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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately! Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.

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BUNNY 911 – If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12-24 hours, call a vet immediately!  Don’t have a vet? Check out VET RESOURCES 

The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. The answers provided on this board are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet.  It is your responsibility to assess the information being given and seek professional advice/second opinion from your veterinarian and/or qualified behaviorist.



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    • Asriel and Bombur
      1104 posts Send Private Message

        So with our move tomorrow we don’t have enough space in either of the vehicles to transport the bunny cages. Not to mention our new roommates lied to us and said pets were okay, and we found out they weren’t so….  basically we can’t move those massive cages without the landlord noticing. We’re already quite fussy to be here knowing this because we’ve been evicted before due to the buns. BUT ANYWAYS

        NIC GRIDS! 

        I’m thinking about getting two of these sets to start out. Each grid is 14 inches by 14 inches. The boys don’t fight and are what I like to call pseudo-bonded. So we’re just building one big enclosures with just the grids dividing the boys’ separate sides. How many grids long should I make it so that they get adequate space? I was thinking 3 grids for each  boy and doing 2 or 3 grids high. Eventually I want multiple layers for Az, but immediately I just need a basic setup while we all settle in.  

      • Doodler
        337 posts Send Private Message

          Sorry that happened to you! I would be so furious with those roommates. Hiding animals is no fun and I know how stressful that is.

          I actually have a box of those exact grids. I haven’t had any other kind to compare them with but they seem like good quality to me. If it were me I would try for at least four grids per boy if you have enough space to work with.

        • Asriel and Bombur
          1104 posts Send Private Message

            There’s not enough space for that unfortunately. I wanted to do 3X4 but our roommates just measured and it’s going to be a tight fit even with a 3×3. I’m glad to hear they’re good quality! Do you mind if I see a photo of your setup? If you’re able. I know people have secured them with zipties, but my boys have bitten their way through zip ties. I’m trying to figure out if for the grids I’m using as a door, if I can secure with a lanyard instead that way it’s just an unclip and done situation.

          • Doodler
            337 posts Send Private Message

              I actually don’t use them as a cage. I can set a 3×2 up and take a picture with my boy in it so hopefully it will give you an idea if you think it will work. If I recall correctly he’s just a little bit smaller than your boys (he’s 4.5 lbs). Better yet I can set up two 3X2’s so you can see them side by side. I can put my girl in the other but she’s only about 3.5 lbs. I need to set them up around my TV stand anyway so this will motivate me to finally get that done.

            • Asriel and Bombur
              1104 posts Send Private Message

                Oh my goodness yes please! I’d love that! Bombur is 5.2 pounds and Asriel is 4.8 pounds so yes so close! We might be doing a 3×2 for each, so that would be extremely helpful!

              • Harley&Thumper
                444 posts Send Private Message

                  You can always buy metal zip ties. Should be harder for them to cut those.

                  You could try a magnet solution like the ones on cabinets, you just need to make sure it’s strong enough.

                • Doodler
                  337 posts Send Private Message

                    Well they were very confused but the blueberries made it worth it .

                    I was going to throw a litter box in them but I use corner ones and wasn’t sure how they compare to what you use.  Same with a water dish, food dish etc.  These will at least give you a general idea.  I left them up for now so let me know if you want me to do it again with some things in them or any other views that might help. 

                    I hope these help!

                  • Wick & Fable
                    5814 posts Send Private Message

                      If you buy more grids, elevation can go a long way. It can be fun, and they don’t need ramps to get from one grid-level to another, so it doesn’t make you “lose” space by needing to put a ramp.

                      When buying the grids, just from my experience with Wick’s hutch, definitely go for the more “expensive” options. The cheaper ones can be warped… making building something secure really frustrating. I couldn’t use a lot of the grids I bought because they were slightly tilted, so they wouldn’t click tightly in all the connecting corners, which over many grids is not very secure!

                      Zip ties are good, and you can put them perhaps at the tops and bottoms, and then cut off the tail end, that way they are less accessible?

                      The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                    • pinknfwuffy
                      660 posts Send Private Message

                        Also, if you can get grids that are powder-coated rather than rubber/plastic coated that may be of some help. My first cage setup had the rubbery/plastic-y coating and Olaf loved to nibble on it so it looked like he was a vicious beast with all the missing shredded bits. The powder-coated grids don’t have a coating that they can remove. Either way, they both work and your boys might be less of a monster than Olaf is.

                      • Asriel and Bombur
                        1104 posts Send Private Message

                          Thanks H&T and Wick! I’ll see what I can manage with some zip ties and maybe use lanyards or magnets as a backup option.

                          Doodles: Thanks a million for the photos! That looks like decent space. I have one of the BB litter boxes, and I think it’s probably the size of one of your tiles. My boys look similar in size to your pair, so this is super helpful. I think the arial shot was the best for me because I feel like you see how big/small the buns are in relation to their surroundings. How quick and easy was that to put together?

                          The buns prefer to hangout in their litter box so I don’t think space will be a huge issue. I do intend on building a second and third level for Az because he’s a big climber and jumper. Bombur’s EC makes jumping a difficult task, so we’ll keep him at one floor.

                        • pinknfwuffy
                          660 posts Send Private Message

                            Also, Olaf is 3 1/2 pounds and I have him in an NIC cage that is 2×5 grids right now. I’d guess you’d want to go 3 grids deep for your boys since they are bigger but the length is up to you and the size of your space. If you eventually do go vertical the size is less worrisome because they have more areas to hope around in.

                            I use coroplast as the liner. It comes in sheets that you can cut and score to make into “boxes” that fit inside your grids but I’ve seen plenty of people use plywood or other liner materials. I bought my cage setup as a kit from Guinea Pigs Cage Store but I would like that might get pricey for two bunnies. DIY for the win!

                          • Asriel and Bombur
                            1104 posts Send Private Message

                              I just saw this! I might expand Bombur’s space length wise (space permitting) and Asriel’s height wise for sure. I’ll go sneak a peak at your instagram and look at photos of Olaf in his space. For more ideas… and maybe some likes I haven’t seen yet xD

                            • Doodler
                              337 posts Send Private Message

                                My pleasure! Glad they helped!! I just measured the tiles and they are 18X18 in case that helps compare to their litter boxes. The tiles against the wall are probably the best one to compare since the aerial shot was the most helpful and those are only 17X18. I measured the tile Doodles was sitting on because the grid wasn’t at the end of the tile and that is 17X14.5.

                                They were super easy to put together. They fit pretty snuggly in the connectors if you end up using them so that’s good. I am not sure how they would hold up to a determined bunny though. The box doesn’t come with enough connectors to make a back wall however. The only issue I had was deciding which side I wanted facing out. Let me know if you need any other pics or details!

                                ETA: I know you said 4 won’t work but let me know if you want to see Doodles in a 3×3 if you think that would work in your space.

                              • Asriel and Bombur
                                1104 posts Send Private Message

                                  The ones in the BB store are 18.5×15.5 so that works out great! I bought 3 of these grid kits, so hopefully they’ll be enough connectors, but I don’t think I’d use the panels for a back wall if I put it right up against the wall. Neither boy ever runs around the cage or tugs on it, so I feel pretty confident it’ll hold up. I bought a few bathmats to put underneath too, that way I won’t have to do an excessive amount of cleaning if Bombur has accidents. Thank you for all the help and photos!

                                  Fun fact: In the past month, I’ve started calling Asriel Azadoodle, Azadoodledoo, and Azadoo… I don’t think he’s a fan of it hahaha

                                • Doodler
                                  337 posts Send Private Message

                                    Sounds like a good plan!

                                    Haha. Maybe he’ll get used to it!! I call Doodles Doodledoodledoodledo all the time and I’m not sure he cares much for that either.

                                    Good luck with the move and I hope you all enjoy the new home!

                                  • twentyonetyjos
                                    20 posts Send Private Message

                                      I’m looking at making one of these cages too for a future bunny, Is the hole spacing too big? I have no idea what the max is but I was looking and these are 1.5 inch holes. Good luck in getting the cage to fit in a small space! I know how difficult it is!

                                    • Kiki
                                      205 posts Send Private Message

                                        Just out of curiosity can’t you buns just bounce their bunny butts right out of there? Indie can jump stupid high.

                                      • DanaNM
                                        9055 posts Send Private Message

                                          So many ideas here!

                                          I don’t mess around with the connectors, I just use cable ties. If you trim the ends they really don’t even notice them. The connectors are annoying to work with and can pop off since they aren’t flexible.

                                          For just 1 bun, I had 3 long, 2 deep, 3 high, with two levels (dowels with plywood, so I didn’t use connectors at all for the levels). Once I had a pair, I added another level up, and added some dowel supports in the corners. Everything is anchored to a thick plywood base so it’s very stable.

                                          If you go any deeper than 2, it can be hard to reach the bun in the back without crawling in! So plan your doors wisely!

                                          . . . The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.  

                                        • Wick & Fable
                                          5814 posts Send Private Message

                                            @ Kiki – Wick’s “pen” area of his NIC hutch is 2 walls high, which he can jump over, but he doens’t feel comfortable doing it and landing on the floor on the other side. He did it once and he was like “Never again”. So the ability will be there, but there can be things that dissuade/persuade a rabbit to do so in some scenarios!

                                            The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                                          • Asriel and Bombur
                                            1104 posts Send Private Message

                                              We used this for the first week we were in the new place, and never again. We used carabiners and binder clips to attach them along with the connectors, and they both broke free. We had a board over their tops because Asriel frequently would jump over it and look proud of himself. Asriel also ended up incessantly chewing the bathmats. I ended up going out and buying two large dog crates the exact same size as I made the NIC condo.

                                            • Wick & Fable
                                              5814 posts Send Private Message

                                                Your boys are quite persistent aren’t they, haha. They got fight in them FREEDOM!

                                                The answers provided in this discussion are for general guideline purposes only. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat your pet. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a qualified behaviorist.

                                              • Kiki
                                                205 posts Send Private Message

                                                  Sounds like Wick is quite a bit more wise than my Indie.  She is either fearless ,or a little bit of a dumby  I have to say the first time she jumped up on our bed I was shocked , it’s pretty high up.  And then she taught herself to use the kitty steps to get down… 

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                                              Forum HABITATS AND TOYS Finally NIC Cage!