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The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.


Forum THE LOUNGE Flemish Giants…

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    • Lindsey
      69 posts Send Private Message

         I am getting a rew baby female from a breeder on Sunday and I am ecstatic.  I have always wanted one of these gentle giants.  It took me a while to find a breeder in my state that I liked and even then they are 2 hours away.  They are meeting me closer though.  Does anyone else here have one?

      • Beka27
        16016 posts Send Private Message

          I want one, not that I have the room or resources for another bun right now… but someday I might have one. There are not many available thru Petfinder (I think only one in Ohio), and some of the other ones within resonable driving distance are already bonded to a mate. I don’t think there’s anyone on here with a flemmie, altho KokaneeandKahlua’s rescue has a couple flemish mutts…

          What are your housing plans for the big guy?

        • KytKattin
          1195 posts Send Private Message

            My mom used to have one. She was an outside rabbit, but had free run of a safe enclosure. She was a beautiful girl, shiny black. We got her cheap from a breeder because she couldn’t be bred. I also know someone who breeds them, and have considered shelling out $80 for a gorgeous red baby, but I really don’t have the room or money to take care of a rabbit that big, especially since I have very small rabbits right now. I absolutely plan to have one some day. I plan on waiting until I have my own house though so I can just let it run around instead of keeping it in one room. Ah, to one day have a cuddly bunny instead of the little firecrackers I have now.

          • (dig)x(me)x(now)
            2517 posts Send Private Message

              I’m about 95% sure that no one on here has a giant at the time being! Although we all would love one, I think a lot of us would stuggle to find the room to house them and the money to feed them! My standard size rabbit already eats like a horse! Hehe

            • jerseygirl
              22353 posts Send Private Message

                There was a member from New Zealand who posted about her Flemmie Doe. Pre and post spay. Not sure how active she is on the site though. Lindsey, this sounds wonderful. I don’t think I’ve seen a REW flemmie before. Will you spoil us with your beautiful photography? I’d love to see a baby flemmie rew next to say…a Charmin rew puffball!

              • Lindsey
                69 posts Send Private Message

                  Thanks everyone!  Yes Jersey that is the plan lol to eventually bond her and Charmin. Charmin is so tiny and will look so cute next to her. haha  I’m waiting for the e-mail back from the breeder but it is either going to be Sunday or Wednesday that we meet and I can’t wait!  He said his giants are all 15-20 pounds or more grown so It will be a new experience for me.  I cannot wait!  Here is a picture of one of the red eyed white babies when it was younger than now.  It’s pretty funny that she will weigh more when I bring her home than Charmin does now fully grown.

                • Sarita
                  18851 posts Send Private Message

                    Oh sweet. I think there are a few members with Flemmies but I don’t remember who they are right off.

                    So is your Flemmie going to be a red eyed white? I’ve never seen a red-eyed white Flemmie! I do love big white bunnies. I have a NZ White named Maxine – she’s about 13 pounds.

                  • Lindsey
                    69 posts Send Private Message

                      Aww I bet Maxine is adorable. Yes she is going to be a red eyed white. He has two babies left in this litter a rew male and female. I wanted the female. It didn’t work out for Sunday so I am meeting him on Wednesday to get her.

                    • Lindsey
                      69 posts Send Private Message

                        Here is a grown white flemmie sent by a different breeder.  This is not the breeder I chose…

                      • Ruffles&Daisy
                        265 posts Send Private Message

                          Holy big rabbit! Ok, question: what type of enclosure would you use and what’s the situation on the litter box. Congratulations on getting your new big bunny, I just think it might be too much rabbit for me.

                        • Beka27
                          16016 posts Send Private Message

                            OH WOW! I want, I want, I WANT!

                            (I… want…)

                            *saves pic to computer and sends to husband’s cell phone*

                          • Lindsey
                            69 posts Send Private Message

                              lol everyone! She is going to be a house bunny. For now she will have a large cage and an x pen in my bedroom and eventually have full run of my bedroom and upstairs depending on if the other rabbits are out. I guess for a litter box I’ll use a big kitty one.

                            • Lindsey
                              69 posts Send Private Message

                                Some pictures from my breeder.


                                From the other breeder..


                              • jerseygirl
                                22353 posts Send Private Message

                                  WOW!!! That would be awesome to see grow up! I’m worried about how that breeder holds his rabbits, especially for such a powerful breed… Can’t wait till you get your Flemish girl. Share all you can!!!!!!!

                                • kralspace
                                  2663 posts Send Private Message

                                    holy bunny!those are some monster rabbits!

                                    I can’t help thinking that rabbit in the last picture is thinking “HEY, you wanta move that hand, Bud?” (the one that looks like it’s up his bun bum)

                                  • Lindsey
                                    69 posts Send Private Message

                                      lol the way he is holding them is one of the many reasons I didn’t choose that breeder. I really like the breeders (husband and wife) I did choose they seem very knowledgeable and nice.

                                    • Lindsey
                                      69 posts Send Private Message

                                        Just wondering, would you guys pay $95 to a breeder for a rabbit? This is what they are charging. She is $70 and the fee for them to bring her with them and for me to meet there is $25. The other breeder who is holding up the rabbits in the pictures charges $50 and has a gorgeous little blue doe but i’m so not sure now…

                                      • Lindsey
                                        69 posts Send Private Message

                                          The other breeder sent me a picture of a little blue doe baby and I am in love.

                                        • KatnipCrzy
                                          2981 posts Send Private Message

                                            If you have researched Flemish Giants and know everything involved and are not just getting one for the “wow factor” alone.  Then I think it is fine to get a bunny from a good breeder.  If you have talked to the breeder and are confident that this purchase will not be promoting unhealthy or disgusting breeding practices, then it is great to support a good breeder.

                                            For example- when I was looking for a Australian Shepherd puppy- I did not know any good breeders.  The breeder that got vet care where I work was a horrible breeder and I refused to consider even buying one of their puppies.  So I looked in the paper and the first place I found offered purebreds with no papers for $200- so I went to look.  I always knew I was going to spay and neuter- so papers meant little to me.  After I got there and saw all of the sickly kittens running around, 2 litters combined together and the person also mentioned that they bred 2 other breeds and her daughter gives all vaccines so the puppies had not seen a vet.  Even though I was holding a puppy- I told them I would have to come back tomorrow after work if I decided on a puppy- as I did not have the money with me.  My husband knew when I said that- that I was never going back there.  Yes, I could have told these people off for being a backyard breeder puppy mill- but would it have done any good?  No, they obviously were able to sleep at night so what did they care about the puppies.

                                            The next breeder we visited was an elderly couple that shows their dogs- their main stud dog was obviously a treasured member of the household.  The females were in the barn with dog runs attached to the stalls so they could go in and out and stay “separate” from their stud so that breeding was controlled.  The litter there was 6 weeks old and they were taking deposits, and we were allowed to visit until we could pick the puppy up at 8 weeks old- and a vet had docked the tails and dews and would have given first vaccine and care.  This puppy was considerably more- but worth every penny even though we spayed her at 6 months old.  I will pay to support a good breeder, but never a bad breeder.  And 10 months later we also purchases a male puppy from them- a half sibling to the female puppy.  We send the breeder pictures as they said they love to see what their puppies are like when they grow up- so every Christmas we send our breeder a card with a pic of the dogs!

                                            If you can find a breeder of Flemish Giants that makes you feel like that- then you know you have found the right one.

                                            I do believe that animals breeders are important if they are properly breeding for quality and in small amounts- otherwise we would lose great rabbit breeds like the Flemish Giant, and others.  There is nothing wrong with a “mutt”- whether it is a rabbit, cat, dog, etc- but I think there is value to healthy, happy bloodlines of purebred pets.  But with that being said- most breeders are either mills (cranking them out) or backyard breeders (clueless idiots).

                                          • MarkBun
                                            2842 posts Send Private Message

                                              Not to get on my high horse, but I would never buy from a breeder – shelters are the only thing for me.

                                              With that being said, I would research the breeders and see how the animals are kept. Those that are responsible breeders I would have no issue paying that amount of money for a rabbit that I really wanted to have. Although it is a sad thing to say, it is true that you take better care of things that you really wanted instead of settled for.

                                              I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable with a rabbit that could knock me over. I mean, imagine what my life would have been like if Maryann was that size. I think I’d be the one in the cage.

                                            • Lindsey
                                              69 posts Send Private Message

                                                I do believe that animals breeders are important if they are properly breeding for quality and in small amounts- otherwise we would lose great rabbit breeds like the Flemish Giant, and others. There is nothing wrong with a “mutt”- whether it is a rabbit, cat, dog, etc- but I think there is value to healthy, happy bloodlines of purebred pets. But with that being said- most breeders are either mills (cranking them out) or backyard breeders (clueless idiots).

                                                Thanks yes I agree! I have rescued ALL my dogs. I would never ever buy a dog from a breeder. Most of the dogs i’ve had have also been mutts. My other rabbits are rescues and this is a breed I have researched for a while and have always wanted. There are none in rescues near me so I chose a breeder. Their rabbits seem very healthy and well cared for. The breeder with the blue baby that I fell in love with didn’t really make me happy so I decided not go for that one and to pay more money for a baby from a more experienced breeder.

                                              • KytKattin
                                                1195 posts Send Private Message

                                                  The going rate for a Flemish in my area is between $70 and $150. That’s absolutely the going rate for these rabbits, and they can’t sell them for less without risking them going into meat markets. So yeah, it seems like a lot, but if you go by weight, you actually get a lot more rabbit. A Polish typically goes for $30, and lets say a Flemish is going to be $80. Polish typically weigh about 3lbs (on the big side), Flemish Giants weigh 15lbs minimum! So lets say you have a 3lb Polish for $30, that’s 1 pound for every $10. While your Flemish giant is say 20lbs for $80, that’s 1lb for every $4! I’d say that’s a steal for so much rabbit to love*!

                                                  *Prices do not factor in the dramatic increase in feed, space, or required lap space.

                                                • KatnipCrzy
                                                  2981 posts Send Private Message

                                                    I am glad that you are choosing the better breeder.  I absolutely hate when people buy mill or backyard breeder animals because they feel sorry for them and are “rescuing” them from horrible conditions.  Because while the one animal that was purchased will get a great home with you- what about the other litters that are bred because people monetarily support those practices.

                                                    You are being resposible and I applaud you for it.  People have different preferences and needs.  Myself I wanted a certain type of puppy- so that was the two only times I ever bought from a breeder.  My first bunny was a pet store purchase- but she opened my heart to bunnies and I adopted 2 more adult bunnies (1 shelter bunny and 1 private adoption).  All of my cats are rescues- I prefer regular short haired cats as opposed to any purebred out there.

                                                    Cotton, even though she was a pet store purchase, which I do not approve of generally- I truly believe that she was meant to be my bunny and I have an incredible bond with her that opened my eyes to house bunnies (which I previously had no interest in).

                                                    Sometimes pets are just meant to be yours- and they might find you thru different routes.  I got Penny thru an email looking to rehome her sent by ny vet clinic for a client, and Schroeder was at a pet store that only houses rescue buns for the Humane Society.  I took one look at him and knew he was special.

                                                  • jaimel
                                                    1 posts Send Private Message

                                                      I live near Dallas, GA, maybe 45 minutes away. I am looking for a giant flemish rabbit. I have searched the internet and having no luck, so if you or anyone could help me by giving me a breeders contact info or websites i could go to, I would greatly appreciate it. I am an animal lover and this would mean the world to me. Thanks all. Feel free to email me also.

                                                      Jaime from Cedartown, GA USA

                                                    • Scooter
                                                      140 posts Send Private Message

                                                         Hey All!

                                                        I’m new to this forum, but thought I would add my two cents. 

                                                        I am a 4 month Momma, to a Flemish name Bunners. 

                                                        We did get him from a breeder, because I found a lot of the rescues didn’t have Flemish in this area, and I wanted to make sure we started from the beginning with the rabbit since he would be a house rabbit. 

                                                        There were two main breeders in my area as well, and much like this thread, one was a clear choice, even though more expensive. 

                                                        Since this is my first rabbit, inside or out, I’m not sure how he compares to an average sized rabbit.  We have gone through three litter boxes, due to capacity.  We are now in a 16 by 24 underbed storage container, which seems to be working for the 11lbs he is now, but I’m not sure how that will change as he gets to full size. 

                                                        At the recommendation of the breeder  he is on all you can eat pellet for another month with a large supplement of romaine lettuce from the Farmer’s Market.  We’re starting to cut back on both now as we get to six months and start rationing food. The only problem with that is that he’s going through another growth spurt and insatiable!  

                                                        He’s become a better pet than I could ever have imagined!  I recommend them to everyone now!  





                                                      • sgregory
                                                        203 posts Send Private Message

                                                          I have a flemish giant!
                                                          ive had her about 2 months now and she’s fantastic. she’s 3 months and bigger than my cat already.
                                                          they have great dispositions. mine is such a snuggle bun and not too bad with being held. (thank god, can you imagine trying to cut a rascally flem’s nails??)
                                                          you have to buy HUGE litter boxes though.
                                                          here’s a pic!


                                                        • LizzieKnittyBun
                                                          2147 posts Send Private Message

                                                            Whoa, nelly bell! She’s a big’un!

                                                            She’s also *totally* beautiful, and her ears are magnificent! You are quite the lucky huge bunny slave : )

                                                          • Sage Cat
                                                            1883 posts Send Private Message

                                                              Here is a photo of Bitsy & Alfonse. They are a really great couple. Both were born in 2007 and have been at CO-HRS for about 1 1/2 years.

                                                              For all of the people who keep saying that “I want a Flemish but, shelters never have them” – let me repeat that Bitsy & Alphonse have been at the shelter for 1-1/2 years!    I think they would love to be adopted!

                                                              BTW – Alphonse weight: 4-1/4 lbs, Bitsy weight: 14 lbs!


                                                            • Scooter
                                                              140 posts Send Private Message



                                                                Bunners in full on lounging mode.  This also showcases his best feature, his wonky ear.  

                                                              • FluffyBunny
                                                                1263 posts Send Private Message

                                                                  Posted By Sage Cat on 09/21/2009 12:49 PM

                                                                  Here is a photo of Bitsy & Alfonse. They are a really great couple. Both were born in 2007 and have been at CO-HRS for about 1 1/2 years.


                                                                  I saw those bunnies at the shelter, they’re a really funny couple.

                                                                • Sage Cat
                                                                  1883 posts Send Private Message

                                                                    Don’t get me wrong – there are good breeders out there! It’s just that our shelter is really full right now.
                                                                    Bunners is beautiful
                                                                    So is sgregory’ bunny.

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                                                                Forum THE LOUNGE Flemish Giants…