 6 weeks until I built a new pen for the four to cement in.

                            • Sarita
                              18851 posts Send Private Message

                                You have alot more stamina that I do :~)

                              • Monkeybun
                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                  Heh in that last video Neigey is following Lint with an expression like “What did I do? I just wanna be friends!”

                                • Deleted User
                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                    I don’t know if Neigey knew what he wanted. He was so excited over Lint that invariably if Lint didn’t run off, Neigey would pinch Lint all over and poke him with his nose and teeth.

                                    He got angry at me in this video because I wouldn’t let him bite Lint over and over.

                                    I joined Deirdra in with them at that point. I cut the size of the pen in half so they had to share a small space without forming ‘camps’.

                                    Neigey stopped the incessant advances towards Lint and spent the sessions dashing back and forth between him and Deirdra. Lint and Deirdra ignored him.

                                    During the sessions of Neigey, Lint & Deirdra I kept Mops in Neigey’s cage.

                                    Mops was shocked at first when smelling Neigey on Lint and Deirdra when they were reunited in their condo after the sessions, and Neigey appeared frightened going into his cage to find long angora hairs from Mops.

                                    I started Neigey with Mops then. Mops lunged at Neigey in the bathtub repeatedly even if Neigey played plushy. — I switched them to the dry sink (drain closed so no feet can get caught).

                                    I moved from sink sessions to motion stress on top of my running dryer…

                                    Mops nippy on car rides, too…

                                    I set them up eventually in my deck corner to see where they were at. Mops was unchanged, ramming Neigey.

                                    Plus, the arctic cold snap hiit us and it was too cold to be outside at all. So I moved the snow into my tub hoping it would break the ice between them… Mops loves snow more than anything. I thought it would be a positive distraction. See how incredibly scared Neigey was by then.

                                    I thought things were picking up but I was wrong. Mops had fooled me.

                                    So it was back to more close sessions in the cube sitting on my lap with lots of stroking and calming down. During this time I focused solely on those two because their relationship was so problematic.

                                    I needed a larger space where they hadn’t been before to test if Mops’ attitude was changing with time and sessions. Here they are in my dogs’ cage and this was when I knew they were on their way to bonding!

                                    Notice how close they get wiithout Mops attacking.



                                  • Deleted User
                                    22064 posts Send Private Message

                                      *I should add that I let Mops ‘loose’ on Neigey knowing that his attacks always resulted in plucking some fur off Neigey as you can see in the Winterpatio clip. He actually ate Neigey’s fur. He never broke the skin on Neigey because his ram-into attacks were enough to scare Neigey off.

                                    • MirBear
                                      1412 posts Send Private Message

                                        he actually ATE neigey’s fur????

                                      • Deleted User
                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                          Mops was chewing something every time he nipped at Neigey. He never spit it out and there were holes in Neigey’s coat — so, yes, he ate his fur. Mops chews hair in general, could be because he has angora furnishings.

                                          But it’s all good now.

                                        • Monkeybun
                                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                                            I have hope now that my 2 will give in. I’m going to build me a grid cube and tell the hubby to get to it. I’m tired of my babies not getting along.

                                          • jerseygirl
                                            22353 posts Send Private Message

                                              So far I have only read/viewed the D&N and L&N sessions.   I just wanted to make one comment on what I’ve seen so far…

                                              Neigey is such a teenager!

                                            • Deleted User
                                              22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                Once Mops had quit charging at Neigey, I had Neigey meet my old trio of Deirdra, Lint and Mops together.

                                                It was a freeze-out. Neigey stuck at the sidelines.

                                                I continued the paired sessions, especially between Mops and Neigey for another week. I had them on the couch with me at night, in the NIC cube with me in my office, and pretty much anywhere around the house. Neigey was afraid of Mops and wouldn’t be able to mingle with the trio until he overcame this fear.

                                                I held stress sessions on my stairs that had helped me in the past with Clifford and Valmore because of the steps functioning as levels of escape. The stairs are only safe to use once a hierarchy has been worked out. If your rabbits are still wanting to fight the stairs are a bad idea.

                                                Eventually, I was able to graduate Neigey to being in a pen with the trio. It had to be smalll enough for him to blend with them, but big enough for him to get away if he panicked.

                                                The trio let him be.

                                                I made the pen smaller. Neigey was still shaking in his boots when Mops came close.

                                                It was time to cement them; they had to be left together to really bond. I took down my trio’s condo and put up another pen in a different spot in my basement.

                                                Mops and Neigey never had problems again which really surprised me.

                                                Neigey was fully integrated with everybunny.

                                                Poowars are ongoing….

                                                 in closing I will link the bonding of a different quartet here that was harder to do.



                                              • Deleted User
                                                22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Posted By jerseygirl on 01/29/2010 09:00 PM

                                                  So far I have only read/viewed the D&N and L&N sessions.  


                                                  Jersey, I took your advice and avoided using initials this time for my write-up. It was confusing the last time around…. so why are you starting it now??

                                                • katiep
                                                  222 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I just wanted to write in and tell you that I REALLY enjoyed reading your bonding process!  It was really great seeing the videos and the interactions between different types of bun personalities and that they CAN bond and get along!  I am having a hard time with a few buns who have big personalities and trying to let them interact worries me a bit because i’m afraid they will hurt each other!  It was reassuring to watch how long you let your buns circle or nip and to see with my own eyes that they are just fine and I know that the bunnies can pick up on my feelings.  It was also very helpful to see the different techniques you used and I am going to try a few myself!  I think my biggest problems are I am afriad of bunny fights, I ”baby” them too much by breaking up fights too early and not letting them work things out, and i’m not being as consistant with bonding time, I only do every few days for like an hour….any other tips you have would be very helpful as it seems like you are a pro!!!  Thanks again for posting this!!!!

                                                  • Monkeybun
                                                    10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                      BRB, taking M&M up to canada for Petzy to bond them

                                                    • katiep
                                                      222 posts Send Private Message

                                                        OOOO We want to come too!!  all 4 of us who need bonding here!!!!  Dont forget to bring the hay and raisins!!!

                                                      • Monkeybun
                                                        10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I think Monkey would kill me in my sleep if I forgot the raisins. She must be related to Maryanne somewhere down the line…

                                                        • Deleted User
                                                          22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Monkey can eat Lint’s raisins. he is dieting, remember?

                                                          • Monkeybun
                                                            10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                              She will be pleased… I may live another day.

                                                            • jerseygirl
                                                              22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                Jersey, I took your advice and avoided using initials this time for my write-up. It was confusing the last time around…. so why are you starting it now??

                                                                Because I’m lazy.    Did I tell you not to do that?  Geez, I’m bossy!


                                                              • Monkeybun
                                                                10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Petzy, who went into the cube first, Mops or Neigey? I’m unsure whether to put Monkey or Moose into the cube first… Monkey can be feisty, but it seems that Moose is the more aggressive of the 2 during sessions, even though Monkey has definitely expressed wanting to be dominant.

                                                                • Deleted User
                                                                  22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Jersey — not bossy! not at all. The other quartet was one step up and two steps back to begin with, had 2 similar-looking lops in it, my camera was not loading for a month, I hardly knew the rabbits, and the use of initials added to the mess.

                                                                    Monkey, it didn’t matter much who went in first for me. If you want to make a choice based on anything, I personally would always put the girlbun in last.

                                                                  • jerseygirl
                                                                    22353 posts Send Private Message

                                                                      Now this is funny Petzy…I’ve been meaning to ask in this thread about certain bonds. Your adding of Deirdra and Lint pics in the other thread has somewhat answered it. So I was wondering if with your quartett, if you see stronger bonds between Deirdra/Lint and Mops/Neigey? (Along the lines of the theory “the harder bonds often become the closer bonds”)

                                                                    • Deleted User
                                                                      22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                        Rabbits are so complicated. I don’t know which ones are the closest, honestly. With Neigey now things have shifted again. I force the Neigey/Mops bond and the Deirdra/Lint bond a little along by separating them smometimes into those two respective pairs for a few hours. This has helped.
                                                                        In a nutshell my quartet works like this: On ocasions, Deirdra will chase Mops (to mount him), Mops will chase Neigey (to get space from him), Neigey will chase Lint (to bug him) and Lint will chase Deirdra (because she is big)… but after a few seconds the chasing is over and they are snuggling again. Everybunny grooms everybunny. There is no litterbox or food competition.
                                                                        I can’t say the harder the bond the closer it will be. The easy bonds certainly make for very close rabbits. I’d like to say the harder bonds make interesting relationships.

                                                                      • Deleted User
                                                                        22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                          Jerseygirl, your question got me thinking about the quality of the different bonds between my four. It is hard to spot when mine are all together, they are very peaceful and loving with each other. But there were some poowars going on and I couldn’t figure out who left them. This is a whole new challenge when you’re dealing with multiples: you never know who’s to blame.

                                                                          I can put Deirdra and Mops together and there will be no stray littering, the same goes for Deirdra and Lint, Deirdra and Neigey, Mops and Neigey, and Lint and Mops. But for the first time yesterday since the bonding has been completed, I put Lint with Neigey, just the two, in the exercise area.

                                                                          –This is what Lint did, he is Julius Caesar of the poowars.

                                                                          I am hopeful he will give these wars up in the future.

                                                                        • Monkeybun
                                                                          10479 posts Send Private Message

                                                                            Its amazing how much poo can come out of one little rabbit….

                                                                          • Deleted User
                                                                            22064 posts Send Private Message

                                                                              Poowars have settled. I want to end with an image other than one of stray littering!

                                                                              Here they are, 7 weeks after moving in together, 13 weeks after I began bonding Neigey to my trio.

                                                                              (*note to Jerseygirl: maybe you are right about the harder bonds resulting in closer friendships)


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                                                                          Forum BONDING From Trio to Quartet