We were continually taking our rabbit to the vet and the vet was constantly saying she has allergies. As she got worse, the local pet store said one day while clipping her nails that she was having a false pregnancy. We went back to the vet who said she didn’t have mites because her skin wasn’t scabby, she was losing her fur from a false pregnancy, she needed to be spayed and they felt a lump. We went to a second vet who also said not mites, false pregnancy, needs to be spayed. We went to a third vet who said not mites, false pregnancy, needs to be spayed. We went back to the second vet for the spaying only because it was cheapest. While she was under they called us and said they tested for mites and turns out she does have mites. Not sure why they decided to test now. They asked if we wanted to continue with the spaying. We said yes because she was swollen, hairless and there was still that lump. And when we asked if it was ok to have surgery and treat for mites at the same time, they said yes. After surgery they said they removed 3 lumps. We came home and did a mite treatment. Two days later she seemed to be slowly getting back to herself. I never imagined anything was wrong. On the fourth day she was breathing funny, not eating or drinking. On the way to the vet she went into cardiac arrest and passed away.
And here’s what went wrong…
All this time it probably was the onset of mites and not allergies. Our original vet diagnosed her wrong. Then because she was having a false pregnancy two other vets diagnosed her wrong.
I have three rabbits. This rabbit would love to be friends with the other two but the other two are not friendly with other bunnies. Because of that we keep all three in separate cages and let them out one at time. Whenever spaying was mentioned to us we just brushed it off as the rabbits are never around each other therefore there will be no babies. Our original vet failed to express all the other importances of spaying to us.
So yes giving a mite treatment after surgery probably is not a harmful thing, although what the second vet failed to consider is that going through a recovery of a surgery while having the side affects of mites such as severe itching and gnawing probably was not a very good thing for a little creature who is so frail, easily stressed and in pain.
And we believed and trusted the pros because that’s what their expertise is.
I have no idea what the exact cause of this was. I’m having a hard time justifying that I didn’t somehow have a cause in this. We had her for only 3 years. I don’t know how long the people before us had her so age is unknown. But what if I had gotten her spayed while she was healthy when we first got her? Or what if it was the combo of the surgery and the mites and we could’ve stopped the surgery and treated the mites first? She was my little girl. I never saw a rabbit like her. She was half puppy I swear. She followed me around the house and pounced around at my feet and jumped up on the couch and sat in my lap. If the attention was not on her at all times she was so jealous. She was so funny. She was just personality plus. And I’m beating myself up trying to find justification to this.