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Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Foldable x-pen

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    • Asriel and Bombur
      1104 posts Send Private Message

        I’m thinking about getting the boys this: as their enclosures. Space wise it’s going to be a bit tight in our shared room, but currently they have the Living World XL cages. The intent was to let them free roam once they were bonded, but as mentioned in another post that’s not happening. So I was wondering if those would be a decent enclosure for them? I know it’s much bigger in terms of space, which is why I want them to each have it. but fabric vs metal and maybe feeling enclosed? I’m not sure how they would take to it or if it is suitable at all. I don’t know. Thoughts? 

        Yes, they get adequate play time, Bombur is out from 7pm-12am and Asriel is out from 12am-5:30am on weekday and on weekends they take turns coming out whenever they feel like it and they’re usually out the majority of the day.

      • DanaNM
        9055 posts Send Private Message

          Hmm, I would worry about them chewing the fabric over time, so prob just not that durable.

          Have you thought about building them NIC cube condos? You could have them be double decker (one on top of the other), or true townhouse style, so they share a wall? If you line the shared wall with small grid metal mesh (“hardware cloth”), they can’t nip through it. I have a small apartment, so I’ve built up to give more space.

          When I was concerned that BJ and Bertha might not bond that was what I was planning to do.

          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

        • Wick & Fable
          5814 posts Send Private Message

            I recently linked an item similar to this in another thread as a suggestion for a larger roam space, as opposed to the cage.

            I have this one specifically in the 42in size (Large):

            Unsure how the slight price difference affects the quality, but the one I have is very durable and good quality. We haven’t used it very often for Wick because it was a gift during the move, and it’ll get its most use in the next couple days actually! It will be his main space at family homes during the holiday. The fabric is -fabric-like- on the outside, but on the inside, it’s more of a rubber, water-wicking material. Feels more strong. All the seams are black-fabric covered (seams are located where the zipper circle floor is and where are walls meet the floor). Wick isn’t a chewer, so unsure how your lovelies will take to it, but you can always cover the bottom with something else. Each wall panel has a thin metal rectangle encased to help keep its shape.

            I personally like it. Its obvious that it’s smaller than free roam and the mesh isn’t very “window view” like, but I think you can make a nice habitat out of it. If you put the ceiling on it, you can do some box stacking inside to make use of the vertical space without fear of them jumping out.

            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

          • Asriel and Bombur
            1104 posts Send Private Message

              A NIC grid type thing could be a possibility? But I’m looking for something that’s very easy access because in the mornings I’m usually just running around and tossing hay into their litter boxes and pellets in their dishes super quick. And with NIC grids I feel like I’d have to constantly be taking apart multiple pieces to either let one roam or to get into their space if I need to. Neither boy is much of a chewer on things like that. Az mainly chews the bars when its close to his turn out. I know Az would appreciate something inside to lay on top of that isn’t ground level.

              I think the major reason for the switch is Bombur’s eyesight. This is right on the ground so he won’t have to clear six inches every time he wants to get in and out. Only thing I’m a bit sad about is I know Az loves to occasionally groom Bombur while he’s out, and that won’t be happening with this.

            • Bunny House
              1241 posts Send Private Message

                With the NIC grids, you could make a door on the top and/or side that you can open and close with a hair clip or a regular clip that you push down the square and it opens up so you don’t have to take it apart constantly

              • DanaNM
                9055 posts Send Private Message

                  Hmm not sure what you mean about a NIC condo not being easy access. Mine has big doors on each level (“double doors on the bottom) that are held together by clips. Very easy to open up to let them out and get in there and clean. The base is plywood matte vinyl tiles covering it.

                  I have multiple levels so they can choose where they want to lay. They tend to like the ground floor in summer, upper levels in winter when it’s cooler.

                  . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                • tannr
                  27 posts Send Private Message

                    When I had only 1 bun, I used a canvas x-pen when i would visit my sisters and bring him with me and it held up really well. Fou is a huge chewer and digger and I never had any problem until one time when I was lazy and didn’t zip the bottom on–he chewed on the seam where the zipper is and now it’s very difficult for me to zip on. Other than that, though, it was a really great pen for traveling with and keeping Fou safe in homes with cats and babies. If your boys aren’t chewing and digging already I don’t think they would start in one of these.

                  • Asriel and Bombur
                    1104 posts Send Private Message

                      Okay see that’s good to know. Every NIC set up I see online looks so damn complex and I’m like how can I just give the boys their pellets and dash out the door ? ain’t nobody got time to unbuckle 3 grids at 5 am.

                    • DanaNM
                      9055 posts Send Private Message

                        hahah yeah ain’t nobody got time for that!

                        I will try to take some photos of mine, it’s just as easy as opening a cage door

                        . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                      • Wick & Fable
                        5814 posts Send Private Message

                          Wick has doors on his. It’s two doors, one on top of the other. The top one is for me to walk through easily, and the bottom is his. I just have a bag clip to hold it. Very easy for us.

                          The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                        • Asriel and Bombur
                          1104 posts Send Private Message

                            Thanks guys! I might just do NIC grids then and make a massive block and divide it in half. Theres no chance they’ll ever fight through the bars, so I feel comfortable doing that.

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                        Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Foldable x-pen