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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Four Rabbits Who Shouldn’t Have Crossed the Bridge so Soon

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    • guineapig724
      108 posts Send Private Message

        I rescued six little black bunnies today. They didn’t have names, they were so afraid of humans. I bought them for $5 at a livestock auction, and rushed them to my vet. Two had passed by the time I got to the vet, one of an unknown cause, and one of a heart attack, most likely due to fear of humans, and a moving vehicle. Two more passed this afternoon, two are still living. They were badly neglected, I have alerted my local animal shelter/control. They wouldn’t be dead if it weren’t for that stupid “breeder”. They didn’t even look that old! Poor little bunnies. If only I could do something for them…
        They suffered. It’s not fair that they had to endure that, they never tasted bananas, or cheerios. Or anything other than pellets. I hope they are feasting on delicious bunny snacks on the other side of the bridge. Binkying with all the buns that have crossed the bridge before them!
        RIP little buns. You didn’t even have names. I wish I could burry them, but my vet has them in a freezer, in case they want to perform an autopsy. I wish I could do something for them. It really bugs me that they didn’t even have names, they died in fear, they suffered, never tasted cheerios.
        RIP little bunnies, though I didn’t know you, you will never be forgotten.

      • Q8bunny
        6345 posts Send Private Message

          (((binky free, little bunbuns)))

        • Gina.Jenny
          2244 posts Send Private Message

            Heartbreaking, sat here with tears in my eyes. Hope the other two pull through and that someone throws the book at the person responsible

            Binky free little ones xxxx

          • Bunbun
            93 posts Send Private Message

              Oh no… That’s terrible.

              Binky free, little buns!

            • Bam
              16977 posts Send Private Message

                I’m so sorry. Thank you for trying to save them.

              • LittlePuffyTail
                18092 posts Send Private Message

                  That is too sad. There are so many awful humans in the world making animals suffer….

                  ((((Binky Free Sweet Babies))))

                • Jessica
                  163 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh my goodness :'( those poor little things. Don’t beat yourself up, you tried to save them. Poor little things… How the heck can someone be that cruel to babies.. Just think of it this way, right now they’re not in pain anymore, and they have wonderful bunnies at the bridge to guide them..

                    Rest in peace little ones…

                  • cinnybun2015
                    570 posts Send Private Message

                      I am so sorry. People who abuse animals… I can’t understand them. Animals are just like humans, expect they can’t speak. You tried hard to save them. Do not beat yourself up and blame yourself. Like Jessica said, they’re not in pain anymore, even if it is a terrible loss.

                      (((Binky free, babies)))

                    • Hopper
                      158 posts Send Private Message

                        Animals are just like children, hurting animals is like hurting innocent, weak, children with no voice. Rip binky free buns. Why don’t name them as a group H.O.P.E? Hold On Pain Ends.

                      • guineapig724
                        108 posts Send Private Message

                          Thank you for your sympathy and support. It means a lot to me. I just wanted to say RIP to the fifth bun to cross rainbow bridge. One has survived, she was in much better condition than the other buns. We ended up having to euthanize the fifth bun, he was seizing, and in so much pain. I hate the fact that they died afraid and in pain. Hopefully they are binkying in a field next to a cheerio factory now! With an endless supply of bananas! I will be having a private cremation ceremony through my vet clinic. I think I’ll put the ashes under the pretty tree that is currently flowering(don’t know the name of the tree) in my backyard. It’s Bobbi’s favourite spot to rest when she is outside, in a way, she will be able to spend time with them.

                        • Bunbun
                          93 posts Send Private Message

                            This is so sad and beautiful, I think I’m actually going to cry. Thank you for ending the poor little bunny’s pain. I’m sure he is having everything he could ever have wanted right now. 

                          • Jessica
                            163 posts Send Private Message

                              Sorry to hear you lost another, and I think the tree is beautiful. So sorry to hear about the babies death. Still can’t believe people can be cruel and hurtful to other living beings.

                            • LBJ10
                              17058 posts Send Private Message

                                Even now, this is still so very sad. I’m so sorry guineapig. Their lives were cut way too short. But you know, I did have a thought. You said you were sad because they didn’t have names. There is nothing that says you can’t still name them.

                              • Sr. Melangell
                                1708 posts Send Private Message

                                  LBJ10, how right you are!!

                                • guineapig724
                                  108 posts Send Private Message

                                    Thank you for all your support. It saddens me to say, that Roon didn’t make it. She passed away last night. Roon was doing fantastic, she came out of quarantine, and was enjoying life with all the other buns. She was SUCH a sweetheart, gained my trust quickly, and was so kind and gentle with the other buns. She would groom them all the time. Bobbi got along especially well with her. They would lie side by side, it was super cute. Roon would follow Bobbi everywhere, they shared their veggies and everything. I think Roon and Bobbi had an even closer bond than Bobbi and Oreo.

                                    Roon started acting funny yesterday morning, I scheduled an appointment with the vet for the evening. She had a seizure around lunch, and I knew that the roundworms weren’t completely gone. I immediately rushed her to my vet for an emergency appointment. The roundworms hadn’t completely gone, but, they had only just gotten out of her intestine, so she went in for emergency surgery. She was doing great, so I went home, and waited for updates. They had removed the worms, and stitched her back up, but as she was quite weak already, she never woke up from the anaesthetic. I feel so blessed to have gotten to know Roon, she had such an amazing personality. I only knew her for a couple months, but I felt like I had known her for years. I really did love her. Thank you guys so much for all your help with her, and her siblings. At least Roon is with her brothers and sisters across the bridge, I’m sure they missed her.
                                    {binky free Roon}

                                  • Gina.Jenny
                                    2244 posts Send Private Message

                                      Binky free little Roon xxx

                                    • LBJ10
                                      17058 posts Send Private Message

                                        Oh no guineapig, I’m so sorry to hear this. We were all rooting for little Roon.

                                      • Bam
                                        16977 posts Send Private Message

                                          I’m so sorry to hear about Roon. You tried so hard.

                                          Binky Free, Roon

                                        • Jessica
                                          163 posts Send Private Message

                                            im very sorry to hear  poor little roon.

                                             binky free sweetheart

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                                        Forum RAINBOW BRIDGE Four Rabbits Who Shouldn’t Have Crossed the Bridge so Soon